Tuesday 5 August 2014

      UN Chief, Ban Ki-moon:
      ''This Madness Must Stop''

Both articles at (1) below emphasize the futility of  outsiders trying to bring permanent  peace to so intransigent parties as Israel and Palestine, Arab and Jew,  both  from the same Biblical ancestor,  Abraham.

There are not enough words in the English dictionary nor sentences to be shaped from known vocabulary, not enough similes nor metaphors, onomatopoeia nor imagery, personification nor prose,  quotation nor article, superlatives nor syntax, alliteration nor analysis, rhyme nor reason, rhythm  nor emotion, nomenclature nor graphics, contrast nor comparison, prose nor pun, text nor narrative, style nor stanza,  emphasis nor contrast, viewpoint nor presentational device, extended metaphor nor interpretation, tone nor theme, audience nor readership....to give justice to the victims: the dead, the dying, the bereaved, the grieving, the permanently scarred, the  lives shattered and forever torn apart.... and,  above all,  the lives,  the loves, the hopes and the dreams that were never to be fulfilled.

 ©Patrick Emek   08.05.2015



For interested readers:
Biblical background 
Why Do Jews and Arabs/Muslims Hate Each Other?