Tuesday 10 February 2015

British Politics
HSBC Scandal – A Timely Affair – But Is It Too Late To Save The British Labour Party from a Humiliating Defeat on 7th May?*

'Ship of Fools'
With The British Labour Party's vote crashing to oblivion in the Polls just weeks before the General Election and a majority Conservative Government most likely to be re-elected, in a a last-ditch desperate and final battle call, an effort is being made by key Labour Party members to 'Black Ops' the Conservative Party – but will it have to be something more creative than a banking scandal, a car accident or plane crash to swing undecided young and middle class voters in favor of the British Labour Party?

The Politics of Propaganda [or 'Triumph Of The Will']
Margaret (née Oppenheimer) Hodge, Chairman of The Public Accounts Committee of the British House of Commons and her nephew Philip Martin Edmonds (Hodge) may soon be embroiled in different scandals of their very own*, but before all this happens, let us look here beyond the claims against HSBC (a banking group, incidentally, over which neither the Oppenheimers nor Rothschilds exert any financial influence so no financial motive exists - which is important to mention before people start to question motive in this regard) and see if there are other issues which the electorate, not the politicians, have in their sights as they weigh up the merits of last-minute attempts to salvage what is already regarded by some pundits as an abysmally lackluster and failed campaign to persuade the British electorate to vote a Labour Government back into office in the forthcoming British General Election.

'J'accuse': The 'Evidence' Against The IRS, HMRC and HSBC
This article will not look at the 'evidence' presented against HSBC by the Oppenheimers nor the Rothschilds nor anyone else nor will it look at the (hitherto) unreported unprecedented cooperation (and restitution) which HSBC has given to the IRS and the U.S. government in the international war on terrorism and the war on drug trafficking worldwide.
Neither will the article look at hidden agendas for the targeting of HSBC – of which several conspiracy theories exist.
What it will look at is the context in which such information has been made available to the general public, it's timing and the likely effects on it's intended audience – the voting British public - in the forthcoming General Election.
So public perception of the Labour Party and especially it's leader is going to be a key factor influencing the outcome of the forthcoming British General Election in May.

'Operation Overlord'
The first rather curious thing which I notice is the timing of Mrs Hodge's interventions in the battle to swing popular opinion in favor of The British Opposition leader, Edward Miliband, and the unease which the British electorate have about electing a Labour Government.
There are extremist groups within the British Labour Party which are pushing the country into a war in the Arab world 'in defense of democracy' but one which the vast majority of the British public simply does not want.

'Chatham House Rules'
The views expressed to me privately were done so with the knowledge that I do not name names and in some instances I have just been a silent party to cursory talk or chit chat.
The ordinary British voter is seriously questioning whether at this time the country wants a Prime Minister so over-committed to the Israel lobby that it would pose a direct threat to Britain's security and financial interests throughout the Arab world. Equally important is the question of whether the country wants to go to war, big time, in the Arab world be that in Syria, Iraq, Iran and certainly not big-time in the jungles of Nigeria, Central African Republic, nor Cameroon nor any other part of Africa against Boko Haram nor any other ISIL or Al Qaeda affiliate.
In other words Conservative Party Leader David Cameron, a staunch supporter of Israel (but himself not Jewish) is regarded by the ordinary non-Jewish Christian mainstream moderate voter, at this time in history, as a 'safer pair of hands' than is his counterpart in a very perilous world where 'cooler heads' (sic. than exist in the Middle East and North Africa) and politicians 'without excess baggage' are desperately required to keep the country on a firm 'non-partisan' course internationally and steer it out of economic recession on the home front.
It is for these reasons that Mrs Hodges' family connections to the Oppenheimers and Rothschilds may, at this particular time, backfire with regard to her HSBC targeting.
In any event, the whole matter is regarded as a rather crass attempt to shore up a fast-collapsing Labour vote amongst the moderate Christian middle-class electorate prior to the British General Election in May.  Conversely what are being flagged up are Hodge's own motives – which incidentally do nothing to add credibility to any wrongdoing HSBC may (if at all) have to answer for.

'Straws In the Wind'
I have taken my own 'poll' of 'ordinary' Brits and for the first time in decades, I was shocked by the real fear which ordinary people have expressed to me about having a Labour Government led by it's current leader.
From what I can gather the fear stems not just from a combination of world events but more decidedly from what they do not want for Great Britain.
I was actually taken aback when one individual I know brought up the issue of Edward Miliband's religion (he is Jewish.) I was shocked because I know this individual and the person is far removed from being anti-Semitic. The fears appear to stem from what people have seen about how both the Arabs and Jews 'tear each other apart' and there seems to be a genuine fear that, 'to get even with each other' they (Israel and The Arab world) are both also prepared to tear this world apart, to hell with everyone else – and anyone who stands in their way or disagrees with them both.   Having listened to this view, I genuinely believe the same attitude would prevail if the current leader of the British Labour Party was a Muslim and given the parameters above, would likewise be unelectable for the same reasons. In my opinion, it's not hatred nor racism but a genuine fear or rather, unease, that both would bring too much 'baggage' to an already over-chaotic situation on the international front – be that in Europe, Eastern Europe or the Middle East or in Africa.
(If the analysis of what has been said to me is correct, Barack Obama would still have been elected as President of The United States by such Democratic and Liberal voters as he would,  conversely, have been seen as someone whose family 'escaped' a religion (Islam) where the usual 'punishment' for exiting or voluntarily changing, in Turkey, the Middle East and in Africa, is death.  In other words, once in, you rarely escape from Islam to another religion with your life and that of your family, intact.)
That's it, in a nutshell. You won't hear these views expressed on politically correct CNN nor Fox but they are real and they may very well be factors, for the first time in a long time, in a British General Election.
Even if such views are totally unfounded, there is an undercurrent of apprehension about 'cooler heads' being required to lead the United Kingdom at a very perilous economic time in Europe – and one where the country needs as many friends as it can muster throughout the world – rather than be seen as 'partisan' to one cause or another - particularly a cause which is polarizing the planet into one of two camps.

'The Manchurian Candidate'
[No folks, it's not One of Prince Philip's House Jokes!1]
Prince Charles, for example, would appear to exemplify exactly the type of Prime Minister or Leader moderate Britons would like to see at this moment in time and would eagerly rally around to support. His popularity amongst the general public has sky rocketed over the past decade and he would seem to project that moderation which so many ordinary British people yearn for and see as lacking in all of today's politicians.

'You Don't Have To be Jewish'
Another issue is that The Labour Party Leader's Jewish background is not well understood by the British public - because it is not discussed in the mainstream media.
In my opinion this is a mistake as there appears to be a belief amongst some that Mr Miliband is concealing this fact whereas in actual fact it is a media decision for their own reasons.
This in itself has created all sorts of rumours and scaremongering (which incidentally are totally unfounded but nonetheless 'play' to stereotypic views which are exploited by extremists.)

'Heard It On the Grapevine'
Now you might think I get my information from a very narrow source but individuals I speak with are from areas which have significantly few minorities and who would be considered 'moderate' Christians with very few (if any) ties to the Middle East, Africa or Asia (other than perhaps a son, daughter or relative serving in the military, medical corps, missionary work or doing some other job of work or profession in some part of these regions.)
I would call them the equivalent of 'middle' 'fair-minded' 'bible-belt' America but without the over-emphasis on Israel, as in the Good Book.
These are not individuals who have travelled extensively throughout the world but get their information (and form their opinions) from mainstream news sources (The BBC, Sky, perhaps CNN, CBS, CNBC, Bloomberg TV a few maybe from Fox and mainstream newspapers such as the Independent, The Guardian, the Mirror Online, The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, Church Times.)   If they are accessing information socially or online, it would more likely be 'chat' with fellow-Christians or after Church on Sundays or at Christian meetings.
Yes of course I know people who are Jewish, Muslim, African-Caribbean, Italian and from the diverse range of communities you find in most metropolis' but I am now talking about the majority population and how they are perceiving reality. These are what we call 'the silent majority'.

Will British Public Vote in Public As they Say They Will in Private?
Only time will tell.
The feeling of fear amongst the 'majority' voting of the British population seems quite genuine.  For reasons of political correctness (or some might say the fear which political correctness imposes) such views would never be expressed openly but would translate themselves in the privacy of the polling booth.
The extent of such fears could very well be reflected in the size of a Conservative Party victory.  Again I would speculate that should, as I predict, the Conservative Government is returned to Office, should it's vote in the United Kingdom (apart from Scotland) be sizeable, this may well have had  little to do with policy and more with personality of the leaders of both major parties and the direction of policy – especially foreign policy via-a-vis Israel and The Arab world.   There is a 'fear' of both entities – for different reasons.   I think in both instances the country does not want to be dragged further into wars in the Middle East regardless of who says the other is to blame.
Don't misunderstand me, British people will fight and die for principles if need be – but not for Arab nor Israeli values.  [Perhaps the people I meet and speak with more reflect my own viewpoint in this regard and therefore I am not entirely unbiased?]
So it appears to be more a fear about the direction the country and the world seem headed in and they, the majority electorate, want, what are perceived as a safer pair of hands to steer the economy than a Labour government offers – hence a desire to stick with the status quo and, internationally, they just don't want to go any further down the path of involvement in wars in Europe, the Middle East, Iraq nor in Africa.   More critically, they perceive Edward Miliband, as Prime Minister, as taking the country down a path of 'partial' extremism – rather unfortunately (in my opinion) because he happens to be Jewish, happens to be Leader of a major political party at a time when most ordinary people want to 'turn their thoughts off' from the 'headaches' of the Middle East, Ebola, America versus Russia, ISIL and every other 'gift' Raccoon City and the Umbrella Corporation have to offer. [Here I am of course using metaphors to interpret what I think are the real motives behind the ordinary man and woman in the street voting for or sticking with 'the devil they know' (David Cameron) as opposed to the other 'Nick' (or Edward Miliband) as the case may be.]
As a personal observation, I believe that the general public in the Western democratic world are of the increasing belief that the Arabs and Israelis will never compromise – and if this means 'taking the whole god-damned house down with them' in the process, then they both will do that.
All that now exists on the Middle East table is war and the prospects of more war – with both sides blaming each other.
In the civilized world we know what the effects of nuclear, chemical, biological and radiological weapons are.
This 'eternal war' between Arab (Muslims) and Jew sees no end in sight and nobody I know (with any sanity) will be volunteered (or be press-ganged) to go sleepwalking into a Third World War on behalf of either parties.
(Yes I know Arabs will say that the Jews lived 'happily' under Muslim rule for centuries before the creation of the State of Israel.  If you call paying special taxes because you were a non-Muslim and semi-slavery 'living happily without a care in the world' then I suppose what the Arabs say is true.)

The pathos here is that whichever Party is elected Great Britain will have to deal with all of these issues, whether they and their supporters like it or not - and no politician will be 'exonerated' as 'impartial'.
The Middle East will continue to be a 'no-win' 'no peace' eternal war scenario with intermezzos of 'phoney war' (and phoney peace) along the way.
ISIL, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram and all their affiliates, franchises, contractors and sub-contractors will not pack up their camels and go away after the British General Election.
The Ukraine and Israel will still not have moved their landmasses to Canada (Alberta) and the United States (Florida) respectively, after the British General Election.
We all have to live and work and negotiate in the real world and not the one we would like to exist within our very own 'comfort zones'.
Having said that, the 'comfort zone' offered by the British Conservative Party and it's fair-minded and fair-handed approach to current Middle East and European politics appear to be more tempting to a majority British Christian electorate, at this point in time, than any alternative offered by the British Labour Party.

© Patrick Emek, 2015


Already in the public domain: 

'Justice Denied'; ''Islington Heart Of The Pedophile Scandal'': http://google-law.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/islington-heart-of-pedophile-scandal.html


At first I thought the above website was anti-Semitic but on further researching it's overall references they are informative about Jewish life and culture over the centuries.  I am still unclear as to whether this is by design or simply by accident.  It's section about the Hodge-Oppenheimer-Emsheimer family tree however checks out but I am still a little uneasy about it's 'conspiratorial' overtones everywhere as I do not lend myself easily to conspiracy theories.          'Dublinsmick' website blogs or articles are well researched and an interesting read - even if you disagree with the content.  Another issue is that 'Dublinsmick' appears to take himself too seriously - unusual for a Dubliner.  His reply to me would probably be along the lines 'yeah well with drunken  U.S. Army patrols  for a 'fun night on the town' doing drive by shootings of Iraqi kids and civilians while their buddies at the same time are having a quiet night in at the barracks - r****g electrifying and stringing up PoWs by their balls in Abu Ghraib - I've nothing to joke about!')                                                                                             The story about William Hitler*** is also quite informative.    His research about the recent  bloodline genetic origin of Hitler from living relatives is also a must to read.     I am presuming that if he has correctly identified today's Syrian rebel human 'organ eaters' as one part of Hitler's living bloodline, they are just continuing a family ancestral tradition (!)                                                                





*Ongoing public investigation involving Councillor Caluori (Lady Hodges' Son-In-Law) which has not yet concluded so no recommendations of
criminal proceedings (if any) have yet been recommended.
Included here because all are prominent public figures and while each scandal appears totally separate, independent and completely unrelated, all involve the same family.  So just to be very clear, no inference of guilt by association is being made and each reference has been included on it's individual merit - but unfortunately the authors of the above six references have interlinked and inferred 'collective guilt by association'  which, in my opinion, is very unfortunate and does not serve the course of natural justice in any way, shape or form.

I have excluded from the references above those which clearly have other agendas (such as racially motivated conspiracies) and which focus on issues unrelated to the public interest involving these public figures but appear to be more eager to vent personal hatreds, frustrations and grievances against such individuals who are, quite specifically and in the main, from a particular racial community. 

[ Note:I have not deliberately omitted the fact that Lady Hodge's nephew's family's surname is not originally 'Hodge' nor 'Edmonds' but 'Emsheimer' from Karlsruhe, Germany.  I did not think it relevant to the issues being looked at to include a family name changed over half a century ago.  Should you wish to research this matter further however, it can be found at other reference sites.]

unrelated references:



 [as at 13th  February, 'Dublinsmick' has  'updated' - see 'Breaking News']



......now to get on with the more important business of this blog........

General Election Day:7th May, 2015 

*Please note that only postal votes are sent out about a week before the General Election

All election dates - including postal - can be obtained at the two information sites below:




1and who wouldn't want a joker like this as 'King of The Castle' (!)