Monday 31 July 2017

Night Of The Long Knives

Part I

''Trump Order's Firing of Mueller''

[It Has Not Happened Yet But At the Aspen Security Forum It Was A Topic For Keen Discussion]

''I Was Only Following Orders''
I want to cut through the red tape which pork-barrelled lawyers and mainstream media 'experts' will not give you – until it's too late for you to do anything but accept as 'fait accompli' whatever they want you to endorse.

Should President Trump order anyone to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller they must all refuse or risk future criminal prosecution for treason.
The reason for this is quite straightforward.
Nobody, no Officer or Civil Servant, has to obey any order which is unconstitutional and which action threatens the security of the United States.

It amazes me that Trump has not yet been approached and informed that it is imperative for him to either resign or to be impeached in the interests of the constitution.
The issuance of legal directives without prior consultation with the Armed Forces on any matter and in violation of the constitutional processes and accepted firewalls to ensure separation of the legislative branches and the military, lack of accountability, threats to Congress - both Senators and Representatives - are more than enough for automatic impeachment.

What then, are they all waiting for?

Well they are all waiting for Robert Mueller to finish his investigations and present his final Report on Russian hacking of the 2016 American Presidential Election and whether there was a conspiracy involving Presidential Candidate Trump and others to knowingly engage with a hostile enemy power, already engaged in cyberwarfare and espionage against the United States, which is why President Trump never wants this investigation to continue with its broad sweeping powers and criteria to follow the leads - wherever they arrive at - in this enquiry.
Mueller is 'high-profile' and it is only for this reason is Trump moving carefully.
But Mueller is an 'old boy' and Trump takes 'proactive' measures against him (or anyone close to him) at his peril – which is why he (Trump) is bringing in 'outsiders'.

I do not want to get into the predictive or 'crystal ball' gaze – but somebody has to shut Trump down on Twitter. There is a difference between 'rocking the boat' and 'capsizing it'. The problem with kicking Trump out of the GOP is that he can (financially) afford to run next time as an independent Presidential Candidate. The plus however would be even if he is re-elected President as an independent Candidate (highly unlikely without Russian input – but not completely to be ruled out) without a Party, nobody need heed any of his Tweets since he only represents himself and to 'rule by executive decree' would be unconstitutional and grounds for unanimous, by both Democrats and Republicans, impeachment, and removal from Office.
Either the Republicans act quickly to do something or those in his sights are likely to be facing challenges in their Districts by 'alternative' Republican (Trump) candidates – and if such are elected then all hell really will break loose.

A process of Gerrymandering is already being worked on to both identify voters and to re-zone important districts This task force directly created by Trump to identify 'voter fraud' has as it's hidden agenda the disenfranchisement of millions of individual voters (mainly Democratic.) As many as 4-6 million could be  affected – more than enough to unlawfully 'flip' the next election.
What Republicans fail to appreciate that he will go after each of them just like he is going after their Democratic rivals.
How do I know this? Because I have read history – and as I told you before, it always repeats itself – in a different guise maybe – but always repeating.
Politically 'exterminating' between four and six million American voters from their electoral ballot rights and turning over power and control to an elite conspiracist group is more than the equivalent of their physical extermination in concentration camps. Indeed it's better – as they remain to be utilized for industry production and service work and consumer (consumption)  'indenture' to Mammon - with no political representation and few rights.

Deja Vu
These demagogues with their obsessive (mentally ill?) desire for military power, for political and financial control, are all nothing new.
That 90% of those who could stand up against a tyrant stay silent while they (individuals like Trump) take control - fearing for their own and their family's future and status – are also nothing new.  As I mentioned earlier, it's called the 'Bystander Effect'.

Unknown Territory
When People the President Of The United States Appoints To Senior Positions And Who,With His Blessings, Make Statements About Civil Servants and Public Representatives With The Threat Of Physical Violence, The Rules Of the Game Have Significantly Changed For Everyone

If I am to be candid, in my opinion, there are a number of specific Congressmen, Congresswomen and Representatives who need to ensure more pre-flight checks and maintenance records are being regularly updated, actioned and more closely monitored for their private journeys to ensure that they continue to travel in safety around the country whilst carrying out their responsibilities as public representatives.
(The outspoken Senator Lindsey Graham is just one such key person who should take particular care.)

Likewise when someone close to the President talks about using the FBI (with the Police) to arrest serving (or previous) government Officers, the rules of the game have automatically changed and a Pandora's box has been opened.
It is only a matter of time before other organs of the State will be called upon to intimidate Congress and Departments of the government.

If an Attorney General is colluding in this process to assist his boss identify past or present 'leakers' of public interest material which, through leaking that material, assisted to protect the United States and it's Allies from a hostile foreign power or made available data which the public have a right to know about, then the Attorney General himself is failing to protect the constitution from 'attack' by 'hostile' foreign powers.
If the intention coming from the White House is to order their arrest, we are one step away from 'America' becoming 'North Korea' in all but name.

[In actual fact Trump wants Jeff Sessions to act unlawfully – then step back – and let the wolves devour him. But Sessions is an 'old pro' and will not fall into this 'cage' - and Trump is going to have to have the courage (or find the personal courage) to fire him – if he dares.

After the Storm
If unchecked, after the catastrophe of the Trump dysfunctional administration, will America still be at the center of world power and influence – especially in areas of democracy, human rights, freedom of the press and of the individual, it is hard to tell.

Should this circus be allowed to roll on, will other countries seize the unique opportunity to attract 'professional refugees' fleeing tyranny in the United States – to develop at some future time their own lands as significant and influential players on the global stage? Hard to tell at this stage.
What I can say from observation and 'chat' is that the 'exodus' of those most talented - especially those of color from tSouth East Asia and India - has already begun.
There would be no 'Dow-Jones Index' no 'Google' and other inventions too numerous to mention, without their presence.
These are professional individuals whether from Asia, Africa, Mexico and South America who are significantly contributing to keeping America at the forefront of technology and science in today's world and are adding 'value' to Europe and the United States as regional powers.
These individuals are taking (or removing as an option the availability of) their skills and talents to elsewhere.

Why The Non-Mainstream Internet Press With No Electronic Frontiers Is Also In Peril
What you read above your mainstream media is too frightened to tell you.
Why? Because it is owned lock stock and barrel by a very small vested interest group of oligarchs and multinational corporations who, like the industrialists in Germany and in the United States before World War II, saw Hitler not as a problem, but as a new business opportunity.

©Patrick Emek, July 2017

One Path Trump Might Pursue:

Night Of The Long Knives

Part I

''Trump Order's Firing of Mueller''

[It Has Not Happened Yet But At the Aspen Security Forum It Was A Topic For Keen Discussion]

''I Was Only Following Orders''
I want to cut through the red tape which pork-barrelled lawyers and mainstream media 'experts' will not give you – until it's too late for you to do anything but accept as 'fait accompli' whatever they want you to endorse.

Should President Trump order anyone to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller they must all refuse or risk future criminal prosecution for treason.
The reason for this is quite straightforward.
Nobody, no Officer or Civil Servant, has to obey any order which is unconstitutional and which action threatens the security of the United States.

It amazes me that Trump has not yet been approached and informed that it is imperative for him to either resign or to be impeached in the interests of the constitution.
The issuance of legal directives without prior consultation with the Armed Forces on any matter and in violation of the constitutional processes and accepted firewalls to ensure separation of the legislative branches and the military, lack of accountability, threats to Congress - both Senators and Representatives - are more than enough for automatic impeachment.

What then, are they all waiting for?

Well they are all waiting for Robert Mueller to finish his investigations and present his final Report on Russian hacking of the 2016 American Presidential Election and whether there was a conspiracy involving Presidential Candidate Trump and others to knowingly engage with a hostile enemy power, already engaged in cyberwarfare and espionage against the United States, which is why President Trump never wants this investigation to continue with its broad sweeping powers and criteria to follow the leads - wherever they arrive at - in this enquiry.
Mueller is 'high-profile' and it is only for this reason is Trump moving carefully.
But Mueller is an 'old boy' and Trump takes 'proactive' measures against him (or anyone close to him) at his peril – which is why he (Trump) is bringing in 'outsiders'.

I do not want to get into the predictive or 'crystal ball' gaze – but somebody has to shut Trump down on Twitter. There is a difference between 'rocking the boat' and 'capsizing it'. The problem with kicking Trump out of the GOP is that he can (financially) afford to run next time as an independent Presidential Candidate. The plus however would be even if he is re-elected President as an independent Candidate (highly unlikely without Russian input – but not completely to be ruled out) without a Party, nobody need heed any of his Tweets since he only represents himself and to 'rule by executive decree' would be unconstitutional and grounds for unanimous, by both Democrats and Republicans, impeachment, and removal from Office.
Either the Republicans act quickly to do something or those in his sights are likely to be facing challenges in their Districts by 'alternative' Republican (Trump) candidates – and if such are elected then all hell really will break loose.

A process of Gerrymandering is already being worked on to both identify voters and to re-zone important districts This task force directly created by Trump to identify 'voter fraud' has as it's hidden agenda the disenfranchisement of millions of individual voters (mainly Democratic.) As many as 4-6 million could be  affected – more than enough to unlawfully 'flip' the next election.
What Republicans fail to appreciate that he will go after each of them just like he is going after their Democratic rivals.
How do I know this? Because I have read history – and as I told you before, it always repeats itself – in a different guise maybe – but always repeating.
Politically 'exterminating' between four and six million American voters from their electoral ballot rights and turning over power and control to an elite conspiracist group is more than the equivalent of their physical extermination in concentration camps. Indeed it's better – as they remain to be utilized for industry production and service work and consumer (consumption)  'indenture' to Mammon - with no political representation and few rights.

Deja Vu
These demagogues with their obsessive (mentally ill?) desire for military power, for political and financial control, are all nothing new.
That 90% of those who could stand up against a tyrant stay silent while they (individuals like Trump) take control - fearing for their own and their family's future and status – are also nothing new.  As I mentioned earlier, it's called the 'Bystander Effect'.

Unknown Territory
When People the President Of The United States Appoints To Senior Positions And Who,With His Blessings, Make Statements About Civil Servants and Public Representatives With The Threat Of Physical Violence, The Rules Of the Game Have Significantly Changed For Everyone

If I am to be candid, in my opinion, there are a number of specific Congressmen, Congresswomen and Representatives who need to ensure more pre-flight checks and maintenance records are being regularly updated, actioned and more closely monitored for their private journeys to ensure that they continue to travel in safety around the country whilst carrying out their responsibilities as public representatives.
(The outspoken Senator Lindsey Graham is just one such key person who should take particular care.)

Likewise when someone close to the President talks about using the FBI (with the Police) to arrest serving (or previous) government Officers, the rules of the game have automatically changed and a Pandora's box has been opened.
It is only a matter of time before other organs of the State will be called upon to intimidate Congress and Departments of the government.

If an Attorney General is colluding in this process to assist his boss identify past or present 'leakers' of public interest material which, through leaking that material, assisted to protect the United States and it's Allies from a hostile foreign power or made available data which the public have a right to know about, then the Attorney General himself is failing to protect the constitution from 'attack' by 'hostile' foreign powers.
If the intention coming from the White House is to order their arrest, we are one step away from 'America' becoming 'North Korea' in all but name.

[In actual fact Trump wants Jeff Sessions to act unlawfully – then step back – and let the wolves devour him. But Sessions is an 'old pro' and will not fall into this 'cage' - and Trump is going to have to have the courage (or find the personal courage) to fire him – if he dares.

After the Storm
If unchecked, after the catastrophe of the Trump dysfunctional administration, will America still be at the center of world power and influence – especially in areas of democracy, human rights, freedom of the press and of the individual, it is hard to tell.

Should this circus be allowed to roll on, will other countries seize the unique opportunity to attract 'professional refugees' fleeing tyranny in the United States – to develop at some future time their own lands as significant and influential players on the global stage? Hard to tell at this stage.
What I can say from observation and 'chat' is that the 'exodus' of those most talented - especially those of color from tSouth East Asia and India - has already begun.
There would be no 'Dow-Jones Index' no 'Google' and other inventions too numerous to mention, without their presence.
These are professional individuals whether from Asia, Africa, Mexico and South America who are significantly contributing to keeping America at the forefront of technology and science in today's world and are adding 'value' to Europe and the United States as regional powers.
These individuals are taking (or removing as an option the availability of) their skills and talents to elsewhere.

Why The Non-Mainstream Internet Press With No Electronic Frontiers Is Also In Peril
What you read above your mainstream media is too frightened to tell you.
Why? Because it is owned lock stock and barrel by a very small vested interest group of oligarchs and multinational corporations who, like the industrialists in Germany and in the United States before World War II, saw Hitler not as a problem, but as a new business opportunity.

©Patrick Emek, July 2017

One Path Trump Might Pursue:

Night Of The Long Knives

Part I

''Trump Order's Firing of Mueller''

[It Has Not Happened Yet But At the Aspen Security Forum It Was A Topic For Keen Discussion]

''I Was Only Following Orders''
I want to cut through the red tape which pork-barrelled lawyers and mainstream media 'experts' will not give you – until it's too late for you to do anything but accept as 'fait accompli' whatever they want you to endorse.

Should President Trump order anyone to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller they must all refuse or risk future criminal prosecution for treason.
The reason for this is quite straightforward.
Nobody, no Officer or Civil Servant, has to obey any order which is unconstitutional and which action threatens the security of the United States.

It amazes me that Trump has not yet been approached and informed that it is imperative for him to either resign or to be impeached in the interests of the constitution.
The issuance of legal directives without prior consultation with the Armed Forces on any matter and in violation of the constitutional processes and accepted firewalls to ensure separation of the legislative branches and the military, lack of accountability, threats to Congress - both Senators and Representatives - are more than enough for automatic impeachment.

What then, are they all waiting for?

Well they are all waiting for Robert Mueller to finish his investigations and present his final Report on Russian hacking of the 2016 American Presidential Election and whether there was a conspiracy involving Presidential Candidate Trump and others to knowingly engage with a hostile enemy power, already engaged in cyberwarfare and espionage against the United States, which is why President Trump never wants this investigation to continue with its broad sweeping powers and criteria to follow the leads - wherever they arrive at - in this enquiry.
Mueller is 'high-profile' and it is only for this reason is Trump moving carefully.
But Mueller is an 'old boy' and Trump takes 'proactive' measures against him (or anyone close to him) at his peril – which is why he (Trump) is bringing in 'outsiders'.

I do not want to get into the predictive or 'crystal ball' gaze – but somebody has to shut Trump down on Twitter. There is a difference between 'rocking the boat' and 'capsizing it'. The problem with kicking Trump out of the GOP is that he can (financially) afford to run next time as an independent Presidential Candidate. The plus however would be even if he is re-elected President as an independent Candidate (highly unlikely without Russian input – but not completely to be ruled out) without a Party, nobody need heed any of his Tweets since he only represents himself and to 'rule by executive decree' would be unconstitutional and grounds for unanimous, by both Democrats and Republicans, impeachment, and removal from Office.
Either the Republicans act quickly to do something or those in his sights are likely to be facing challenges in their Districts by 'alternative' Republican (Trump) candidates – and if such are elected then all hell really will break loose.

A process of Gerrymandering is already being worked on to both identify voters and to re-zone important districts  This task force directly created by Trump to identify 'voter fraud' has as it's hidden agenda the disenfranchisement of millions of individual voters (mainly Democratic.) As many as 4-6 million could be  affected – more than enough to unlawfully 'flip' the next election.
What Republicans fail to appreciate that he will go after each of them just like he is going after their Democratic rivals.
How do I know this? Because I have read history – and as I told you before, it always repeats itself – in a different guise maybe – but always repeating.
Politically 'exterminating' between four and six million American voters from their electoral ballot rights and turning over power and control to an elite conspiracist group is more than the equivalent of their physical extermination in concentration camps. Indeed it's better – as they remain to be utilized for industry production and service work and consumer (consumption)  'indenture' to Mammon - with no political representation and few rights.

Deja Vu
These demagogues with their obsessive (mentally ill?) desire for military power, for political and financial control, are all nothing new.
That 90% of those who could stand up against a tyrant stay silent while they (individuals like Trump) take control - fearing for their own and their family's future and status – are also nothing new.  As I mentioned earlier, it's called the 'Bystander Effect'.

Unknown Territory
When People the President Of The United States Appoints To Senior Positions And Who,With His Blessings, Make Statements About Civil Servants and Public Representatives With The Threat Of Physical Violence, The Rules Of the Game Have Significantly Changed For Everyone

If I am to be candid, in my opinion, there are a number of specific Congressmen, Congresswomen and Representatives who need to ensure more pre-flight checks and maintenance records are being regularly updated, actioned and more closely monitored for their private journeys to ensure that they continue to travel in safety around the country whilst carrying out their responsibilities as public representatives.
(The outspoken Senator Lindsey Graham is just one such key person who should take particular care.)

Likewise when someone close to the President talks about using the FBI (with the Police) to arrest serving (or previous) government Officers, the rules of the game have automatically changed and a Pandora's box has been opened.
It is only a matter of time before other organs of the State will be called upon to intimidate Congress and Departments of the government.

If an Attorney General is colluding in this process to assist his boss identify past or present 'leakers' of public interest material which, through leaking that material, assisted to protect the United States and it's Allies from a hostile foreign power or made available data which the public have a right to know about, then the Attorney General himself is failing to protect the constitution from 'attack' by 'hostile' foreign powers.
If the intention coming from the White House is to order their arrest, we are one step away from 'America' becoming 'North Korea' in all but name.

[In actual fact Trump wants Jeff Sessions to act unlawfully – then step back – and let the wolves devour him. But Sessions is an 'old pro' and will not fall into this 'cage' - and Trump is going to have to have the courage (or find the personal courage) to fire him – if he dares.

After the Storm
If unchecked, after the catastrophe of the Trump dysfunctional administration, will America still be at the center of world power and influence – especially in areas of democracy, human rights, freedom of the press and of the individual, it is hard to tell.

Should this circus be allowed to roll on, will other countries seize the unique opportunity to attract 'professional refugees' fleeing tyranny in the United States – to develop at some future time their own lands as significant and influential players on the global stage? Hard to tell at this stage.
What I can say from observation and 'chat' is that the 'exodus' of those most talented - especially those of color from tSouth East Asia and India - has already begun.
There would be no 'Dow-Jones Index' no 'Google' and other inventions too numerous to mention, without their presence.
These are professional individuals whether from Asia, Africa, Mexico and South America who are significantly contributing to keeping America at the forefront of technology and science in today's world and are adding 'value' to Europe and the United States as regional powers.
These individuals are taking (or removing as an option the availability of) their skills and talents to elsewhere.

Why The Non-Mainstream Internet Press With No Electronic Frontiers Is Also In Peril
What you read above your mainstream media is too frightened to tell you.
Why? Because it is owned lock stock and barrel by a very small vested interest group of oligarchs and multinational corporations who, like the industrialists in Germany and in the United States before World War II, saw Hitler not as a problem, but as a new business opportunity.

©Patrick Emek, July 2017

One Path Trump Might Pursue:

Saturday 29 July 2017

Instinct and The Human Species:
Sleepwalking Into The Past
I was asked why I did not do a detailed research comparison side by side of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump.
One as ruler, took the world down a path to almost total annihilation.
Both appear to have clinically erased specific links of their genealogy to ensure that they were seen by their respective electorates (the 'uneducated' or 'manipulable' masses)  for something they were not prepared to openly reveal.
Both worked on the assumption that to reveal certain details would seriously hinder their political ambitions.
In the case of the Fuhrer it was quite deliberate and took place before he assumed responsibility as Chancellor of Germany. This meant that no official records exist from that time forward about what covert 'projects' preceded his consolidation of power.

Separating Facts From Racism
It is very difficult to conduct such research unless you are highly professional – and this is not my area of detailed expertise. Apart from anything else, a lot of such so called 'research' is simply disguised racism and anti-Semitism thus lacking the objectivity required for unbiased data analysis based solely on fact – however unpalatable these findings might be.
Trump knows all the media 'tricks' to motivate his electoral base – or at least thinks that he does.  He knows all the emotive 'strings' to pull to make the masses both happy and angry.

He has learnt from the Fuhrer's 'mistakes' and is hoping not to repeat them.

Trump's New World Order:
The New Triumvirate
Why is all of this relevant at this particular time?
Donald Trump has at his disposal the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons the world has ever seen.
While he appears to be very careful at this point in his foreign policy decisions, so too was the Fuhrer – that is – until he had consolidated power on the home front and was ready for the next step – world domination.

Trump would appear to favor a 'triumvirate' to rule this planet.
That triumvirate at this particular point in time is the United States, Russia and China – with the rest of the world serving as economic and political vassals.
So his first objective is to 'persuade' the masses that the world is 'better off' with a triumvirate.
Both China and Russia must be 'softened up' to appear, something like the International Red Cross, as saviours rather than as rivals or entities with ulterior motives.
As with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Russia is ready, prepared and eager to join this new world order.
All that stands in the way is the Congress of The United States and a number of specific influential individuals who, mark my words, will be 'targeted' for character assassination and replacement – if not assassination.
Their political bases are already being undermined - being targeted for  democratic 'replacement' at the next election.  A Gerrymandering conspiracy by President Trump  is already working at undermining the foundations of democratic America as we know it.
If character assassination and removal from office does not work, expect more  'proactive' measures.  [I do not make such utterances lightly but have no evidence to backup my analysis in this regard. - only species instinct, nurture and past history. Not many people now stand between this 'new vision' of world domination and its realization.]

[Nature and Nurture On The Road To Hell]
This new world order will work well when dealing with unsophisticated tribal peoples with little backbone nor appetite for conflict. 
Besides, if you have no nukes at your disposal and a (perceived) madman, demagogue or tyrant with a global army at his or her disposal does, what limited choice do you have?  [This would include the majority of nations around the globe.]
When dealing, however, with stronger-willed tribes with war, blood and sacrifice an integral part of their heritage for thousands of years, he will run into major problems.
The British are one such race. This is why he is (in many respects) 'ignoring' them – because he fears they could become a thorn in his side and provide a rally point for future 'resistance' when his longer-term 'ambitions' (and those being prepared for key roles) become apparent to all.  The British will start only to oppose Trump's plans when it becomes apparent that their 'global  interests' are part of 'hostile' corporate takeovers.  Until that time, they will dance to whatever tune Trump plays.
The same with the Fuhrer in the 1930s.  For so long as he posed no threat to Britain and the Empire everything he did was 'fair game'. 
His 'slight' of the 'special relationship' was there for all to see – pointedly ignoring the UK on his first overseas trip.  
Never forget that for Trump, Mammon for himself and his entourage is the name of the game - but the masses will be oblivious - lost in the emotive sentiments of all of our base tribal fears - all of our worst nightmares made manifest through one individual acting as saviour, guardian, shepherd, prophet and visionary - on the road to Hell.

'Peace For Our Time!'
Yes of course he will visit Britain and will be afforded all the pomp and ceremony befitting a head of state as is usual and diplomatic for such events.
Yes he will be greeted by all you would expect and affirm support for Britain whilst castigating the European Union. Yes he will talk about the 'special relationship' (to the applause, relief and joy of all politicians and the business sector.) But as with everything, as with the Fuhrer, he has other business plans for a (now) detatched part of the European continent – now 'living' in 'splendid isolation' (similar to the 1920s and early 1930s) 'unshackled' from that 'loser' (the European Union.)
So this is how Britons will see their transatlantic 'saviour' as he throws what appears to be an economic lifeline – throwing all caution to the wind for short-term financial gain.
This is what President Trump will literally be banking on and, do you know what, his own instincts about the British will be one hundred per cent accurate.

The Bystander Effect

How did we come so terribly far from the wonderful ideals of democracy, free speech and respect for the fourth estate, and, more importantly, why?
(The important question about Germany during the 1930s was why the rise of Hitler was not curtailed. Everyone could see what was happening yet nobody wanted to take action. When action was taken it was feeble and half-hearted, culminating in the Munich Pact. I think it's called 'the bystander effect.')
In any event, the British establishment, was. for the most part, let's say 'mildly sympathetic' towards the Fuhrer in the earlier years.   Like donkeys, they realized, almost at the very last moment, that if they did nothing but remained in their high castle of 'splendid isolation' from Europe, the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan - the triumvirate of that time – after Turkey opted out) from East to West would squash the British Empire out of existence with Britain and the colonies becoming vassals of the New World Order.

Don't expect your oligarch-controlled media to 'feed' you any truths with regard to the above. While you have it, gather as much virtual data and frontier channels for resistance and protest because you will need them in the years ahead.
Don't expect your mainstream media to tell you what you will find out here. Indeed expect the opposite. Prepare to be maligned, isolated, and called every name imaginable for speaking truth to power. Should you instinctively decide to pass on this detailed analysis, don't expect any reward or accolade for revealing that which is already known but rarely spoken as plain truth, without fear nor favor.

Every Empire and Aspirant Will Instinctively Attract It's Very Own Unique Demagogues [Or Demi-Gods]
And what about those institutions of the United States supposed to protect the process from tyranny? What happens when they themselves become the focus of a 'Night Of The Long Knives' by President Donald Trump?
Make no mistake as I have warned you from almost day one, this is his ultimate domestic objective.

Is there a solution or is this just part of the natural process of our species which will continue ad infinitum until extinction?
I think you know my answer already: – this species never learns from its past mistakes and is forever doomed to repetition, regardless of race, religion, color, creed or, indeed, sexuality.

So today it's Trump, tomorrow (some other future or  decade) it will  be someone else:
The Fuhrer is dead! – long live the Fuhrer!

With little else to say, I am presenting the best comparative ancestral analysis I have found of both Adolf Hitler and Donald J. Trump - back to back.

One word of caution before you read the comparative analysis between the Fuhrer and Trump.
I applaud the researcher for some excellent work in this regard.
I question his motives only in so far as he 'paints' a conspiracy to mislead the world by one exclusive group (Jews) from time immemorial.  This is not just inaccurate but plainly false and what comes out is a bitterness, derision and fear of one racial group - which does not help us (you know, the 'sane ' ones on the outside!)  to  progress how to deal with demagogues in general both now and into the future as they yet again hypnotize the masses and lead them (yet again) down the road to Hell. 

Every race on this planet has it's unique demagogue 'Donald Trump' who sleeps the dream of dreams - control power and wealth over all - and so many of these scumbags are currently awaiting the final outcome of this 'play' before contemplating their very own 'Trumpistans' - in deference and to mirror the accomplishments of their 'hero' to emulate.

In my short time in existence, I have seen, read and learned about it - so so so many times before - with no end in sight for now nor for the time to come.

Yes of course there are conspiracies - every 'tribe' 'race' or 'group' or board of directors on this planet has individuals (and co-conspirators from their own or other tribes who revel in them!)
So do not believe that Trump's  part of one unique global conspiracy - nor that the majority of  American Jews are not horrified by everything he represents.  [Do not also forget what happened to the German Jews when Hitler came to power. They were either expelled or  murdered -apart from a very close circle  of 'chosen' (or conspiracist) elites.]
It is ironic but little known that Jews who formed the armed resistance to the Fuhrer in Germany and across Europe were not  in the main Zionists but socialists (some might even call them, with some irony, democratic national socialists - but that is a bridge too far in thinking for general comprehension and I will not expand at on the issue at this point in time.)

All the above said this (below) is a very detailed piece of research which is highly accurate and utilizes non-Gentile sources as the  primary base for analysis and discussion.  
I do not believe that the researcher takes 'excessive' 'liberties' but he does let you know where his thinking is 'speculative' and not based on actual fact.  Where he speculates (or extrapolates with the interpretation of names and changes of names) these are not unreasonable and do have a modicum of validity.  Do not rely on any one source.  I use 'Wikipedia' as a standard yardstick but, as with the researcher, agree that it (and genealogy websites) are not 100% accurate so should never be taken as 'Gospel' and the last word for anything you are researching.   When fact-checking any genealogy website referred to, again check as to whether that website has a history of inaccuracies or misleading or omitted content.

I doubt that you will find anything like it elsewhere - but please do fill in any gaps or misleading statements.  

I think also that you will find Miles Williams Mathis very receptive and responsive to any criticisms you might have of his research below.

addendum on 30th July:

(I never cease to be surprised when people think it unusual that Jews would or should not have an affinity or interest (or support) for their place of historical heritage -Israel or Palestine or Judea - as it was known at various times until after World War II.  Italian-Americans are never criticized because they have an affinity for Italy, or German-Americans for Germany or indeed the Irish-Americans for Ireland, Iranian-Americans for Iran or Lebanese-Americans for the Lebanon or African-Americans for West Africa, nor Anglo-Saxon Americans for their love (or historical heritage interest, affinity and support) for Europe or England.
The problem only arises when the foreign policy of any country is compromised in terms of it's national security through such sentiments.)

©Patrick Emek, July 2017

Instinct and The Human Species:
Sleepwalking Into The Past
I was asked why I did not do a detailed research comparison side by side of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump.
One as ruler, took the world down a path to almost total annihilation.
Both appear to have clinically erased specific links of their genealogy to ensure that they were seen by their respective electorates (the 'uneducated' or 'manipulable' masses)  for something they were not prepared to openly reveal.
Both worked on the assumption that to reveal certain details would seriously hinder their political ambitions.
In the case of the Fuhrer it was quite deliberate and took place before he assumed responsibility as Chancellor of Germany. This meant that no official records exist from that time forward about what covert 'projects' preceded his consolidation of power.

Separating Facts From Racism
It is very difficult to conduct such research unless you are highly professional – and this is not my area of detailed expertise. Apart from anything else, a lot of such so called 'research' is simply disguised racism and anti-Semitism thus lacking the objectivity required for unbiased data analysis based solely on fact – however unpalatable these findings might be.
Trump knows all the media 'tricks' to motivate his electoral base – or at least thinks that he does.  He knows all the emotive 'strings' to pull to make the masses both happy and angry.

He has learnt from the Fuhrer's 'mistakes' and is hoping not to repeat them.

Trump's New World Order:
The New Triumvirate
Why is all of this relevant at this particular time?
Donald Trump has at his disposal the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons the world has ever seen.
While he appears to be very careful at this point in his foreign policy decisions, so too was the Fuhrer – that is – until he had consolidated power on the home front and was ready for the next step – world domination.

Trump would appear to favor a 'triumvirate' to rule this planet.
That triumvirate at this particular point in time is the United States, Russia and China – with the rest of the world serving as economic and political vassals.
So his first objective is to 'persuade' the masses that the world is 'better off' with a triumvirate.
Both China and Russia must be 'softened up' to appear, something like the International Red Cross, as saviours rather than as rivals or entities with ulterior motives.
As with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Russia is ready, prepared and eager to join this new world order.
All that stands in the way is the Congress of The United States and a number of specific influential individuals who, mark my words, will be 'targeted' for character assassination and replacement – if not assassination.
Their political bases are already being undermined - being targeted for  democratic 'replacement' at the next election.  A Gerrymandering conspiracy by President Trump  is already working at undermining the foundations of democratic America as we know it.
If character assassination and removal from office does not work, expect more  'proactive' measures.  [I do not make such utterances lightly but have no evidence to backup my analysis in this regard. - only species instinct, nurture and past history. Not many people now stand between this 'new vision' of world domination and its realization.]

[Nature and Nurture On The Road To Hell]
This new world order will work well when dealing with unsophisticated tribal peoples with little backbone nor appetite for conflict. 
Besides, if you have no nukes at your disposal and a (perceived) madman, demagogue or tyrant with a global army at his or her disposal does, what limited choice do you have?  [This would include the majority of nations around the globe.]
When dealing, however, with stronger-willed tribes with war, blood and sacrifice an integral part of their heritage for thousands of years, he will run into major problems.
The British are one such race. This is why he is (in many respects) 'ignoring' them – because he fears they could become a thorn in his side and provide a rally point for future 'resistance' when his longer-term 'ambitions' (and those being prepared for key roles) become apparent to all.  The British will start only to oppose Trump's plans when it becomes apparent that their 'global  interests' are part of 'hostile' corporate takeovers.  Until that time, they will dance to whatever tune Trump plays.
The same with the Fuhrer in the 1930s.  For so long as he posed no threat to Britain and the Empire everything he did was 'fair game'. 
His 'slight' of the 'special relationship' was there for all to see – pointedly ignoring the UK on his first overseas trip.  
Never forget that for Trump, Mammon for himself and his entourage is the name of the game - but the masses will be oblivious - lost in the emotive sentiments of all of our base tribal fears - all of our worst nightmares made manifest through one individual acting as saviour, guardian, shepherd, prophet and visionary - on the road to Hell.

'Peace For Our Time!'
Yes of course he will visit Britain and will be afforded all the pomp and ceremony befitting a head of state as is usual and diplomatic for such events.
Yes he will be greeted by all you would expect and affirm support for Britain whilst castigating the European Union. Yes he will talk about the 'special relationship' (to the applause, relief and joy of all politicians and the business sector.) But as with everything, as with the Fuhrer, he has other business plans for a (now) detatched part of the European continent – now 'living' in 'splendid isolation' (similar to the 1920s and early 1930s) 'unshackled' from that 'loser' (the European Union.)
So this is how Britons will see their transatlantic 'saviour' as he throws what appears to be an economic lifeline – throwing all caution to the wind for short-term financial gain.
This is what President Trump will literally be banking on and, do you know what, his own instincts about the British will be one hundred per cent accurate.

The Bystander Effect

How did we come so terribly far from the wonderful ideals of democracy, free speech and respect for the fourth estate, and, more importantly, why?
(The important question about Germany during the 1930s was why the rise of Hitler was not curtailed. Everyone could see what was happening yet nobody wanted to take action. When action was taken it was feeble and half-hearted, culminating in the Munich Pact.  I think it's called 'the bystander effect.')
In any event, the British establishment, was. for the most part, let's say 'mildly sympathetic' towards the Fuhrer in the earlier years.   Like donkeys, they realized, almost at the very last moment, that if they did nothing but remained in their high castle of 'splendid isolation' from Europe, the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan - the triumvirate of that time – after Turkey opted out) from East to West would squash the British Empire out of existence with Britain and the colonies becoming vassals of the New World Order.

Don't expect your oligarch-controlled media to 'feed' you any truths with regard to the above. While you have it, gather as much virtual data and frontier channels for resistance and protest because you will need them in the years ahead.
Don't expect your mainstream media to tell you what you will find out here. Indeed expect the opposite. Prepare to be maligned, isolated, and called every name imaginable for speaking truth to power. Should you instinctively decide to pass on this detailed analysis, don't expect any reward or accolade for revealing that which is already known but rarely spoken as plain truth, without fear nor favor.

Every Empire and Aspirant Will Instinctively Attract It's Very Own Unique Demagogues [Or Demi-Gods]
And what about those institutions of the United States supposed to protect the process from tyranny? What happens when they themselves become the focus of a 'Night Of The Long Knives' by President Donald Trump?
Make no mistake as I have warned you from almost day one, this is his ultimate domestic objective.

Is there a solution or is this just part of the natural process of our species which will continue ad infinitum until extinction?
I think you know my answer already: – this species never learns from its past mistakes and is forever doomed to repetition, regardless of race, religion, color, creed or, indeed, sexuality.

So today it's Trump, tomorrow (some other future or  decade) it will  be someone else:
The Fuhrer is dead! – long live the Fuhrer!

With little else to say, I am presenting the best comparative ancestral analysis I have found of both Adolf Hitler and Donald J. Trump - back to back.

One word of caution before you read the comparative analysis between the Fuhrer and Trump.
I applaud the researcher for some excellent work in this regard.
I question his motives only in so far as he 'paints' a conspiracy to mislead the world by one exclusive group (Jews) from time immemorial.  This is not just inaccurate but plainly false and what comes out is a bitterness, derision and fear of one racial group - which does not help us (you know, the 'sane ' ones on the outside!)  to  progress how to deal with demagogues in general both now and into the future as they yet again hypnotize the masses and lead them (yet again) down the road to Hell. 

Every race on this planet has it's unique demagogue 'Donald Trump' who sleeps the dream of dreams - control power and wealth over all - and so many of these scumbags are currently awaiting the final outcome of this 'play' before contemplating their very own 'Trumpistans' - in deference and to mirror the accomplishments of their 'hero' to emulate.

In my short time in existence, I have seen, read and learned about it - so so so many times before - with no end in sight for now nor for the time to come.

Yes of course there are conspiracies - every 'tribe' 'race' or 'group' or board of directors on this planet has individuals (and co-conspirators from their own or other tribes who revel in them!)
So do not believe that Trump's  part of one unique global conspiracy - nor that the majority of  American Jews are not horrified by everything he represents.  [Do not also forget what happened to the German Jews when Hitler came to power. They were either expelled or  murdered -apart from a very close circle  of 'chosen' (or conspiracist) elites.]
It is ironic but little known that Jews who formed the armed resistance to the Fuhrer in Germany and across Europe were not  in the main Zionists but socialists (some might even call them, with some irony, democratic national socialists - but that is a bridge too far in thinking for general comprehension and I will not expand at on the issue at this point in time.)

All the above said this (below) is a very detailed piece of research which is highly accurate and utilizes non-Gentile sources as the  primary base for analysis and discussion.  
I do not believe that the researcher takes 'excessive' 'liberties' but he does let you know where his thinking is 'speculative' and not based on actual fact.  Where he speculates (or extrapolates with the interpretation of names and changes of names) these are not unreasonable and do have a modicum of validity.  Do not rely on any one source.  I use 'Wikipedia' as a standard yardstick but, as with the researcher, agree that it (and genealogy websites) are not 100% accurate so should never be taken as 'Gospel' and the last word for anything you are researching.   When fact-checking any genealogy website referred to, again check as to whether that website has a history of inaccuracies or misleading or omitted content.

I doubt that you will find anything like it elsewhere - but please do fill in any gaps or misleading statements.  

I think also that you will find Miles Williams Mathis very receptive and responsive to any criticisms you might have of his research below.

addendum on 30th July:

(I never cease to be surprised when people think it unusual that Jews would or should not have an affinity or interest (or support) for their place of historical heritage -Israel or Palestine or Judea - as it was known at various times until after World War II.  Italian-Americans are never criticized because they have an affinity for Italy, or German-Americans for Germany or indeed the Irish-Americans for Ireland, Iranian-Americans for Iran or Lebanese-Americans for the Lebanon or African-Americans for West Africa, nor Anglo-Saxon Americans for their love (or historical heritage interest, affinity and support) for Europe or England.
The problem only arises when the foreign policy of any country is compromised in terms of it's national security through such sentiments.)

©Patrick Emek, July 2017