Tuesday 24 September 2013

          Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff Tells It As It Is?                                  

          ( United Nations General Assembly  2013 )


In a speech delivered a few hours ago President Rousseff blasts the U.S. for it's 'spying' activities.

This is very rich coming from the President of a a country where  99.9% of it's 75%+  (Black) Brazilian-African population are economically disenfranchised and hold absolutely no economic power in big business,trade,commerce and industry.   Not to mention the fact that more African- Brazilians die at the hands of Police 'death squads' each year than all the deaths in police custody (White and Black) in the United States.

                   A Few Little Known Facts About Brazil

Did you know.......................most Black Brazilians cannot get to University because of racial discrimination in the School system and by the Universities themselves...............

Did you know.......there have even been Black Brazilian student protests against apartheid inside Universities and against University boards decisions to exclude Black Brazilians............on racial grounds.......The University Admission Boards citing other reasons for exclusions of course................Brazil is not an advancing civilization where,as with J.F.K., the Attorney General, Robert Kennedy and even more so by their successor,President Lyndon B. Johnson (born at Stonewall,Texas) ,the U.S. National Guard is sent into States to enforce desegregation.  In Brazil the Police and army are sent in to enforce segregation and support the segregators - using prejudicial violence while breaking up these peaceful student protests with the pro-apartheid media services (press,television,radio) quite willingly suppressing these stories (or as Bob Dylan might have said-if Brazil had a Bob Dylan and a counterculture -which it doesn't - the media services 'going along for the ride.')                   These civil rights stories are only covered by (usually minority) sections of the foreign media. 

 ........Did you know...............The Government does not encourage it's Black Brazilian population to learn the English Language.................. I  wonder why? ......what will they learn through the medium of  English civilization and democracy,civil rights struggles and civil society not available in the Portuguese nor Hispanic worlds?.................................................

 Did you know...........more (native) Brazilian journalists have been murdered in Brazil by (contract) death squads in recent years....for telling the truth and investigative reporting..... than any other country in South America......the highest in the world at one point within the last 6 years....and  95% of all these political murders are unsolved...............

...............Did you know.......if you are Black in Brazil it's impossible to get a bank loan to start up a business or buy realty?.............................Banks simply don't lend to African-Brazilians to set up enterprises..........................

Did you know...that.....at the same time......The Brazilian Government actually encourages wealthy African-Americans to invest in Brazil saying (privately) that their own African-Brazilians are simply not motivated to start up businesses................................strange..........as most came originally from Nigeria,Senegal,the Gambia and Ghana........ cultures renowned in West Africa for enterprising self-motivated individuals...........................

.............You didn't know that at least 75 % of Brazil's population is African-Brazilian?  The government stopped keeping (honest) statistics on ethncicity some 10-20 years ago for fear of revolution if the glaring disparity was evidenced in Government statistics.                                     Lets face it....  if you don't have the stats you don't require any action...........................

You didn't know these facts?;..................perhaps YOU outta get better informed with  alternative media sources?......................

Perhaps President Rousseff might wish to address her forthcoming tsunamis of social, political and economic revolutions at home (against apartheid and economic disenfranchisement) before putting President Barack Hussein Obama, 44th President of the United States, in his place and be grateful for the fact that She has a place at the table in a real democratic forum;one which 75% of her fellow-citizens are denied back home?

( ...............Watch out for protests at the Brazilian Olympics as the dispossessed poor and underclasses show the world they are not just available for singing and dancing displays at Carnival time....................................)


Patrick Emek
September 25th  2013