Monday 22 September 2014

Where  Is  The West? Why Isn't It Letting Refugees In?
(President Recep Tayyip Erdogan,Turkey)

An Answer To President Erdogan:

In a recent interview President Erdogan expressed his support for keeping an 'open door' policy for refugees fleeing the carnage and chaos in Syria but asked why the West is not assisting with this humanitarian crisis.
My answer would be that if Turkey had been more supportive of the legitimate Syrian government then this crisis would not have arisen in the first place.
Having said that, the current Syrian President Assad and his late father continued for decades to give active and passive support for the Military Wing of the PKK (The Kurdistan Workers Party) to weaken the extent of Turkish influence in the region.
So there you have it, two neighbors both plotting against each other in secret whilst in public both it's Presidents hugging each other like long-lost brothers at every opportunity for the media photo shoots.
Why should we in the West get even further involved in Byzantine intrigues?; we have enough of our own.
No, this humanitarian issue is most certainly one for the Arab World to deal with in terms of refugee resettling.
The International Relief Agencies will no doubt continue to assist with whatever humanitarian roles they are requested to play in terms of practical aid for these helpless and unfortunate refugees whom, through no fault of their own, are being mercilessly uprooted.
As I have earlier said, it is always distressing to see refugees fleeing - whether that be in the Ukraine regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, The Congo, Libya, Niger, Mali and indeed in situations where they have nowhere else to flee to – such as in The Gaza, Palestine. But many of these problems are of their leaders' own makings.
In all of the countries and regions mentioned above a failure of internal diplomacy and a breakdown in civil society such that militias are allowed to thrive independent of government control, coupled with religion, political extremism and or tribalism, above all else, are responsible for their tragic situations. The innocent victims are the helpless refugees who do the dying whilst their political masters refuse to negotiate to the last drop of their (refugees) blood.

As a onetime student of history, it is really hard to believe that tribalism and religion are again being  used by politicians to take nations back into Mediaeval ages – and that ordinary folk are buying into these messages of hate in the 21st century.  It just confirms my theory about how backward a species we all are, despite our technologies and supposed evolution.
That great centers of learning whether they be in Timbuktu or Buddhist Shrines in Afghanistan should be destroyed in the name of a religion, a race or a tribe. That the sites of Saints and Mosques should be leveled to the ground in Iraq and Syria.  That priests and nuns should be taken prisoner and murdered in Syria. That Muslim will butcher Muslim with the justification that they 'differ' in interpretation of the Koran so are therefore 'not Muslim' and subject to ritual slaughter, buffet-style.  That Eastern European Orthodox Christian will butcher Eastern European Orthodox Christian, again buffet-style (albeit blanket shelling of centers of population densities) because they come from different tribes, sub-tribes or are 'different' Christians not of the same 'interpretation' of the Holy Book or political agenda.  [ The next person who preaches to me about the loving beauty of religions and positive values of tribal, clan and ethnic unity will get very short shrift.]
So this is the way the world is heading:
Turkey's Salafist rulers eyeing Syria as a potential province to incorporate – placing a jugular around Lebanon's Shia Hezbollah and it's umbilical links with Iran – all in the name of Saudi Arabia's Salafism and Wahhabism ideologies.
Israel assisting to oust Assad in the mistaken belief that it will bring it's own border security closer; Jordan, hoping and praying that it can continue to survive as a 'Switzerland' in the region whilst playing both ends against the middle.   The Silk Roads (and technological electronic superhighways)  paved with the wealth of the Caspian and beyond to China, being fought for diplomatic, military and political influence and control every inch of their construction – with most of the citizens in the Western world oblivious to this new Great Game (read my earlier blog about the wealth of the Caspian Sea region) with (Sunni) Turkey, again scrambling and vying with the West, with (Shia) Iran, with Russia and with China, the United States and the European Union for control and influence of this new El Dorado of boundless wealth for some - estimated to span bountiful abundances for at least the next 200 years.  For others, they will become their Roads to Hell.
Little do those unfortunate unborn children and adults in the 'placid' lands, (ranging from benevolent dictatorships like Libya under Colonel Gadhafi, to outright totalitarian regimes like North Korea, but nothing, in comparison, as disastrous, horrific and catastrophic situations for their people, as what is about to befall them in the near future, that is, not since at least two thousand years ago) of these regions appreciate how close the 4 Horsemen are approaching  with haste in their stirrups and how their very own lives will be soon uprooted and shattered in the name of the riches others are about to claim in their names.

Patrick Emek

last amendment on 28th September, 2014

It has been mentioned to me that there is no compelling evidence to suggest the widespread targeting and slaughter of priests and nuns by ISIL in Syria.
This will be of no comfort to the prisoners of war, innocent men, women and children of every faith - including the Muslim faith - deliberately butchered by ISIL in Iraq and Syria.