Monday 20 January 2014

Syria-Another Example of 'Peace In Our Time'?
The withdrawal of an offer to include Iran as part of the peace talks does not herald well either for the Syrian people nor for long-term peace. Before I explain why, it is important to add that from an American public perspective, so long as U.S. Forces are not being ordered to fight alongside or under Al Qaeda, most could not care whether Assad stays or goes,it has now become a non-issue.
Syria's Future Under Al Qaeda/Islamic Jihadi Emirates and Caliphates
Firstly, as with Afghanistan and Iraq, the rights of ordinary people will quickly disappear from CNN, Fox and other mainstream news bulletins after Al Qaeda affiliated Islamists take power. [Women are more imprisoned now in Afghanistan than they ever were. There has hardly been a period in recent Afghan history when the rights of women have even been acknowledged let alone respected.] As far as mainstream media is concerned, their job will have been done and their editors will no longer find the rights of individuals under their new Islamic [Al Qaeda affiliated] 'government' as it works towards it's implementation of a unified Ummah-Al Qaeda style. After Al Qaeda emerges from the chaos following the removal of Assad (whenever that is) their interpretation of Shari'ah-compliant Laws will be implemented in the new Emirate or Caliphate. The most important Shia Holy Sites will be desecrated and Shias will be forced to flee the country. Likewise other [and through their eyes] idolatrous and blasphemous sites - Christian Churches, remaining Jewish graveyards and all other minority idolatrous versions of Islam will be leveled as such are the Satan's work (i.e. Western introduced and influenced) - according to their version of the Koran. Draconian Islamic codes will be introduced-as CNN and other media wriggle their way to explain to a confused Western and non-Muslim public how these changes will benefit the Syrian people. All that aside to believe that these fanatics will stop within the borders of Syria is not just a myth but shows either incredible ignorance or naivety of both Western politicians and their so-called 'think-tank' institutions. Likewise to think that they can be pacified and will continue to present an image of stability (as for example,how the Syrian opposition have been groomed to wear Western suits and trim some beards to appear 'presentable' to the unsuspecting general public at the Peace Talks) is likewise a myth. Egypt is initially too big a country for Al Qaeda to conquer-at least initially.Neither will they initially take on Israel-but it will never be far from their ultimate thoughts and objectives-long-term. So the next vulnerable countries in their sights will be Jordan,The Yemen then linking across to Somalia,Mali,Niger and Mauritania. Morocco has had a long and bitter dispute with the Polisario Liberation Front for independence in the Western Sahara. Should failure to negotiate a peace treaty because of lack of good faith on the part of the government of Morocco occur, what will transpire, I believe, will be that the Polisario Front will be transformed by the appearance of seasoned Al Qaeda fighters (under another banner name of course) and their presence will alter the course of this long and protracted war - tipping the balance against the Moroccan government and possibly leading to a coup d'état by officers anxious to do a deal to save the rest of the country from a disastrous military conflict it's armed forces are simply not professionally prepared,experienced (nor motivated) to fight and win on their own.  All of this can of course be prevented if pre-emptive action is taken to solve these regional conflicts and ensure development aid for such impoverished regions [together with better local security arrangements in conjunction with central governments] are implemented before Al Qaeda and it's affiliates take hold - and take the initiative - in the Maghreb. 
The Heart of Darkness - Eye Of The Storm
To simplify matters, if you take a ruler and draw a straight line from St. Louis in the North of Senegal to Mogadishu (Somalia), North of this line is territory Al Qaeda and their contracted affiliates ultimately wish to consolidate into Emirates with Emirs in Africa and a Caliphate in Iraq. What Western politicians  (who, for the most part, are pretty ignorant of the history of these regions - and are advised by individuals and institutes which, likewise,are also not up to the job) do not understand is that they will not be able to conduct their normal oil,diamonds,gold yellowcake uranium and other strategic mineral extractions with religious idealists who see no future in the 'Devils' (in Western capitalism) money because their treasure is an eternal one and their concept of trade and development can only take place within an Islamic structure independent of 'Satan' (i.e. America and it's Allies.)
The U.S. still does not get the picture - that the very forces it is working so hard to place in power in Syria will cause decades (if not more) of misery for all the peoples of the Levant and North Africa.
I am only glad I will not be around to see it all - but do not ever let them lie to you in their memoirs by saying they didn't know what the terrible outcome would be and had they known the human misery and destruction forthcoming they would have acted otherwise.

Patrick Emek

the real shape of things to come in the Middle East and North Africa:
Declassified/General Distribution/Oak Ridge/Yellowcake/Keg Mountain Deposits 
[Geological and Geochemical Aspects of Uranium Deposits]
Uranium Intrigue in The Niger:Ambassador Joe Wilson was setup:
Provisionally Declassified:Yellowcake in Niger/forgery documents
United States Department of State,Washington D.C. 2003: