Tuesday 5 November 2013

Egypt in Turmoil (Part I)

                                  Egypt in Turmoil (Part I)

      Kangaroo Court Tries Donkey,Hyenas and Jackals

                  For Crimes Against Humanity


  Once Upon A Time:
The Donkey's Tale

Once Upon A Time there was a Donkey.
He heard voices which told him to establish
a Kingdom where all the other creatures in the land thought
the same, looked the same, prayed to the same God and worshiped
him as the Supreme Donkey.
The voices told him that only when all the other creatures
were forced to worship the same God would there be peace and
happiness forever in the country.
In his vision, he saw a land of milk and honey.
In reality he was looking at recent piles of hot smoking horse manure and cow shit.
But he was a Donkey-and to him a pile of hot manure smelt like
roses and exquisite bunches in abundance.

He troddled the length and breadth of the country, preaching the good news and trying to persuade all the other creatures, big and small to buy into his vision.
They were all horrified when he took them to where the
apparition had first occurred.
All they could see were piles of decaying
horseshit and cow dung. When he pointed to the piles and said in
ecstasy 'cast your eyes on this wonderful future I have in store and planned for you!', they all ran and flew away as fast as their little and big legs could carry them-elephants, monkeys, leopards, gazelles, gorillas, crocodiles, alligators, tortoises,ants, camels, eagles, hawks.
Birds,Geese and Flamingos flew away in their millions. There was a stampede to get as far away from the smell as was possible. All departed, except the hyenas and jackals.

The Hyenas and Jackals are scavengers. They saw great promise in a land where the Grim Reaper would provide an abundance of pickings for both of them – and the Donkey could lead the way.

And so it came to pass that turmoil abounded the length and breadth
of the land-bird sanctuaries were destroyed, wells were poisoned,
elephants were ambushed by the Armies of thousands of hyenas.
Every creature in the land was hunted by the hyena Armies without mercy.
Even the King of the Jungle feared for the life of his family-so his fierce roar was no longer heard throughout the land.
The jackals and hyenas were delighted.
With the spoils provided, they had enough eyes and flesh to gouge out and eat upon for a long long time. Indeed so many carcasses were piling up they held a special meeting to brainstorm how they could preserve the precious raw meat so that it would not rot too quickly.

Donkey had a new vision.
In it the Divine Creator told him that he wanted
all the creatures in the land to live in paradise.
Donkey told the hyenas and jackals to devise a plan so that
all the creatures could live in paradise.
''Well dear Leader, they said, all we need do is continue with your beautiful plan and all the creatures in this land will for sure be living in paradise!''

Donkey was elated.

The King of The Jungle is not called 'King' for no reason.
After his initial shock, he mustered up the courage to call
a meeting of all the surviving frightened
creatures and animals
in the land to unite them against this madness of the Donkey.

In the meanwhile, the Jackals and Hyenas took the Donkey on an inspection of their trophies.
'See how our actions are bringing your visions closer!', they exclaimed.
The Donkey was delighted.
Where there were rivers of blood from decaying and trampled-to-death bodies
Donkey only saw flowing streams of clear aquamarine and turquoise waters.
Where their were gouged out eyes and body parts
Donkey saw sparkling diamonds and endless fields of blooming
and scented flowers.
Where animals, their young and even unborn children were ripped from mothers' wombs and torn apart by the fanatical blood-soaked teeth of
hyenas in a blood-lust frenzy, Donkey only
saw smiles of joy
and cries of pleasure and delight.

And Donkey proclaimed:
''This is a wonderful gift you are giving me!
The Day of my Kingdom draws closer!
I can see it! I can feel it!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
How Can I ever repay you?''

The Jackals and Hyenas thought carefully for a minute and then said softly:
''You need do nothing O wonderful Leader but
continue to inspire us with more of your visions
of the promised land to come!
For without your wisdom, vision and
guidance, this land of milk and honey will never

Now I have started this story children, I am leaving the ending for all of you out there to finish for yourselves as you see fit.
The Rules are, you cannot alter anything to date and you must continue the story on the path of life it has taken to it's
inevitable, ultimate and final destination, wherever that might be.

Patrick Emek
November 2013