Saturday 21 December 2013

Passing Thoughts At the End  of  2013

Brazil Cancels Purchase of U.S. Military Hardware in Favor of Swedish Jet Fighters
In Protest Against NSA Spying

My only comment is that America should hold it's head high and rejoice knowing that it has not been chosen by the worlds foremost Apartheid regime to supply it with military hardware.
As with Nazi Germany, history will vindicate the U.S. when the 87% majority of it's disenfranchised African-Brazilian population win their freedom after decades (maybe centuries) of struggle against their oppressors and Brazil then takes its place amongst the club of civilized nations in the world.

''US, British media are servants of security apparatus'' 

 Glen Greenwald (former Journalist with The Guardian Newspaper,Great Britain, and first publicist of Edward Snowden's NSA classified material)

 published at Russia Today's website:

My only comment is.......very rich......coming from one who has now, subsequent to his resignation from The Guardian...sought residence in the world's foremost Apartheid regime, Brazil.

North Korea's Kim Jong Un
(Residing on a Planet Close To Earth)

Dennis Rodman in North Korea:
''Despicable Human Scum...worse than a dog!''

No it's not a continuation of my previous article but what the North Korea media is saying about Leader Kim's uncle and mentor-who he has just had executed.
It's extremely rare that I will ever say that someone is quite clearly on the wrong side of history.
It is with this in mind that I say I am 100 billion per cent certain that Dennis Rodman is definitely on the wrong side of history.
Only someone with not one iota of a brain could count the Dear Leader amongst their personal friends on this planet. (The Dear Leader's uncle,Jang Song Thaek, was even closer-and look what happened to him!)

Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.; January 17, 1942)

From what I hear, Muhammad Ali is not at all in the best of health.
I wish him Seasons Greetings and thank him for showing the world the peaceful non-violent side of Islam-before it was hijacked.  He provided a wonderful inspiration to me about the dignity of saying 'no', even when all of the world is laid before your feet, if only you will bow down and worship that which you know to be wrong. There must be many families in (then) North Vietnam who can be thankful to him and the many others (including William Jefferson Clinton) who followed in his path and who never fired a shot in anger nor shared one iota of responsibility for the deaths of any of their loved ones during the era of the U.S.- Vietnam War.

                       Colombia:Smart Bombs,GPS Tracking  & Location Intelligence   
Little discussed is how the NSA, over the past decade, assisted the Government of Colombia in the creation of a national computer and satellite intelligence center, instrumental in it's fight against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and The National Liberation Army. The project began in earnest after a Cessna with CIA Officers on board went down with engine failure in the Colombian jungle in 2003. The Colombian Officer on board was executed and others taken hostage.  It's only a matter of time however before all this technology is used to target world leaders at home in the United States and abroad-particularly in countries which have never thought themselves vulnerable to such an attack.  Thus is the nature of asymmetric warfare. So before our allies throw out the NSA they might prudently seek to identify an alternative provider in the event of such a national emergency.

Presidential Pardon For Edward Snowden & Chelsea Manning
I am still of the view that, as with Chelsea Manning, Snowden took an oath to keep confidential the secrets of his country. What message would a Presidential Pardon send to the enemies of the U.S. who are, at present, rubbing their hands with glee as they see America reel on the ropes of world humiliation whilst their own totalitarian spy networks bask in their sunshine of perpetual darkness?

Julian Assange

My views on Julian Assange have, likewise, not changed:
I believed at the time that his incarceration at the Ecuadorian Embassy in The United Kingdom was unjust,that he should be immediately released and offered safe passage to a country of his choosing.   I said this at the time publicly and I stand by it today.  He is a journalist.  His profession is to shed light into darkness.  If material becomes available his first recourse,as a journalist of integrity, is to decide whether he believes it's release is in the public interest, regardless of where it has been obtained from.   He never signed a confidentiality or secrets act so he is not subject to their provisions.  Legal steps can be taken within the law both to prevent publication and retrieve the stolen documents.   You may disagree with him, but he is just doing his job.

Patrick Emek, December 2013

Some of the most memorable images of Muhammad Ali can be found at the website