Sunday 19 October 2014

Tennis - Serena slams "sexist" slur by Russian Federation Chief, Shamil Tarpischev

World number one Serena Williams has slammed the Russian Tennis Federation president for describing her and sister Venus as the "Williams brothers".

(title heading directly quoted from the reference give below)

The remarks by Russian Tennis Federation President, Shamil Tarpischev, show how appallingly backward and barbarian the Russian Federation is in it's perception of  Black people and other non-Russian cultures.
The undertones are, of course, violently racist, barely disguised by the Russian Tennis Federation President.
Countries would be strongly advised to monitor with great care the presence of Russian Orthodox citizens on their territory as such are likely to disrupt harmonious cultural relationships by their attitudes and lack of respect.
The above remarks about the Williams Sisters – one of the most successful 'Sister-Act' ever in the history of tennis - only confirms suspicions in the West that Russia has but merely moved snails paces from the eras of pogroms against minorities at the beck and whims of the Russian Orthodox Church (one of the most violently racist outfits in the world today – perhaps equaled by ISIS) and the neolithic-thinking Russian fascist political establishment. which props it up.
You will never hear the Russian Orthodox Church condemn such remarks because, of course, they are their inspiration and in full agreement with such statements.
I will not even give the former the title of an Orthodox 'religious order' because that would be to debase and defile other Orthodox Christian Churches worldwide.
I have yet to come across an outfit so unfit to call itself 'Christian' as The Russian Orthodox Church
and it's so-called 'priests'. They call themselves men of God but in reality they share more in common with the Dark Side of human nature than with it's Godhead
Nothing the Russian Orthodox Church has ever done for mankind outside Russia has ever been historically recorded. And that should come as no great surprise for the informed.
Best for the security of the world that they all just continue, ad-infinitum, to tend nurture and cultivate their flocks of racists and neo-nationalists rather than become a part of the civilized world.

By the way, you will be hard-pressed to find these remarks covered by 'The Bullhorn of President Putin' (Russia Today)  in it's coverage of  'newsworthy' international events.

Patrick Emek