Saturday 3 May 2014

The Ukraine: The Slide Towards Civil War-Who Is Really To Blame?

The Ukraine:
The Slide Towards Civil War-Who Is Really To Blame?
CNN, Fox and all other major U.S. media networks have started the blame game.
Almost all have under-reported the deaths of independence supporters in the city of
Odessa and elsewhere. None have mentioned how such deaths were caused in a Trades Union building set ablaze -other than to say that both sides were using incendiary devices. The interim government in Kiev, because of the volatile situation, has not permitted independent media crews to cover events for the West but there are (as yet) unsubstantiated (independent) claims that genocide may have been perpetrated by nationalist Ukrainian forces as they re-took Odessa. Because of a media blackout I cannot substantiate a single media source which is making this claim but in the absence of any mention of a slide to civil war and no media attempt (nor permission granted by the interim Ukrainian authorities in Kiev) it is unwise to speculate before all the facts are independently confirmed.

Genocide and Civil War:
Why It Is Unwise To Speculate

It does appear that major efforts are taking place by the Ukrainian authorities to re-take cities and major towns in the East. To speculate that ultra nationalist forces of a paramilitary nature are deliberately murdering their fellow-Ukrainian citizens (because they do not regard then as 'fellow-citizens' but aliens) would be to invoke memories of a terrible past-involving pogroms against Jews,Gypsies and other minorities in the North and the West of the Ukraine. Once the terminology 'genocide' appears in the world media, it automatically triggers a series of actions. This was why I earlier referred to Rwanda and why the U.S. (and, we now know, the U.N.) in that case, was so hesitant for a period of time, to use this terminology knowing full well the consequences and responsibilities placed on the international community once the word is invoked. It would also immediately force the hand of the U.N. Secretary General to invoke universally agreed international principles against the conduct of genocide and trigger a U.N. General Assembly debate for immediate cessation of hostilities and intervention of an independent force to stop the genocide. It would also be a recognition, officially, that the country is in a state of civil war. It is not at all clear with mass genocide being confirmed (if such was indeed to ever be the case) that the present international coalition in support of the Ukrainian Democrats in Kiev would continue to be sustained at the United Nations. So this is the reason your media service is being 'economical' with the truth. In fact they would be doing The Ukraine country, as a whole, a favor by intervening at this early point because I will relate to you what will likely happen next. As I earlier predicted, the country is, because of recklessness, in a state of civil war. I also said that 'sub-contracted' 'militias' similar to the Syrian Civil War (and, in an earlier time, in the last century,The Spanish Civil War) would be used. I clearly said that both sides would use contracted professionals to conduct a proxy war – if  The Russian Federation did not 'take the bait' with a direct military intervention. All indications, from the Ukrainian government reporting, are that the 'terrorist' blockades were easily over-run. This may sound good news but a more careful analysis would suggest it is anything but that. What is does mean is that Russian 'sub-contracted' special forces and militias from within the Federation have not yet joined the battle. This is extremely bad news for the government in Kiev – which now has to deal with the logistical aftermath of attack knowing that it is operating both in 'unknown' and hostile territory without the consent nor support of the (majority ethnic Russian) local populations.
Ghosts of Past Mistakes – However Worthy The Ideals and Visions for The Country
Former President George W. Bush (Jnr.) and Former Prime Minister of Britain, Tony Blair, both devout Christians, cannot shake off the ghosts of Iraq – so terrible has the outcome of intervention been for the country and it's people as a whole - now in a much worse condition than before the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein was overthrown with the Iran now left holding the balance of power (through Muqtada al-Sadr1– a cleric venerated by most Shias in Iraq, and who is, at present, being prepared in Iran (Qom) as a future Grand Ayatollah to take leadership of that shattered country.) So the outcome in Iraq was totally the opposite of what intervention was (at least publicly) meant to bring about.
Be Careful What You Wish For
We are all familiar with the Chinese saying 'be careful what you wish for'. What I have attempted to do in my analysis of the crisis in the Ukraine is to balance the challenge of the new democrats in Kiev with the expectations of their fellow-countrymen and women in the South and in the East.
Should national elections go ahead in the East with towns and cities under military attack or even worse under military or para-military rule, this will be the spark for insurgency on a massive scale.
At that point we may well see Russian sub-contracted units start to engage Ukrainian nationalists.
Faced with professional units I have serious doubts whether highly motivated Ukrainian nationalists not having this training nor expertise, can hold out – without massive international intervention. So the blame game will then start.
So Who Is To Blame For The Chaos In The Ukraine?
Victoria Nuland and John Kerry will both tell the Europeans 'We told you so!'; 'if you had done things our way, and not gone it alone by forcing The Ukraine to choose between East and West, we could have both had the Kiev nationalists running the whole country - including Crimea and the East – and without redress to this chaos and civil war to which we are all now having to militarily commit to prevent Kiev being left falling into an economic and military abyss inside which it simply cannot cope with nor win.' So Ms. Nuland's expletive deletive2 with regard to the EU may now be beginning to make greater sense to the world as the United States is again being forced to commit to Europe to prevent ethnic and tribal bloodshed (as it did in the Balkans recently and before that, between 1939-1945) and to prevent the EU dragging the whole of Europe over the brink simply to fulfill a vision of creating a monolithic bloc stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific in both directions. Such are the visions of rulers and demagogues throughout all periods in world history – and upon which empires were built and have crumbled into dust.
Do not expect addresses to the nations by local politicians to inform the populations of Europe that the countries are now at war. The assumption being that since everyone is already well-informed then public declarations are unnecessary.

Patrick Emek

amendment and typographical corrections, May 5

