Wednesday 28 May 2014

Egypt:Another Farcical Arab Election:Remember You Got the Egyptian Election Results Here Before They Were Officially Announced

The Egyptian Election Results:

I am sorry to interrupt U.S. Memorial Week but I thought I would briefly let you know the Election results of Egypt before they are officially announced.
[I had the figures two months ago but  have had other more pressing blogs to deal with-where true democracy is being exercised and often in danger from undemocratic forces - so I left the Egyptian farcical  election in abeyance.]

So that you can truly understand the Arab World and the nature of 'Arab democracy' in the advent of the'Arab Spring'  (be it Muslim Brotherhood or otherwise) I am giving you those results here:

The Egyptian Election Results:

Why Even Bother to Vote?

General al-Sisi, the new Pharaoh of Egypt, won by between 93-97.5%% of the popular Egyptian vote.

The Egyptian and world  media will announce that the overwhelming Egyptian populace have voted for General al-Sisi and his 'vision' for Egypt.

You will see eminent analysts and Professors and even U.S. and European politicians and
'experts' confirming his 'anointing' as President.

This 'confirms' his overwhelming popularity and he is duly elected Dictator of Egypt.
Apologies, the word in the Egyptian media is 'President'.  I made a nomenclature error(!).
Anointment of a Dictator
Of course, CNN, Fox, the 'Bullhorn of President Putin' (Russia Today), China News and the rest of the world mainstream media will 'go along for the ride'. [Only motley fools like myself cannot see 'the truth' (!)]
[I would just like to add that The Muslim Brotherhood 'popular' vote-when they take their 'revenge' on the current 'tyrants', at some time in the future-be it decades, or centuries-will be something similar (90%-97% of the Popular vote or, if they really try to 'mask it' for 'world acceptance', '58-64%' of the popular vote)-such is the cycle of  Muslim  [Islamic] Arab 'democratic' politics in North Africa and The Middle East today;the cycles of terror will continue until, I really don't know when.]   It is debatable as to whether it is Islam itself which is not flexible enough to entertain democracy as we understand it or whether it is just tribalism juxtaposed and  uniquely interwoven with Islam in the Arab world.  I would tend to think the latter because, in the absence of religious interference, there are many parts of the Muslim world outside the Middle East where people can exercise their vote without fear and can actually replace governments. (Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, being the best example.  There are, of course parts of this country which are more religious than others and there have been very serious religious riots and conflicts between Christians and Muslims resulting in many hundreds of fatalities on both sides - on the island of Ambon and elsewhere - but given the sheer size of the country - 17000+ islands - people can still exercise a real choice to change their administrations and central government in Indonesia in ways totally alien to the Middle East and North Africa.)
For this reason it is unwise to 'lump' all Muslim countries in the world together and say that none are immediately recognizable as 'democratic' -  as we understand democracy  in the United States and in Western Europe. 

Will The True Democrat Please Stand Up?

 As I said previously, despite all it's faults and failings, Israel remains the only democracy at present in the Middle East, with none existing in North Africa.  By that I mean it's Israeli citizens can vote to change their government and local administrations.  I am aware that there is a Palestinian statehood issue unresolved and I am aware of the lack of democracy within the Gaza Strip and The West Bank and I am aware that the rights of the Palestinians and their villages within the State of Israel should stir the conscience of the world towards encouraging a just settlement; but, somehow, you know, I cannot but sigh when I know that even if such were to happen tomorrow, and a Palestinian State within secure borders was agreed, the Palestinians might, in their own eyes, simply be 'exchanging' one 'prison' for another.
[The only comfort might be that, in their own eyes, the prison guards will be Arab rather than Israeli.]
 I take their fellow Arab Republic 'brothers' next door in Egypt as one poignant example of a  future Arab 'democratic' Palestine.   Of course I could be wrong (and indeed hope that I am) and a model similar to Indonesia could emerge.  Hopefully for the Palestinian people, the latter will prevail.]

Memorial Week 

Now that I have dealt with this farcical election in Egypt, I would like to get back to contemplation and prayer during Memorial Week in the United States and the remembrance of  true democrats and patriots who have given the ultimate sacrifice (hopefully, as here, not always in vain) for freedom and democracy on every continent and in so many different parts of the world.  [Three times in continental Europe during the twentieth century, with some reluctance but always a reliable and dependable ally, to stop tribal and ethnic bloodletting - where the different tribes, races and ethnic groups from Russia in the East to Spain in the South West, descended into a dark frenzy of rabid ethnic, racial, religious, minorities, genocide, slaughter, revenge and calculated scientific butchery resulting in the murder or death of up to 70 million souls and displacements of millions of citizens throughout that shattered continent.]

Patrick Emek