Thursday 4 September 2014

Why President Vladimir Putin Is A Prime Target For Assassination

It's pretty much accepted that if you are the President of the United States, that you and your family are always targets for assassination.
This is just a sad fact of the world created, for better and for worse.
It has never, however, entered into the psyche of Russians that their leader too could be assassinated – because, excluding Leon Trotsky in Mexico (on the orders of Stalin) such has never happened, at least not in recent history.
All the signs are bad for President Putin. None augur well and there is every likelihood that he will be a main target for an assassin – with a vigor rarely present by terrorists in a Russian setting – but one which security services in the United States are, sadly, all too familiar with.
The brazenness with which some fruitcake, speaking from inside the likely cockpit of a battered vehicle or non-functional airplane will, without any attempt to disguise voice nor features say 'Putin, we're coming for you' is, sadly, a sign of the times.
Perhaps we should have been more cognizant that such events were long overdue – for all world leaders.
Imperial Hubris
Let me explain. Superpowers, and their successors, multinational corporations (the next, in my opinion, on the terror 'hit list') and their 'Chief Executives' and 'Senior Officers' have, in the minds of the terrorist and Jihadi fanatics, 'plundered' and wreaked havoc in the world, on it's people, their religion (in this particular case, Islam), culture, customs and natural resources, almost to extinction and with impunity, for centuries.
So much hate and obsession for vengeance and retribution now exists that, for example, 'Jihadi' fighters are prepared to travel from, say El Salvador, Guatemala, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina and Brazil, from Gaza, from Egypt, Chechnya, from Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, the Lebanon and other parts of this small planet, on what are, in essence, revenge and suicide missions - to avenge the deaths (perhaps recently or decades ago) of loved ones at the hands of the 'oppressor' and it's 'allies'.
Other high-profile countries where Islamic fanatic 'volunteers' are likely to originate are Colombia (South America), Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan,  Australia, Nigeria, Somalia and India.
These are all outside the border control supervision of the United States and Europe - which is why I have included them.  I have only included Australia because it is such an unusual origin for fanatics but it  may well be worth examining how it's (Australia's) own internal 'isolation' and racial ethnic provenance, unchanged over centuries (other than for minor regional economic factors) have motivated zeal amongst Jihadi fighters committing around a different flag (one, incidentally, as 'universal' as Christianity) which, in  their interpretation of their version of the Koran, appears a 'promised' and 'prophesized' 'fulfillment' by Allah as an answer for many 'sufferings' of the Muslim 'Ummah'.
The 'Ummah' in Spirit 
I have covered the concept and reality of the 'Ummah' in an earlier blog reference.  This reference shows the concept of the 'Ummah' from a Jihadi perspective as opposed to the worldwide concept of 'Ummah' by the majority of Muslims on the planet as a peaceful kinship and peaceful spiritual cooperative and harmonious worldwide unity.
The 'Mahdi' or 'The Chosen One'
Islam, as with Christianity, has a long history of charismatic Prophets, the 'chosen' Ones.  To the best of my historical knowledge, Muhammad Ahmed 'The Mahdi' (Sudan) was the last One of such prominence.  That ensuing, were, what became known as, The Mahdist Wars.
One of such prominence of the Islamic faith usually 'appears' about every 100-150 years, to be precise.  Since Muhammad Ahmed, whom I would identify as the last prominent Mahdi from the Levant and North Africa, including the Sudan, there have been other 'claimants' to the 'title'.
This has now been given an 'incarnate' form by ISIL and other 'Messianic' movements. In my opinion, it is this incarnation (sic. as 'Satan') which encourages radicalized individuals, particularly those with long held 'blood vengeance' pledges for the deaths of loved ones or innocent Muslims at the hands of 'the Infidel' or 'Kuffar' for example, to rally around a 'flag'.   It could have been a political flag but just happens to be one which ISIL have, unwittingly or calculatedly, tapped into at a particularly convergent time in history.  
The Shattered Mirror
A convergence of local issues originating with the appointment of a U.S. Administrator or 'Proconsul' (Mr Paul Bremer) after the defeat of Saddam Hussein, the complete dismantlement of the social, political, economic, military and ethnic culture and the impoverishment of a very proud, very ancient and very tribal Sunni population in one country - Iraq - all were added ingredients just waiting for a spark. That spark was, ultimately, ISIL.   Experts think 'Oh just give the Sunnis what they want and everything will return to normal.'  I beg to disagree.   Things have gone far, far too far, for the shattered mirror to be now, unbroken.
Historic Conversion Of The 'Heathen' and 'Infidel' To 'The Book' by The Sword - A Shared Christian and Muslim Inheritance
I have had some past contact and experience of individuals in the democratic world who formulate the policies which have input to the creation of the chaos we now see and what has always struck me about them is the arrogance with which they are convinced about their own invincibility – be it their imperial perceptions, beliefs in the ultimate triumph of 'democracy' and 'free range' capitalism, sometimes belief in the fact that, ultimately, they will 'convert' the 'heathen' to the true (Christian) God and destroy tribal and ethnic idolatrous effigies, cultural and social practices, in favor of 'Western values' as promoted through, for example, the United Nations. But, interestingly, their arrogance in frenetic commitment, is now equally matched and mirrored by ISIL – so these doppelgängers become the 'perfect' adversaries for confrontation.
It just happened that in space and time they intersected simultaneously and at a point where both have synchronously and in unison, reached threshold.
Lost In A World of Darkness
It is for these reasons that the arrogance being displayed by ISIL, completely oblivious to the feelings or consequences of the suffering they are inflicting in pursuance of a spiritual ideology, is simply a naturally evolved product of a world already inherited.
This may sound very logical and very simplistic but if you carefully analyze the literature of ISIL and hold it up in a mirror, it is an exact mirror-image of it's antithesis.
My only surprise is that ISIL executioners of prisoners don't (yet) show their faces – as they (too) have lost all sense of what it is (supposed) to mean to be human and humane to all except those (perhaps, and as an act of 'mercy') who completely 'submit' and 'conform' to their 'ideology' and 'vision' for existence in the here and hereafter.
It is for these (and more) reasons that a Russian President has never been more vulnerable.
Because it is so unthinkable for Russian Presidential Security Services, there will be at least some small complacency that this can never dare to happen.
Beyond Assassins (حشّاشين‎ Ḥashshāshīn) - A Brave New World
Many years ago, I said in a small gathering, that the poor man's 'nuclear' bomb were viruses. The ability to 'create' lethal viruses have been, unwittingly, present, worldwide, for a long time, a 'by-product' of the developed world. My surprise then (over two decades ago) and now is that, as yet, it still remains beyond the capabilities of all but a few.
I will not go in to why but again this is an area where, in my opinion, border security, as exists worldwide, will, when this challenge arrives, prove as useless as a horse an cart to get from Europe to the United States.

Again, it will be the responsibility of those charged with political policy, to first understand (which most do not as yet) then create the environments where such matters can be managed and countered.

The world, far from being a safer place where freedom, democracy, open source and open electronic frontier societies flourish and prosper, will be quite the opposite, should the fanatics (on both sides) succeed.