Friday 29 August 2014

Can ISIS/ISIL Be Defeated?
(fact is often stranger than fiction)

I want to approach the answer to this question in a non-standard format.
I would like you to allow me the liberty to use fiction to convey the dilemmas.


PRS.O : Give me the bottom line on this, can ISIL be defeated ?

CJCS : Mr President we can guarantee to wipe ISIL/ISIS off the face of the earth if you can provide us with orders where the following are in place :
The armed forces of Turkey, Syria (The Assad Government) , The Lebanese government (including an agreement to utilize the forces of Sheikh Nasrallah – that is to say, Hezbollah), the Israeli Defense forces, an agreement to utilize the services of the armed forces of the Palestinian authority – Islamic Jihad, Hamas , Al-Nusra and Al-Asque martyrs brigade, an agreement to utilize the forces of the Iraqi government and those of Muqtada al-Sadr , the Kurdish armed forces together with an agreement to utilize the forces of the government of iran and those of Saudi Arabia.
There are certain other Gulf States already providing logistical support and this could be extended.
If you can deliver this to us we can deliver ISIL's head to you on a golden platter and guarantee it's complete obliteration from the face of the earth.

PRS.O : You know what you ask is ridiculous and impossible. Now give me the next best option.

CJCS : you asked me an honest question Mr President and I gave an honest answer .

CJCS : temporary containment is the next option .
On your command We can do a, b, c, d,...... x y, z........but as with many issues in the world, this will be a temporary fix . but we can dress it up to look like a victory .

PRS.O : how soon before these so-called ISIL caliphates and emirates become a reality?

CJCS : Mr President any nutcase who creates a revolution in the Muslim world can call their state a Caliphate or Emirate and themselves part of ISIL/ISIS  ,  but ultimately they will have to trade and do business with someone somewhere and when they do , we will be ready and waiting for them . When they run out of resources, that's the end of their ability to fund the Caliphates or Emirates.

Do you remember Mr President when Hitler invaded Russia during World War II ?; it was a priority to capture the Baku oilfields. The same was true in North Africa in terms of oil security.  When Adolf Hitler was starved of oil and pushed back through the Ukraine and Poland , the war was was effectively over .  Russian , U. S. , British and other Allied  boots on the ground finished off the job.

CJCS: Mr President, do you remember why (the political reasons) the Roman Empire tried so desperately to wipe out the spread of Christianity and what the ultimate result was?

If ISIL can be starved of a, b, c, d,....x, y, z then we can achieve victory of sorts but, in my opinion , a total victory is still illusive for the reasons above.

P.E. The above was an illustrative work of fiction (or fictional narrative) to emphasize a number of dilemmas and paradoxes facing any administration attempting to defeat a quasi – religious movement such as ISIS/ISIL.

Patrick Emek

Wednesday 27 August 2014

9-Year-Old Accidentally Shoots Her Instructor Dead - With An Uzi -
On The Gun Range
(and The Lessons For Ferguson,  Missouri)

This is a very tragic case for both parties. For the victims my heartfelt sympathy. Training children is often fraught with complications. You are dealing with young persons who often just don't think before doing something. It may be because they are absent-minded or just get too excited to remember your advice.
The training range is one such place where excitement often gets the better of premeditated thought. There is no guidance in such situations. There is no guarantee that such an incident can never happen again. This is one such situation where there are no rules. No devised test can prepare you for a situation where a child does something 'stupid'.
I suppose the one thing that future instructors can do is to always be vigilant, no matter how normal the situation. It's like security.
It is, sadly, impossible to be 100% vigilant 100% of the time in such an environment – but this is the only way to avoid accidents during training on the Gun Range.
I recall an incident many years ago, where, let me put it this way, I was asked to 'accompany', let's call them, a 'tactical' response team, somewhere in the world.
The Officer in question 'forgot' a very important procedure – which, in other circumstances, could have resulted either in his/ her death and the death of a colleague, simply, because, I am convinced, the Officer 'forgot' a basic rule.
I knew immediately what the issue was, but in those split seconds
where the Officer and his/her colleague could have been killed, the rule had been simply forgotten.
If a grown experienced individual, probably having worked a long or difficult shift can (sometimes) forget something so basic, then how in heavens name can one expect a 9-year-old to remember everything all at once?
I want to go back to Ferguson, Missouri and the shooting to death of Michael Brown, a Black teenager by a White Police Officer.
We now know that at least 11 possibly 12 or 13 shots were fired at the victim, Michael Brown. Where the factors of racism, fear, absence of community policing and, in this Officer's case, probably minimal (ever) contact with Black people except in the course of his work as an arresting Officer, come into play, all combine in an explosive combination when confronted with a youngster who simply does something 'stupid' – does not obey the instructions of the Officer. I am just guessing – and we will probably never know the full truth – but all of the factors I mention earlier - racism, harassment of the Black community and their alienation from the 'White' Police Force in Ferguson, Missouri because of the disproportionate make-up of the force – 95-98%% - White in a predominantly Black neighborhood where poverty abounds, crime and or fear of Black people grips the White segregated community in their very own 'White ghetto', and a feeling that each night in Ferguson, for some (perhaps many) White Officers, is more like a bad night in Fallujah than normal Policing (so distant are they from the local people and their problems, their hopes for themselves and their children , their desires, their feelings, as human beings.)  It's a crazy unreal situation - and man-made - caused by conscious racism – being reflected every day and night in the physical presence of the Officers whose task should be 'To Protect and Serve'.
I have no doubt that such is reflected in many parts of the country and in many parts of the world where, either consciously or unconsciously, the same pattern as in Ferguson, Missouri, exists.
Well that's my take on a double tragedy.
Perhaps they both might invite Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris, Woopi Goldberg, James Earl Jones, Michael Moore, Karl Malone and President Jimmy Carter as celebrities with national and international status, and as a 'task force', to sometime offer the benefit of their wide and diverse experiences to what are situations requiring a different mindset – and after significant grass roots reform and overhaul at the local and political levels in Missouri?

Patrick Emek

Friday 22 August 2014

Was President Putin The Real Target ?

     Was President Putin The Real Target ?

You many recall that I referred to the presence of the airplane of the Russian Federation President
within 20 minutes of MH17.
My source gave me two distinct information references which I could not question for further details.
The first was a 20 minute time difference.
The second was the presence of 2 Ukrainian fighter planes in the immediate vicinity.
It has since emerged that President Putin was indeed on board the Presidential Airplane of The Russian Federation, returning from a visit to South America.
According to unofficial reports, the Presidential Airplane did not fly over the Ukraine - certainly not over the war zone.
As the media in general have ignored this matter I would like to look at it again – with the unthinkable in mind:  what if the President's plane was  the intended target  ?
First, if President Putin's plane had been shot down over Ukraine, Russia most certainly would invade the country right up to the Polish border.   The West (NATO) would be effectively at war with The Russian Federation.
Not too long ago a friend from Cambridge (United Kingdom) contacted me to say that he was in no doubt that Russia would also re-occupy Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania as it would no longer be prepared to accept the humiliation of it's ethnic Russian citizens anywhere in the Baltic States.
This was a very real fear being expressed to him by his own contacts in the Baltic States.
The Baltic States are not as strategically important to Russia as is The Ukraine.
From a strategic stranglehold viewpoint, Latvia and Lithuania have less a critical value as Estonia.
In the event of the President of Russia being assassinated under such conditions as, say, the downing of MH17,  it is not easy to predict what would happen in this regard.

Who Would Be Held Responsible?

A number of scenarios  immediately come to mind:

1. Disaffected Separatist Ukrainian Rebels.  Disaffected because President Putin refused to send
combat forces to support their insurgency against the legitimate Ukrainian government.

2. An attempted coup within Russia by generals disaffected with the conduct of the Ukrainian
civil war and President Putin's reluctance to commit ground forces (other than of course the existing presence of 'volunteers' and Russian Special Forces.)

3. A political or intelligence services' organized coup d'etat against President Putin – any new interim leader being seen or portrayed as the plotters choice.

  1. An extremist conspiracy plotted in Kiev to provoke NATO intervention possibly leading to a third world war at the most, a new Cold War at the very minimum.

5. Separatist Chechen or Al Qaeda/ISIL rebels present in Eastern Ukraine.

6. A rogue commander.

7. An unfortunate accident.

Whatever the case, unless world leaders can re-assure each other that agreed protocols will continue to be observed (at a time when principles of international law are being flouted by major powers on a frighteningly regular basis) traveling  over airspace not within their own remit is not going to be a very safe affair for any of them and could indeed become a very hazardous experience.

I did say last year that when countries start to 'down' (force to land) presidential airplanes in transit, for whatever given public reason, that this was the start of a very slippery slope – leading to where, nobody can at present predict but what it will imply is a breakdown in international law and protocol which itself is also so reflective of the apparent breakdown in international standards and conduct in so many spheres of diplomacy, humanitarian principles in war, international relations between states and nations and, what I grew up with and was taught, as known and observed codes of international conduct.

I hope history does not show that this was indeed the case.
It would be beyond tragic to even contemplate that innocent travelers  worldwide are now pawns in a very dark and a very dangerous game which has no future in any sane world.

Patrick Emek

Technical Analysis
 Section 1 The Buk M­1 Missile System & Section 2 The Loss of Malaysian Airways Flight MH17 :

MH17 : Boeing's Downing By BUK Missile System Unlikely - Russian Military Expert :

''Unless one of the greatest sick hoaxes of the 21st century has been perpetrated and I too am a recipient,  I stand by my decision to include this next reference below.  I have, as far as I was able, researched the background of Herr Haisenko and have no reason to believe him to be anything but genuine.  Neither do I believe him have a 'grudge', to  be a 'crank'  a 'cookie' or a publicity seeker'' (Patrick Emek, 23rd August, 2014.)

July 30th, 2014, Analysis of photos of  downed MH17 (of any credibility) made available by By Peter Haisenko
German version:
English version: 

This site below  is identified as being openly pro-Russian in it's reference websites, some of which are conspiracist theory-orientated.   Some doubt exists about the authenticity and impartiality of all the photos - which are not all the same as those provided for analysis by Herr Haisenko at the website above, but much more detailed, undocumented and untraceable in provenance:

For those of you requiring some elementary schooling in aviation ballistic forensics, you might also consider a more impartial analysis by Mike "Mish" Shedlock: 
Mr Shedlock also makes reference in his blog to a You Tube video of a Militia Soldier (Anti-Kiev Rebel) named 'Elena' from Sloviansk.  This video was published on You Tube on 18th June, 2014.  MH17 was shot down on 17th July, 2014.  I have only recently become aware of this video.  What 'Elena' says, if true, lends further credibility to my statement about a total  (observable) breakdown in the norms of international law (aviation in this case) and suggests that innocent airline passengers and crew could be deliberately used as 'human shields' in zones of conflict.   This, if true, is a relatively new and frightening development.   Yes, there have, historically, been cases of the deliberate targeting of civilian and presidential airplanes in zones of political tension and confrontation to either catalyze or initiate conflict and indeed, the use of spy planes 'tailgating' civilian airliners - with tragic results -  is not unheard of; but this recent tactic, if confirmed, brings what were once far away incidents right into Europe.   There are now, in my opinion, very immediate, very real and very imminent dangers to our own Ministers and  Heads of State as they carry out their normal duties by means of air transportation if agreed international standards are being flouted.
If the lives of ordinary airline passengers and crew are expendable then rogue elements in this and other conflict regions will not think twice before creating an international incident with  more 'spectacular' gestures:

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Ferguson, Missouri:
The Shooting6 to Death of Michael Brown, a Black Teenager, by Officer Darren Wilson, A White Police Officer, and It's Aftermath

To ' Serve & Protect' or Communities Under Police Siege?
The answer to this question will depend on whom you speak with.
For Black, Hispanic and Communities of Color in the United States, unless they are equally represented within the forces doing the policing, they will perceive as occupation and control what others regard as the normal exercise of police tasks.
So the issue of race and representation is a critical factor in how a community perceives it's local police force.

Problem Identification Formula
Anywhere in the world, you can formulate that there is a problem of race, ethnicity or religious bigotry and or intolerance where communities are not being predominantly 'served' by a proportionate number of their like-brethren who are doing the policing within that local community.
Ferguson clearly does have a problem. But is the problem in America any different from, say, Zimbabwe, or Brazil or South Africa or the Sunnis an Shias in Iraq or the Ethnic Russians and  Ukrainians in the Ukraine or minorities within the Russian Federation?
Before you say how ridiculous the comparisons I want you to reflect for a few minutes, very carefully.
How ridiculous you find such comparisons will also, more likely, depend on whether you are a member of a majority or minority within one or other of these communities. I have made my point here so I want to move on to another matter.
Senator George J. Mitchell7 (United States) when looking at sectarianism and racial discrimination against the minority Catholic community over hundreds of years in Northern Ireland, recommended the disbanding of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), a sectarian police force which the majority of Northern Irish Catholics found abhorrent to join, because it was blatantly racist, anti-Catholic and sectarian.
(Senator George Mitchell's Lebanese Christian origin put him in a unique position to look at discrimination against minorities, having come with historical experience from one such community.)
It was only after the disbanding of the RUC and the creating of a different culture in the recruitment and training of police officers, that Catholics en masse had the confidence both to trust and to join the Royal Irish Constabulary,  to 'Serve and Protect' the community as a whole, Catholics and Protestants, and with pride.
A similar reform of police forces across the U.S. is long overdue, as we see from supporting demonstrations against police brutality and harassment nationwide.

The Second Amendment To The Constitution of The United States – and Why It Must Be Defended by All Communities Regardless of Race, Religion and Color
The next issue is that of the 'militarization' of the police force in Ferguson and why they should be 'demilitarized'. This line of discussion is usually promoted by media networks, politicians and individuals who would, ultimately, prefer to disarm the people to concentrate firepower exclusively in the hands of the State. They would, on the whole, therefore, wish to extend this argument to the issue of gun control - and Ferguson provides an unexpected opportunity first to promote the 'demilitarization' of the local Police, then, as an extension to this, of local citizens, leaving the State (or National Guard and Armed Forces) as the ultimate 'protect and serve' guardians of the people.
The Second Amendment to the Constitution of The United Statesis the most precious gift of liberty the Founding Fathers have given to all Americans.
Every tyrant from Hitler to Stalin to Saddam Hussein to the Taliban in Afghanistan first seek to disarm the people – and in many instances the local police (creating specialist units – such as the Schutzstaffel (SS) and Die Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) who have State authority to bear arms) before they implemented reigns of terror against defenceless communities.

Every tyrannical country in the world you can think of today make the possession of personal firearms illegal or at the very least, subject to local (State Police) control
and monitoring.  They give all sorts of excuses but the real reason is to leave the people powerless against State tyranny.
Not in the United States where citizens rights to bear arms are enshrined in the constitution.

Problems in Ferguson – Is Ferguson Unique or Just Long Due for Overhaul?
There are problems in Ferguson, Missouri, as there are problems in many police forces across the United States as there are problems in police forces across many countries in the world, but such should not turn into a debate about disarming America, as a civil society, including the disarming of the police force.
Most citizens outside the free world envy the right of every American to protect himself herself and family with as much an arsenal of weapons as they can afford to maintain (assuming they agree with the principle of the Second Amendment.)
It's at times such as this that the NRA should be universally supported so that other Fergusons become less likely and the State thinks twice before looking down the sniper sights of it's arsenal against the people exercising their First Amendmentrights. 
If there ever was a reason for communities to organize themselves under the Second Amendment for protection it is Ferguson - and the NRAcan provide the right guidelines to all citizens, regardless of race, religion or color, to ensure that this protection is available within the terms of the U.S. constitution.

The H.R. 1033 Program1&2  – 
And The Rights Of Citizens Opposed To Police 'Militarization'
Unlike, for example, Russia, America is an open democracy where the rights of all citizens are enshrined in the constitution.
You will never hear of protests against police brutality towards minorities in the Russian Federation because the people are powerless against the State and, of course, it is illegal for citizens to possess weapons to protect themselves and their families against criminals and the totalitarian post Soviet Police State.
If American citizens are unhappy with the 'militarization' of their local police force they can lobby their lawmakers to either scrap or amend the H.R. 1033 program1 as applicable to their State or Community.
Indeed one Democratic Congressman, Hank Johnson3&4  is doing just that.
There is no particular reason to have a 'militarized' police force to counteract peaceful protest (even with the presence of troublemakers amongst demonstrators) but to suggest 'demilitarizing' the police and leaving communities defenceless simply because of 'rogue' elements within forces (or indeed introducing gun control because of rogue or mentally unbalanced individuals across the country) is, in my opinion, not a solution to racial profiling, racism nor the culture of discrimination which results in minority communities being 'curfewed' or harassed after darkness by 'rogue' police forces and officers operating unter the guise of 'To Serve and Protect'.

Patrick Emek


6.I say 'shooting to death' so as not to prejudice the on-going FBI forensic and other likely subsequent investigations into the death of this unarmed teenager

7.Senator George Mitchell:

8.The First Amendment To The Constitution of The United States:

Tuesday 12 August 2014

''That's My Boy!''
(7-Year Old Australian Child Proudly Holds Up Severed Head of A Syrian Soldier-May His God Have Mercy on Him)

                 -and the whole world is horrified-

        Why is the world so horrified?
We teach 7year-olds to shoot live weapons, we teach them about 'good' and 'evil';
why should our definition of 'good' and evil' be the only ones?
You can only ever understand those who differ from you if you have the strength of character to walk some distance in their very own shoes.
Here is a very proud father who has taught his beloved sons that all Christian Infidels, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and those Muslims not sharing the family's interpretation of the Koran are apostates, incarnations of evil, sons and daughters of Satan who only appear in human guise, (like the Serpent in the Garden of Eden) to 'trick' the pure of heart and faithful and to subvert the world into (spiritual) darkness and confusion.
Cutting off a head of that many-headed Serpent is not just a test but also a re-affirmation of Islamic faith as it is a Holy Duty demanded by the one true God, Allah so that, one day, by his Grace, all infidels, the Children of Satan and all other apostates will be (ritually) slaughtered and thus 'banished' from this planet so that Allah's Eternal Kingdom will be inherited by the faithful and the spiritually pure of heart. This is how ISIL and indeed a larger number of followers of Islam, specifically of Wahhabism and Salafism, see the world; more than the majority of Western politicians and the media services in general would like to discuss and would, in any event, be too embarrassed to admit, as both continue to shed crocodile tears of shock and awe and outrage and lame proffered horror.
This is no 'wacky' one-off incident.
The fact that the Western media are now taking some small interest should tell you how it keeps the populace in ignorance about the true nature of Salafism and Wahhabist – both of which originate in Saudi Arabia (of course, where else would all this vile hatred, evil philosophy and twisted interpretations of Islam in the Muslim world be emanating from.)

My surprise and shock is the fact that the media and politicians appear shocked – as if they had no clue whatsoever as to what has been going on for the past 50 years in the Muslim world -especially in Saudi Arabia.

You can draw your own conclusions as to why the Saudis are immune from criticism but what I will say is that if nothing is done to contain such twisted and corrupted interpretations of Islam from taking root in our own societies they will continue to spread like wildfire – and we will not be blissfully immune in our ignorance - until popular opinion in Christendom forces the politicians to act to protect our own communities falling as victims to such hatreds, intolerance, and, to any sane individual, evil practices – more akin to, Cannibalism, Black Witchcraft and to the notional and ancient 'Antichrist' than to rational, tolerant, multifaith plural societies attempting to consign such barbarism and evil to the history books rather than re-invent it in the 21st Century.

Patrick Emek

Tuesday 5 August 2014

      UN Chief, Ban Ki-moon:
      ''This Madness Must Stop''

Both articles at (1) below emphasize the futility of  outsiders trying to bring permanent  peace to so intransigent parties as Israel and Palestine, Arab and Jew,  both  from the same Biblical ancestor,  Abraham.

There are not enough words in the English dictionary nor sentences to be shaped from known vocabulary, not enough similes nor metaphors, onomatopoeia nor imagery, personification nor prose,  quotation nor article, superlatives nor syntax, alliteration nor analysis, rhyme nor reason, rhythm  nor emotion, nomenclature nor graphics, contrast nor comparison, prose nor pun, text nor narrative, style nor stanza,  emphasis nor contrast, viewpoint nor presentational device, extended metaphor nor interpretation, tone nor theme, audience nor give justice to the victims: the dead, the dying, the bereaved, the grieving, the permanently scarred, the  lives shattered and forever torn apart.... and,  above all,  the lives,  the loves, the hopes and the dreams that were never to be fulfilled.

 ©Patrick Emek   08.05.2015


For interested readers:
Biblical background 
Why Do Jews and Arabs/Muslims Hate Each Other?

Friday 1 August 2014


Why The Ebola Virus Was An Outbreak Waiting To Happen

Without getting into the medical aspects I would like to focus on why the spread of this highly contagious virus - and others to come - are inevitable in most parts of Africa, South America and many parts of the Caucasuses and South East Asia.  Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, all  in West Africa, are the identified countries most recently affected by the outbreak.
The President of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has called on the world to provide medical and human resources. While I have no doubt that such can bring some respite I must question the fundamental basis upon which societies such as, for example, Liberia, are constructed.
I must be careful here not to associate any racist element to what I am going to say as it is based solely on personal similar observations on  different continents - The Caucuses (Eurasia), Africa, Central and South America and South East Asia.

I would also like to say that, in my opinion, there are no more courageous people in the world today than the medical, the aid workers and the volunteers tending the dying and afflicted in such regions and whose own chances of survival (non-infection) are well below the 40% level.
My observations suggest systemic failures in the organization of such societies with regard to GDP/GNP allocations for public health and education services, community hygiene (including sanitation), clean drinking water, health services and education.
[I should add that Western donor nations and international development bodies (through the United Nations,
World Bank and other Institutes) including those of  the United States and, to a lesser extent, the European Union, place particular emphasis on the development and expansion of private healthcare and the privatization of, essential health, education, water provision services in such developing countries which lack basic infrastructures - hence ensuring that health, hygiene and illness associated with impoverishment and the absence of such, will, in the long-term, inevitably be victims of circumstance - resulting in disease, malnutrition and illnesses long associated with poverty and lack of such essential basics provisions.]
For centuries (up until today) whole communities in the impoverished world are highly susceptible to water borne diseases and such rarely reported viral contamination outbreaks.  They are rarely reported because proper local, regional and national health alter monitoring, crises response and statistics are non-existent.

Before racists jump on the bandwagon it should be said that up until the 1950s in many parts of what is now regarded as developed Western Europe such outbreaks, for the very reasons given above, were very common.  In some countries polio and tuberculosis were rife.  Food contamination and poisoning were rife
amongst the poor in certain parts of Western Europe as were diseases associated with poverty and unsanitary living conditions.  Deaths of children from contamination of water, food, lack of proper hygiene and basic medical care for infants were all too frequent occurrences in previous centuries.  The high morbidity and mortality rates for reasons of lack of basic hygiene and disease prevention, were therefore rife throughout Western Europe.
So to look down on these unfortunate countries or to regard them as 'backward' is not just false but ignores centuries of suffering throughout Europe for similar reasons.
My concern is that such international bodies, donor nations and countries afflicted today need to get their priorities right with regard to basic hygiene, sanitation, food processing with quality control, and, above all, health education and changes in lifestyles with an appreciation of the health dangers and how such can be minimized at local, regional and national levels.   Such are the real causes of these problems and until African, Asian, South American and Caucasian politicians appreciate the national priority for health and education and their role in disease prevention then sadly such mass outbreaks of infectious diseases will continue, albeit sporadically, until one specific mutated (and mutating), airborne, highly  transmissible virus causes a pandemic worldwide.  Such education should, in the case of highly infectious and transmissible viruses, include the promotion of change of tribal customs and traditional practices which could, inadvertently, be resulting in hibernated (semi-dormant) stasis of such viruses, ripe and poised for future outbreak, either under specific environmental conditions, cross-contamination, or factors which, by virtue of the lack of eduction, would result in unwitting exposure, contamination and human or species infection.
There is often a very wide chasm between politicians, health professionals, and academics in many parts of the developing world with the former unable or unwilling to take proper counsel or indeed to take counsel but refuse to allocate adequate resources to implement national health and education policies for all the nation, independent of the ability of individuals to pay for healthcare.  Many African countries, rather than take responsibility for transparency and proper budget allocation (easily achievable if levels of corrupt practices were reduced) prefer instead to call on international bodies to 'subsidize' both health and education.
Developed countries are usually willing, directly or indirectly (through NGOs and international bodies) to oblige - especially where there are coherent political, military, strategic or extractive resources to be traded-off.
There is a conceptual void in the way our financial systems are firewalled and organized to either fail to perceive (or simply are programmed to ignore) the 'benefits' of  universal healthcare and universal education.
So the systemic failure starts at the very top.
There is no financial incentive from, for example, The World Bank to allocate resources for, say, a sewage and rain drain off system for a whole village, town or city.   They would (rightly) argue that this must be a responsibility of national government as part of a national health and sanitation plan.  But condemning masses of people to live in filth and without adequate healthcare whilst at the same time servicing the privileged, is an ultimate recipe for mass transmission of infectious diseases and one to provide vibrant mediums for the mass spreading of viruses - ultimately  worldwide.
In this instance the outbreak is confined to West Africa but unhealthy individuals and  the potential for contamination of aspects of the food chain from contaminated land, to harvesting to processing to dispatch worldwide are all increased because of the inability of politicians (and international financial institutions) to appreciate the priority of developing countries to adequately budget for their masses, preferring instead to focus on developmental aid which, on the whole, is (if not directly) indirectly financially beneficial to the elite in recipient countries and not matching nor caring to enquire as to whether national plans - with State allocation of resources for hygiene and sanitation - are already operationally and effectively in place.   There simply is no 'market' for 'free' universal health care and 'free' education in developing societies.
African politicians, through lack of education themselves, assume that such should be 'subsidized' by the United Nations or other private institutions from the developed world, not understanding the true value of education and preferring instead to allocate resources to, what we would regard as, non-essential services (or indeed simply allocating financial resources to, self-aggrandisement, scenarios)
Health care, public sanitation and education are often perceived by Third World (Developing World) politicians to be either the function of  rich benefactors from the private sector or international institutions and organizations and not that of local politicians.
Most African countries leaders' lack the foresight (or education) to see the benefits of health care and eduction for their mass populations in the sense that they themselves are unwilling to invest significant proportions of the GNP/GDP in their development. (There are about ten exceptions to this rule on the African continent - including countries in the Muslim Arab North, Rwanda- near the middle, just below the Equator, and in the Christian and Animist African South.)
Because of this dysfunctional perception by both politicians, transnational organizations and corporations in donor countries providing funds in the developed world, and also the politicians in these developing countries, in my opinion, all measures taken to contain the spread of Ebola, will be, at best,  limited to containment, without addressing the root causes of the problem, as outlined above. 

The good news (of sorts!;if you want to call it good news!) is that after a worldwide pandemic, perhaps resulting in the deaths of  tens of millions of people (if not more) in the areas identified above (and likely well beyond these geographic areas, oblivious to border security controls) the world might then get it's house in order, universally, for the first time in recent history, and politicians who now have had the 'benefit' of  'personal experience' of such tragedy, might now have added motivation to proactively refocus their priorities to ensure such horrors can never happen again.

A good example of what I am saying is the response to the HIV/AIDS.  I want to again take Africa as one of many examples of bad practice - an alarmist response by many countries to an emergency situation requiring very clear thinking, research, analysis and planned coordinated health, educational, economic, social and scientific initiatives. The reaction of most African and Muslim Arab countries societies politicians and spiritual leaders has been to suppress (or evocate for the suppression) of Gay Men and Lesbian Women rather than join the global research into fighting the HIV virus.  The exceptions being South Africa (on the African continent) and Israel (in the Levant/ Middle East) which are actively engaged in national and global research projects.
Rwanda is also taking very positive steps which avoid stigmatization and focus on education, community health initiatives and is also constructively engaged internationally.

So what I want to again emphasize is, taking this specific virus (HIV) as an example, there is still no guarantee that, even after the deaths of millions, tens or hundreds of millions, world bodies, multinational and transnational corporations, politicians and religious leaders will indeed change their ways of thinking and recalibrate priorities towards proactive disease prevention, universal health care and education for their mass (or depleted) populations.

The co-discoverer of the Ebola Virus, Professor Peter Piot, has said that the risk of transmission by proximity to a victim is minimal (1).   I am in no position to disagree with such an eminent person as Professor Piot.  What I do question is that, given the unsanitary conditions and lack of proper healthcare and infrastructural facilities across most of the under-developed (and parts of the developing) world together with other factors mentioned above, whether it is better to err on the side of caution than otherwise.
What the article also fails to point out is that, where you have highly infectious viruses affecting remote communities, in the era before modern transportation and communication, remote villages or tribal household communities may well have been completely overwhelmed (wiped out) before the virus itself could reach areas of population densities.
I am convinced that this is a forerunner for a more serious global pandemic to be caused by an artificial (synthetic) or mutated cross-species virus or complex of viruses, which, at some nearer point in time, will overwhelm this planet.
I again question as to whether, even after such a catastrophe, the lessons will have been learnt.

Patrick Emek

Ebola Co-Discoverer Professor Peter Piot:
''I would Sit Next to an Infected Person on the Train'' by Lydia Smith

Note: Professor David Heymann was the other Co-Discoverer of the Ebola Virus    (P.E. August 27th , 2014)