Wednesday 30 October 2013

Michael  Shrimpton:Conspiracy Theorist or Harbinger?
'Spyhunter' (The Secret History of German Intelligence) by Michael Shrimpton, 2014
A draft of one of the most controversial intelligence books recently written popped through my mailbox several months ago.   It was from an old colleague, Michael Shrimpton.  Some will argue that it is not an intelligence book at all but a jumbled collection of conspiracy theories woven into faction.
Spyhunter is essentially about a fabled German spy network which was never dismantled after World War II, the DVD.   If I am to be really precise, we first talked about this book 3 years ago and, with Michael's agreement, I pulled a review just before it went to print.   What I don't want to do is to fall either into the conspiracist nor into the 'Whodunnit?' trap.  Conspiracists will agree with Michael's analysis - as it fits several other patterns they have already revealed.   The problem here is, just because you don't agree with conspiracists that doesn't mean that there is absolutely no truth in everything they allege (!)
Edward Heath,British Prime Minister
Firstly, Ted Heath made a lot of enemies when he took Britain into Europe.   Many in the Tory Party believed he had 'sold out' and this was unforgivable.  Indeed the argument about Europe and Britain's place in it rages on today within the rank and file membership so it continues to remain a highly divisive issue.
Gay Politicians and Statesmen -When It Was Illegal To be Gay
We know that several world statesmen are Gay, but this does not mean that they are child molesters or murderers - which Michael alleges of one in his book. The problem here is that you can say anything about anybody - if they are dead - they have no comeback!
Chairman Mao and Paedophile Rings
Secondly we know that Chairman Mao used paedophile rings, gays and lesbians to blackmail political opponents - but so too did (do) many other intelligence agencies I can think of throughout the world.
The Cambridge Soviet Spies & The DVD
Cambridge is again dug up as a nest of Gay recruits to MI6 - but I have been reading about this since at least 10 years before the time I knew Anthony Verrier (Through The Looking Glass,1983) - we both served on the Editorial Board of The European Review.   So again, what's new Michael? Anthony Verrier's contacts were highly reliable and none were 'cookies'.  Sadly in this area, when individuals think you have a contact source in intelligence, a lot of fruitcakes want to either attach you to fruit and nut causes - or rope you in as a committee member.  I recently had to extract myself from one such situation (where a 'tutti frutti' -  nutcase/mentally unbalanced individual - had ensconced on a committee with the sole purpose of compromising me) and that took almost one year!  So this matter of the reliability of sources is of utmost importance where 'smoke and mirrors' are involved.
Princess Diana - Murder or a Tragic Accident?
Michael's revelations about the death of Princess Diana are likewise controversial - but again, other than blaming the DVD, there is little new information here.   Of course if you are German, you will most likely be either incensed or indeed delighted to know that almost everything in the world for the past 1300 years, indeed even the origin of Islam itself (!) can be attributed to German Intelligence!
The Hidden Sexual Proclivities of World Politicians
The hidden sex life of world politicians is always titillating - and it's so sad that Michael did not 'go to town' on this matter-as there are a lot of' 'hetero' scandals out there which would have given such added 'spice' to a book which became bogged slightly down in 'kiddie sex' politicians - to the point of boring the reader.  I won't rewrite Michael's book-but there are heirs and spares (even to Royal thrones) whose true lineage is just as interesting and the the general public would go ape (!) to know about such matters.
Deja Vu?
Michael's book becomes a read, almost of, 'read it all before, heard it all before, seen it all before - so what's new?'  However, I must not be too critical because to weave an intelligence book of 800 pages requires a wonderful talent in itself.   I have kept my ear to the ground over the years so perhaps have heard more 'backtalk' than that which many people would ever encounter.   The revelations in Spyhunter will most certainly amaze and stupify a whole new generation
Faction Sells Better Than Reality
Several months ago I was at a low-key reception for a very senior politician.  I met with someone and afterwards we exchanged emails.   I said to him that these days people don't want hard facts and a dull analysis of politics or history, they want everything to be 'jazzed up' - sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll will always keep them (readers) awake.   No 'dry' book about politics and political events will ever sell today as well as one with politicians caught with their 'trousers down' or 'skirts up' and 'in the act'.  If you add brothel scenes and orgies, murder of gay lovers and everything else in the stable, you are probably guaranteed to make enough to retire on your first book!    Shrimpton covers the field quite well - so it would not at all surprise me if Spyhunter is a runaway success.
What I am absolutely sure of is that no 18-23 year-old university undergraduate will fall asleep whilst reading Spyhunter - as they most certainly will with the rest of the 'stuffy' prescribed literature!   And they may actually be motivated to take a real interest in history as a subject; hopefully with a very critical eye.
Markus Wolf and Inga Haag
Michael mentions Markus Wolf - one of the last of the Old World's foremost (and greatest) Cold War spymasters.   But for many years I knew Inga Haag, Britain's foremost spy in Admiral Canaris' Office during World War II.    She showed me a lot of unknown and unpublished material from the days of the Third Reich - all of which is now in the hands of her biographer, a confidant, whom I will not name.   Indeed I was sworn to never reveal where Inga lived - and I knew someone 2 doors away, a socialite, who was quite angry with me when I told her after Inga's death, whom she had been living beside for many years.   Inga would never call herself 'German'.    All her life she remained a 'Prussian'.    The frown on her face and a cursory glance at her watch when I was seconds late reminded me she was still keeping Prussian time - and I dared not repeat the offence twice!   I often felt like a puppy being scolded and on such occasions (yes, unfortunately, there was more than one!) even though Inga did not say a word, I felt like finding some dark place in the corner of the reception room to hide away until her irritation subsided and I could crawl back to the table some seconds whilst her attention was diverted to other matters.   Don't misunderstand me, if you knew Inga well, you knew where she lived.    And she had many friends.    It was not a state secret.   Most people not within her circle, knew little about her background.   We never agreed on how to tackle social issues and, politically, I think , that I was something of a disappointment to Inga, but we agreed to differ.   Inga was highly respected and she also carried one of the first issued NATO passports I ever saw.    So I knew of Markus Wolf, in passing conversation, with Inga at her home.   I had read about the legendary Markus Wolf but never imagined I would have the privilege of discussing with one who knew him.     It's not often you can call someone a legend in their own lifetime but Wolf fits this bill.    Markus knew of Inga from the 'old days' of the Third Reich.    If they ever met before the War it could not have been after 1933 and may have been at a social or societal function when they were both quite young, but I do not know this to be fact.   That not being the case, there were many opportunities in the closing days of World War II when both the Allies and The Soviet Union were vying with each other for top Nazis and Anti-Nazis - with something to offer - and prepared to jump ship in exchange for a new life and anonymity behind the Iron Curtain or in The United States. 
Inga was part of the plot to assassinate Hitler at the Wolf's Lair and only through careful pre-planning and a little bit of luck did she herself avoid the firing squad or the meat hook.  Claus von Stauffenberg and many other co-conspirators were not so fortunate.
 An excellent article by Jason Hiller:'Shaken, not Stirred: Markus Wolf's Involvement in the Guillaume Affair and the Evolution of Foreign Espionage in the Former DDR', published in 'Voces Novae', Chapman University Historical Review,Vol 3, No.1, 2012; may throw some light on where they could have encountered each other, given the difficult circumstances Wolf and his family found themselves in after the Nazis came to power.    I only met Markus Wolf once, in London, whilst chaperoning Inga (who was now in failing mental health, a shadow of her former wonderful sharp-minded self) to a small gathering at a private club off Pall Mall.    Michael was present at this gathering and I introduced him, for the first time, to Inga.   I studied a video on You Tube ('The Secret Vault') in which Michael describes an encounter with Markus Wolf where he addresses him with formal military rank title.   I had initially thought this was during or after a formal intelligence debriefing but Michael assures me this was not the case.   Michael's description of Mr Wolf's reaction was reminiscent to me of an extract from a classic war movie 'Where Eagles Dare' (Story and Screenplay by Alistair MacLean) and I suspect Mr Wolf, as first a former East German Officer and Gentleman (!) reacted exactly how the situation required.  'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' (John le CarrĂ©, 1974) and 'The Puzzle Palace' ( James Bamford, 1982 ) are probably the nearest anyone might ever get to this frame of thinking where everything is just one great big puzzle waiting to be solved.   I grew up with German children as intimate friends for the better part of my childhood - the Braun Family as I recall - (I don't think any relation to Eva Braun - but I really don't know as they moved away when I was about 10 or 11 years of age) and who lived above a shop opposite Trinity College.  So I understand the mentality very well - just in case Michael will more likely say: 'ah yes but you know nothing about Jerry!' .   A further criticism is that Michael does not cover the best spy agencies in the world - those famed for their use of sex, drugs and everything else.   Michael might respond by saying 'well we wouldn't want to cover what the good guys and gals do!'; but that reduces your coverage to a very limited and narrow viewfinder making it impossible to paint a reliable picture of the contemporary world of espionage.   I suppose the subtitle 'The Secret History of German Intelligence' might preclude others - but, even if the DVD exist, they cannot operate in a vacuum.
NSA/CIA Military Satellite Diverted In Hunt For The DVD
As to Michael having the influence to divert an NSA /CIA satellite (watch 'The Secret Vault' on You Tube)  for look down elsewhere, all I can say is I doubt that without recommendation from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Director of the CIA, FBI, FDA ,the DEA, NSA or another Government Department or Agency or in preparation for a major covert operation, such an event can occur.    It's not an impossibility (reliable intelligence on the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden might be an occasion for such access/diversion request) but I would be very nervous if military satellites are indeed being diverted at the whims of private citizens (and non-U.S. nationals) to follow up their own free-range private intelligence operations or research.    Michael has told me that, because of the high grade nature of his contacts, it is never possible to compromise intelligence sources by revealing who and when it happened.   Only what, where and how events unfolded can be relayed.   As it stands therefore, we have to believe Michael in this matter on faith alone.  
In Central America, I once encountered a senior CIA operative, living in the safest place in town, and if someone had information which might have been useful, he did have the authority to make such a request, based on hard intelligence.   As it happened, I was not engaged in military intelligence harvesting and therefore had nothing to offer - but the point here is that maybe with the right contacts, something along the lines Michael describes just might be possible. 
The 'Execution' of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris
Quite rightly Michael has said that there is no first-hand account about this matter.  Intelligence Officers have not been unknown to make themselves invisible – forever after - and Canaris was one of the best.   If this were to be true, Soviet Intelligence (NKGB - possibly even involving the young Markus Wolf) or the OSS  and the CIA would have played no small part.  These 'ifs' are, however, speculation, as no hard evidence exists to suggest Canaris survived the failed plot.
Seal Team 6
I was hesitant whether to include anything about the fact that team  members which took out Bin Laden were killed when a Chinook crashed having been struck by Taliban fire while on another mission. I have my own theory, which, for security reasons, I will not elaborate.  What is more important is that many, including Michael Shrimpton, are convinced that the mission was betrayed.  Michael has very persuasive arguments as to why this was the case - and his revelations and conclusions are equally startling.
Madeleine McCann
Michael mentions the Madeleine McCann unsolved disappearance.  Good taste does not allow me to elaborate on his theories - which are also available at 'The Secret Vault' on You Tube, only to say that in our many discussions about aspects of Spyhunter (sometimes page by page or chapter by chapter) I did caution about the wisdom of such idle speculation, without any solid foundations nor evidence, knowing the hurt it will most likely cause her parents.   I have to say here I don't believe a word of Michael's theory - but many conspiracists will.    At the end of the day, it is his book and he is entitled to write it as he see's fit.
Spyhunter – Fact, Fiction, Faction or Conspiracist - Judge For Yourself
In conclusion, Spyhunter, when eventually released, will either be a monumental success or a monumental failure.    In a world of 'smoke and mirrors' you can say anything about anyone - no proof required - as sources can be deemed 'unattributable' - substituting for solid hard facts and evidence.    As to the historical relevance of Spyhunter; well, what exactly is history, if not a jumbled kaleidoscope of faction - spoils to the victor?

Spyhunter,The Secret History of German Intelligence, by Michael Shrimpton

additional references:

© Patrick Emek  2013

Friday 25 October 2013

                Edward Snowden IS Now A Spy

      NSA, World Leaders, and Eavesdropping

The latest  releases of data  have caused me to revise my opinion of Edward Snowden.  It is clear that he is intending to do maximum damage to the U.S. and it's international standingWhile it could be argued that some of the information he released could be deemed to be of public interest,clearly continuing to make available reams of information which only facilitate the ability of hostile intelligence agencies worldwide to subvert the U.S. and it's allies, is so damaging that, by default or intent he is making it impossible to ever return home to the United States without very serious charges of espionage being applied, without leniency.   Firewalling world communications is exactly the scenario which will facilitate. for example, analytics networks in (or controlled by) China and Russia to replace the United States. Russia has, for a long time, been unhappy with the dominance of U.S. communication networks and their monopoly on information.   This has been assessed as one of the reasons the Russian Federation has been unable to compete globally with the United States. (In actual fact the real reason, as I said about a week ago to a Ukrainian national, is because Russia has nothing to offer developing countries in Africa and Asia-apart from oil and gas, subservience, neocolonialism and racist imperialism on a scale far worse than that provided in the last century by Western Europe and which most African, Asian and Caribbean nations will simply reject when they see it for what it is.) There are no more opaque intelligence services than those of countries such as Russia and China-both of which are continually spying on their own people 24/7 -and the rest of the world- without a modicum of checks nor balances.  I often say to educated African and Asian citizens who criticize American 'imperialism' that they should go to Moscow or St. Petersburg sometime in the near future, try to set up a business and see how many days it will exist before being firebombed-as Jewish and other ethnic and religious minority businesses were during centuries of pogroms throughout Europe.   They should then try to set up a business in the Unites States and compare how their rights and liberties are protected under State and Federal law-and vigorously proactively upheld by all U.S. law enforcement authorities (the Police,FBI, The National Guard, The Armed Forces (as high as the Office of The President itself) and contrast that with the absence of protection of rights, at every level, for minorities in the Russian Federation.   How Mr Snowden could be so naive in this regard almost defies belief.   The only beneficiaries are quite clearly intelligence services which have not a shred of democratic accountability and which even resort to murder of their own citizens-worldwide. I refer to the French Intelligence Services (DGSE) sinking of the Greenpeace Ship, Rainbow Warrior, and murder of it's crew member, Fernando Pereira, as just one example.   The poisoning of  Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko - leaving a trail of polonium-210 across London-by persons (to date) unknown but suspected to be linked to Russia's Federal Security Service (FSS) was the first recorded case of an assassin(s) using a radioactive (nuclear) element to eliminate the enemy of a foreign State.   The world will most certainly become a more insecure place as China and Russia replace the U.S. as the chief monitoring agencies of global communications.   I would be very interested to know how China and Russia would react should Mr Snowden release such information about the working of their elaborate technological spy networks- satellite, electronic, digital and  'motherboard' short-circuits to fast-track intelligence routing.   I think that Mr Snowden already knows the answer to this question.  Having said the above, there must be avenues for internal disaffected individuals to take grievances on grounds of conscience to lawmakers without fear of punishment nor loss of income-other than reassignment to different roles and locations.   Until these matters can also be addressed, Mr Snowden  will not be the last to believe he can bring positive outcomes to world events through the release of divisive information which he had sworn to protect.

Patrick Emek

Thursday 24 October 2013

Murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Benghazi Libya

                      -White House Whitewash-

Lobby Your Congressman & Congresswoman To Support a Bipartisan Resolution:

H.Res.36 - Establishing a select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States Consulate in Benghazi, Libya

Sponsor:Congressman Frank Wolf  (R-VA 10th District)

Cosponsors:  177 (to date)

To view this Bipartisan Resolution go to:


The House Armed Services Committee investigating the role of the military in the failure to rescue Ambassador Stevens and his team have concluded that the military are not to blame, the Ambassador could not have been saved during the eight hours he and his Staff fought off the butchers of Benghazi-Saudi-backed Jihadi Salafists - because military assets were 'poorly postured' and that if there is any blame for this, it lies with the Department of Defense and the then Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta, and not with military commanders.

Like Judases, they are all washing their hands of the blood of Ambassador Stevens and his Staff as they move blame for the Ambassador and his Staff deaths and the terrible injuries sustained by his guards around the political table.

I believe that, thanks to Rep. Frank Wolf, the families of the victims of this butchery, people of America and the world, will eventually get to the truth about why Ambassador Stevens and his Staff were butchered whilst 'poorly postured' assets were repeatedly told to 'stand down'.

Do lobby your Congressman or Congresswoman to ensure they support Re. Frank Wolf's Bipartisan Resolution to bring closure for the victims of this massacre, those who survived with terrible injuries, their families, the citizens of the United States and, because of the international dimension to these events, the rest of the world.

Patrick Emek

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Volgograd Bus Bombing

The recent terrorist bombing of a bus in Volgograd,Russia, should send alarm bells to all
cities in Europe and the United States. First I would like to express my sincere condolences to the victims and all of their families.  I do not know (nor probably will ever know nor meet)  the families of the victims, but I do feel their pain and suffering and my sincerest of condolences go out to them. At an earlier phase of my life, whilst in Sri Lanka, during a very bloody war between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan Army (SLA), I continually traveled on civilian buses which Sri Lanka military personnel were visibly using to get to and forth their destinations.  On many occasions there were more soldiers on the bus between Colombo and Kandy-Trincomalee/Batticaloa than there were civilian passengers-myself being the exception.  The Tamil Tigers were probably the most ruthless terrorist organization I had ever encountered.    The Irish Republican Army (IRA) were wrongly accused of setting off bombs on buses.  To the best of my knowledge the IRA never deliberately targeted civilians on buses.  They were 'unlucky' (their assessment) in that bombs in transit and destined for elsewhere prematurely exploded. and killed civilians.  The resulting carnage from such incidents caused this insurgency group to revise their strategies to attempt to target, what they regarded as 'military' targets.  From my recollection, the Army Council of the IRA always denied deliberately targeting civilians.  The CIA had penetrated the Republican Movement in Northern Ireland during the years of 'the troubles' to an extent little known as yet by the British public.   Rather bizarrely, the IRA were fully aware of this-and did little to deter it during the entire period of  the Northern Ireland conflict.  For these reasons, and also for reasons of historical background, it was never IRA policy to deliberately target non-political and non-security personnel, notwithstanding collateral damage.  With Islamic Jihadis,Al Qaeda and other Islamist groups, whether in Russia or elsewhere,we are talking about a religion which basically has been hijacked by fanatics who place little or no value on civilian life. They argue that all civilians are targets because they are brothers, sisters,uncles,aunts sons, children of the infidel or oppressor are unclean and therefore legitimate targets for murder-which of course Allah has told them he will reward them for the performance of this task as they are bringing nearer his Islamic Kingdom on Earth.  But the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka,as with Islamic Jihadi fanatics, deliberately targeted civilians as a matter of policy-on  buses and  at rail stations-at the height of the school, lunch and evening  rush hours-when children and parents with children were waiting for their buses-resulting in absolute carnage on a horrific scale I do not wish to remember nor relate.  What I will say is that the body parts of children and babies-heads and torsos-is not a sight to be easily erased from memory.  They did this for 'shock and awe' effects.  So I took the same risks as SLA troops on public transport throughout Eastern and Western and South Sri Lanka.  I was just lucky.  As in the UK, the effects of such bombings in Sri Lanka only increased the resilience of the local people to reject extremist violence and the resolve of the Government to reject acts of extreme terror and increased support for the government in it's fight against the terrorists. The reason such a terrorist attack in Volgograd  should trigger alarm in Western capital cities is because young Muslims are being encouraged to join Jihadi Salafist brigades in Syria, Somalia and Yemen. These are young, impressionable teenagers who are brainwashed into thinking that Islam is under attack or that what they will be doing is in the cause of a 'Holy War'. For some of those who survive and return, psychologically scarred, from Syria and elsewhere to Europe, their experiences of Jihad will be transferred into training and motivating others.  This in itself will pose a problem for authorities.  My concern however is for those who will advocate direct action in Europe as a means to influence Western European (EU) policy in the Middle East.   It is well known that Western Europeans have a high value for individual liberty,individual life and personal freedom of the individual.  This is perceived as a weakness ripe for exploitation by Jihadi fanatics.   One bomb in St. Petersburg or Moscow is worth 100 in Omsk or Talnakh.  The same can be said of one bomb in Oslo,Stockholm,Copenhagen,Amsterdam Brussels,Rome,Madrid,London and Paris.  It's increasingly becoming more difficult to identify volunteers who are traveling to war zones- as such are likely to change their passports when, say, in Sudan, Egypt,Saudi Arabia,and Turkey for other passports-more easily to obtain from 'sympathetic' elements within foreign ministries. I came across such facilitating the transit of Taliban fighters after 9/11 in late 2001 early 2002  from Afghanistan through Pakistan to other destinations-such as Indonesia.  Not long after the Nairobi (Kenya) terrorist attack on a Shopping Mall which also resulted in the tragic loss of innocent Kenyan and expatriate lives in a public environment, I met with individuals with close links to Israel.   As a recipient of such terrorism over many years, Israelis have developed elaborate security preventative measures to protect it's citizens.  We discussed how could the Kenyan authorities have been so lax in security to have allowed such an event to occur.  My response was that 100% security for everywhere all of the time is a physical impossibility and in a developing country like Kenya, even more difficult to achieve.   There are close links between Israel and Kenya on security transit and terror issues but even so, the nature of modern urban insurgency can never guarantee total success all of the time.   So how do intelligence services identify such individuals?   To answer this question would give potential terrorists a head start so I will just say is that by  increased vigilance and security it is becoming increasingly easier to identify such persons by profile characteristics-which even they are unaware of.   In addition to this a complete halt must be made to all Imams and preachers who have been trained in Saudi Arabia-and those already 'in situ' should be deported on grounds of national security-if they are non-nationals.   If they are nationals and have received training in Saudi Arabia,Somalia, or Iran or Yemen or Sudan or Algeria or Pakistan, their sermons must be carefully screened for public incitement content and if found to be inciting hatred, they should be immediately removed from all public and private sermon provisions with the sanction of hefty financial penalties and imprisonment for incitement to hatred or on 'hate crime'  charges,also carrying mandatory 15-20 year mandatory bans on further preaching, on the grounds of public safety.  So there are practical measures which Western countries can proactively take to prevent repeats of Volgograd and Nairobi.  It is not feasible nor practical to work on security anti-terrorist cooperation agreements with The Russian Federation as there are many parts of the Russian Federation where there are disputes with Europe and America about the validity of territorial claims-South Ossetia being just one example- may well result in a deluge of unjustified demands for the deportation from Western countries and the United States of political activists involved in legitimate democratic protest and activism of a non-violent nature and within the laws of their host countries.   The emergency services in Western Europe are well-prepared for emergency responses-given their previous experiences of terrorism.   What one can never predict is the asymmetric nature of the attack-often confounding preplanned anti-terrorist response models. Perhaps the one factor which is common to all preventative agencies is vigilance. Lets hope that the politicians will manage to resolve world conflicts in such a way so that such vigilance becomes a  relics of a bygone age and we can all again move about in a safer world.

Patrick Emek

Friday 18 October 2013

Murder of  U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens by the Butchers of Benghazi-A Further Revelation

A further matter has now come to light which would appear to confirm that there is much more to the murder of Christopher Stevens and members of his team than just gun running to Islamic Jihadis.

CIA Director John Brennan has reportedly requested all survivors of the Benghazi Embassy carnage to voluntarily provide lawmakers (who have been asking him repeatedly, on behalf of the victims families) with all that they know about what took place.  This, Mr Brennan has said, is an entirely voluntary process and can be done without going through the usual internal CIA reporting administrative channels, if they so choose.  Something however does not square up.   All of these survivors have been subjected to internal lie detector tests every quarter, rather than the usual every 3-5 years.  This is unusual in itself and would appear to suggest that, even though Mr Brennan has said that they can contact and speak with lawmakers (Members of Congress) without going through official internal channels and in confidence, for those that take this course of action, there can be no confidentiality.  

This lends further credence to what exactly is being covered up is far more than just gun-running to the enemy.    There is a belief, as I have stated earlier, that advanced weapons have fallen into the hands of terrorists.  The exact circumstances as to how this occurred, are, at present, unclear.   Are we to wait until an El-Al civilian airliner is targeted on take-off or landing from afar?; or perhaps an aircraft carrying a Head of State or perhaps an aircraft carrying U.S. Senators or Representatives?   There is more than an urgency with which all the issues connected with the Benghazi siege and butchery need to be addressed.  It is better that the world knows now than wait until events unfold - with Islamic Jihadi terrorists calling the shots.   There is a way forward, and it's not through Congressional Intelligence Committees and Sub-Committees.       Mr Brennan and others must be subpoenaed to appear before a specially convened Congressional Committee.  Only through this course of action can the whole truth be revealed about how and why an Ambassador and his team were left abandoned to be butchered in Benghazi together with the other issues which not only affect national but also international security.   

Patrick Emek

Wednesday 16 October 2013

On The Motion to Concur With The Senate Amendments

     Capitol Hill,Washington,D.C.                                                      Wednesday,16th October,2013,22.25

        Children Vote to end School Shutdown:

Yea                       Nay                              Non Voting

285                       144                                      3

............................that is.....................until after the School Christmas Holidays on January 15th, 2014........................



                 Estimated Cost to The Nation:

             Anywhere between $24-55bn dollars


     Estimated Cost In Human Misery:   Incalculable

Sunday 13 October 2013

Murder Of Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Benghazi Libya

What Are President Obama and The Speaker of The House of Representatives, John Boehner, Really Covering Up?

It is traditional in U.S. politics for the President to brief The Speaker in ultra-sensitive matters, regardless of colors.     It has always been accepted that National Security, defense and foreign policy transcend local politics, which, as we see at present, can get infantile.     For this reason, a sensitive operation to, say, supply America's foes in the Syria, through Turkey (the difficult to seal Kurdistan border region) or Saudi Arabia, with advanced weapons, would be a subject the President would not want Members to address in Congress.       One way to ensure this would be to fully keep Representative Boehner 'in the loop'.     Nobody could  anticipate that such an operation could have ended the way that it did.      The fact is that it resulted in carnage inside the Benghazi Embassy (I have always called it an Embassy because when The Ambassador is present in an official capacity and conducting affairs of State from within, it is no longer a Consulate.)      

There is no blame being ascribed to either The President or Representative Boehner but both need to come clean about exactly why, on several occasions, rescue teams from different locations were repeatedly told, in the ensuing hours while the Ambassador and his team bravely held out against the butchers of Benghazi (a Salafist Jihadi militia linked with Al Qaeda), to stand down.   

There is no evidence to suggest that such a rescue operation could have been successful.    Even the best planned operations - as we saw with the Iran hostage rescue attempt by President Jimmy Carter - can result in disaster through sheer unpredictable events.  There may well have been a whole series of miscalculations - that the Ambassador was being held as a hostage and that he and his Staff could be released through rational negotiations.  (One thing I have learned is that  when dealing with religious fanatics, rational negotiations should be the last option to consider.)     The fact that it was still unknown exactly who had taken Embassy Staff hostage may have added to the indecision.    Whatever the case, the American public, and the world, should be told the truth.  

Are there batches (not one or two but a batch or batches) of Stinger surface-to-air missiles in the hands of both Sunni and Shia militants in Syria and Iran respectively, and now active, having been reprogrammed?    Has control been lost of one or two or even an entire batch?     If so, how did this happen?  

Not long after 9/11 when discussing events with an individual, I said that civilian air transportation as we know it will come to an end on the day several airlines are brought down simultaneously and worldwide with surface-to-air missiles by terrorists.   (I repeated another similar scenario with regard to usage of  surface-to-surface missiles to a Staff member at the British Embassy in Berlin about eight years later when I was a transient guest with a visiting delegation, mindful of how just a rudimentary (surface-to surface) version had almost assassinated the (then) British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, at her Official Residence, 10 Downing Street.) 

The President and Speaker Boehner need to reassure a worried planet that U.S. foreign policy actions have not, knowingly or unwittingly, brought this day closer.    And if they have what steps are they taking to redress the situation?     A missile or batch originally supplied with intent for other purposes could well be used to bring down civilian airlines tomorrow if foreign policy decisions have resulted in arsenals being held at unknown locations by terrorists.         


Patrick Emek                                                          

Thursday 10 October 2013

Ali Zeidan, Libyan Prime Minister, Kidnapped-then Released-by Terrorists

                               - More Chaos In Libya -

It should come as no surprise that the ensuing chaos following the brutal murder of Colonel Gadhafi - which was publicly applauded by Western politicians - is continuing.   Our decision to renege on our responsibilities for bringing the murderers to justice culminated in the impunity with which another murderous faction then went on to brutally slay U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.  Again we see yet another murderous faction kidnap at will the country's Prime Minister, Ali Zeidan, from what was said to be the safest place in Tripoli -The Corinthia Hotel.   The fact that he was released hours later should give no security assurances to any foreigner doing business with one or another faction of the (so-called) Libyan 'government'.  Libya is the new base for Al Qaeda and all factions of Salafist jihadi militias in North Africa - thanks to our intervention into the chaotic internal political affairs of yet another brutal Arab regime.   When will our politicians get the message that there is nothing to be gained by overthrowing brutal dictators in the Arab world only to see them replaced with fanatical religious zealots - even more blood-thirsty than their predecessor tyrants?   There is not a single Arab country where recent intervention by the West (The European Union and The United States) has created stability.        But Libya is an exception.   Libyans have never known 'democracy' and it certainly will not be parachuted in on the backs of MacDonalds and Pizza Hut.  Like most Arab Middle East countries, in Libya we are talking tribal, ethnic, superstitious and uneducated masses which have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th and 21st centuries on the backs of petro-dollars -but whose perceptions of the world are rooted in the 7th-8th century-and Islam has taught the masses not to move very far beyond this frame of thinking for the conduct of their daily lives.   What secular Muslim societies that had a fledgling existence we (the West) have destroyed in favor of religious extremists.           We should not blame the uneducated masses in these countries for the chaos - it was created by external interventions to secure strategic resources.    We were unhappy with the 'deals' already on the table and thought that doing business with the religious extremists would ensure more favorable terms.

Foreign policy today is dictated by global multinationals which have not one iota of a clue how to govern a country - only how to extract it's resources.   So to them, the loss of lives - be they hundreds of thousands or millions - is totally irrelevant as it does not need to appear on the profit and loss balance sheets.  

 Libya presents a very clear and present danger to Southern Europe.  Gadhafi facilitated  the EU to halt the passage of  illegal migrants from all parts of Africa through Libya to Europe.  What happens if these Jihadi Militias use such (innocent) migrants as 'political' weapons?   Potentially they could flood, to the point of overwhelming the capabilities of the EU  countries to both prevent and detain such illegal migrations, across the Mediterranean.  So the next 'terror attack' could well be a concerted plan to overwhelm resources and facilities in Southern Europe with illegal migrants-literally forced out of Libya by Jihadi militias onto hundreds or even thousands of boats - at gunpoint with the sole aim of destroying the infrastructures of Southern European Union countries - already reeling and buckling from economic austerity brought about by the world recession.  

Having some understanding of the tactics of these very evil people, how are we to know that they would not deliberately sink hundreds of boats with tens of thousands of illegal migrants on board, in the middle of the Mediterranean, to cause maximum political impact in mainland Europe?  Indeed how are we to know that the planning of  'terrorist' attacks of this nature has not already begun, specifically in Libya?; which has no functioning central administration.

I do not blame these poor people who may well have paid smugglers from as far afield as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Central Africa, West Africa to get them into Europe.  They are no different than any other immigrants seeking  better lives for themselves and their families.  They are unfortunate to be choosing a time to emigrate illegally when Europe is in the depths of a major economic recession and also redefining itself as Judeo-Christian Europe.   In my opinion, at this present moment in time, they would be better off seeking a new life in fellow- Muslim countries where their traditions, cultural values and practices would be more accepted - and seeking sanctuary, refuge and economic opportunity in Muslim societies whose values they and their families would willingly be able to easily adapt to - rather than be faced with daily conflicts and challenges in Christian societies whose value systems they would most certainly reject, despise, and some may well find themselves in perpetual conflict with and ultimately either hate their host countries or, even worse, wish to impose their values on reluctant majority Christian populations.    It's a terrible dilemma and I do not profess to have an answer.   What I do know is that if we allow this chaos in Libya to continue it will permeate the whole of North Africa as Al Qaeda establishes itself in it's new base - just miles off the coastline of  Europe - that is, in anarchic Libya.   One solution might be to place Libya under a 'Protectorate' Muslim administration-perhaps initially that of Egypt - and then attempt to move the country toward normalcy and civil society over a period of 20-50 years. 

There are no easy solutions-and in the meanwhile only expect bad news from Libya for the foreseeable future.          


Patrick Emek

October 10th   2013                                                     

Wednesday 9 October 2013

       The Day After Tomorrow

(Day 8: Terrorist Shutdown of the U.S. Federal Government)

President Obama explains the Shutdown:

"If you're in negotiations around buying somebody's house, you don't get to say, 'Well, let's talk about the price I'm going to pay, and if you don't give the price then I'm going to burn down your house.' That's not how negotiations work.... In the same way, members of Congress -- and the House Republicans in particular -- don't get to demand ransom in exchange for doing their jobs. And two of their very basic jobs are passing a budget and making sure that America is paying its bills."
(President Barack H. Obama)

If you want to see and read what the Media will not let you hear nor see in full about what The President has to say about the Federal Government Shutdown go to:

Thursday 3 October 2013


           Shutdown:Domestic Terrorism:Day 3:

 (Shutdown Of The U.S. Federal Government By Domestic Terrorists)

 Are You Considered A 'Non Essential' Federal Officer?

(This is the definition of your post by the people responsible for this Shutdown and not by myself)


 Are you a Recipient of Federal Services Affected By This Shutdown and have access to the Internet?

        If you are then you may have some spare time at this moment.

You can still tell David Simas, Deputy Senior Advisor at The White House, how this shutdown has affected your life and that of your family: 


Please refer to the previous post for other essential websites not shutdown