Friday 31 August 2018

the edited version 

(updated on 5th September, 2018 - please refer to the end of the blog

to read the updated portion)
2nd Update 26th September, 2018 (see below)
3rd Update:29th October, 2018
For students of 9/11, please refer to the right hand side columns and earlier blogs at this site for the resources you are seeking. 
First you need to appreciate that Zionism is not Judaism.  It is a form of Nazism - which indoctrinates and admits only ''pure'' Jews as members.  [Zionist Gentiles are given ''special'' status.] 
Likewise, Zionists blend easily with non-suspecting ordinary Jewish communities whilst concealing their hidden objectives.  Most ordinary Jews would be appalled if they understood and appreciated the objectives of Zionists in the United States and in Europe today.
To get but a small glimpse of how they operated in the recent past - and who funds their work at undermining and destroying the United States, or, at the very least, turning it into the same hate-filled sentiments which exist in Israel and Palestine today, with neighbor turning on neighbor, and creating Apartheid-like suspicions and communities to ferment a civil war, based on race and religion (all similar to the Middle East ''tribal'' mentalities which I encounter to this very day) inside America, read Rebekah Roth's ''Resources Section'' in the far right column I have entitled 

''The Trump White House Is Staffed With 98% Zionists: Is It ''Conspiracy Talk' 'To Call This 'A Conspiracy?''  First go to this website.

Within Rebekah Roth's ''Resources'' section begin your research by clicking up this reference:
''The Memorandum, National Commission On Terrorist Attacks''

You can then follow other references within this Section.

***Is Israel (Still) Spying In and On The United States?
(What You Will Never See on CNN)

Why Understanding  9/11 Is So Important To Understand President Donald J. Trump's  Russia-Style Purges Of The NSA, The CIA, and The FBI Today

''The Jews Were Behind 9/11''
I want to put into context a mis-perception about 9/11.
Neo-Nazis accuse ''the Jews'' as being behind 9/11.
When you get to the root of these statements what you are left with is a modicum of truth.
It can be summarized as follows:
''The Israeli government had been monitoring and spying on and in the United States on U.S. citizens and on ''enemies of the State of Israel'' before 9/11.
To declare it had prior knowledge of a terrorist attack on the scale which took place on September 11, 2001, would be an admission that it's operatives had been spying on and inside the United States – primarily on U.S. Citizens.
Hence the problem for Israel.

The Work Of Mossad Leading Up to 9/11
Since mainstream organizations are already friendly, the main target for Mossad in the United States, apart from military secrets, technological and economic intelligence, included successful infiltration of far right and Muslim organizations and their supporters.   More importantly, the infiltration of Arab-American, Iranian, Syrian-American and Iraqi-Syrian groups.    It can only be speculated as to what the motives were.
    [Such activities are much more tolerated in the United Kingdom – where Zionist supporters proliferate as patrons and financial nominees of Muslim expatriate and refugee organizations – than they are in the United States - or at least had been harshly dealt with by the FBI where discovered,  up until the time of the Trump administration.]

How Israel is perceived in the United States and in Europe are the number one and two top priorities of the Israeli government.
The rest of the world (excepting China, Russia and India) have lower priority for intelligence gathering using assets on the ground instead – with single handlers covering areas such as, say, East Africa.

Dealing With Totalitarian Rulers Is Always Easier Than Negotiating With Democracies
Malaysia, Singapore, all of South East Asia, most of Africa, are all totalitarian states, regions and continents which can easily be ''bought off'' by identifying who to pay.
All of the Gulf States are engaged in this charade. Their leaders are all pro-Israeli but their majority Arab Muslim populations are anti-Israel and pro-Islamic nationalists in sentiment.   There is a deep anger in many of these Gulf States at (as they see it) their subservient leaders' paying homage to ''the Jewish State.'' (Hence the Israeli government's attempt to mollify such anger against the Gulf State rulers by it's secret - but highly publicized - ''covert'' support for ISIS and the Islamic Caliphate as existed in Iraq and Syria at the height of the Caliphate's power.
The atrocities against Kurds, Christians and Yazidis were a disgrace and should be an eternal stain on the State of Israel. Many of these atrocities were actively supported and encouraged by the government of Israel and it's Zionist supporters worldwide.  I spoke out about these atrocities at that time and warned that no good would come of supporting the Islamic Caliphate and ignoring it's atrocities against Christians and against their fellow-Muslims.
[I myself met with one such Zionist (Christian) supporter during this time - when Christians were being butchered wholesale in Syria and in Iraq by ISIS, who, in open conversation, refused point blank to say any words of hope nor humanitarian assistance nor save Syrian nor Iraqi Christian lives nor even support granting them refugee status at a time when other politicians such as this one were welcoming hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees into Europe.  I had no problem supporting the offer of  temporary shelter to Muslim people fleeing for their lives from ISIS atrocities into Europe but saw it as quite bizarre that Christians were equally barred from entry while chaos was being created with such unregulated flows of Muslim refugees, whose migration into Europe was, also, quite bizarrely, being supported (if not encouraged) by Zionist groups and Christian Zionists on 'humanitarian' grounds.
So Christian Arabs were abandoned to be slaughtered by ISIS because their lives apparently, had less value for European Christian politicians, than did Muslim lives.
(Perhaps I am just out of touch - or am missing something here - or just getting old, naiive, out of touch and senile?)

The games politicians play and their media hosts are often just too incomprehensible to ordinary folk. 
[My mother Norah and Aunt Mary, God rest them, ordinary folk, I often muse, would have been completely lost in these jungles of intrigue and duplicity.  And all so that politicians can privately boast their superior intelligence and skills at fooling (or hoodwinking) ordinary folk on this planet - and mask their ''higher games'' and ulterior motives.]

So this is the context in which the false statement is often made by extremists:
''the Jews were behind 9/11''

The more accurate statement should read:
''there are credible reports that Mossad had vital information which it did not share with it's U.S. counterpart prior to 9/11 and covered up what it had discovered in its aftermath so as not to loose widespread confidence and support of American public opinion in the world's foremost democracy''

Not that they (Israel's government) organized it but that the Mossad had vital information which it passed on to the Israeli government – and which that government did not then share with it's ally, the United States, about 9/11 before the terrorist attacks happened.
[Some conspiracy theorists actually say that Israel was the mastermind behind 9/11. There is no evidence that such is the case. There is, however, compelling suspicions that certain individuals were warned in advance what was about to go down. If anyone knows what really happened, that person is Robert Mueller. Hence he himself is a 'target' for others.]

Robert Mueller:
As you read the blog below (and watch the video references) you will understand better the role Robert Mueller played in the post 9/11 investigation

There is compelling evidence that the Israeli government certainly knew that ''something very big'' was going to go down before 9/11 happened and, more critically, the Israeli government did not share this intelligence with their U.S. Counterparts.
Interestingly, Robert Mueller, the Special Counsel in the Russia 2016 U.S. Election Hacking probe, had responsibilities at that time and in the aftermath of 9/11 which placed him in a special position to have amassed damning evidence against the Israeli government.

So ''the Jews'' per ipse, were not responsible for 9/11 as conspiracists will claim.
There is however ample evidence to believe that Mossad was in possession of vital information (which indeed it's operatives may well have shared with notable U.S. Zionist financiers of the State of Israel, to save them considerable financial losses on the New York Stock Exchange, prior to 9/11.)

There is however a belief that Mossad, Israel's spy agency, gathered enough intelligence in the United States well in advance of 9/11 and did not share this intelligence with the NSA, the CIA nor the FBI.

There may well be something to the suspicion that the ongoing [Stalinist-like] purge of America's intelligence community [IC] by Donald Trump and his administration is in some way linked to the Israeli government's concern that a future Democratic Party in Office, releasing all the known data linking Mossad's spying operations on U.S. citizens and organizations before the terrorist attacks on 9/11, could permanently damage Israel's reputation.

©Patrick Emek, August 2018

***If you have a U.S. President (Trump) who will say to Vladimir Putin that he would ''consider'' the extradition of a former U.S. Ambassador to Russia for ''questioning'' by the  Russian FSB-GRU, you have an American President who will permit Mossad unlimited spying powers within the United States  (PE Sept 4, 2018)

I have been asked in chat to clarify what the issue is with regard to a foreign power spying on U.S. citizens inside the United States and why I said that ''the United Kingdom'' gives ''free reign'' to Mossad operatives.  I am happy to clarify this:
To the uninitiated, both are complex issues.  I want to summarize the second question first: Britain is an island.   One of the most successful trading islands on this planet.  It uses many options to advance it's trading alliances.  One of these are the economic and trading links which dual citizens-foreign nations provide.  Zionism provides one opportunity to advance Britain's economic, political and cultural interests worldwide.
But Britain is not a military global superpower.  The cornerstone of Britain's military projection and security was called the 'Transatlantic Alliance' with the United States.
This has been debunked by the Trump administration.  Long before Trump was elected into Office I said that this would happen.   In Donald Trump's world there are 4 major players: China, Russia, The United States and Israel.  Britain has effectively been 'sidelined.'   Both Europe and Britain have been 'left on the benches' as 'useful idiots' or canon fodder - to be used as and when required to project American military and diplomatic power.   (The majority of the British are often very slow to 'wake up' to 'new' realities all around them.  In my opinion they simply do not want to believe new realities - preferring to retreat into the lager or 'comfort zone' - oblivious to the 'emergency' all around them.  I believe that after World War I, during the 1920s, the phrase for this indifference in the United Kingdom was 'splendid isolation.')
There have always been a number of agencies in the United States which Zionists found impossible to penetrate.  These are now prime targets for destruction by the Trump administration.  But to destroy these agencies will leave America subservient to foreign powers.  Just look at Israel today folks and see for yourself the ''security'' and ''peace'' which Zionism brings for that country:the entire geographical region is in chaos, all brought about because of wars between two first cousins - the Arab and the Jew. 
The ''fracturing'' of America into tribes by Donald Trump and Zionists in his administration is only the first step to creating inside America a 'mirror image' of the Middle East - a few rich pockets (Israel and the Gulf Princes) but most of their surrounding regions impoverished through incessant internecine 'tribal' and 'religious' wars. 
Democratic administrations in the United States have been, likewise, 'asleep at the helm.'
Americans will have a very stark choice shortly.  They can either continue with a  regime which will make America subservient to rival superpowers - or they can ''wake up''  - and change course before it is too late.

History does not accurately portray the role of Zionism in bringing about World War II.
If you fail to appreciate this then history will repeat - and that is exactly what is happening at the present time in the United States.
National Socialism is not Zionism - but many Zionists will portray themselves as National Socialists.  Zionism is undoubtedly a form of Nationalism - and this can be appreciated by studying it's origin.
A further problem is that the general public is so (deliberately) ''dumbed down'' that Zionism is indistinguishable from Judaism - so when the ''backlash'' against Trump - and everything he represents - takes shape, as in Germany during the 1930s - it will be a backlash against all Jews, irrespective of allegiances.   But Zionists don't care about such things.   They never have - as long as they survive. 
I want to conclude this blog and leave with you with a document which best illustrates the dilemma the United States is starkly facing.   This was produced long before the Trump era - over a decade ago in fact.  Again, words of prophets written on subway walls (sic. the Internet) which the mainstream deliberately ignored and American politicians, both Democrat and Republican, were either too 'dumb' to appreciate or, like the politician I described above, were already 'bought and paid for.'      [In my opinion, this is why Zionists are actively opposed against Campaign Finance Reform - as championed (unsuccessfully) by the late Senator John McCain - in the United States - because it would take 'big business' out of politics - and make America secure again.]

You can download the document from here:

2nd Update 26th September, 2018
Please also add the following reference to appreciate *how Britain has a more flexible position to the IDF and Mossad than had been the case in the United States before Donald Trump assumed Office.

*note that I have said 'how' and not 'why'

Please note that the above website may offend some people as it contains politically inappropriate content.   You need to be aware that not only does this content exist but it has significant following.  If it had been more mainstream, one argument goes, Zionists, such as Trump and the 'Alt Right', would have had a harder time exploiting its values for their own personal political advantages and hidden (from their dumbed-down followers) agendas.

This is the second time in less than 100 years that Zionists have played no small part bringing the known world to the brink of destruction. The last time, they got away with it 100% .  I am hopeful, that, this time, they might not be 100% successful in concealing their responsibility.
(I count 50 million dead souls and 20 million displaced living persons, with no criticism nor share of responsibility for this 'project', as a 100% success rate.)

Below you will find several conspiracy theories.
You need to also view the attached references for 9/11 then put the statements into context.

When you have read through all of the speculations, the theories, actual television footage and reports, you will draw your own conclusions about then and now.
You may very well reach different conclusions to those I have drawn above.
That's fine.    At the very least you will hopefully have some more knowledge than you did before reading the information above and below.

Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.? 
Part 1:

Friday 24 August 2018

the very heavily edited version

''The National Enquirer'' Has A Strong Room Safe In The Underground Vault Of A Bank At An Undisclosed Downtown Location Exclusively Filled With ''Kompromat'' Of Donald Trump and His Family

David Pecker, The CEO of National Enquirer, has been given Federal immunity from prosecution in the Michael Cohen Trial on condition he handed over all Kompromat in this confidential  Trump strong room safe.

This blog speculates in images as to the types of  Kompromat content and data likely to be held about the Trump family in that National Enquirer hidden-away strongroom safe, within the vault of a heavily-guarded downtown bank.

This careful analysis below is based on knowledge of the professions and occupations of the Trumps and  broad range of  interests of the National Enquirer over a very very very very very long period of time:


Unknown co-conspirator watching the end of the world in an ''up-market'' Trump Tower apartment somewhere in downtown New York.  (Photo discovered in National Enquirer's Trump safe.)   

Alien Abductions for ''scientific'' experiments

Alien Abductions for ''scientific'' experiments

Photo of unknown individual found in the National Enquirers' Trump  safe

    Believed by National Enquirer to be animation co-conspirators.  Do you know who these animation characters are?  They are wanted for questioning.

                     One of the unknown hijackers of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

One of the unknown hijackers of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

Above:    Tweet at 00.26 EDT: 
  ''  Definitely a 10 folks!''  (''NOT LIKE THAT CROOKED HILLARY!'')

What else happened in that Moscow Hotel Room?

Above:Top Secret:The exact geographic location of Area 51


the very heavily edited version

''The National Enquirer'' Has A Strong Room Safe In The Underground Vault Of A Bank At An Undisclosed Downtown Location Exclusively Filled With ''Kompromat'' Of Donald Trump and His Family

David Pecker, The CEO of National Enquirer, has been given Federal immunity from prosecution in the Michael Cohen Trial on condition he handed over all Kompromat in this confidential  Trump strong room safe.

This blog speculates in images as to the types of  Kompromat content and data likely to be held about the Trump family in that National Enquirer hidden-away strongroom safe, within the vault of a heavily-guarded downtown bank.

This careful analysis below is based on knowledge of the professions and occupations of the Trumps and  broad range of  interests of the National Enquirer over a very very very very very long period of time:


Unknown co-conspirator watching the end of the world in an ''up-market'' Trump Tower apartment somewhere in downtown New York.  (Photo discovered in National Enquirer's Trump safe.)   

Alien Abductions for ''scientific'' experiments

Alien Abductions for ''scientific'' experiments

Photo of unknown individual found in the National Enquirers' Trump  safe

    Believed by National Enquirer to be animation co-conspirators.  Do you know who these animation characters are?  They are wanted for questioning.

                     One of the unknown hijackers of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

One of the unknown hijackers of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

Above:    Tweet at 00.26 EDT: 
  ''  Definitely a 10 folks!''  (''NOT LIKE THAT CROOKED HILLARY!'')

What else happened in that Moscow Hotel Room?

Above:Top Secret:The exact geographic location of Area 51
