Friday 17 September 2021

“The Second Wave" (Epilog)


One Bioterror Scenario

Just to repeat, for all unfamiliar with the material you can freely access at a considerable amount of advanced data can be found in the reference sections of my bioterrorism research blogs (i.e. you need to study the "References" to appreciate what you are looking at.)

The Setting

0n 16th March, 2020, under considerable personal pressure, I had to stay focused on material I had been researching in detail for several years prior to 2019-2020.  I did not want to be viewed as an “alarmist” in the midst of a global crisis while at the same time desperately wanting to get the core issues across to my (higher-than average intelligent) readership. Reading between the lines, this is what I said: If I wanted to launch a bioterrorism attack, I would first provoke citizens to be vaccinated.  Then, when the vaccinated think they are protected, attack with a variant – specifically to lock on to unique aspects of the vaccinated attributes. But this would just be the start.   My ultimate objective would be to “herd" everyone  into vaccination arrogance, knowing, that unlike other fatal viruses where a single vaccine dose is required, that this one, like influenza, would require regular upgrades. The covert objective is to create a situation whereby the body’s natural immune system is gradually dismantled.  At an appropriate strategic time, then to launch the real “attack:” release a variant of influenza that the human body simply cannot compensate for – thereby, exponentially, raising the global mortality level. 

So instead of deaths from Covid-19 being somewhere at 0.0033-0.0055 of any defined demographic population of any country the numbers are exponentially increased     

as a direct outcome of natural immune systems having been dismantled through the careless policy of over-vaccination of populations.  [Human greed and politics have already determined the predicted outcome to be exactly how the world will react when the Big Kahuna hits.]      

This will neatly define the expected outcome of a small-scale bioterrorism attack where the above scenario has been applied.

And all of the above Folks, is not even the Big Kahuna, but a test - a small-scale bioterrorism attack which a highly intelligent 12th Grader could easily concoct, given the resources and motivation.

All of this (except the 12th Grader "addendum") can be deduced from my blog on 16th-17th March, 2020.  (It was started before and completed shortly after midnight of 16th March.)

What Have I Learned From Covid-19?

What this global crisis has taught me is that 99.9% of politicians in Africa have not the slightest clue what is happening because they do not have access to the type of experts most of Europe and the U.S. can draw from.  And even if they did, it would make no difference.  Politicians in developed nations during such a crisis will “cherry-pick” what advice is politically acceptable – and  this will be a fatal mistake their successors will one day regret.

My take, for what it's worth, Brothers and  Sisters, is this:Let "Judas" have his 30 pieces of silver:-just look out for yourself and your loved ones.

Patrick Emek,18th September, 2021



Saturday 17 April 2021

Military Situation In Yemen




Monday 5 April 2021


Saudi Arabia is showing genuine concern that Marib could be lost to Ansar Allah, and it is doing all but impossible to defend it.

On April 3rd, media reported that Riyadh had deployed US-made MIM-104 Patriot air-defense systems to Marib, in an attempt to avoid the most negative scenario:

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Attacks On U.S. Supply Convoys In Iraq


The United States no longer contracts to bring vital supplies direct to various locations in Iraq.

It's logistics firms have subcontracted this work to companies based in Bahrain Qatar and Abu Dhabi.

These firms directly contract Iraqi trucking companies to carry the supplies.

Iraqi Resistance Groups have all pledged to continue the attacks on these convoys until all foreign troops leave Iraq.  PE