Wednesday 8 July 2020

Al-Jouf Massacre (above)
''Houthis accuse Saudi-coalition of targeting children, women in air strike''

Saudi'led'Coalition(i.e.UK-Israel-EU-US)Attack Houthi Residential Area@Al-Jouf. More than 24 civilians-mainly women&children-'Martyred.'
Distressing scenes of the wounded and dead:

TRT:Who Are The Houthis? What is This Conflict About?

Do You Know What Is Going On In Israel?

Sunday 5 July 2020

Tell Me Why

1.Yemen (above)

Popular Houthi Revolutionary Song:

'Tell Me Why-Kill Me Why?'

2.Saudi War Crimes In Yemen

3.Martyrdom Of (Kurd) YPJ  Fighter at hands of ISIS 

3.For inexplicable reasons, this  video was also banned.  It explains the position of Islamic radicals
with regard to the disbelievers and to Christians.

This is the justice meted out to Christians and non-ISIS supporters in the Islamic State

Resistance Is The Only Voice Of The Oppressed:

ISIS ritual prior to execution of Prisoners of War




  above:Yemen:downing of helicopter




Several videos of  War Crimes the ICC refuses to look into explain why it (the ICC -International Criminal Court) is a  discredited political entity: - it selectively examines ''War Crimes.

All the above videos banned on flagged request to remove issued by Twitter and Google