Thursday 23 October 2014

In  A  Land Where  Justice  Is  Still   A  Game:
The Blackwater  4

The recent Court and jury decision to convict 4 former Blackwater contractors of murder is, in my opinion, another travesty of justice.
It is a travesty of justice because the contractors were assured that they were 'protected' in the course of what was, at that time, one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet.
They were asked to undertake work which professional Armed forces personnel would find, at the best of times, stressful and where only intensive professional training could have possibly averted a tragedy on that day in Nisoor Square, Baghdad.
The truth was they (the convicted ex-Blackwater employees) were betrayed by the very politicians whose safety they were prepared (and some did) to sacrifice their lives to protect whilst visiting Iraq.
But you won't read about this in the 'hanging press', all reproducing the same storyline – that 'justice' has been 'seen' to be done. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Given public hysteria and fear of loss of electoral votes over any sensitive [vote losing] issue, all run for cover, and, to put it bluntly, hang anyone and everyone 'out to dry' to save their own political necks.
But you will never read about this in the mainstream news.
I never condone murder. Yes there is little doubt that the restraints normally in place where professional Armed Forces personnel are involved, were absent on that fateful day in 2007 at Nisoor Square, Baghdad when innocent civilians were indiscriminately shot dead. But how many of the jury or the judge, the Justice Department or FBI staffers have been in a war zone under these exceptional conditions? I have so I can speak with some confidence and knowledge in this regard.
If you have ever been in a war zone where local conditions can change in an instant and the atmosphere can go from being unhostile, to build up, general hysteria, or being 'hemmed in' to someone shouting 'kill the Infidels' or something similar or a language you do not understand but have to infer many things from gestures, actions and try to anticipate intentions, all in an instant. I can assure you there is little time to react, between you being surrounded, torn to shreds, your head on a pole, little time between being alive and dead. The only thing which may save you – and the civilians surrounding you - from carnage – is your training, or sheer luck. For myself, it was the latter, on three separate occasions in two different countries. There is no time to react logically, basic survival instinct takes over and you do what you can in an instant to save your own life [or protect your VIP as the case is.] Once the shooting starts only training and discipline can bring it to an end with minimum loss of life.
But you won't read or hear or see about this in your mainstream media. Those few who have had this experience will, on the whole, prefer to just keep quiet. Maybe for personal reasons. Maybe for professional career fears for the future. Maybe they themselves continue to be traumatized, suffering in silence rather than seeking professional help – or because they just can't afford the cost of such private psychiatric healthcare or just can't afford the cost of speaking out.  (Yes Michael Savage, PTSD does exist – and many who served their country suffer in silence rather than seek help. Only armchair critics have no knowledge of it.)
I have experienced this [operating under extremely stressful or life-threatening conditions] situation three times, in two different War zones, in two different countries, as a non-combatant civilian, in my lifetime. I would not wish it on anyone. If I had been armed, I would have instantly acted to defend myself from what were rapidly changing (in an instant) conditions. I may (or may not) have issued verbal warnings which, if ignored, I too would have had no hesitation in opening fire on hysterical or surrounding local crowds. I was unarmed and, with hindsight and surprise, used other innate survival skills, which I did not even realize I possessed until those moments, to save my own life. But I have never forgotten those events. They do not haunt me, but they were very formative in my personal evolution and development.
A judge and jury who have never experienced a combat zone close up and personal – other than the six feet between themselves and the plasma, LCD or LED in their living room, and witnesses for the prosecution, must give added weight to the innocent victims accounts by the very nature of the outcome. The jury have not just taken away the liberty but the dignity of the contractors whose only crime was that they believed in their country and were prepared to lay down their lives whilst undertaking tasks their masters would often prefer to plausibly deny and, more importantly, under extreme pressure and stress, they made fatal mistakes. Once bullets are fired, unfortunately they cannot be recalled.

For the record, the former Blackwater contractors were guilty of opening fire on an apparently defenceless crowd of civilians. But Baghdad in 2007, was not (as it is likewise today) a cakewalk.

As far as I am concerned, justice will not have been done until all these convicted Blackwater contractors are freed or pardoned for the mitigating reasons and exceptional conditions which few citizens will ever experience in their lifetimes, thankfully.
They will not even have the 'dignity' of serving out their sentences at Leavenworth [USDB/JRCF] but are now branded as common criminals, murderers to be incarcerated, keys thrown away, no chance of reprieve.
If the four individuals convicted are guilty of anything it is a lack of good judgement under exceptionally stressful conditions which resulted in a tragic loss of innocent Iraqi civilian lives.
Their indirect employer, the government, should acknowledge it's own culpability.

In my opinion, one of the last acts in Office of the incumbent President should be to acknowledge this fact and that these individuals were not the only ones who should have been in the dock but were shamelessly used, hung out to swing in the wind, thrown away as garbage, then abandoned by the country they served. One can argue with justification the issues of honor ,dignity and recompense for the innocent victims and their grieving families in their quest for some sense of justice and closure.

I will not quote much of the 'hanging press' as it is all, almost unanimously, singing from the same hymn sheet, with as many as can clammer, scramble and fight their way on board, all along for the ride, steering, cajoling on, at the top of their vocals, the wheeled wicker baskets with the (now) convicted murderers, towards their pre-prepared pyres for incineration, to satisfy the frenzied 'blood-lust' of the psyched-up masses.

Patrick Emek

Detailed description of a convoy 'hemmed in' at a very congested junction:
This very descriptive account of tragic loss also gives some sense of an environment where, at any moment, anything can happen - and this is a point where a convoy is at it's most vulnerable - and 'on edge' for such reasons:

Bob Dylan:
''could not help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land where justice is a game'':

Sunday 19 October 2014

Tennis - Serena slams "sexist" slur by Russian Federation Chief, Shamil Tarpischev

World number one Serena Williams has slammed the Russian Tennis Federation president for describing her and sister Venus as the "Williams brothers".

(title heading directly quoted from the reference give below)

The remarks by Russian Tennis Federation President, Shamil Tarpischev, show how appallingly backward and barbarian the Russian Federation is in it's perception of  Black people and other non-Russian cultures.
The undertones are, of course, violently racist, barely disguised by the Russian Tennis Federation President.
Countries would be strongly advised to monitor with great care the presence of Russian Orthodox citizens on their territory as such are likely to disrupt harmonious cultural relationships by their attitudes and lack of respect.
The above remarks about the Williams Sisters – one of the most successful 'Sister-Act' ever in the history of tennis - only confirms suspicions in the West that Russia has but merely moved snails paces from the eras of pogroms against minorities at the beck and whims of the Russian Orthodox Church (one of the most violently racist outfits in the world today – perhaps equaled by ISIS) and the neolithic-thinking Russian fascist political establishment. which props it up.
You will never hear the Russian Orthodox Church condemn such remarks because, of course, they are their inspiration and in full agreement with such statements.
I will not even give the former the title of an Orthodox 'religious order' because that would be to debase and defile other Orthodox Christian Churches worldwide.
I have yet to come across an outfit so unfit to call itself 'Christian' as The Russian Orthodox Church
and it's so-called 'priests'. They call themselves men of God but in reality they share more in common with the Dark Side of human nature than with it's Godhead
Nothing the Russian Orthodox Church has ever done for mankind outside Russia has ever been historically recorded. And that should come as no great surprise for the informed.
Best for the security of the world that they all just continue, ad-infinitum, to tend nurture and cultivate their flocks of racists and neo-nationalists rather than become a part of the civilized world.

By the way, you will be hard-pressed to find these remarks covered by 'The Bullhorn of President Putin' (Russia Today)  in it's coverage of  'newsworthy' international events.

Patrick Emek

Friday 17 October 2014

Beyond Ebola & It's Successors:
Synthetic Viral Pandemics
[The Shape of Things To Come]

Synthetic molecules have the potential to be both blessings and curses.
There is the potential to transform even the concept of what we regard as 'human' through the creation of such structures.
Unlike my opposition to GM foods, synthetic life could have the potential to take us beyond our concepts of time, space, reality and open the potential for a new intelligent species to do things, go places and self-replicate in manners beyond our wildest of dreams and imaginations.
The very concept of what is (or constitutes) intelligent life will be altered by this Science.
Apart from everything else, synthetic life could 'go viral' in it's own right.
As with all forms of life everywhere in our known (and unknown) universe, there are always Achilles Heels. 'Other' life is no more nor less susceptible to infections than we are.
What will cause infections and how such lifeforms will react will no doubt be as dramatic as anything we can see with human pandemics.
The problem we will face is that our biology has not evolved to respond to synthetic life and such would be an 'attack' on human cellular lifeforms by an 'alien' virus. Our immune systems have been evolving over billions of years (certainly over hundreds of millions) and our existence is a unique product of the symbiotic relationship between ourselves and the millions of bacteria and organisms which happily co-exist, most of the time, within our own bodies, and do not (usually) 'trigger' immediate reactions which cause us to immediately die. Such process usually takes place when 'runaway' cell reproduction becomes unstoppable or under other traumatic circumstances which cause life to immediately cease.
Disease causing microbes (pathogens) include bacteria, viruses and fungi.
The issue for the future will be what to do when a synthetic virus crosses the species barrier*.
The scientists don't want to discuss this with you because they already know that the results could be to wipe out the entire human population as it exists since no human is configured or 'tailor designed' to 'cope' with a synthetic molecular or viral 'attack' on human cells.
There is no precedent. For example, isolation depends on the ability to contain contamination.
It assumes that 'firewalls' between the infected person and those treating the victim(s) can be maintained as configured. But what if a synthetic virus can with ease 'walk through' walls, metal, polycarbonate, graphene, and any other 'barriers' we have constructed -and on the basis of our past experience?   Such is the worst scenario – and in this case there may be no fall-back position.
Let's not assume the very worst, let's assume the ability to contain within a defined quarter or location for treatment of the patient, it is not beyond the realms of thinking that such an intelligent synthetic virus could, to save itself, go 'dormant', possibly even be undetectable to available equipment.   The dormancy might be factored by parameters we are yet to evaluate.
In such a case, again, we are in big trouble as there are no precedents on the period of dormancy (years, decades, centuries) to be able to accurately predict it's re-emergence.

I was recently discussing Ebola with a friend and gave the following scenario:
What if, in the past, whole villages of extended families in remote areas of Africa had been 'wiped out' by this virus? Has anybody stopped to consider what happened to their unburied bodies?  In such regions as Equatorial Africa they would, no doubt, be eaten by the natural wildlife. So these dead infected corpses had been ingested by scavengers, which, in turn may well have reproduced (as carriers) be subsequently caught and eaten as Bush Meat by humans.
In Africa, 'Bush Meat' is our equivalent of free-range live animals not farmed nor factory-farmed but running and living wild in the forests and, what is left of African jungle areas.  Such meat is very popular because, for example, you can just hunt wild animals in the forests, kill and eat the fresh meat, free of charge. This is a traditional practice which has kept many impoverished families alive for centuries - as they simply cannot afford to buy meat for their families in the market place nor shops.   It has also provided a lucrative living to enterprising individuals who make a living by selling 'natural' 'bush meat' in the marketplace.  I must also add that but for this 'business' (of catching Bush Meat) individuals would, together with their families, dependents, extended family members, otherwise remain impoverished .
It has also enabled the children in parts of Africa where such is widely practiced to make 'pocket money' and even money to pay for their books and school charges and, in the case of those orphaned and living with a relative or adopted 'mother', to help pay for their keep.
So we could, potentially, be talking about the onward transmission, now into generations, of potentially deadly viruses.  The good news is that from within such communities, those who have survived will also carry the antibodies from which antigens which will offer the potential for future immunization against this deadly virus will be created.
The question immediately arises 'well if a deadly virus has been transmitted, then why has the new victim (carrier) not succumbed after eating this infected Bush Meat?'  In other words, what are the incubation or dormancy periods of such viruses after they cross and/ or trans-cross the species barrier(s)?  I don't have an answer to this question but there could be many reasons.
One possible answer is that, for secondary and tertiary carriers, we do not fully understand periods of viral 'hibernation' fully and how they alter the human genetic code, perhaps in very subtle ways we are yet to discover?
The point I am making here is that dormant viruses for periods of time beyond what we hitherto thought possible, within the human body, may not be as far-fetched as it sounds.

Once we create molecules, microorganisms, or even nano-technological structures which, like an email, have the potential to travel at near half light-speed or at least, in an 'apparent' instant, then, potentially, such could also 'infect' likewise in an apparent instant, with the 'right' medium as 'host' or 'transmitter' or 'carrier'.
As a whole 'Brave New World' of technology and science emerge and fuse, the wonders for creation and good are bountiful - as are the scenarios for apocalypse.
The tragedy is, whether we are ready for this world or not, it is already in motion and all we can do is hope, work and, if you are religious, pray, that we understand it's philosophy of life better than we have understood our own.

 [  Note that I am not a trained virologist nor medical professional so please feel free to debunk anything I have said above, based on your own professional expertise.  ]

© Patrick Emek, 2014
Author & Researcher

*For example, the NPC1 protein is common to  both bats and humans.
This would be an ideal 'bridge' for crossing the species barrier as we currently understand it.
There are other proteins common to both humans and animals which virologists are currently researching and identifying. 
A constellation of  recombinaze solutions may, in part, offer some options for current challenges.

Note 1:
There is a lot of ignorance resulting in general hysteria about Ebola and infectious disease.   I am therefore including the most internationally recognized protocol terminology for disease transmission and epidemiology. 
Please refer to the credit below the terminology for further information:


''In order to approach the subject of disease transmission and epidemiology in a clear and logical manner, it is necessary to establish a common ground in the use of terminology. The following terms will be used frequently throughout this subcourse.

a. Disease. Disease is an impairment of the normal state of the living animal or plant body that affects the performance of the vital functions. The presence of disease usually results in visible signs or symptoms.

b. Communicable Disease. A communicable disease is an illness that can be transmitted person to person or from animal to person.

c. Agent. An agent is a disease-producing organism or substance.

d. Infection. Infection is the entrance and multiplication of infectious (disease-producing) agents into the body of man or animal.

e. Reservoir. A reservoir is the source of a disease, harboring the infectious agent(s). The agent either multiplies or undergoes some development with the organism or substance acting as the reservoir.

f. Mode of Transmission. The mode of transmission is the means by which a disease is transmitted from one person or animal to another.

g. Vector. A vector is an animal or arthropod that plays a part in the transmission of disease. A disease vector may be either the reservoir or the vehicle in disease transmission.

h. Host. The host is the living body upon which a parasite or infectious agent lives--the final recipient of a disease agent. The host of a disease may be either a case or a carrier.

i. Case. A case refers to a person who is actually ill with a disease.

j. Carrier. A carrier is an individual (or animal) who is infected with a disease, agent and is capable of transmitting the disease, but who usually does not exhibit clinical symptoms.

k. Incubation Period. The incubation period is the time interval between the entrance of an infectious agent into a host and the appearance of symptoms.

l. Spectrum of Infection. The spectrum of infection is the broad gradation of disease infection from no apparent symptoms (such as the carrier state) through severe illness and death.

m. Endemic. Endemic refers to the usual level of occurrence of a disease within a given geographical area.

n. Epidemic. Epidemic is the occurrence of a disease clearly in excess of the normal expectancy within a given geographical area.

o. Pandemic. Pandemic is the occurrence of disease over a wide geographical area and affecting an exceptionally high percentage of the population.

p. Epidemiology. Epidemiology is the study of the determinants and distribution of disease and injury in a given population.

q. Vehicle. A vehicle is an inanimate object that facilitates the transmission of a disease-causing agent.


Although not all diseases of military importance are communicable, this lesson will focus upon the communicable diseases-those that can be transmitted from person to person or from an animal to a person. These diseases may be classified into five groups, based upon the manner in which they are spread, the area of the body that they affect, and the type of control needed to prevent their spread.

a. Intestinal Diseases. These diseases are usually transmitted by food or water that has become contaminated with feces from an infected human or animal. Examples are typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, dysentery, and cholera.

b. Respiratory Diseases. These diseases are usually transmitted from person to person by discharges from the nose, mouth, throat, or lungs of an infected person. Examples are the common cold, influenza, pneumonia, streptococcal sore throat, and tuberculosis.

c. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. These diseases are transmitted from person to person by sexual intercourse. Examples are syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, hepatitis B, and chancroid.

d. Arthropod-Borne Diseases. These diseases are transmitted from person to person or from animal to person by insects or other arthropods. Examples are malaria, typhus, and yellow fever.

e. Miscellaneous Diseases. This group includes those communicable diseases that do not fall into any of the above groups. Examples are rabies (hydrophobia), tetanus (lockjaw), and dermatophytosis (athlete's foot).


a. Each case of communicable disease is the result of an orderly progression in a series of events. This series of events may be described as a three-link chain, each link representing a factor essential to the transmission of disease. These links are:

(1) The source of the disease (reservoir)

(2) The means by which the disease may be transmitted (mode of transmission).

A susceptible person (host).''

1 I am indebted to the U.S. Army, Army Medical School, Fort Sam, Houston, Texas.

For any further information please contact:


Note 2:

The incubation period for Ebola, is, estimated at 28-36 days and not the 22 days as is being presented.

I suspect that for commercial reasons, the arbitrary (mean or average) figure of 22 days has been chosen.

Any community which is free of the virus for 36 days can be said to have contained the virus.

© Patrick Emek, 2014

revised 18.10.2014

updated 19th October, 2014

updated 22nd October,2014 (Note 1)

updated 25th October with Press Release from the Desk of Dr. Anthony Fauci at The White House:

erratum: 30th October:speed of an email:near half the speed of light -light




שיעור 4 – 31/01/08 מחלת הסכרת – Diabetes Mellitus במסגרת ...
English translation at:

Sunday 12 October 2014

Moral Equivalence: The Fall of The Turkish-Syrian Border Town of Kobani and The Fall of The Warsaw Ghetto

Moral Equivalence:

The Fall of The Turkish-Syrian Border Town of Kobani and The Fall of The Warsaw Ghetto 9

It is not now inevitable that the Syrian-Turkish border town of Kobani, mainly occupied by Syrian Kurds, will fall to ISIL forces.  
This whole event brings back memories of my childhood when I met families who were survivors of the Holocaust where I was growing up.
I was always struck by their very deep sense of emotions when talking about what life was like in Europe before, during and after the Second World War Nazi years.
All had been evacuated after the war to various parts of Europe with little but identity cards and some money by an International Relief Agency (either U.S. or Red Cross) for food and travel. Nearly all had arrived in host countries with just the clothes they and their children were wearing.
It's probably for such reasons that I have always had great sympathy for all refugees, regardless of color, race or religion who, through no fault of their own, are exiled from their birthplace and beloved country.
As I grew up and learned more, it was apparent that the Allies (Churchill and Roosevelt and Stalin) had known about the Concentration camps from the earliest times of Nazi implementation of medical extermination programs (forerunners of the Death Camps) but choose to keep silent.   Besides, they had enough of their own Jews - without wanting to offer sanctuary to any more in flight from pogroms in Russia nor from Nazi-controlled Europe.
While this is all now public knowledge nobody really seems to care that probably millions of lives could have been saved and, perhaps, even the Second World War itself prevented, if leaders had the moral courage to stand up to Nazism. All lacked the courage of true leadership. All were consumed with their own prejudices and selfish interests and saw all the minorities in Europe as expendable. 
For myself, Pastor Martin Niemöller got it spot on when he said:

'' First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.''1

It's Not Just Intellectual Cowardice
It is not just cowardice of intellectuals but a general cowardice of political will because it lacks all morality and spirituality and is consumed in the selfishness of materialism and ethnocentricity which caters for the lowest common base and never for the highest common shared universal ideals and values.  It's a cowardice which wraps itself with all the legal trappings of morality and justice whilst secretly working to undermine all those very same values.
As the town of Kobani falls, should we impose any higher standards of morality on Turkey than on, say, the United States for the My Lai Massacre5, or Israel for Sabra and Shatila6 or the perpetrators of the Rwanda4genocide or the genocides of Serbs7, Croats7and Bosnians7or the murder on the streets of Paris of 200 hundred Algerians and the throwing of their bodies into the River Seine?2; or the untold stories of how every Jew has been ethnically cleansed from North Africa, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan?8.     How can we hold the Turks to any higher standards than we hold ourselves?   We have already failed in that regard so have lost all moral authority and credibility to condemn their failure of compassion and mercy in dealing with their refusal to allow the relief nor directly assist - thereby aiding and abetting - the ultimate fall of Kobani and inevitable massacre of it's heroic defenders by ISIL butchers?

How can we ever expect to defeat ideologies such as those of ISIL when we ourselves do not even fight to defend  those we purport to uphold and cherish - perhaps because we do not even believe in what we publicly profess?; preferring instead, appeasement, until our own, very selfish and very narrow tunnel-vision interests, are threatened ?

The Shape of Things To Come - And How Did Things Come To Where They Are?

Al Qaeda and ISIL forces and subsidiaries are all across North Africa : – you haven't heard?   You need to be better informed than the sources from where you are currently getting your news.    And who brought them there?   We (the West) did.    Through our failed policies.   Now our politicians (the ones who got us all into these messes) haven't a clue how to get us out – other than turn industrial Europe into an armaments manufacturer for the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
Have our politicians really decided that guns and bullets are more profitable than (non-GMO) seeds and plowshares for our neighbors in the Muslim world and the East?

Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil
I have many criticisms of Salafist Erdogan's government but because he will not survive politically there is little to be gained through further criticism of his policies.
What I can say in the case of the Syrian-Turkish border town of Kobani is that the Turks, as a government and as a nation, are no less nor more morally culpable of the genocide of this town and it's brave Syrian-Kurdish defenders than our own politicians are for the many times they shut their eyes, shut their ears and stayed silent, hearing no evil, seeing no evil  when all about them was evil.

Update at 20th October 2014:
A major change in policy in the past 48 hours has seen Turkey now being prepared to engage ISIL forces at Kobani.    It appears that international pressure is, in part, responsible for this development.   From Turkey's perspective to (temporarily) choose the lesser of two evils (Kurdish Separatists) is a matter of national security and the more immediate and visible danger, the Salafist Erdogan government has finally realized, is ISIL  - that very same group it was previously encouraging in it's bid to break up Syria.

Patrick Emek

updated 15/10/2014  with reference 9 (earlier omitted in error)

 ''First They Came.......''

35 Years ago the "Battle of Paris": When the Seine was full of bodies
Hakim Sadek, Liberté, 17th October 1998




7Massacre of Serbs:

7Cover Up of Serbian Organ Harvesting:

7Massacres by Serbian Forces:

7Genocide Watch:

8Islamic Ethnic Cleansing of Jews:



Tuesday 7 October 2014

Argentina: Condor Comes Full Circle

Condor Comes Full Circle
Guilty Of Torture and Murder : – The Men Behind The Masks
A recent decision to convict senior political and military figures still alive (including a former President) is hailed by Human Rights groups worldwide as a victory for equality and justice.  But is it really this?
Yes there were excesses during the years of the Argentine dictatorship years. Yes individuals were tortured and murdered. Yes babies were taken from (political prisoners, who, more often than not, were murdered) parents and given up for adoption to 'good' Christian' families in Argentina and elsewhere. But there were many excesses – on all sides – during a period of what we now call the Cold War.   It was a ruthless war worldwide, often taking no prisoners, for control of the world by either Communism or Capitalism. You were either on one side or the other.   There was no sitting on the fence. (Unless, of course, you were part of  the 'Non-Aligned Movement' - a not insignificant number of countries choosing neither capitalism nor communism, but a 'Third Way'.)  You did what you could to further the objectives of what you believed in – and there was little sympathy, on either side, for compromise.
This war transcended all others and, in some shape or form, all others, had offshoot connections (for the supply of intelligence or armaments) to one side or the other.   It was rare (but not exceptional) to find an astute political leader receiving support from both the Communist and Capitalist blocks to further his political or economic goals somewhere in the world.

Back Chat and It's Relevance To Today's Conflicts
Having said the above, it was not unusual to find the servants of bitter foes sitting down to a cup of coffee somewhere in the world to exchange possibilities - such were one of numerous 'back channels' recognized and respected throughout Christendom – and which is totally absent in dealing with fanatical Islamic religious zealots like ISIL as such  have no interest in 'Infidel' 'rules of conduct' .

So Are The Most Recent Convictions Examples of Justice?
(Or Is There Something Else Going On?)
Firstly the families of the victims deserve justice as under Argentinian law. Truth and Reconciliation are the cornerstones of such a process – and the lengthy prison sentences meted out to former Senior Officials are an example of this.  In my view, the legal process involving the victims (whose cases and grievances I am not in any way disputing nor questioning) in Argentina has been hijacked.   Let me explain why:
Argentina is currently embroiled in a very bitter dispute with the IMF and The United States over the repayment of loans.  This goes back to the Argentinian Government's decision to default on it's debts in 2001.  You can read about this in the reference section below.
The most comprehensive reference of the ones chosen below, if you only have the time to read one, I suggest you choose 'The Market Oracle'.  If you have a little more time, I refer you to 'Who Shot Argentina?'  in The Huffington Post.
So as not to appear too biased, I have selected references which are, in the main, sympathetic to the position of the Argentina Government in this dispute.

The Sub-Plot
Now the key issues here are, what the Argentine government calls U.S. 'vulture funds' which it blames for it's 2001 crises.  The Argentina government calls the actions of certain (mainly U.S.) companies 'financial terrorism'.  Despite well publicized international rulings, the government of Argentina has been unable to reach a compromise on it's outstanding debt – as litigated against for settlement in U.S. Courts of Law - and is nearing a point where such appeal channels (The U.S. Supreme Court) are exhausted.
The ruling today of the Argentine Court leaves the door open for financial actions against, yes, you guessed it, 'the vulture funds' (well some of them) or their subsidiaries or merged or re-structured successor companies as prima facie for financial restitution as the (implicit) claims made in court case against the convicted torturers and assassins were that certain multinationals were 'complicit' with the dictatorship regimes in kidnappings, assassinations, torture and murder. That such were all enacted as a process of financial-political right-wing 'terrorism' directed against the Argentinian people but that all such corporate entities have escaped both the limelight and prosecution for their heinous crimes. That such are the real terrorists and 'vultures' who fed on the blood of Argentinians for the furtherance of economic gain and, thus, they too must now publicly and financially account for their crimes against the people of Argentina and against the State.  So this is the real objective of today's verdict in Argentina.
The victims and their families are being shamelessly used as political pawns in a battle between the government of Argentina and it's financial creditors as 'retaliation' for an adverse decision which has blocked it's ability to reach a 'once and for all' financial settlement with it's creditors – mainly in the United States (or U.S. owned or controlled subsidiaries.)
They (the victims of murder and torture) will never see any real financial recompense (unless articles like this highlight the hypocrisy and double-standards.)   The next move will be to indict these 'vultures' and seek a ruling for (what is likely to be)  billions (tens or hundreds, I have no access to this data) of dollars as financial restitution both at home (in the Argentine) , in the United States (through the Courts) and through the United Nations and International Courts.
This will not be a 'chicken feed' claim but be assured crumbs will be given (perhaps after years of legal wrangling) to those victims (or their successors) in whose names compensation will be being sought by the government of Argentina.   That's the strategy folks.   The objective is to force the U.S. government to 'step in' to 'enforce' 'compliance' on those 'vultures' blocking a settlement of  Argentina's debts with it's creditors.   Are you now getting the picture?    Don't say you didn't get the news here – before it was news.

Does The Government of Argentina Have A Valid Case?
In my personal opinion it does, but to shamelessly use the victims of injustice during the dictatorship years as pawns in this dispute, in this manner, is not right.  And for these so called international  'Human Rights' groups to crow or carp about victory for justice for human rights is laughable.  In my opinion it only undermines their own credibility and shows how they 'cherry pick' cases for their own selfish financial and public relations (in terms of socially 'popular' 'Witch Hunts') agendas.
I should also add that the innocent victims of Communist violence and terror throughout the region during this period also have financial cases – which will never (or are indeed rarely) be heard or recompensed as such as seen (sadly, by most) as 'collateral' damage.  As it's not a popular cause don't expect these 'impartial'  human rights organizations to be eagerly jumping on the bandwagon to provide assistance in the highlighting of such injustices.
There were many other ways the Argentinian Government could have chosen to  resolve this pressing issue but, with it's back against the wall, this was seen as the most expeditious route.
For myself, it's like an organization using Holocaust victims as pawns to extract funds from, say, I.G. Farben
(or it's successors) solely to line the financial pockets of the litigating organization for it's activities (be they charitable, social, cultural etc.) and it's lawyers or attorneys with little recompense ever reaching the actual victims or their families or successors for the horrors of slave labor and the Nazi concentration camps experiments, tortures and mass murders. This to me, is the equivalent of the Argentinian government's intended actions with regard to the above.
It should also highlight the shortcomings in political systems where nations, in desperation, have to resort to 'guerrilla warfare' and Talibanistic-style 'hostage' tactics to obtain justice, in the absence of internationally respected individuals and institutions regarded as impartial and bona fide arbitrators by all parties to conduct informal mediation and compromise.   In the absence of common sense prevailing,  the exercise of power, for it's own sake, by the powerful, appears to be the order of the day.

Patrick Emek

'Foreword' deleted,  October 8, 2014 

Standard Oil is mentioned in the reference below (and you may be interested to read about it's successor companies.)  The reference below is controversial, but I am including it as there are aspects to it's (biased?;conspiracist?) analysis which will, in part, more likely than not, openly play out in the forthcoming corporate 'show trials' in Argentina:

and last but not least,  The Ministry of Reconciliation: