Saturday 29 November 2014

Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR]
                                  'A Terrorist Organization'

With Friends Like These......?
If even your friends desert you for supporting terrorists, what more can be said?  So it was a few days ago when the UAE produced it's new list of designated terrorist groups1.
Apparently it is CAIR's involvement in the Syrian conflict which has displeased it's one time supporter, the United Arab Emirates.
The decision is no relief to the civilian victims of this civil war - which is tearing the country apart at its foundations.

I have always lumped CAIR, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Jazeera [covertly Salafist-inspired, controlled and bankrolled] as all, during the height of the 'Arab Spring', at the very least, passively supporting anti-Christian rhetoric by ignoring their plight, the murders of Christians and enslavement of Christian girls to Muslim men [forced religious conversions or death] in Egypt during the period of the Morsi administration. None used their considerable influence nor public platforms to condemn such barbaric practices and actively discourage them.

CAIR's Real Strategy For The United States 

[ Brief Examples of How Extremist Propaganda Works In A Modern Urban Setting5]

  A classic insurgency tactic is to infiltrate and passively dismember moderate organizations by altering their philosophical 'outlook' using 'soft' persuasion and 'innocuous' new resolutions or  promote the introduction of what appears, at face value, to be 'socially worthwhile' and  meaningful 'civic' [civil society] policy changes  as opposed to their implementation through blatant violent rhetoric.  For example, the introduction by States or Municipalities of bans on the consumption of alcohol in public places or  bans on the depiction of images of nudity or scant dress on public billboards or on magazine covers (as a start to a long-term campaign against full ban on media publications nudity displays) or on public [swimming] beaches  might appear, at face value, to be actively promoting civil society ethical values, 'public hygiene' and 'public welfare'.                                                                         Most elected officials are completely out of their depth when it comes to insurgency and counter-insurgency propaganda and 'sleeper cells' in urban warfare settings so just a little 'political' pressure should usually 'tip' the balance.   Hence we see a gradual slide in Christendom into an 'Islamic' perception of values - QED5 .  [Don't worry, they (extremists) will not (yet) touch the issue of banning consumption of Pork in Christendom - it would be too blatantly obvious (!) ]

What Al Jazeera and CAIR are covertly promoting are Salafist ideals and values - with a human face as facade.

    Is Any Muslim Country In The Middle East and North Africa Protecting It's Indigenous Christian Minorities?
Indeed, in the whole of the Middle East and North Africa, where Christians are under attack or fleeing in fear for their lives, the only army officially ordered to protect them were the Syrian Armed Forces [yes folks, those of none other than President Assad of Syria.] No other Muslim armed forces in any Middle East nor North African country in turmoil, to the best of my knowledge, have orders (and act upon such) to protect (as best they can) Christian lives and property4.

The 'Arab Spring'  – 'Open Killing Season' For Jihadis and Brotherhoods
What little respect I had for CAIR  was lost during the so-called 'Arab Spring' as it was evident their new 'vision' had no place for Christians in the Muslim world.
So for CAIR now to be 'exposed' as a terrorist organisation1 is no surprise to me.

Earlier Warning Signs – Ignored Abroad
Indeed, the FBI severed all contacts with CAIR as far back as 2008 because of concerns about their 'roots' in a Hamas-support5network2.
[You need to understand here that Hamas is a designated terrorist organization in the United States3 so for the FBI to be cooperating in any way, directly or indirectly, with any Hamas-advocacy group, would make it unlawful.]

What this also shows is the deepening divisions and fears amongst Gulf States that the Saudi Arabia-inspired Salafist and Wahhabist hate philosophies, for so long exported to countries as far diverse as Nigeria, Somalia, Indonesia, Latin America  The Philippines and Chechnya, are now all coming home to the Gulf to roost – with a vengeance.

© Patrick Emek 2014