Friday 12 July 2013

Why Edward Snowden Decided On Asylum In Russia

With it's abysmal human rights record and levels of transparency both equating almost to
those of China,Edward Snowden nonetheless decided to request asylum in Russia.

The reasons are quite obvious.
Changes in political fortunes in Venezuela and Bolivia would mean certain extradition to
the United States.
In Nicaragua he is easily 'renderable' to the United States.

So what will Russia demand of it's new (and only, to the best of my knowledge) Western
political refugee fleeing 'persecution' for releasing 'classified' (Top Secret) documents whose confidentiality he was sworn under Government oath and by signature to protect?
Assuming political asylum is granted,no doubt, for some time,he will be a celebrity then like most traitors (and this is how the Kremlin will ultimately see him) he will be 'filed away'-'pensioned' off to an obscure non-sensitive job somewhere within the Russian Federation.
I am not sure if this individual has really thought out any of his plans-beyond his release
of his sensitive (former) workload.  I very much doubt it.
In view of this, I believe the State Department should show compassion for someone who is quite clearly confused and trapped-in a predicament of his own choice and making.
 If there was ever a case to 'do a deal' through an intermediary (a family member) now might be the time.
The whole situation is a fiasco-with one precipitous irrational action after another being taken to close the stable after this horse has bolted. 
Now is the time to end it-with some common sense.
With all the twists and turns in this debacle, it's certainly not the epilog-yet!

Patrick Emek

