Wednesday 19 November 2014

Kiss & Tell, Jilted Lovers Revenge, and Public Humiliation

Is A New 'Revolution' To Rival The Napoleonic Code  In The Making Throughout The Anglo-Saxon World?

You cannot help but notice the crazed media and mass public lust in the Anglo-Saxon world for 'kiss and tell' revelations.
The more titillating the more desirable, the more outrageous the more publicity, the more shocking and horrendous the 'bedroom humiliation' between consenting couples (now bitterly separated) the more the Witchfinder General rallies his masses to burn the culprit (usually male) at the stake - in the interests of full gender and consensual equality and, of course, on the grounds that not even a consenting adult partner should be subject to anything less than full and total sexual equality in the bedroom and anything less is potentially subject to litigation – at anytime in the future, should you jilt her (or him) for someone else.

Europe:Always Out of Step With The Anglo-Saxon World
There is some dismay that continental Europe is not likewise burning it's 'outed' culprits at the stake – and at the behest of jilted lovers – no evidence required - just shame in the court of public opinion - is usually enough to scuttle a career or reputation.
Indeed there is absolute horror in the Anglo-Saxon world that such activities between consenting adults on mainland Europe are actually protected against future 'sexploitation' by an embittered 'jilted' lover, under various Napoleonic codes, modified and codified throughout the region. The core of the code, in this regard, is to protect the nuclear family, as an institution, from external exploitation.

Jilted Lover ''Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold''
So as every embittered emotionally 'damaged' ex-lover (mainly female) with grievances and despair spanning the decades reaches for an attorney to review her partners sexual antics of 20-30-40 years ago and who today is, perhaps, a now prominent (or wealthy) individual with a new life, new family, his head on a plate will be her last dying breath of living testament of revenge upon the man who onetime spurned her for someone better. She will also be catapulted, often from the unknown or forgotten dusty archives of show business or antiquated long-forgotten society, long gathering cobwebs, like a shooting star, back into prominence, for some brief space in time, before expiry.
They often say revenge is a dish best served cold. There is nothing more apt a justified saying in the Anglo-Saxon world today than the serial witch hunts taking place, with a vengeance, by jilted ex-lovers against their former partners or onetime so-called 'soulmates'.

When and Where Will This Blood Lust End?
Probably not until it has satiated and consumed itself completely, immersed (or press-ganged) as many followers worldwide as can be achieved, or indeed become so embroiled in paradox and confusion that to continue would not just be lacking in common sense but sheer insanity.

What Will Emerge From This Brave New World?
What is hoped will emerge is something to rival the long-standing Napoleonic code - which has remarkably endured as a legacy far beyond the man himself could ever have imagined as he succumbed in exile on the island of St Helena, off the coast of West Africa, in 1821.
Like a butterfly from a chrysalis, the intention is that a totally utopian gender neutral and gender equal world will emerge where all consenting adults must sign protocol understandings before each sexual act – or face future litigation for rape, sexual assault or battery (or just settle a huge lovers revenge financial penalty out of court in order to avoid public humiliation.)
Indeed hearsay alone by one adult that he or she had not consented is enough to initiate the witch hunt or, at the very least, public humiliation.  Besides, there's no smoke without fire?  Right.   Right?

Anglo-Saxon Gender Equality:Codified Bedroom Protocol For Adults?
That all first approaches (mainly by men) to women be of a standardized format (perhaps even regulated by the United Nations?) so that none feel 'threatened' by such a 'casual' approach and, of course, that all children worldwide be taught about this new Anglo-Saxon value and heritage for regulating consensual relationships between adults of both sexes so that, in their adult life, neither ever fall prey to gender or sex exploitation nor discrimination in the privacy of their bedroom.

Who Will Guide Us Into This New Bright Utopia Of Regulated Consensual Adult Sex In the Privacy of Your Bedroom?
(As this Is Where It is Ultimately Leading)
We can already identify the politicians, the individuals and the organizations emerging who will take us all into this bright new future.  Again, all we are being ordered to do is trust in their infallible judgements.
Ironically, some are using the charitable resources donated to them to further ideals the deceased benefactors would cringe in horror – had they ever thought their legacies would be so directed.

Will Anyone Speak Out Against The Witchfinders?
By the very nature of witch hunts, the masses cower in terror
as the Inquisition stalks the land from North to South, from East to West.
All the fair weather friends disappear; cowering in silence and submission for fear that the heavy ominous serial knocks might come on their door some dark winter night.
They all huddle under the blankets, shut their eyes, their ears, and dare not speak as the hooves reverberate throughout the land and the bloodcurdling sounds of the unmasked captives echo their tortured bodies throughout the media for worldwide dissection. Their remaining wormed carcasses fed to the wolves and cockroaches – with warm fresh blood for additional savour.

So this is the brave new Anglo-Saxon world we are all being asked to buy into.

I don't know about you but I think I'll seek salvation by other means.

© Patrick Emek, 2014

Explanation of the references chosen:

I have taken the Napoleonic Code as an antithesis (alternative) to the new emerging Anglo-Saxon code because it appears to be a better example of good and sound practice, with a lot of commonsense, than the very confusing messages being sent to adults as the Anglo-Saxon world attempts to codify relationships based on a utopia of total equality in courtship and in the bedroom between partners and married couples.

1.After Intimacy: The Culture of Divorce in the West Since 1789 edited by Karl Leydecker, Nicholas White, 2007

2.Women and The Napoleonic Code

3.The Wife Is Obliged: The French Civil Code

4.The Effect Of The Napoleonic Code On Womens Rights by Heather A. Fowler:

5.The Napoleonic Code and Womens Rights: Marriage and Divorce in Early Modern France by Jones, Thomas E., M.A., CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY,

6. Civil Code or Code Napoleon By Richard Moore

7.Napoleon and the Woman Question: Discourses of the Other Sex in French …  By June K. Burton, 2007


9.Childrens Inheritance and The Napoleonic Code:

And from one of the former Colonies:
10.The Rights of Illegitimate Children Under the Napoleonic Code

Other Issues:
11.Historical Ages of Consent


Meanwhile......... in the (mainly) Anglo-Saxon World:



16. 'Master' Bedroom to be 'Outlawed' on Grounds of Political Correctness:

17. Dropping Political Correctness in Sexual Relationships In Favor of Erotic Intelligence May Spark Satisfaction:


19. General political correctness as part of  today's life in The United Kingdom and in the United States:

The following references are slightly off topic but related because Islam is a way of life not just a religion.  Part of the FBI  training discusses Islam in the context of terrorism+.
Another motive here is to contrast our politically correct (Christian) utopia with that of another faith (Islam) and how our concepts of 'struggle' for equalities, as we perceive them, are absolutely meaningless and a world removed from the tenets of  Islam.  I would particularly refer you to Dr. Greer's post (Facebook) below to show how such tenets are being 'enforced' by Imams in the Muslim world today.   Dr. Greer briefly discusses controversial aspects of Islam in
terms of the Prophet's sexual directives, as transcribed some 20 years after His* death, and their interpretations.

+amended 22nd November, 2014

*More important than the Koran is the Hadith.  Yet few of the 1.6  billion Muslims worldwide
are knowledgeable about these facts.  
It is both the exalted status and interpretations of Hadith which are fueling conflicts for the 'heart and soul' of Islam in the world today.
[I have been requested to be a little more specific here for the layperson:
The Hadith is a collection of the Prophet's statements and also included are the actions of his devout companions.
They started to be gathered together (collected) about 150 years after the death of the Prophet (Mohammed) in 632 AD.   Together they all form the basis of Islamic Jurisprudence as codified in the Sharia Law.
There are 2 parts to the Hadith:
1.The Matn - words and deeds (actions an statements) of Mohammed
2.The Isnad - the equivalent of a 'family tree' {the transmitters or messengers of Mohammed who can trace their ancestry (or 'bloodline') all the way back to the Prophet.}
The Hadith itself has 4 very specific categories - the first 3 of which specifically refer to Mohammed himself:
1.The Awl (statements of Mohammed)
2.The Fi'liare - Mohammed's deeds and actions
3.Taqrir - actions and deeds of Mohammed's devout followers (companions) and other individuals Mohammed approved of and
4.Finally, there are the Qudsi -The Prophet's words whose utterances were specifically inspired by God (Allah).
All of these together are 'legitimized' into Sharia Law
So that you can understand why such barbaric practices, almost incomprehensible for our 'politically correct' Western societies - including the buying and selling of women, rape and wholesale slaughter of non-believers and 'heathen' enslavement (including both Christian and Muslim) - as religious duties not just acts of war -  are taking place in the ISIS Caliphate, I will refer you to a reference where you can see how the debate for the heart and soul of Islam is raging.   It is very important that you understand that, to the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS,  the writing down of  the Hadith is 'haram' (forbidden) as is the building of shrines to (Muslim) Saints, images of holy men etc all of which they regard as the works of Satan.  Likewise radio, television and the internet, unless they are exclusively mediums for the transmission of ISIS' interpretations of the Hadith and evocation of the Quran are regarded as works of the Devil.  When you really understand ISIS interpretations, you will quickly realize that they are are, what could be called, a 'revivalist' cult which, because of quirks in historical circumstances, which can now be clearly identified (i.e. Paul Bremer's 'Pro Consul' 'stewardship' of Iraq)  have gained mass followings particularly amongst those disenfranchised, yearning and harking back to a mythical time of the (recent) 'good old days' and those of the Prophet - which never actually existed - except in dreams.  

FBI Teaches Agents: ‘Mainstream’ Muslims Are ‘Violent, Radical’

Note: this reference below reflects an interpretation of Islam. Reading it gives you some idea of the debate in scholastic circles.
 It has been suggested that ISIS following worldwide is 20-30 million, mainly in the Muslim world.
The numbers of believers of  Islam worldwide is estimated to be some 1.6 billion people.