Friday 16 February 2018

''Follow The Money''

Brings to an end a series of controversial articles which began before the election of President Donald Trump and focused on increasing awareness of the extent of Russian (RIS) interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election since about June - July of 2015.

''Liars and Weasels''
The FBI, The CIA and the NSA were 100% correct in their assessments - which is why they (and the entire IS community) has been vilified (or better put, crucified) by Trump since he came into Office.
James Comey recently said '' liars and weasels never hold the field'' in the longer term.
He is correct.
After this period of overwhelming influence by RIS in the politics of the United States finally ends, the ''system'' itself will be in dire need of considerable overhauling to prevent another tragedy like the one currently on play (at a mobile device, tablet, television or other screen near you - on a daily basis.)

Christopher Steele's assessment was 85% accurate.

Whatever Happened To Those Tapes?
The Trump-Moscow Hotel Prostitutes tapes were not accepted by the CIA.  They were however accepted by an independent source not affiliated to the agency and have been assessed for validity and authentication.

We will learn the outcome of this assessment in due course.

Racketeering and Money Laundering
The money laundering allegations against Trump are the most serious because they involve so many entities within both criminal fraternities, political, business and others fronting criminal enterprises.
These have been covered extensively both here and elsewhere.
We are talking of trillions of dollars being laundered between Moscow-London-New York - over the past 3 years alone - and all  involved took Trump's election as 'the green light' to continue with impunity - since he would ''take care of'' the CIA, the FBI, The DIA, the Treasury,the DEA the NSA and all other entities to ensure that all involved in the protection of the United States from it's enemies were either fired, resigned or, as has happened already, had 'heart attacks' or other unfortunate ''accidents''.

In my personal opinion, what is happening at present in the United States is treason.
I am calling it out for what it is.

Gutless and Spineless
What history will one day show is how many gutless and spineless politicians were prepared to save their own political necks rather than that of their country.
I have said previously, one day, when this era of darkness and evil passes, James Comey will be honored as one of the greatest American heroes, who made mistakes - out of genuine commitment to the constitution - and which many called him out for such lack of forethought, but nonetheless nobody can not call him a great patriot and honorable individual.

Congressman Adam Schiff, two days ago, said ''follow the money''.  
Between his Committee and Robert Mueller's investigations, all of the data appears to be now in place.

''A Horse With No Name''...''I Never Believed It Was True.....But Now It's So Clear To Me'' (!)

Not too long ago was sitting down with a friend.
That person told me with great sincerity that she had watched a bio-documentary about Donald Trump, the great American with Scottish and Irish roots.  I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing and continued to listen politely.
But this is what 99% of the average individuals are ''fed'' by their mainstream media - worldwide - and indeed they believe it - because they are actively prevented from knowing the truth.

I didn't even refer her to my website for the truth.
She was ''happy'' with the Trump 'persona' presented on her television screen as 'truthful'.
What I would have to offer her here would be ''unsettling'' and ''distressing'' - and her conclusion would be that I must be lying or deluded or just ''ill''.   Besides, how can 1% be right and the 99% others be wrong?  It just doesn't make any sense?
Does it?

At The Foot Of  Shiva  [Om]
Over the holidays I met with someone much wiser than myself.   His take about all this nonsense was very interesting and I will paraphrase it:
America is going through very unsettling times at present.  But this must happen before it moves forward again.  It always has been a dynamic country but at heart, ultimately, a good and a fair country.
When Americans wake up to the widescale abject poverty in their midst, in their own State - out of all proportion and comparable to any Third World country - which becomes so overwhelming and so overflowing that it threatens their very own survival, and which even bylaws and ordinances cannot protect them from, when they  finally see (and accept) that they were ''asleep'' [dreamers] whilst others amongst them were looting the country blind whilst they slept, they might finally awake and, when they do, their fury will be reflected in their choice of politicians.
This correction [Trump] was long-overdue.
It's almost as if he were sent by providence to 'bring out' into the spotlight, all that is bad about America, all that we knew about but remained hidden in the shadows and spoken in whispers,  for all Americans to see and reflect on (both spiritually and politically.)

''Progress always has its setbacks.  This is one of them.  It is a necessary evil before America moves forward into a brighter future and a new dawn.''

Before starting a new series of blogs, I will highlight (reprint) some of those which you found most interesting from an investigative and research viewpoint.  I will be selecting these from the statistics of viewers of each of my 500+ blogs and narrowing it down to a 'top 10.'

To view or find any blog just do a search in the box at this page under a word or country.

Apologies for not replying to comments.
I had my say in the blog - then you had yours - and that's that.

Thanks for taking some of your valuable time  to read these blogs - at a very interesting crossroad in U.S. and world history.

©Patrick Emek, 2018

'' When God is about to justify a man, he first damns him.  Whom he would make alive he must first kill. God's favour is so communicated in the form of wrath that is seems furthest when it is at hand.   Man must first cry out that there is no health in him.       
He must be consumed with horror. This is the pain of this disturbance salvation begins.When a man believes himself to be utterly lost, light breaks.''

''Follow The Money''

Brings to an end a series of controversial articles which began before the election of President Donald Trump and focused on increasing awareness of the extent of Russian (RIS) interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election since about June - July of 2015.

''Liars and Weasels''
The FBI, The CIA and the NSA were 100% correct in their assessments - which is why they (and the entire IS community) has been vilified (or better put, crucified) by Trump since he came into Office.
James Comey recently said '' liars and weasels never hold the field'' in the longer term.
He is correct.
After this period of overwhelming influence by RIS in the politics of the United States finally ends, the ''system'' itself will be in dire need of considerable overhauling to prevent another tragedy like the one currently on play (at a mobile device, tablet, television or other screen near you - on a daily basis.)

Christopher Steele's assessment was 85% accurate.

Whatever Happened To Those Tapes?
The Trump-Moscow Hotel Prostitutes tapes were not accepted by the CIA.  They were however accepted by an independent source not affiliated to the agency and have been assessed for validity and authentication.

We will learn the outcome of this assessment in due course.

Racketeering and Money Laundering
The money laundering allegations against Trump are the most serious because they involve so many entities within both criminal fraternities, political, business and others fronting criminal enterprises.
These have been covered extensively both here and elsewhere.
We are talking of trillions of dollars being laundered between Moscow-London-New York - over the past 3 years alone - and all  involved took Trump's election as 'the green light' to continue with impunity - since he would ''take care of'' the CIA, the FBI, The DIA, the Treasury,the DEA the NSA and all other entities to ensure that all involved in the protection of the United States from it's enemies were either fired, resigned or, as has happened already, had 'heart attacks' or other unfortunate ''accidents''.

In my personal opinion, what is happening at present in the United States is treason.
I am calling it out for what it is.

Gutless and Spineless
What history will one day show is how many gutless and spineless politicians were prepared to save their own political necks rather than that of their country.
I have said previously, one day, when this era of darkness and evil passes, James Comey will be honored as one of the greatest American heroes, who made mistakes - out of genuine commitment to the constitution - and which many called him out for such lack of forethought, but nonetheless nobody can not call him a great patriot and honorable individual.

Congressman Adam Schiff, two days ago, said ''follow the money''.  
Between his Committee and Robert Mueller's investigations, all of the data appears to be now in place.

''A Horse With No Name''...''I Never Believed It Was True.....But Now It's So Clear To Me'' (!)

Not too long ago was sitting down with a friend.
That person told me with great sincerity that she had watched a bio-documentary about Donald Trump, the great American with Scottish and Irish roots.  I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing and continued to listen politely.
But this is what 99% of the average individuals are ''fed'' by their mainstream media - worldwide - and indeed they believe it - because they are actively prevented from knowing the truth.

I didn't even refer her to my website for the truth.
She was ''happy'' with the Trump 'persona' presented on her television screen as 'truthful'.
What I would have to offer her here would be ''unsettling'' and ''distressing'' - and her conclusion would be that I must be lying or deluded or just ''ill''.   Besides, how can 1% be right and the 99% others be wrong?  It just doesn't make any sense?
Does it?

At The Foot Of  Shiva  [Om]
Over the holidays I met with someone much wiser than myself.   His take about all this nonsense was very interesting and I will paraphrase it:
America is going through very unsettling times at present.  But this must happen before it moves forward again.  It always has been a dynamic country but at heart, ultimately, a good and a fair country.
When Americans wake up to the widescale abject poverty in their midst, in their own State - out of all proportion and comparable to any Third World country - which becomes so overwhelming and so overflowing that it threatens their very own survival, and which even bylaws and ordinances cannot protect them from, when they  finally see (and accept) that they were ''asleep'' [dreamers] whilst others amongst them were looting the country blind whilst they slept, they might finally awake and, when they do, their fury will be reflected in their choice of politicians.
This correction [Trump] was long-overdue.
It's almost as if he were sent by providence to 'bring out' into the spotlight, all that is bad about America, all that we knew about but remained hidden in the shadows and spoken in whispers,  for all Americans to see and reflect on (both spiritually and politically.)

''Progress always has its setbacks.  This is one of them.  It is a necessary evil before America moves forward into a brighter future and a new dawn.''

Before starting a new series of blogs, I will highlight (reprint) some of those which you found most interesting from an investigative and research viewpoint.  I will be selecting these from the statistics of viewers of each of my 500+ blogs and narrowing it down to a 'top 10.'

To view or find any blog just do a search in the box at this page under a word or country.

Apologies for not replying to comments.
I had my say in the blog - then you had yours - and that's that.

Thanks for taking some of your valuable time  to read these blogs - at a very interesting crossroad in U.S. and world history.

©Patrick Emek, 2018

'' When God is about to justify a man, he first damns him.  Whom he would make alive he must first kill. God's favour is so communicated in the form of wrath that is seems furthest when it is at hand.   Man must first cry out that there is no health in him.       
He must be consumed with horror. This is the pain of this disturbance salvation begins.When a man believes himself to be utterly lost, light breaks.''

''Follow The Money''

Brings to an end a series of controversial articles which began before the election of President Donald Trump and focused on increasing awareness of the extent of Russian (RIS) interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election since about June - July of 2015.

''Liars and Weasels''
The FBI, The CIA and the NSA were 100% correct in their assessments - which is why they (and the entire IS community) has been vilified (or better put, crucified) by Trump since he came into Office.
James Comey recently said '' liars and weasels never hold the field'' in the longer term.
He is correct.
After this period of overwhelming influence by RIS in the politics of the United States finally ends, the ''system'' itself will be in dire need of considerable overhauling to prevent another tragedy like the one currently on play (at a mobile device, tablet, television or other screen near you - on a daily basis.)

Christopher Steele's assessment was 85% accurate.

Whatever Happened To Those Tapes?
The Trump-Moscow Hotel Prostitutes tapes were not accepted by the CIA.  They were however accepted by an independent source not affiliated to the agency and have been assessed for validity and authentication.

We will learn the outcome of this assessment in due course.

Racketeering and Money Laundering
The money laundering allegations against Trump are the most serious because they involve so many entities within both criminal fraternities, political, business and others fronting criminal enterprises.
These have been covered extensively both here and elsewhere.
We are talking of trillions of dollars being laundered between Moscow-London-New York - over the past 3 years alone - and all  involved took Trump's election as 'the green light' to continue with impunity - since he would ''take care of'' the CIA, the FBI, The DIA, the Treasury,the DEA the NSA and all other entities to ensure that all involved in the protection of the United States from it's enemies were either fired, resigned or, as has happened already, had 'heart attacks' or other unfortunate ''accidents''.

In my personal opinion, what is happening at present in the United States is treason.
I am calling it out for what it is.

Gutless and Spineless
What history will one day show is how many gutless and spineless politicians were prepared to save their own political necks rather than that of their country.
I have said previously, one day, when this era of darkness and evil passes, James Comey will be honored as one of the greatest American heroes, who made mistakes - out of genuine commitment to the constitution - and which many called him out for such lack of forethought, but nonetheless nobody can not call him a great patriot and honorable individual.

Congressman Adam Schiff, two days ago, said ''follow the money''.  
Between his Committee and Robert Mueller's investigations, all of the data appears to be now in place.

''A Horse With No Name''...''I Never Believed It Was True.....But Now It's So Clear To Me'' (!)

Not too long ago was sitting down with a friend.
That person told me with great sincerity that she had watched a bio-documentary about Donald Trump, the great American with Scottish and Irish roots.  I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing and continued to listen politely.
But this is what 99% of the average individuals are ''fed'' by their mainstream media - worldwide - and indeed they believe it - because they are actively prevented from knowing the truth.

I didn't even refer her to my website for the truth.
She was ''happy'' with the Trump 'persona' presented on her television screen as 'truthful'.
What I would have to offer her here would be ''unsettling'' and ''distressing'' - and her conclusion would be that I must be lying or deluded or just ''ill''.   Besides, how can 1% be right and the 99% others be wrong?  It just doesn't make any sense?
Does it?

At The Foot Of  Shiva  [Om]
Over the holidays I met with someone much wiser than myself.   His take about all this nonsense was very interesting and I will paraphrase it:
America is going through very unsettling times at present.  But this must happen before it moves forward again.  It always has been a dynamic country but at heart, ultimately, a good and a fair country.
When Americans wake up to the widescale abject poverty in their midst, in their own State - out of all proportion and comparable to any Third World country - which becomes so overwhelming and so overflowing that it threatens their very own survival, and which even bylaws and ordinances cannot protect them from, when they  finally see (and accept) that they were ''asleep'' [dreamers] whilst others amongst them were looting the country blind whilst they slept, they might finally awake and, when they do, their fury will be reflected in their choice of politicians.
This correction [Trump] was long-overdue.
It's almost as if he were sent by providence to 'bring out' into the spotlight, all that is bad about America, all that we knew about but remained hidden in the shadows and spoken in whispers,  for all Americans to see and reflect on (both spiritually and politically.)

''Progress always has its setbacks.  This is one of them.  It is a necessary evil before America moves forward into a brighter future and a new dawn.''

Before starting a new series of blogs, I will highlight (reprint) some of those which you found most interesting from an investigative and research viewpoint.  I will be selecting these from the statistics of viewers of each of my 500+ blogs and narrowing it down to a 'top 10.'

To view or find any blog just do a search in the box at this page under a word or country.

Apologies for not replying to comments.
I had my say in the blog - then you had yours - and that's that.

Thanks for taking some of your valuable time  to read these blogs - at a very interesting crossroad in U.S. and world history.

©Patrick Emek, 2018

'' When God is about to justify a man, he first damns him.  Whom he would make alive he must first kill. God's favour is so communicated in the form of wrath that is seems furthest when it is at hand.   Man must first cry out that there is no health in him.       
He must be consumed with horror. This is the pain of this disturbance salvation begins.When a man believes himself to be utterly lost, light breaks.''

Thursday 15 February 2018

''Follow The Money''

Brings to an end a series of controversial articles which began before the election of President Donald Trump and focused on increasing awareness of the extent of Russian (RIS) interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election since about June - July of 2015.

''Liars and Weasels''
The FBI, The CIA and the NSA were 100% correct in their assessments - which is why they (and the entire IS community) has been vilified (or better put, crucified) by Trump since he came into Office.
James Comey recently said '' liars and weasels never hold the field'' in the longer term.
He is correct.
After this period of overwhelming influence by RIS in the politics of the United States finally ends, the ''system'' itself will be in dire need of considerable overhauling to prevent another tragedy like the one currently on play (at a mobile device, tablet, television or other screen near you - on a daily basis.)

Christopher Steele's assessment was 85% accurate.

Whatever Happened To Those Tapes?
The Trump-Moscow Hotel Prostitutes tapes were not accepted by the CIA.  They were however accepted by an independent source not affiliated to the agency and have been assessed for validity and authentication.

We will learn the outcome of this assessment in due course.

Racketeering and Money Laundering
The money laundering allegations against Trump are the most serious because they involve so many entities within both criminal fraternities, political, business and others fronting criminal enterprises.
These have been covered extensively both here and elsewhere.
We are talking of trillions of dollars being laundered between Moscow-London-New York - over the past 3 years alone - and all  involved took Trump's election as 'the green light' to continue with impunity - since he would ''take care of'' the CIA, the FBI, The DIA, the Treasury,the DEA the NSA and all other entities to ensure that all involved in the protection of the United States from it's enemies were either fired, resigned or, as has happened already, had 'heart attacks' or other unfortunate ''accidents''.

In my personal opinion, what is happening at present in the United States is treason.
I am calling it out for what it is.

Gutless and Spineless
What history will one day show is how many gutless and spineless politicians were prepared to save their own political necks rather than that of their country.
I have said previously, one day, when this era of darkness and evil passes, James Comey will be honored as one of the greatest American heroes, who made mistakes - out of genuine commitment to the constitution - and which many called him out for such lack of forethought, but nonetheless nobody can not call him a great patriot and honorable individual.

Congressman Adam Schiff, two days ago, said ''follow the money''.  
Between his Committee and Robert Mueller's investigations, all of the data appears to be now in place.

''A Horse With No Name''...''I Never Believed It Was True.....But Now It's So Clear To Me'' (!)

Not too long ago was sitting down with a friend.
That person told me with great sincerity that she had watched a bio-documentary about Donald Trump, the great American with Scottish and Irish roots.  I had to stop myself from bursting out laughing and continued to listen politely.
But this is what 99% of the average individuals are ''fed'' by their mainstream media - worldwide - and indeed they believe it - because they are actively prevented from knowing the truth.

I didn't even refer her to my website for the truth.
She was ''happy'' with the Trump 'persona' presented on her television screen as 'truthful'.
What I would have to offer her here would be ''unsettling'' and ''distressing'' - and her conclusion would be that I must be lying or deluded or just ''ill''.   Besides, how can 1% be right and the 99% others be wrong?  It just doesn't make any sense?
Does it?

At The Foot Of  Shiva  [Om]
Over the holidays I met with someone much wiser than myself.   His take about all this nonsense was very interesting and I will paraphrase it:
America is going through very unsettling times at present.  But this must happen before it moves forward again.  It always has been a dynamic country but at heart, ultimately, a good and a fair country.
When Americans wake up to the widescale abject poverty in their midst, in their own State - out of all proportion and comparable to any Third World country - which becomes so overwhelming and so overflowing that it threatens their very own survival, and which even bylaws and ordinances cannot protect them from, when they  finally see (and accept) that they were ''asleep'' [dreamers] whilst others amongst them were looting the country blind whilst they slept, they might finally awake and, when they do, their fury will be reflected in their choice of politicians.
This correction [Trump] was long-overdue.
It's almost as if he were sent by providence to 'bring out' into the spotlight, all that is bad about America, all that we knew about but remained hidden in the shadows and spoken in whispers,  for all Americans to see and reflect on (both spiritually and politically.)

''Progress always has its setbacks.  This is one of them.  It is a necessary evil before America moves forward into a brighter future and a new dawn.''

Before starting a new series of blogs, I will highlight (reprint) some of those which you found most interesting from an investigative and research viewpoint.  I will be selecting these from the statistics of viewers of each of my 500+ blogs and narrowing it down to a 'top 10.'

To view or find any blog just do a search in the box at this page under a word or country.

Apologies for not replying to comments.
I had my say in the blog - then you had yours - and that's that.

Thanks for taking some of your valuable time  to read these blogs - at a very interesting crossroad in U.S. and world history.

©Patrick Emek, 2018

'' When God is about to justify a man, he first damns him.  Whom he would make alive he must first kill. God's favour is so communicated in the form of wrath that is seems furthest when it is at hand.   Man must first cry out that there is no health in him.       
He must be consumed with horror. This is the pain of this disturbance salvation begins.When a man believes himself to be utterly lost, light breaks.''