Thursday 15 May 2014

Whatever Happened To Flight MH370?

I will notably leave out the Alien Abduction Theory so that we can look at some rational and sane suggestions about the fate of that ill-fated aeroplane:

1.That either the Pilot or Co-pilot had a nervous breakdown and subsequently crashed the plane killing all on board

2.That the plane was hijacked and subsequently either ran out of fuel or crashed within a few hundred or a few thousand kilometers of Diego Garcia

3.That the plane was accidentally shot down in mid-air by a country yet to own up

4.That the plane was accidentally shot down
(I recall there was a most unusual case off the U.S.-Canada coast many years ago where there were actual suspicions that perhaps a student/civilian prank went terribly wrong and a home-made rocket/projectile/missile brought down a civilian airliner with the tragic loss of all on board. I don't believe that it ever appeared in the Official Report about the crash but there were rumors and speculations.)

5.That the plane was hijacked to an unknown destination for some as yet unknown objective

6.That an attempted hijack took place but was unsuccessful because of the bravery of the pilot,co-pilot and crew or/and passengers but which resulted in the loss of all on board

7.That there was catastrophic failure and systems malfunctions for reasons yet to be determined and the plane crashed

The fact is we do not yet know what actually happened but someone somewhere may have that vital piece of information which will help to solve this puzzle and give some solace and closure to the grief of those suffering relatives of the pilot, co-pilot, the crew and all the passengers on board that ill-fated flight.

Patrick Emek