Tuesday 1 July 2014

Murder by Design:

''The Gates Of Hell Will Open''

The very brutal and callous murder of 3 Israeli youths, Gilad Shaar, Naftali Fraenkel and Eyal Yifrah was greeted by Hamas not with regret or, at the very least, a statement of determination to bring to justice those responsible for the murder of the 3 young boys, but simply an utterance that this was yet another Israeli 'conspiracy' to provoke a war with the West Bank and Gaza strip and a warning that such a war will 'open the gates of hell' for Israel.
I cannot confirm reports which state that Hamas representatives actually 'praised' the kidnappers prior to the boys being found murdered.
Dehumanization appears to be the natural order of things today in the Middle East.
This is as much reflected in the chaos of 'democratic' politics and political leadership in the Middle East and North Africa as it is in the everyday treatment of their own fellow Arab men and, in particular, women, in many (but not I must add, all) Arab Muslim societies throughout the region in this, the 21st century.
If there was any humanity left in the region there would be universal condemnation of this very evil
deed and a general desire to ensure not vengeance, but that the murders of these innocent young civilians were not in vain and act as a bridge to bring those of peace and goodwill closer together rather than, as Hamas is intending, to further divide and sow even more seeds of hatred and despair.

I have, in my time, travelled to many different parts of the world and have been, without any backup nor protection whatsoever, in different war zones, but it is still to this day rare for me to recall a part of the world where, even amongst the bitterest of foes, there was not some modicum of regret about the senseless loss of innocent life - particularly of men, women and children just accidentally caught up in a tragic situation – in the wrong place at the wrong time and on the wrong day of the year.          The Middle East appears to be the exception to this general rule.

My hope is that one day the 'genetic' 'thinking' profile of this region will change - and the Gates of Humanity and Common Sense will open widely and herald to facilitate a higher level of thinking above the living hell that Hamas and Fatah, spurred on by Saudi Arabia and Iran, have destined and designed for their Palestinian populations in the West Bank and Gaza.

[As if this heinous act against 3 defenceless youths was not the worst thing that could happen, another name, that of Mohammed Abu Khadair, a young boy, on his way to early moning prayers, during the advent to the holy month of Ramadan, who  was abducted, murdered and his body mutilated, needs to be added to those of Gilad Shaar, Naftali Fraenkel and Eyal Yifrah.  In this case and unlike their Palestinian counterparts, Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Peres have both condemned this evil act and have vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice in an Israeli Court of Law.]

Patrick Emek