Wednesday 10 September 2014

What   Will Be The Ultimate Result of
President Obama's Strategy To Defeat ISIL?

The first assumption I am making is that the American Public have not been told the whole truth.
If they have, and if the President in his wisdom, still intends to topple the (Shia, Alawite) Assad regime, what Syrians will inherit is the same chaos we see in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, with ISIL having 'morphed' into perhaps an even deadlier world-wide movement. Unwittingly, perhaps the President's policy will be bringing nearer the day when Salafism and Wahhabism will indeed dominate the Islamic world and, who knows, perhaps even further.   As a child of the 50s and teenager of the 60s I hope I am long dead before such a Talibanized world comes into existence.
None of our politicians are standing up for real personal freedom and democracy and all are cringing under the 'political' pressure of extremists.
Let me give just one example. A frame of thought exists that if only the 60s generation of educated youth in America was more 'docile' the Vietnam War could have been won. That liberalism, free thinking and the New Great Society created in legislation, not by the Kennedy Clan but by President Johnson (Lyndon B.) ruined America - especially corporate America and brought untold evil in it's wake.
That civil rights, extended free healthcare, generous welfare benefits for the poor and needy, and almost free higher University education produced generations of 'Free loaders' and 'Welfare Bums' who didn't know the value of a cent – and how hard it is to have to work for one.
That if only the media, politicians, society in general had been cowered into meek complicity and silence, that corporate America would be running the world right now, instead of having to cope with the likes of China and Russia.
(Indeed 'manufactured' internal conflict would have degraded China, as a potential world rival, decades ago. And left it still with combat and nuclear-ready forces along the Sino-Soviet border.) That all of these economic, political and social woes which have befallen America have been caused by liberalism - the so-called 'free thought' and all the 'rubbish' the Hippie-so-called 'Love Generation' - was peddling on the unsuspecting God-fearing American public as a whole. That even the established Christian Churches themselves started to actually take the sides of the poor, the impoverished and the weak against their traditional 'sponsors' and benefactors from time immemorial.
That the Anti-Communist wars in the Americas were lost as a by-product of this generation and their false portrayal of the military-industrial-economic complex.
That the United Nations was the greatest tool exploited by the Communists against U.S. interests worldwide – especially the newly independent African and American former colonies making the job of the promotion of American values and free enterprise even harder.
Indeed, the argument continues, the liberals even covertly began to discuss how to dismantle corporate America itself, through stealth legislation.
So there has been a 'push-back' against liberalism, civil rights, the rights of the individual, independent thinking and non-conformism to make Americans (and indeed citizens in the Western world) 'docile' and subliminally subservient to a 'higher vision' which they, as a whole, can neither 'see' nor understand. It's no different from the Nomenklatura – the privileged pseudo-Socialists and Communists in Britain, Europe and the Soviet Union during that era who saw the masses as having to be 'led' or legislated or coerced or terrorized into a docility so that they could, eventually, with carrot and stick, like zoo animals, be gradually 'educated' and 'programed' to 'see' a higher 'vision'.
So the thinking, at the heart of the matter, is no different in the U.S. today.
Indeed one could even say it is the successor to the failed Nomenklatura of Communist/Soviet years – but one now determined not to repeat the mistakes of it's failed antithesis.
So, in my humble opinion, it is in this 'Brave New World' environment, that President Obama has set out his strategy to defeat ISIL.  Interestingly, ISIL, again in my opinion, wants to 'control' people and thought in a like-manner. They are time-deficient so are committing unholy barbarism in hours and days rather than in centuries. Let me be quite clear so that you have not misread my thoughts.  The excesses of unbridled Communism and Capitalism inflicted on the world in a hundred years are being compressed – in barbarity, in excesses, with the finest of (human) meat-grinding efficiency and precision into terror-minutes, hours and days as opposed to decades or centuries to achieve their 'perfect' 'vision' which their masses could never 'see' but into which they must be first terrorized to submission and then, for those not fatally mutilated, tortured to death, decapitated, sold into slavery-captivity, murdered outright and raped wholesale, led as docile submissive lambs into the promised Islamic Sharia Caliphate Land, the 'land of milk and honey' – and only ISIL's vision can lead them, sometimes with carrot but mainly with stick (and kick), into this perfect new world.
We should already know where all such 'Pol Pot' visions of existence ultimately lead – but our species never has (nor will it ever) learn from it's mistakes – only lost in the fog, illusion and belief that, if only X, Y, Z had never happened, that perfect world could have been within grasp - so again fated to repeat the cycle of devising new philosophies, strategies and technologies of control to achieve the unachievable.
So then, will the President's Plan to defeat ISIL succeed and where will it ultimately lead?  Your guess is as good as mine – but I think you already know where I think it will lead - and it's not Springtime For Liberals.

Patrick Emek


When discussing the Vietnam War, it should also be mentioned that same thinking which ascribes reasons for it's 'loss', was the General Draft.  When middle and upper class families had to send their sons to War - and their chances of returning in body bags were (sometimes) as equal for a Black child in, let us say, Ferguson, Missouri, as a White child, in say, The Hamptons, Long Island, this created the kind of powerful resentment and political 'push-back' against the war,  from an educated economically influential and well-connected elite.  When their sons and daughters got involved in opposition to the War, this in itself morphed into opposition to more general injustices in American society and motivated part of a generation of America to take up what until now had been 'unpopular' social causes for equality, justice an human rights inside the United States.
Outsourcing of wars (and the reluctance to make national declarations of war  against internationally legally recognized 'entities' - countries with internationally recognized borders within the terms of what therefore must, as a consequence, be legally undertaken by agreement and protocol with international bodies, such the United Nations, the International Red Cross and terms of the Geneva Convention for prisoners of war and the Vienna Convention for the conduct of diplomatic relations, with a preference to more broadly classify everything under the title of 'terrorism' or 'humanitarian' genocide or  other disaster prevention assistance intervention) has, since that time, become a feature of the United States.   In part, this is no different from other great empires after their apex, when they outsourced protection of their borders, conflict management and campaigns to mercenary (foreign) armies and to others for whom the opportunity to fight (and indeed change sides!) were entirely motivated by financial considerations (or the likelihood of plunder and sacking of towns and villages) rather than the actual desire to assume any  longer term responsibility for conquered territory - which only came at a later stage when a realization about the real market value of the longer term ability to extract and or process the mineral wealth of a conquered territory would produce more plunder than the actual sacking and immediate departing of the mercenary forces or their masters of war.
From the times of the Pharaohs, Assyrians, The Hittites and the Romans,  the mineral and agricultural resources wealth of conquered territories for the motherland and fatherland were always appreciated.
As we see, when technology advances, new strategies and outsourcing opportunities arise in directions hitherto unrealized.    So this, in itself, is an evolutionary process.