Friday 18 October 2013

Murder of  U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens by the Butchers of Benghazi-A Further Revelation

A further matter has now come to light which would appear to confirm that there is much more to the murder of Christopher Stevens and members of his team than just gun running to Islamic Jihadis.

CIA Director John Brennan has reportedly requested all survivors of the Benghazi Embassy carnage to voluntarily provide lawmakers (who have been asking him repeatedly, on behalf of the victims families) with all that they know about what took place.  This, Mr Brennan has said, is an entirely voluntary process and can be done without going through the usual internal CIA reporting administrative channels, if they so choose.  Something however does not square up.   All of these survivors have been subjected to internal lie detector tests every quarter, rather than the usual every 3-5 years.  This is unusual in itself and would appear to suggest that, even though Mr Brennan has said that they can contact and speak with lawmakers (Members of Congress) without going through official internal channels and in confidence, for those that take this course of action, there can be no confidentiality.  

This lends further credence to what exactly is being covered up is far more than just gun-running to the enemy.    There is a belief, as I have stated earlier, that advanced weapons have fallen into the hands of terrorists.  The exact circumstances as to how this occurred, are, at present, unclear.   Are we to wait until an El-Al civilian airliner is targeted on take-off or landing from afar?; or perhaps an aircraft carrying a Head of State or perhaps an aircraft carrying U.S. Senators or Representatives?   There is more than an urgency with which all the issues connected with the Benghazi siege and butchery need to be addressed.  It is better that the world knows now than wait until events unfold - with Islamic Jihadi terrorists calling the shots.   There is a way forward, and it's not through Congressional Intelligence Committees and Sub-Committees.       Mr Brennan and others must be subpoenaed to appear before a specially convened Congressional Committee.  Only through this course of action can the whole truth be revealed about how and why an Ambassador and his team were left abandoned to be butchered in Benghazi together with the other issues which not only affect national but also international security.   

Patrick Emek