Sunday 6 December 2020

mRNA:Alien Cargo In Pandora's Box


The year is sometime in the late 1970s. The place is London, United Kingdom.

The location is Chapel House, Chapel Street; off The Edgware Road.

We are an in a building which is headquarters for The Central Office Of Information (COI), The Nuclear Inspectorate, and The Health and Safety Executive.

I am a young Civil Servant working in a specialist scientific unit of 3 people.

My colleagues are Graeme and Martin.

We do not report to any Department in this building so there is always confusion (and sometimes polite questions) as to what exactly we do - because we are not listed in any Departmental Directory.

We always greeted any colleague who was brave enough to knock on the door and quietly look in with their head to  say “hello” and, as always, available to answer any question. 

We were always polite and non-committal in such instances.

There were no locks on our door, since we were all Civil Servants.

Martin will appear in his sandals, looking more like a bearded Hippie than even myself.   Graeme, our Section Head, was always immaculately dressed – complete with suit, shirt and tie.

“Tee-Shirt” Martin would roll himself a cigarette – and set the room into an iconic plume of smoke.

Graeme was a non-smoker.

I only smoked socially when visiting friends at weekends and then only when offered a cigarette to roll.

At that time, I was “on the wagon.”

In contrast to his “laid back” appearance and attitude, Martin was as sharp as a prepared surgical knife when looking at a problem.   The same was true for Graeme.

We all managed to survive each other – and get the job done.

So what exactly did we do?; in-between (much-awaited) visits from the Tea Lady with the Cake and Biscuits Trolley - our usual only “VIP Guest Of The Day”, at 11.00am and 3.00pm?

"Warp Speed" Had Not Been Invented

Our task was to examine given modern technologies for faults – or potential faults and potential problems – and to write up reports of our findings.  Without going into great detail, it encompassed North Sea Oil Rigs and the maritime transport of (compressed) liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) moored off British coastal towns.

So they were national interest issues – but did not involve politics nor Northern Ireland (nor any Irish issues) so I (personally) had no conflicts of interests.

Our tasks were scientifically-based.   The purpose being to improve civilian safety methods and structures.

Similar to a Physician receiving an Adverse Reaction (AR) report from a patient, our job was to examine given tasks and report “up the food chain.”

There was no political pressure on us – politicians in those days would not dare interfere with the workings of The Civil Service.

There was no financial pressure on us: no foreign interests nor “Big Business” nor “Big Pharma” just ourselves and who we reported to.

Our only priority was to focus on our job of work.   The reports produced (from us at least) required no “spins” nor falsifications of data, just the facts.

(Neither did we have to worry about media sensational stories about what we did – or did not do – as may have been the case on an occasion.)

mRNA: Alien Cargo In Pandora’s Box?

After Coronavirus was identified as a global pandemic, I  temporarily ceased blogging on bioweapons and bioresearch.   I continue to regularly “Tweet”, to keep abreast of scientific developments and topical issues and occasionally voice  “short” Opinions for any interested party who might care to read them.

Deception and Enforced Blind Compliance 

The lack of truth about mRNA is so profound I am “returning” to writing this article at “Blogger” just for this one task: to provide some detailed data – with references – which are being ignored by the mainstream media as they (patriotically?) all “fall-in-line” with what the politicians, their media bosses and Big Pharma want them to write to further acceptance, without question, of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines, despite the obvious potential drawbacks and evident dangers of these new and untried technologies on the human species.

“Operation Warp Speed”

The need to quickly solve a problem will sometimes result in expedient measures induced by political and economic pressures devoid of reality, common-sense or simply by the urgency to produce results for the stock market share price.

The 2002-2003 SARS outbreak took approximately 20 months before a vaccine was ready foe human testing and, even then, there were many safety gatekeepers bypassed and safety issues unresolved.   This vaccine production was “politically” driven – to find a quick solution for economic global security reasons and had bypassed or shirt-circuited the standard clinical pre-trials on animals and humans in order to get an approved vaccine on the market.

What you need to appreciate is this:Covid-19 pre-trials are computer simulations of various parameters which are being used to “leap-frog” standard pre-trial conventional procedures – going straight into clinical trials barely 5 months after SARS-Cov-2 was identified as a global pandemic.

Leaving aside enhanced pathogenicity - antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) which is always a serious concern and not always immediately discernible in animal trials, when encountered in human trials, because of conflicts of interests (financial political military urgency of application for battlefield-ready usage) the side-effects are sometimes  overlooked – in the national interest.

If such had occurred in government-managed tests, such would have been immediately “red-flagged” and passed up the scientific chain for further study and greater analysis before the next steps in the process were initiated.

Moderna, under financial pressure (shareholders etc.) ignored the Adverse Reactions (ARs) to confirm that it’s vaccine was within  “tolerable” levels: 3 out of 15 human subjects in clinical trials had serious ARs.  When I studied statistics as part of my degree at London University, the acceptable “tolerable” level was 5%.    If I am not mistaken 3 out if 15 is at the 20% level – which should have been, at the very least, a “red notice” issue and cause for serious concern.   Folks, that’s 20 million people out of 100 million humans with severe ARs to the vaccine.

Moderna, Pfizer, BioNTech and Arcturus Therapeutics are all using this mRNA technology to produce their Covid-19 vaccines.   Exogenous mRNA is, by it’s nature, immunostimulatory, enhancing antigen expression and negatively affecting the immune response.    In a nutshell, how antigens sense and respond in the human body to the application of mRNA is not fully understood at this present time. 

•In summary, the dangers revolve around                                                    1.Stimulation of auto-reactive antibodies – which may be directly responsible for disease progression or reflective of an epiphenomenon – without itself/themselves having a specific pathogenic role in the progress of the disease – and whose detection can confirm that it was, indeed, mRNA, which was the “hidden” (initial) instigator of the disease or cancer or paraneoplastic syndrome or disorder.

•Chemical signalling molecules produced by malignant tumor (Cancer) cells or simply as an immune response to the existing tumor will produce paraneoplastic syndrome – causing antibodies to (potentially) “attack” healthy tissues by mistake, causing local and systemic inflammation.

•Other concerns are biodistribution and the persistence of expressed immunogen and (potential) toxic effects of non-native nucleotides and delivery system components.

•mRNA-based vaccines could induce potent Type 1 interferon responses – associated with inflammation and, potentially, with autoimmunity.

•Extracellular RNA ‘mediates’ endothelial-cell permeability (via vascular endothelial growth factor.) Specific at risk is brain tissue – brain microvascular endothelial cells in vitro and in vivo where RNA and artificial RNA    (poly – I :C) or even single-stranded RNA (but not DNA) are applied.

•Another danger is the use of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) – which provide a “coat” or “shield” or “cover” (as carrier systems) for mRNA.  These “coats” “protect” mRNA from degradation and facilitate “fast-track” cell uptake of the mRNA – to accelerate the immune response.        Now the following is very important:

•The LNP constructs or formulations in 3 mRNA Covid-19 vaccines are, in addition, “PEGylated.”  This means the vaccine nanoparticles are coated with a polymer called polyethylene glycol (PEG.)  It was once thought that this polymer was more or less “inert” but the scientific community are now questioning it’s biocompatibility for human use – and of the view that PEGylated polymer particles promote tumor growths and adverse immunological reactions - including the (underdiagnosed) potentially lethal anaphylaxis.

Other unknown factors of the the use of mRNA:

Virus-vectored vaccines (mRNA) could potentially reconfigure/recombine with naturally occurring viruses to produce hybrid (super) viruses which, like MRSA, can only be “contained” utilizing even stronger versions of synthetically produced vaccines – similar to mRNA or, even worse, I speculate, requiring a whole new generation of super vaccines to tackle this new artificially-created problem.    These risks should not be underestimated.   Mutant strains of viruses, heightened pathogenicity, severe ARs - which are currently underreported by the pharmaceutical industry for reasons of economics, politics and, in some instances, sheer arrogance and disregard for human health and safety when weighted against the desire for quick financial returns to shareholders billionaire investor-proprietors and their political backers.  These are all very real and very deadly consequences arising from the use of chimeric vaccines, using computer-generated modelling for genetic engineering, are being hastily enlisted – with politicians only too willing to enforce global civilian compliance for the (global) compulsory application of Covid-19 vaccines where, already, long-term non-lethal physiological, psychological and fatal (cancer-related) issues are already identified but downplayed by the pharmaceutical industry, by politicians and by the media to the long-term detriment to public health – not to mention the long-term (global) financial costs to correct the political and scientific mistakes in hastily approving such vaccines.

•Finally, there is also the potential to transfer or recombine genetic material from genetically engineered viruses (GE virus-vector vaccines) tò the targeted individual germ line cells.

Contrary to what you have been told in mainstream media, GE virus-vector vaccines (mRNA vaccines) can indeed undergo chromosomal integration (be integrated into the body’s chromosomes – also called “insertional mutagenesis") resulting in random insertions of vaccine constructs into “host” cellular genomes – effectively altering the genetic expression (“ON” “OFF” volume switches in cells – which increase/decrease the amount of protein molecules fabricated.)

In other words, the transcription and translation  processes by cells of genes and their codons could very well result in virulence reversion – causing cancerous tumors and severe diseases.

For all the above reasons mRNA, as our current knowledge exists to manipulate, could very well turn out to be alien cargo inside Pandora’s box.

© Patrick Emek, December 2020

This article may be reproduced in part or in full for academic and non-financial purposes acknowledging the author without any further permissions


(A number of typographical/grammatical errors appeared in the original publication. These have now been corrected.)

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