Wednesday 7 January 2015

Charlie Hebdo

Ritual Slaughter-Buffet Style

In brief, how the major U.S. and UK media reacted to the Butchers of Paris this evening:

7.16 PM EST

Voice of America
Voice of America probably gave the most comprehensive coverage reflecting the views of the majority of Parisiens, secular and non-secular French citizens and civic democratic society across Christendom this evening.

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Gives decent and fair coverage to the sentiments of most people across the continent of Europe this evening.

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
For PBS, as usual, it was a 'non-event'.
As with CNN, after several years, when everything is politically correct, they will do a hard-hitting expose about radical Islam it's links to Saudi Arabia and ties to CAIR (already declared a terrorist organization) within the United States.
PBS is such a tame network these days, quite frankly, I really don't know anyone watching it.
As the caption says at it's Press Site, PBS exists 'to make your life easier' (sic. by not including anything currently controversial.)
If PBS continues on this path I can't see it with any audience in the future.

Christian Science Monitor
Christian Science Monitor seemed more keen to turn the Butchers of Paris into Quiz celebrities than might have been expected for a serious publication:
In my opinion, this has lost them considerable credibility as anything other than an out-of-touch publication offering nothing more to it's readers than  'vestige d'une gloire disparue'.

CNBC (at 7.16 PM EST)
CNBC fared just above Al Jazeera, Fox,the BBC and CNN Fox in it's coverage giving voice to the sentiment of Parisiens and the general populace, ranking as number five in their newsworthy items for coverage.

Al Jazeera ( or Salafism With a Human Face)
Salafist-Wahhabist apologists and supporter Al Jazeera took the opportunity to showcase the known  Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) which in it's turn spent more time discussing why Christians should not react (or, to be more precise, how the actions of the Butchers of Paris will play into the hands of anti-Muslim groups across Europe) instead of condemning outright this act of slaughter by one of it's fellow-Salafist-Wahhabist Muslim terrorist traveler supporter groups, the Butchers of Paris.   CAIR has already been cited  by the FBI as a 'terrorist-linked organization' and, for these reasons, they have ceased all cooperation with this group.  The FBI conducted it's own investigation of CAIR so this is not my view but one coming direct from the Bureau.

SKY News
Sky hauls in it's Muslim Salafist 'expert' apologist to say that Charlie Hebdo was regarded as a 'highly racist' magazine - and that's a direct quote from Nabila Hamdani on Sky television this evening.
So, from the general public's interpretation of Ms Hamdani's viewpoint: 'they had it coming'.

Fox News
Even the fearless Fox News sits on the fence not wanting to offend Muslim sentiments.
It's easier for  Fox  to just continue to snipe from the sidelines about their 'bash Obama' obsession than tackle any real issues in the world where their own scrawny (cowardly) necks would be on the line and in the firing line.
Fox eventually came out with an 'analysis' which was so outrageous and insulting to Parisiens that it beggars belief.

The BBC likewise brings on Salafist apologists  to explain to  a justification for censorship on cartoons about Mohammed.

Last but not least.
As mentioned earlier, CNN spends a lot of time explaining why individuals should not publish cartoons about Mohammed because, as usual with this politically correct channel, anything less will offend corporate opportunities for business - especially in the Muslim world . Don't hold your hopes out folks for anything other than continued banality from this channel.

Islam has never had a Martin Luther so it's not possible to find any Muslim to support the concept of free speech as we understand it in the United States and Europe - this includes freedom to criticize and caricature anyone and anything regardless of race, religion, color, ethnicity or tribe.
It is for this reason that I have not included any individual Muslim opinions supporting Charlie Hebdo's right to criticize as it see's fit under and within the laws of Europe and Christendom - as such would most certainly place them in conflict with an intolerant faith - which expressly forbids them individual freedom of expression and civil rights as we understand them.

If you can recall the power of the Catholic Church before Martin Luther and The (Protestant) Reformation, then you can understand Islam today.   This is due, in no small part, to our  faithful and loyal friends, those stalwart bearers of women's rights, democracy, freedom of expression, of religion and of one person one vote,  the Saudis.  And with friends like these folks, who needs Al Qaeda or ISIL as enemies?

Patrick Emek

United Kingdom Press Report:
One of the  Police Officers murdered  after being wounded on the Street by the Butchers of Paris, without mercy, was Muslim.  The two murdered  Officers at the scene of the carnage have been named as Cycle Patrol Officer Ahmed Merabet and Protection Officer Franck Brinsolaro.

The Officer gunned down at 8 a.m. the next day whilst attending a routine traffic accident  was a rookie whose name was Clarissa Jean-Philippe.
You can read about her at:

and just in case you view or read Mr Rupert Murdoch's world empire of media resources, you may well have also missed this further detail: 

''Heroic Muslim man saved Jewish hostages during Paris siege by hiding them in freezer''


Epilog [20th January, 2014]
PBS has come in for a lot of criticism for it's very weak coverage of this incident.
There is some hope that it will revise it's policies so as to be more reflective of it's stated philosophy
of freedom of expression and factual representation rather than being a cloned version of CNN: 




website details updated at 5th February, 2015