Monday 30 September 2013


If there was ever a case for recall of House of Representatives and Senators it would be any man or woman who voted for the ceasing of Government administration and delivery of services to those who cannot afford alternative private sector hospitals,schools,social service facilities,leisure and recreational facilities for the very young and elderly.
The fact that they have made 'exceptions' to the shutdown cuts no ice with me.

The essence of the vote is to ensure a cessation of Federal services to fracture the American nation and have it turn upon itself  to find scapegoats in a frenzied blame game.
This is the objective of terrorists and not of democratically elected representatives of the American people.

Above The Law
Steven Seagal once starred in a film of the same name,this, and another similar, more true to aspects of  American life than one might imagine.
This particular issue is an argument between two Americas: one of privilege and one of poverty.
Between both is a very strong, but not so vibrant as in previous centuries, middle-class base. Middle America or silent America, which is rare to include itself,in majority and actively, in the debate between the two extremes.
So this America, majority America, is largely 'invisible'- except when it gets angry and motivated.
A historical example of it (young and educated Middle America) getting angry was when the Draft was introduced during the Vietnam War-meaning that the sons of Middle America,elite America and poor America would be equally subject to dying on the battlefield-a lesson never forgotten by successor Presidents and administrations. 
Playing God With The Lives of The Weak and The Helpless
Those of privilege and wealth believe they have a right to play God with the very existence of those who hold no power, no wealth and are totally dependent, for their very existence, on the whims of the former, who also believe that the lame, crippled, blind, homeless, unemployed,elderly,single parents dependent on welfare, should just 'disappear' from the State payroll check-since they regard welfare support as the epitome of evil
in this world.
The essence of their argument is this:
If you are not prepared to work for a slave wage then you don't deserve to exist.
If you can't motivate yourself to be independent of the State you don't deserve it's support.
The role of the State is only to support you when you have proved you are independent of it.
Again readers should not think that this viewpoint represents majority America.
It is a very powerful minority of politicians within the Republican Party and of very wealthy individuals and lobby groups in Washington which bankroll them to ensure votes in favor of the shutdown of government-and who hide behind these Senators and Representatives to avoid the consequences of their actions ever appearing in the public domain.   Readers should not think that these individuals, lobby groups individuals and private corporations represent the majority of average middle and fair America.  They do not.  They are a powerful minority which, laden with explosives, have hijacked Congress, put  guns to it's head and  threatened to pull the trigger-if they don't get what they want.  I do of course speak metaphorically, but this is in essence what they are doing.      Be in no doubt, this is exactly what these minority but very powerful - and well-supported financially- Senators (a few)  and House of Representative Members (39 hard-core) are doing today.                        [Of the 39, 9-11 represent areas which are so extreme in politics, they would make Adolf  Hitler look like a moderate-and are therefore very unlikely to be subject to recall.]                                                                                                                                    The very fact that nobody will actually say this (that the media is restrained in it's fair and balanced coverage
of this issue by it's private owners) on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, NBC or CBS should not just tell you something about mainstream media in America today but also what power this hidden group wield in the background, either as corporate owners or majority shareholders of major national and local media services.

Another thing which a few of you might have missed:
On the very day of the Shutdown,Obamacare, the greatest victory for health uninsured (or uninsurable) individuals in the history of the United States, became law.
By a very cruel trick, major media networks diverted preplanned U.S. Government coverage and information about this historic service (actually booked by the Government in slots on their networks from months ago) from this issue to the news about the actual shutdown of Government.
The explanation the producers of major networks concocted for not inviting Government Public Relations Officers to explain Obamacare on to their networks was their uncertainty about 'legal issues'-since the Shutdown-on the very day Obamacare became law 'confused' the legal issue (sic. of whether they could invite public servants on air during the Shutdown.)   In actual fact the real reason was that the media was scared of the consequences of offending  powerful corporate and individual owners  by inviting government officers to inform the public how to access the new insurance and care structure.  (I do of course exclude networks which, traditionally, have a disdain for everything the Obama administration produces.)

It is really a pity that the financial bill for this terrorist act cannot be extracted from these individuals and the corporations backing them.

I hope the American people do the right thing either before or at the forthcoming (and not too distant) elections by recalling all Congressmen and Women  guilty of the betrayal of democratic trust of the people, as a whole, whose interests they swore to equally uphold and defend.  They have now broken their oath of loyalty to the American people in an act of betrayal so cruel and so lacking in mercy, that the only recourse of Middle America is to now stand up as a united front, regardless of differences, to sweep the stable clean, clear the suffocating and overwhelming stench, and start afresh.   Those elected Public Representatives and Senators should now answer to the American people as a whole.
Perhaps the new intake will end up doing the same-ultimately.  This we do not know for certain.  What we do know without a doubt is that if there is no unity by the silent majority, to judge this betrayal, then America is just steps away from a political coup by  privileged, elite, super-rich who don't care if your neck is red or black, it's hanging material if you are not one of them.
Americans are privileged to still live in  country where the people can still express their anger in the proper way, through the ballot box, and consign this form of domestic terrorism, at the highest levels, to the back pages of history.
I hope the silent majority will all work together and contain their frustrations for the proper place and time.
If they do, the will of the people will most certainly triumph as day follows night.

If you find yourself locked out of your Federal building, welfare establishment, public park, library,public zoo or other State provision main or ancillary service this morning, with  little else to do, can access the internet, and if you might want to view the legislation for the recall of Congress Members, go to'0E%2C*PL[%3A%230  %0A

The message of the Administration appears garbled in this whole debate.

The media appears to portray the shutdown as an equal argument between two sides rather than what it really is-a hijack of the Federal government - with clearly defined and stated political objectives by the hijackers.

You can find information about the effects of this hijack - and who will be affected - at:

Are you considered a 'non-essential' Federal Officer or a recipient of Federal Services affected
by this Shutdown?  (I know that all Federal Officers are essential, but the 39 Republicans responsible for this Shutdown will only allow,what they call and consider to be 'essential' Officers to work during this Shutdown.  This is their definition, not mine.)
If you are a 'non-essential' or 'essential' Federal Officer,w hy not let the White House know how the Shutdown has affected your life?
You can do so at:

God Bless America!

Patrick Emek
October 2013