Thursday 16 May 2019

reposted 14th September
reposted on 15th June
[title to preface added on 22nd June]

Ship Of Fools*
As a Zionist President of The United States together with Israel and Saudi Arabia push the world closer to war with Iran, this is what you must know as your sons and daughters in Christendom are 'psyched-up' (yet again) to die for others global financial ambitions. 
Western ''Christian'' politicians will do nothing to prevent ''Christian blood'' (yet again)  being again shed in Muslim lands.
Again, Brothers and Sisters you really do need to wake up and ask yourself ''Why?''
Iran is run by despots - but so are many other countries you and I can both agree to list.
I watched a couple wheel their one or two year-old daughter in a pram.  I felt like saying to them: ''you will nurture her, educate her to the age of 14 or thereabouts.''  ''She will then be 'psyched-up' by mainstream media and at her school or by 'friends' or 'family' or 'recruiters' to join and fight 'patriotic' wars in Muslim, African Caucasian or Asian oil-rich and mineral-rich lands;wars she will never quite fathom.  She will die in one such war.''  ''You will grieve and, maybe only then, even for the first time, realise that all you were told about that war was one big lie.''   ''She was simply a pawn in a (never-ending) 'Great Game.'  She was never educated at school to question nor to fathom the 'why?'; ''why she was being manipulated and 'managed' to hate, to commit unquestioningly to  wars, disguised under a flag of patriotism.''  She was programmed and managed to hate, to use a weapon but never to question ''why?''; never to question ''who benefits?''  And all the politicians stayed silent as the drums of war reached a frenzy - because they all knew what 'the Great Game' was all about.
In my earlier blogs of 2014 and 2015 you will you will see the future clearly spelt out.  After the Middle East, the Caucasus and Caspian Sea are the next seas (or deserts) of blood.
As one recent example, it did not matter that Western companies benefited handsomely from Libyan oil and business.
Nor, remarkably, will it matter that The Caspian Sea region holds enough wealth for everyone to prosper.  Folks, for some, the world will never be enough.  (What this means, in brief, is that there are enough resources in the world to meet human needs, but never enough to satisfy human greed.)
As I said then and repeat now, 'The Four Horseman' are long-headed to the Caucasus' and the Caspian Sea, the new ''El-Dorado'' the new ''sea of fire'' where those not yet conceived are already dead, to fulfil the financial ambitions of others.  (Ah, if only war-scarred blood-soaked earth could talk!)
As a side-show to the main event, study what happened in Malaysia ( to appreciate an example of how 'wars by other means' are conducted in the 21st century.
Something similar  happened in Libya - but is not as widely reported.  (Perhaps someday you will write that story or that detailed book?  Of how and by whom the vast Sovereign Wealth Fund of Libya was pilfered and that, sadly, the Libyans themselves, being a 'collective' of warring semi-feudal desert tribes only held together by one strong leader, simply don't care or, out of tribal vindictiveness, would just prefer to forget, as that once prosperous country, where health care, education were once free for all, where once numeracy, illiteracy, disease and epidemics had been abolished, sinks deeper and deeper into poverty, misery, despair, into tribalism, anarchy and chaos with no end in sight and nobody really caring which murderous tribal faction runs the country, as long as the oil keeps flowing uninterrupted.)

Forensic Architecture and Ecocide
There is a new term called 'Ecocide.'  It  may very well be something you will be hearing more of as this century progresses and could be incorporated into U.N. statutes and resolutions akin to War Crimes.  To summarize, it is when environmental destruction through war or human actions result in the intended or unintended deaths of  individuals, of tens or hundreds of thousands of people across a region or regions.
The destruction of all the basic services (of health education and employment) in Libya and the absence of a central coordinating authority resulting in an influx of tens of thousands of migrants from Africa to Europe - crippling infrastructural systems and services in Southern Europe (Italy and Greece in particular) and beyond, not to mention the political upheaval and tensions caused - are all directly traceable back to the military intervention of the West and the collapse of the Libyan State after Western intervention - may very well be seen in the context of Ecocide by future historians. 
I have not even touched on the displacement by interventionist wars and those displaced by the Islamic State and other terror groups fleeing for their lives  from Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and the crime of mainstream media of not directly connecting these conflicts caused by bungled Western military interventions with the upheaval and chaos such displaced (and internally displaced) persons have had - crippling humanitarian services in Turkey, Jordan,Lebanon, Italy and Greece almost to a point of collapse with Northern Europe unwilling to foot the humanitarian aid bill in anything like the resources required.
Forensic architecture, a science of tomorrow, in brief, reconstructs environmental structures prior to their collapse to trace, through 3-D sequential mapping, the part they played at any given time of the trauma, chaos or crises. 
As if the politicians (and the mainstream media along for the ride) have learned absolutely nothing, we are now being asked to ''buy into' yet another war - this time in Iran, on behalf of Saudi Arabia and Israel.

*['Ship Of Fools' title borrowed from the book by Sebastian Brant, 1494, Jerome Bosch, circa 1500, and Robert Plant, 1988:

(Image added 26 July, 2019)

Update 13th August 2019:
I recently met with ---- , a retired British Military Officer. Our meeting was brief.  It had to be 'covert' because of what he revealed - in total.  
This is a short summary:
 ''There was a lot of dissatisfaction and cynicism with politicians.....  .......   ...........   ........ .........................   ............................................    ..................................  ................
..... ''Let me give you just one example.  I was based in XXXXXX (in fact I still have family there) .... just before the Iraq War'' ............   .... ''my CO --------------- told us (off the record) .....        ........ we were going to be redeployed.  We all knew exactly where to - Iraq.''   ''None of us (specialists) wanted to go - because we knew exactly why and how (and by whom - and what to expect :- PE words ) we would be used'' (as cannon fodder - again my words :- PE.)
'' ...... myself and ...(all who were 'aware':-PE ) all bought ourselves out (of the British Armed Forces) before we were officially informed about the forthcoming redeployment.''
''I have no regrets.''

The Looming War With Iran

It is rarely debated that the entry of the U.S. into World War II in part started at the behest of Zionist organizations - a fact seldom found in contemporary history books. Whatever the case, be in no doubt that this coming war with Iran is at the behest of Zionist interests in the United States, in Israel and at the behest of Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia. 

''Only Fools and Horses''
As President Donald J. Trump himself once said:
'' only idiots sign up for active duty (in the military.) ''
Be assured brothers and sisters, these Christian ''idiots'' will be doing the fighting - and the dying - for Trump and his Zionist Billionaires - and many won't even have ''shitholes'' [ another quote from Donald J. Trump about how the poor live because political tyrants run their countries] of homes to return to.  
[Be further assured, if you are living in a poor neighborhood - or caravan in a trailer park  in the United States - as ''White Trailer Trash'' he is also talking about you and your family.  He just can't tweet it honestly at present because he needs your vote - and your anger - in order to manipulate your fears and prejudices to enrich himself and his cabal.]

''Bringing Down The Whole House''
While this looming war with Iran will not bring the house down, it will certainly cause a tsunami of not just anti-Zionist but anti-Semitic outrage worldwide - and this will be the tip of a growing iceberg - similar to those conditions in Hungary before the *1956 uprising.

Another Libya
As I also said previously, the Iranians (Persians) have made bad military and political decisions for hundreds of years since they set their sights on conquering Western Europe; the Battle of Thermoplyae being just one of dozens of classic military blunders over  hundreds of years (excluding the final phase of the Peloponnesian Wars, where proxy support of Sparta enhanced, for a period of time, Persian influence over Greek cities in Asia Minor.)
A war with Iran, in the absence of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and if carried out as already in existing scenario war games, could conceivably remove the despotic Iranian regime with a few months.

Who Is The Real Threat?
The problem is not removing these despots, it's the fact that they have been removed at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Israel - with Europe and America doing both of their biddings.
It is these facts which will eventually cause such revulsion that even ill-informed Americans will start to think - and to question - why they should always be fighting - and dying - for Zionist Israeli, Zionist Christian, and for Muslim Arab interests?

The long-term dangers here are that those identified by Donald Trump and his Zionist Cabinet as trailer trash Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Hispanics, Arabs and Africans living in shitholes, will ultimately protest the only way the masses left with nothing but chains of oppression and no hope for the future for themselves nor their families know how to - by attempting to violently overthrowing their oppressors and manipulators.
This is the ultimate fate of all tyrants and oppressors  - be they Nero, Caligula, or Trump, with all of their excessive opulence scuttled - only after all their technologies of social and political control and state terror have been exhausted.

Sacrificial Lambs
Only those ultimately seeking to  violently overthrow democratic institutions and replace them with Soviet-style tyranny in the United States will be praising Trump's decision to launch a war against Iran. 
His decision to go to war - to save his own political future with Sunni Arab (Saudi Arabia) money and Zionist Israeli-American political support, will have longer lasting impacts on ordinary Jews worldwide as they experience the fallout in hatred and hostility.

Be finally assured, that by the time all this happens in the United States, the instigators of all this economic and political chaos, civil inter-States wars, racial animosity, divided communities, hatred and financial misery, will all be using their second passports for a quieter life elsewhere.

©Patrick Emek, May 2019

Additional Information
Saudi Arabia is acknowledged to be home to the most violent and extreme forms of Islam -
Salafism and Wahhabism.  The former was promoted by ISIS in an even more twisted extreme version in the now defunct Islamic Caliphate.  Most ill-informed Americans will already have forgotten that ISIL/ISIS was initially supported by the West (America, Europe and Turkey) as it butchered Christians, Yazidis, fellow-Muslims, Homosexuals and all others not sharing its beliefs in Iraq and Syria.   Christian Zionists and politicians in the United States and in Europe (including The Vatican) stood by at the time of heightened bloody ISIS carnage in almost total silence while Christianity was virtually destroyed in Syria and Iraq.  Israel and Turkey gave intelligence military and medical assistance to ISIL fighters as they created carnage in Syria and Iraq in their efforts to overthrow the Syrian and Iraqi governments .  Now, these same individuals (with the exception of Turkey - which dumped ISIS when it was no longer of use) want yet another war - this time in Iran - and are desperately seeking ways to ''morally'' justify it.

Like any Mafia Godfather, Trump is innocently saying that his hands are ''clean'' and he is ''shocked'' by how far towards war things are progressing without his knowledge.

[In matters of life and death, where patriots are being called on for maybe the ultimate sacrifice, can you really believe anything this man or any of his henpecked advisers tell you?]

Do not forget how meekly the mainstream media is leading from behind yet another charge into

May 17,2019

I don't want to appear to be going on an anti-Zionist tirade so I will add this as a short addendum rather than a separate blog.
Many of the institutions Trump is undermining protect America from terrorism.  In the past they treated threats from Zionist terrorism no different from Arab Muslim terrorism - or any other forms of terrorist conspiracies for that matter.
Zionists were not allowed to run riot either with intelligence gathering within the United States nor actively to threaten the lives of U.S. citizens within the United States - nor carry out surveillance of such individuals across any territories of the United States, Commonwealth nor Overseas Territories.   
Now Zionists have all been allowed to be embedded into the very fabric of NATO.
(Again, don't be a bigger fool than I by not appreciating what this will ultimately mean for NATO.)  
(This fact took place on Obama's watch!)
(If the history of how Israel got into NATO is honestly written some day, it's origin was, in part, the decision to allow Americans dual citizenship with Israeli passports.   And if you want to backtrack even further to know how this happened, read earlier blogs at this website.)

The last prize (for the 'taking down') are U.S. institutions - including the United States Armed Forces - and all of their command, intelligence and support structures.
Donald Trump, who professes to be Christian despite the fact that the entire Trumf/Trumfp/Trumpf clan are mainly Jews (one individual speculates, Polish Jews, if  ancestry tests be carried out) is openly destroying all the institutions which protect the United States by  obsessively undermining confidence in their work and regularly portraying them as partial ''Deep State'' actors who ''spy'' on American patriots and, more important, that this spying is even worse than that of Russia and China.  The former, he sends signals out regularly, are really 'the good guys' and deserve the 'free passes' he gives them - with a nod and a wink.
Brothers and Sisters, if you cannot yet see that all this is been carried out by Trump on behalf of Zionists in the U.S. and in Israel, you're a bigger fool than I am. 
Trump is Putin's protégé.   It's the one great shot he has to destroy America and, do you know what, the accountability processes designed as checks and balances are actually helping achieve that very destruction.   Again if you cannot see this, you are a bigger fool than I.
If America survives Trump intact, there are many lessons to be learned from the highly professional efforts of foreign actors - Saudis, Israeli Zionists, U.S. Christian Zionists, Zionists to plot together - with their international cabals in Europe and elsewhere - to destroy the United States as the United States and reduce it to a subjugated vassal to foreign interests.
The egg timer is running low.   The clock is running out.
Someday you may have to answer the question: ''Daddy-Mommy, what were you doing while Donald Trump was destroying America and its institutions?''

May 21,2019

Addendum May 24, 2019:
SCOTUS Expert Warns That America Is In Immediate Peril    -iran-2019-5?r=US&IR=T

Israel Nudges Trump Towards War With Iran:

additional reference
*For the first few days, the Hungarian Uprising of 1956 was an uprising against the despotic
power and terror of Jewish political and financial control.  Communist Jews who fled to the Soviet Union were reinstated into all the positions of political and economic power by the advancing Soviet army to control the country on it's behalf.
After this pogrom, it (the Hungarian Uprising of 1956) then turned into a mass revolution against Soviet tyranny.

Saturday 11 May 2019

''Everytime, He Eats Little Bites Of Your Soul''