Friday 25 November 2016

reblogged from February 2016
The Day After Tomorrow

I said several years ago that President Erdogan was a 'loose cannon' and it was only a matter of time before he alienated the military and secular Turkey through his Salafist-Wahhabist agenda.
As hopes of utilizing the services of Daesh to exterminate the Kurds in Syria and Iraq and use it as an excuse for internal crackdowns on secular parties within Turkey itself all begin to fade, he, Erdogan, as a demagogue, will become more and more unpredictable.
His first reaction to impending defeat in the debacle of his own making - Syria - is likely to be an attempt to bully and coerce the military to continue to do his bidding for an all-out invasion, with assistance from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States, of Syria.
As to how the Turkish military will respond to such blackmail has yet to be assessed – but the outcome does not look promising for Erdogan.

Sitting On The Fence
There are many reasons the Turkish military will be reluctant to be drawn into a protracted civil war in Syria.
The first is the now high uncertainty of the outcome – with a major superpower – The Russian Federation – heavily committed to defending Syrian sovereignty – a very risky strategy for Erdogan where the United States is reluctant to be blindly 'led by the nose' into support for Turkey now that it fully appreciates his agenda has no coherence, is fostering and spereading extremism, anarchy and chaos, solely to further the objective of a 'greater' Turkey – and at the expense of Western European security and social cohesion.
Secondly, a defeat in Syria could conceivably strengthen the PKK to the extent that Turkey find itself simultaneously at war, on a large scale, solely to prevent the creation of a greater Kurdistan.
(This prospect is in no regional country's interest, least of all that of Turkey, but Erdogan's military adventures are creating the very conditions which he purports to be acting to contain.)

At the Gates of Vienna
Thirdly, Erdogan has already shown the 'iron fist within the velvet glove' to the European Union – 'you do as I say or I will unleash Muslim refugees in their tens of thousands to create chaos within your European territories.'
The initial alarm, and reaction, of the European Union was to attempt to 'buy off' Erdogan.
History has shown that such a policy is ultimately doomed to failure - but sadly, we have few politicians who understand the implications of past historical dealings with Turkey, when it acts as a resurgent Islamic - military power in the region.
The countries in the direct firing line – Greece, Macedonia, Hungary, The Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Austria, understand only too well where such blackmail will lead – and all countries are being villified and marginalized by a Brussels political elite,who, while cognizant of public sentiment, see central (and Southern) Europe as both compliant (and ultimately expendable) in the greater scheme of crises management.

Erdogan, through both miscalculation and fanatical expansionist ambitions, all routed in the same twisted versions of Islam which has caused such destruction and misery throughout the region and in North Africa, has no sympathy for a Christian Europe which effectively rejected Turkey as a member and has, in my opinion, decided to undermine it's foundations utilizing a new 'army of Islam' to 'invade' Europe.
All of the above is beyond the grasp of most innocent Muslim refugees who are simply being used as pawns to further long-term objectives of an expansionist Salafist-Wahhabist Turkey, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Night Of The Long Knives
Military defeats in Syria will provide President Erdogan with a further opportunity to purge the Turkish armed forces of 'disloyal' senior officers and replace them with Salafist-Wahhabist staff who are under his personal control and will do his bidding, unquestioningly.


The Turkish military, as guardians of secular Turkey since the days of Atatürk, are all that stands between chaos in Europe and civil war in Turkey itself.

As to how long the Turkish armed forces will stay on the sidelines (out of politics) remains to be seen – but events are happening so quickly on the Syrian front that they may, reluctantly, be forced to take action to save both Turkey and the entire region from a war which will, almost certainly, engulf and expand into a very long drawn out war and one which will, for sure, destroy the Turkish economy and plunge Turkey itself into a civil war.

'The Donald' -
and His Appeal To Middle America
A problem that we have today in Europe and in the United States (and this is the only point where I agree with Donald Trump) is that all our Western politicians are 'in somebody's pocket', incapable of taking decisions without referral to 'special interest' groups – and as such rendering them all ineffective and hamstrung in matters of decisive foreign policy to safeguard the security interests of their own individual countries – especially the United States - as opposed to foreign 'special interest' groups – whose bidding they do and who 'pull' their financial purse strings.
In addition to this, the foreign policy initiatives of politicians in the United States, the European Union and its allies are very short-sighted with no long-term planning nor thought about 'the day after tomorrow.' This, in many respects, as much mirrors their own tenure of political office as it does the requirement to justify failed interventionist policies to confused and frustrated electorates throughout Europe - as mainstream media reports of 'successes' and the 'democratization' of hitherto 'tyrannies' in the Arab world bear absolutely no reality to what is, in actual effect, happening on the ground.
Hence public frustration and the rise of extremist political parties which provide their own 'answers' to the political, policy and military failures of discredited democratic politicians throughout Western Europe.

Ironically, it may well be action, through domestic intervention, of the Turkish military which will ultimately save the European Union from plunging further into an abyss of political anarchy, social chaos and halt the rise of fascism and neo-Nazism throughout Christendom.

©Patrick Emek, February 2016

Since I blogged this article, there has been a failed coup attempt in Turkey.  Donald Trump has been elected President of The United States. 

Britain has left the European Union and there is general uncertainty in traditional mainstream politics across Western Europe.
Salafist Erdogan has recently threatened to 'open the floodgates' to Muslim refugees' - allowing them to pour into Christendom.
[What the general public fail to appreciate is that Muslim extremist fanatics (Turkey and Saudi Arabia) have nothing but contempt for our democratic (open) systems and welcome the rise of extremist parties across Europe and the United States - which mirror their own fanatical zeal, dictatorships and tyrannies.   
Our own Christian politicians, through their actions, have both encouraged and allowed this state of affairs to come about.]
When will our Christian politicians ever learn: you can't do business with Muslim (or Christian) fanatics.  
Ironically our Western Christian politicians have ousted from power all the moderate Muslim leaders in the regions - from North Africa to the Middle East -  and put into power (some with the 'assistance' of NATO) either chaos, Islamic extremists or Muslim fanatics.
Is it any wonder the general (moderate) public have become completely disillusioned with mainstream politics and are looking to alternative parties to provide (or who offer) solutions to the mess the incumbents have created on both the domestic and international fronts?
reblogged from February 2016
The Day After Tomorrow

I said several years ago that President Erdogan was a 'loose cannon' and it was only a matter of time before he alienated the military and secular Turkey through his Salafist-Wahhabist agenda.
As hopes of utilizing the services of Daesh to exterminate the Kurds in Syria and Iraq and use it as an excuse for internal crackdowns on secular parties within Turkey itself all begin to fade, he, Erdogan, as a demagogue, will become more and more unpredictable.
His first reaction to impending defeat in the debacle of his own making - Syria - is likely to be an attempt to bully and coerce the military to continue to do his bidding for an all-out invasion, with assistance from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States, of Syria.
As to how the Turkish military will respond to such blackmail has yet to be assessed – but the outcome does not look promising for Erdogan.

Sitting On The Fence
There are many reasons the Turkish military will be reluctant to be drawn into a protracted civil war in Syria.
The first is the now high uncertainty of the outcome – with a major superpower – The Russian Federation – heavily committed to defending Syrian sovereignty – a very risky strategy for Erdogan where the United States is reluctant to be blindly 'led by the nose' into support for Turkey now that it fully appreciates his agenda has no coherence, is fostering and spereading extremism, anarchy and chaos, solely to further the objective of a 'greater' Turkey – and at the expense of Western European security and social cohesion.
Secondly, a defeat in Syria could conceivably strengthen the PKK to the extent that Turkey find itself simultaneously at war, on a large scale, solely to prevent the creation of a greater Kurdistan.
(This prospect is in no regional country's interest, least of all that of Turkey, but Erdogan's military adventures are creating the very conditions which he purports to be acting to contain.)

At the Gates of Vienna
Thirdly, Erdogan has already shown the 'iron fist within the velvet glove' to the European Union – 'you do as I say or I will unleash Muslim refugees in their tens of thousands to create chaos within your European territories.'
The initial alarm, and reaction, of the European Union was to attempt to 'buy off' Erdogan.
History has shown that such a policy is ultimately doomed to failure - but sadly, we have few politicians who understand the implications of past historical dealings with Turkey, when it acts as a resurgent Islamic - military power in the region.
The countries in the direct firing line – Greece, Macedonia, Hungary, The Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Austria, understand only too well where such blackmail will lead – and all countries are being villified and marginalized by a Brussels political elite,who, while cognizant of public sentiment, see central (and Southern) Europe as both compliant (and ultimately expendable) in the greater scheme of crises management.

Erdogan, through both miscalculation and fanatical expansionist ambitions, all routed in the same twisted versions of Islam which has caused such destruction and misery throughout the region and in North Africa, has no sympathy for a Christian Europe which effectively rejected Turkey as a member and has, in my opinion, decided to undermine it's foundations utilizing a new 'army of Islam' to 'invade' Europe.
All of the above is beyond the grasp of most innocent Muslim refugees who are simply being used as pawns to further long-term objectives of an expansionist Salafist-Wahhabist Turkey, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Night Of The Long Knives
Military defeats in Syria will provide President Erdogan with a further opportunity to purge the Turkish armed forces of 'disloyal' senior officers and replace them with Salafist-Wahhabist staff who are under his personal control and will do his bidding, unquestioningly.


The Turkish military, as guardians of secular Turkey since the days of Atatürk, are all that stands between chaos in Europe and civil war in Turkey itself.

As to how long the Turkish armed forces will stay on the sidelines (out of politics) remains to be seen – but events are happening so quickly on the Syrian front that they may, reluctantly, be forced to take action to save both Turkey and the entire region from a war which will, almost certainly, engulf and expand into a very long drawn out war and one which will, for sure, destroy the Turkish economy and plunge Turkey itself into a civil war.

'The Donald' -
and His Appeal To Middle America
A problem that we have today in Europe and in the United States (and this is the only point where I agree with Donald Trump) is that all our Western politicians are 'in somebody's pocket', incapable of taking decisions without referral to 'special interest' groups – and as such rendering them all ineffective and hamstrung in matters of decisive foreign policy to safeguard the security interests of their own individual countries – especially the United States - as opposed to foreign 'special interest' groups – whose bidding they do and who 'pull' their financial purse strings.
In addition to this, the foreign policy initiatives of politicians in the United States, the European Union and its allies are very short-sighted with no long-term planning nor thought about 'the day after tomorrow.' This, in many respects, as much mirrors their own tenure of political office as it does the requirement to justify failed interventionist policies to confused and frustrated electorates throughout Europe - as mainstream media reports of 'successes' and the 'democratization' of hitherto 'tyrannies' in the Arab world bear absolutely no reality to what is, in actual effect, happening on the ground.
Hence public frustration and the rise of extremist political parties which provide their own 'answers' to the political, policy and military failures of discredited democratic politicians throughout Western Europe.

Ironically, it may well be action, through domestic intervention, of the Turkish military which will ultimately save the European Union from plunging further into an abyss of political anarchy, social chaos and halt the rise of fascism and neo-Nazism throughout Christendom.

©Patrick Emek, February 2016

Since I blogged this article, there has been a failed coup attempt in Turkey.  Donald Trump has been elected President of The United States. 
Britain has left the European Union and there is general uncertainty in traditional mainstream politics across Western Europe.
Salafist Erdogan has recently threatened to 'open the floodgates' to Muslim refugees' - allowing them to pour into Christendom.
[What the general public fail to appreciate is that Muslim extremist fanatics (Turkey and Saudi Arabia) have nothing but contempt for our democratic (open) systems and welcome the rise of extremist parties across Europe and the United States - which mirror their own fanatical zeal, dictatorships and tyrannies.   
Our own Christian politicians, through their actions, have both encouraged and allowed this state of affairs to come about.]
When will our Christian politicians ever learn: you can't do business with Muslim (or Christian) fanatics.  
Ironically our Western Christian politicians have ousted from power all the moderate Muslim leaders in the regions - from North Africa to the Middle East -  and put into power (some with the 'assistance' of NATO) either chaos, Islamic extremists or Muslim fanatics.
Is it any wonder the general (moderate) public have become completely disillusioned with mainstream politics and are looking to alternative parties to provide (or who offer) solutions to the mess the incumbents have created on both the domestic and international fronts?

reblogged from February 2016
The Day After Tomorrow

I said several years ago that President Erdogan was a 'loose cannon' and it was only a matter of time before he alienated the military and secular Turkey through his Salafist-Wahhabist agenda.
As hopes of utilizing the services of Daesh to exterminate the Kurds in Syria and Iraq and use it as an excuse for internal crackdowns on secular parties within Turkey itself all begin to fade, he, Erdogan, as a demagogue, will become more and more unpredictable.
His first reaction to impending defeat in the debacle of his own making - Syria - is likely to be an attempt to bully and coerce the military to continue to do his bidding for an all-out invasion, with assistance from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States, of Syria.
As to how the Turkish military will respond to such blackmail has yet to be assessed – but the outcome does not look promising for Erdogan.

Sitting On The Fence
There are many reasons the Turkish military will be reluctant to be drawn into a protracted civil war in Syria.
The first is the now high uncertainty of the outcome – with a major superpower – The Russian Federation – heavily committed to defending Syrian sovereignty – a very risky strategy for Erdogan where the United States is reluctant to be blindly 'led by the nose' into support for Turkey now that it fully appreciates his agenda has no coherence, is fostering and spereading extremism, anarchy and chaos, solely to further the objective of a 'greater' Turkey – and at the expense of Western European security and social cohesion.
Secondly, a defeat in Syria could conceivably strengthen the PKK to the extent that Turkey find itself simultaneously at war, on a large scale, solely to prevent the creation of a greater Kurdistan.
(This prospect is in no regional country's interest, least of all that of Turkey, but Erdogan's military adventures are creating the very conditions which he purports to be acting to contain.)

At the Gates of Vienna
Thirdly, Erdogan has already shown the 'iron fist within the velvet glove' to the European Union – 'you do as I say or I will unleash Muslim refugees in their tens of thousands to create chaos within your European territories.'
The initial alarm, and reaction, of the European Union was to attempt to 'buy off' Erdogan.
History has shown that such a policy is ultimately doomed to failure - but sadly, we have few politicians who understand the implications of past historical dealings with Turkey, when it acts as a resurgent Islamic - military power in the region.
The countries in the direct firing line – Greece, Macedonia, Hungary, The Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Austria, understand only too well where such blackmail will lead – and all countries are being villified and marginalized by a Brussels political elite,who, while cognizant of public sentiment, see central (and Southern) Europe as both compliant (and ultimately expendable) in the greater scheme of crises management.

Erdogan, through both miscalculation and fanatical expansionist ambitions, all routed in the same twisted versions of Islam which has caused such destruction and misery throughout the region and in North Africa, has no sympathy for a Christian Europe which effectively rejected Turkey as a member and has, in my opinion, decided to undermine it's foundations utilizing a new 'army of Islam' to 'invade' Europe.
All of the above is beyond the grasp of most innocent Muslim refugees who are simply being used as pawns to further long-term objectives of an expansionist Salafist-Wahhabist Turkey, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Night Of The Long Knives
Military defeats in Syria will provide President Erdogan with a further opportunity to purge the Turkish armed forces of 'disloyal' senior officers and replace them with Salafist-Wahhabist staff who are under his personal control and will do his bidding, unquestioningly.


The Turkish military, as guardians of secular Turkey since the days of Atatürk, are all that stands between chaos in Europe and civil war in Turkey itself.

As to how long the Turkish armed forces will stay on the sidelines (out of politics) remains to be seen – but events are happening so quickly on the Syrian front that they may, reluctantly, be forced to take action to save both Turkey and the entire region from a war which will, almost certainly, engulf and expand into a very long drawn out war and one which will, for sure, destroy the Turkish economy and plunge Turkey itself into a civil war.

'The Donald' -
and His Appeal To Middle America
A problem that we have today in Europe and in the United States (and this is the only point where I agree with Donald Trump) is that all our Western politicians are 'in somebody's pocket', incapable of taking decisions without referral to 'special interest' groups – and as such rendering them all ineffective and hamstrung in matters of decisive foreign policy to safeguard the security interests of their own individual countries – especially the United States - as opposed to foreign 'special interest' groups – whose bidding they do and who 'pull' their financial purse strings.
In addition to this, the foreign policy initiatives of politicians in the United States, the European Union and its allies are very short-sighted with no long-term planning nor thought about 'the day after tomorrow.' This, in many respects, as much mirrors their own tenure of political office as it does the requirement to justify failed interventionist policies to confused and frustrated electorates throughout Europe - as mainstream media reports of 'successes' and the 'democratization' of hitherto 'tyrannies' in the Arab world bear absolutely no reality to what is, in actual effect, happening on the ground.
Hence public frustration and the rise of extremist political parties which provide their own 'answers' to the political, policy and military failures of discredited democratic politicians throughout Western Europe.

Ironically, it may well be action, through domestic intervention, of the Turkish military which will ultimately save the European Union from plunging further into an abyss of political anarchy, social chaos and halt the rise of fascism and neo-Nazism throughout Christendom.

©Patrick Emek, February 2016

Since I blogged this article, there has been a failed coup attempt in Turkey.  Donald Trump has been elected President of The United States. 
Britain has left the European Union and there is general uncertainty in traditional mainstream politics across Western Europe.
Salafist Erdogan has recently threatened to 'open the floodgates' to Muslim refugees' - allowing them to pour into Christendom.
[What the general public fail to appreciate is that Muslim extremist fanatics (Turkey and Saudi Arabia) have nothing but contempt for our democratic (open) systems and welcome the rise of extremist parties across Europe and the United States - which mirror their own fanatical zeal, dictatorships and tyrannies.   
Our own Christian politicians, through their actions, have both encouraged and allowed this state of affairs to come about.]
When will our Christian politicians ever learn: you can't do business
with Muslim (or Christian) fanatics.  
Ironically our Western Christian politicians have ousted from power all the moderate Muslim leaders in the regions - from North Africa to the Middle East -  and put into power (some with the 'assistance' of NATO) either chaos, Islamic extremists or Muslim fanatics.
Is it any wonder the general (moderate) public have become completely disillusioned with mainstream politics and are looking to alternative parties to provide (or who offer) solutions to the mess the incumbents have created on both the domestic and international fronts?

Monday 21 November 2016

''The Broken Chessboard''*
NATO - A Defensive Umbrella

In response to President Putin's decision to base Iskander S-400 Nuclear tipped missiles with a range of 700km in Kaliningrad (within striking distance of Berlin) to counter the 'NATO threat' Jens Stoltenberg, NATO's Secretary General, said that "everything NATO does is defensive, proportionate and fully in line with our international commitments."
Sadly what this statement omits is the proactive philosophy coming from Washington's most influential shapers of foreign policy over the past decades – such as Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski - which has basically produced a new thinking on how American influence can continue to dominate the post-Soviet world.
You need to read Dr. Brzezinski's article (below) to appreciate the overall sentiments.

Containment – Not Appeasement – Was The Name Of the Game
In more detail, part of the philosophy had called for the containment of Russian Federation expansion by deepening economic ties with former Soviet satellite countries.
It is only when such interwoven and interdependent economic structures emerge that such can be locked in to the NATO defensive umbrella – but this equally depends on the willingness of such countries to decide that NATO's Article 5 is something which they would wish to embrace as collective defense against future Russian expansion and aggression.
Russia, throughout it's history, has known good and bad tyrants, benevolent and malevolent tyrants be they imperial or otherwise. There is no guarantee (other than NATO's Article 5) that Russians will not have to live under another Soviet-like tyranny at some stage in the future – and what then for Western Europe's collective economic security – without the NATO umbrella?

The article below (assumed that President Clinton when elected) would adopt a more proactive foreign policy irrespective of the risks which such policies carry.
Dr Brzezinski's thinking could be more in line with that of President Trump – and the 'out-of-the loop' figure on this occasion, remarkably, is NATO's Secretary General.
In my opinion, he appears to be totally at odds with the new thinking in Washington.
It is highly likely that he will be just one of many NATO 'casualties' (sic. resignations) in the very near future – departing before his term of office ends.
I just cannot conceive his 'lecturing' to President Trump (nor Trump sitting through such a session!) about the importance of maintaining the values and principles of the status quo.
Not just Stoltenberg but this entire 'sentiment' is 'on the way out' at NATO HQ.

Underestimating The Russian Federation's Defensive and Offensive Capabilities
You may not be aware – because your mainstream media did not mention it at the time – The Russian Federation earlier this year redeployed long-range nuclear ballistic missiles - capable of hitting all European capital cities – including London  - within it's internal territorial borders - the Crimea. [see my earlier blog references]
President Obama, in response, has deployed nuclear missiles to Romania – within easy striking distance of St. Petersburg and Moscow and all of Russia's 'Top 10' **]

Dr. Brzezinski is again accurate in his assessment – but to a greater extent he himself could not foresee.
For several years now Henry Kissinger has been 'frozen out' of insider thinking with regard to U.S. foreign policy. This may be about to change under newly elected President Trump.

President Trump would be most unwise to 'dump' the Counsel of the likes of Brzezinski and Colin Powell.
[My thinking is that Powell, an honorable retired General, may well decline any association with a 'racially tainted', racially divisive and widely unpopular President Trump administration – likely to be 'at war' with large segments of it's own American diverse ethnic population throughout the entire course of the Trump administration.  On a further note to the latter: Trump is likely to seek out 'yes men' and 'yes women' from within minority groups – which is why the most intelligent will decline to join his administration – leaving him with a very 'partisan' Cabinet throughout the life of his government's administration.
Besides, who would want to 'genuinely' associate with a President whose hands are likely to be covered in the blood of the deaths of U.S. citizens protesting against his administration's iniquitous domestic policies throughout the land during the course of his administration?; all fueled because of his inflammatory pre-election and post-election divisive messages to Americans - Hispanic, Latino, African-Americans, liberal Jews (not Zionist Jews – note!), Women, the Disabled and other diverse groups.   Trump is likely to have the blood of the deaths of tens (if not hundreds) of U.S. citizens peacefully protesting against his administration on his hands during the course of his Presidency – and all because of his inflammatory statements – which he reinforced with his choice of individuals to run the government.
It is because of such (well-founded) fears that the most prominent and widely respected from within minority communities and diverse groups will 'politely' decline to be part of Trump's administration.]

If Kissinger is 'in' the likelihood is Brzezinski is 'out' (of favor) in a Trump administration.

Trump and Putin: –
The New Global Alliance
His likely appointment of military personnel favored by the Kremlin is highly unsettling.
To understand how Trump really perceives the military-industrial complex in the United States you need to appreciate the 'thinking' of the likes of Alex Abella and Alex Jones – two sources where Donald Trump gets his 'mainstream' information from – rather than your traditional media hacks.

Donald Trump was elected President of the United States – but not elected to hand the country, its Allies worldwide, its heritage, its traditions and its institutions on a silver platter, to President Vladimir Putin.
If President Trump does not respect these facts, then they, likewise, will show him little respect.   And giving excuses to live in Trump Tower instead of the White House, whilst popular with the bigoted who brought him to power - with the contempt which they all have for Washington and all its institutions - will make little difference.

''it ain't over till the fat lady sings.''

©Patrick Emek, November 2016



This is part of the 'new' 'mainstream' media -where President Trump's 'thinking' is more accepted, encouraged and endorsed:

Alex Abella:

''The Broken Chessboard''*
NATO - A Defensive Umbrella

In response to President Putin's decision to base Iskander S-400 Nuclear tipped missiles with a range of 700km in Kaliningrad (within striking distance of Berlin) to counter the 'NATO threat' Jens Stoltenberg, NATO's Secretary General, said that "everything NATO does is defensive, proportionate and fully in line with our international commitments."
Sadly what this statement omits is the proactive philosophy coming from Washington's most influential shapers of foreign policy over the past decades – such as Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski - which has basically produced a new thinking on how American influence can continue to dominate the post-Soviet world.
You need to read Dr. Brzezinski's article (below) to appreciate the overall sentiments.

Containment – Not Appeasement – Was The Name Of the Game
In more detail, part of the philosophy had called for the containment of Russian Federation expansion by deepening economic ties with former Soviet satellite countries.
It is only when such interwoven and interdependent economic structures emerge that such can be locked in to the NATO defensive umbrella – but this equally depends on the willingness of such countries to decide that NATO's Article 5 is something which they would wish to embrace as collective defense against future Russian expansion and aggression.
Russia, throughout it's history, has known good and bad tyrants, benevolent and malevolent tyrants be they imperial or otherwise. There is no guarantee (other than NATO's Article 5) that Russians will not have to live under another Soviet-like tyranny at some stage in the future – and what then for Western Europe's collective economic security – without the NATO umbrella?

The article below (assumed that President Clinton when elected) would adopt a more proactive foreign policy irrespective of the risks which such policies carry.
Dr Brzezinski's thinking could be more in line with that of President Trump – and the 'out-of-the loop' figure on this occasion, remarkably, is NATO's Secretary General.
In my opinion, he appears to be totally at odds with the new thinking in Washington.
It is highly likely that he will be just one of many NATO 'casualties' (sic. resignations) in the very near future – departing before his term of office ends.
I just cannot conceive his 'lecturing' to President Trump (nor Trump sitting through such a session!) about the importance of maintaining the values and principles of the status quo.
Not just Stoltenberg but this entire 'sentiment' is 'on the way out' at NATO HQ.

Underestimating The Russian Federation's Defensive and Offensive Capabilities
You may not be aware – because your mainstream media did not mention it at the time – The Russian Federation earlier this year redeployed long-range nuclear ballistic missiles - capable of hitting all European capital cities – including London  - within it's internal territorial borders - the Crimea. [see my earlier blog references]
President Obama, in response, has deployed nuclear missiles to Romania – within easy striking distance of St. Petersburg and Moscow and all of Russia's 'Top 10' **]

Dr. Brzezinski is again accurate in his assessment – but to a greater extent he himself could not foresee.
For several years now Henry Kissinger has been 'frozen out' of insider thinking with regard to U.S. foreign policy. This may be about to change under newly elected President Trump.

President Trump would be most unwise to 'dump' the Counsel of the likes of Brzezinski and Colin Powell.
[My thinking is that Powell, an honorable retired General, may well decline any association with a 'racially tainted', racially divisive and widely unpopular President Trump administration – likely to be 'at war' with large segments of it's own American diverse ethnic population throughout the entire course of the Trump administration. On a further note to the latter: Trump is likely to seek out 'yes men' and 'yes women' from within minority groups – which is why the most intelligent will decline to join his administration – leaving him with a very 'partisan' Cabinet throughout the life of his government's administration.
Besides, who would want to 'genuinely' associate with a President whose hands are likely to be covered in the blood of the deaths of U.S. citizens protesting against his administration's iniquitous domestic policies throughout the land during the course of his administration?; all fueled because of his inflammatory pre-election and post-election divisive messages to Americans - Hispanic, Latino, African-Americans, liberal Jews (not Zionist Jews – note!), Women, the Disabled and other diverse groups. Trump is likely to have the blood of the deaths of tens (if not hundreds) of U.S. citizens peacefully protesting against his administration on his hands during the course of his Presidency – and all because of his inflammatory statements – which he reinforced with his choice of individuals to run the government.
It is because of such (well-founded) fears that the most prominent and widely respected from within minority communities and diverse groups will 'politely' decline to be part of Trump's administration.]

If Kissinger is 'in' the likelihood is Brzezinski is 'out' (of favor) in a Trump administration.

Trump and Putin: –
The New Global Alliance
His likely appointment of military personnel favored by the Kremlin is highly unsettling.
To understand how Trump really perceives the military-industrial complex in the United States you need to appreciate the 'thinking' of the likes of Alex Abella and Alex Jones – two sources where Donald Trump gets his 'mainstream' information from – rather than your traditional media hacks.

Donald Trump was elected President of the United States – but not elected to hand the country, its Allies worldwide, its heritage, its traditions and its institutions on a silver platter, to President Vladimir Putin.
If President Trump does not respect these facts, then they, likewise, will show him little respect.   And giving excuses to live in Trump Tower instead of the White House, whilst popular with the bigoted who brought him to power - with the contempt which they all have for Washington and all its institutions - will make little difference.

''it ain't over till the fat lady sings.''

©Patrick Emek, November 2016



This is part of the 'new' 'mainstream' media -where President Trump's 'thinking' is more accepted, encouraged and endorsed:

Alex Abella: