Thursday 23 April 2015

Migration From Africa:
The New Boat People

As the numbers of  migrant Africans, Iraqis, Syrians, Afghans and others desperate to enter Europe by boats, home-made rafts, barrels, dinghies and any other water- floating device-enabled contraptions surge to levels never seen before, is there a solution to these exoduses of historic proportions?

The first thing which most commentators fail to point out is that nobody wants to be a refugee or migrant  in flight from their mother country or fatherland.   It's something which is forced upon them.   People pack their bags (or what little they possess) and their families (or those fit and young and healthy enough to survive the journey) because they have no choice.
If they stay behind they and their children will be butchered by the insanity of religious zealots, primitive beliefs, political madmen and tyrants, or starved to death because of war, famine, pestilence, disease or because as minorities (ethnic, religious, gay, lesbian) they are being persecuted and terrorised by governments or communities where civil society, as we understand it, has collapsed.
The image of a confused terrified and bewildered child clutching a precious toy or elderly people crying because everything they knew and loved has been destroyed all around them and they are being abandoned to fend for themselves, or human carcasses lying in the streets being eaten by packs of scavenging animals, once loving and loved family pets, now desperate for food as the world they knew disappeared, inexplicably and in an instant. The loving individuals and children they cared for - and who doted - on them - either blown apart, limb by limb now only as rotting corpses. For any pet this schizophrenic Kafkaesque-like new world must be as traumatic and terror-filled as it is for those humans fleeing in the wake of such horrors.
Don't be confused or let the media confuse you between the terms 'economic' migrants and refugees.  If people have become economic migrants, thye may have been forced to do so because they are religious or ethnic minorities with no opportunity for advancement in their country of birth.  
They may have been 'terrorised' into flight  through modern day 'pogroms' be it in Asia, Africa or elsewhere.
But you won't be reading this type of story in your mainstream media outlet where the emphasis will be on 'let them all die at sea' 'burn all their (immigrants) boats on the shores of North Africa so they can't get here.'  What statements like these do echo however are the fears and frustrations at what seems to be an insoluble and unsolvable problem.  I say 'insoluble' because, for example, I don't want to welcome immigrants who hate Gay and Lesbian people because they are Gay and Lesbian people and will not respect their fellow-citizens rights 'to be different' in their new secular society home in The United States or Europe.

The Netherlands – Almost From Mediaeval Times, A Sanctuary For Dissidents
The Netherlands and Denmark were two of the most liberal countries in Europe who opened their doors to Muslim refugees and migrant workers – only to find that those very same people they welcomed, when 'settled' (but never integrated) were contemptuous of the 'liberal' values of their host countries and, other than for public relations, prefer the comfort of listening to hate preachers from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, rail against Christianity and it's immorality and satanic values and such hate preachers openly calling for the murder of fellow-citizens in all countries who do not conform to their twisted version of Islamic values and therefore, are apostates.

Common Observations You Will Hear
''I do not want to see streets lined with coffee shops and me looked at as if I am some sort of monster or outcast if I ask can I get a bottle of beer.''
''I have nothing against immigrants opening any business – indeed such is always to be commended as it is enterprising and such is the spirity of our communities – but don't ask me to live as if we were in Turkey, or Morocco, or Saudi Arabia or some other Middle Eastern or North African Muslim country where Islam and it's mediaeval tenets are more important than my rights and tolerance of all minorities within communities.''
''I don't want to be looked at (or spoken to) with contempt should my daughters be wearing short skirts or short pants or dressed as they feel they want to in summertime or told that I should 'keep them under control' and that they should 'dress modestly' according to Islamic values in Europe.''
Yes there is a place for modesty – but according to our civil institutions or private establishments or when visiting churches, mosques, synagogues or temples where protocol dictates the dress code – but in Christendom the church is subject to civil law code in the same manner as any private citizen and church doctrines do not supercede the civil and criminal laws.
''Don't tell me to 'chastise' my wife or children because of a book written 1400 years ago or books written thousands of years ago outside Christendom says so – and I, a Christian, must conform to this or die.''   ''Don't tell me  that my wife and daughters are like baggage or chattels to be bought and sold at will.''
''Don't ask me to flog or crucify or murder Gay or Lesbian individuals because that's what happened thousands of years ago or happens today in Saudi Arabia or regions of Africa where cannibalism continues to be practiced (I am here sepcifically referring to the cannibalism of Albino individuals by locals across East Africa this very day1) and not much has progressed in human thought on the dignity and rights in plural secular societies, so it's perfectly OK to burn alive or murder those who are 'different' to this today.''
These are not my communities.  These are not the Europeans with more recent (and visible) African heritage I know – but if you have good friends who are African and have known them for a long time, they will honestly tell you about these 'traditional' 'primitive' practices in the lands of their ancestors.  They will also honestly tell you that ignorance and superstition are at the root of such beliefs to this very day.
So this is my dilemma.   I don't have any problem welcoming anyone from any part of the world. Many people have issues of racism - against Black people, poor people, against refugees with absolutely nothing but the clothes on their backs, hidden within their very spiteful and hateful remarks about the 'dirty filthy immigrants'.  Perhaps if those very same people would give the 'dirty filthy immigrants' the dignity of a job and somewhere decent, safe and secure to live and be more focused on how to welcome and integrate such people and their children into their new home and community with the emphasis on respect for our secular values in Christendom and loyalty to our democratic values, the separation of church and state (rather than to a remote  land which gave them little except a book of prayer and certainly did not open its doors when they were fleeing for their lives seeking shelter and protection) then they would have less to fear rather than leaving such helpless individuals as lepers destitute and begging for sustenance and criminal - only to survive - on the streets throughout Europe.

Multi-Faith and Multi-Ethnic Communities Have Worked For Thousands Of Years - Until Religion or Politics Have Torn Them Apart
The problem I have is that I do not want to see my community which consists of White, Black, Brown and 'Mediterranean' tanned peoples who are straight, gay, lesbian, libertarians, conservatives and ultra-conservatives, all living together in the absence of bloodshed (but not without prejudices and differences) in civilized open-society communities, torn apart through bigotry and intolerance.  I would prefer to live in a community or communities where the values of individual liberty and personal freedom are more important than what any politician, religious extremist cleric or monk or priest or rabbi or imam will damn with the words taken from a book or books (and there are far too many different such 'religious' books in this world) which have caused more suffering, death and destruction, than all the diseases known to have killed populations throughout the course of human history.

The New York Precinct – Some Local History18
For example, little Ireland, little Italy, little Odessa. little Africa (Manhattan) all in the New York precinct, are the remains of thriving exclusively immigrant Irish, Italian African and Jewish communities who arrived in an alien land fleeing religious persecution, starvation, pogroms and tyranny, all seeking a better future for themselves and their families.  But this was in an age before instant communication.  It could take weeks (or months) for a letter from New York to arrive at a small Ukrainian or Polish or Irish village two hundred years ago.  Now, we have the capability to be aware of what is happening on planet earth almost in an instant.  In my opinion, this requires also a change in how we perceive and manage migration, immigration and emigration, worldwide.  It must be a proactive change to meet the new challenges.   What I am saying here is that modern communications and technologies have outpaced our abilities to foresee the legislation and actions in local municipalities required to meet the challenges of this new digital age in the context of how to respond to the phenomena of, for example, incitement to hatred being broadcast by ISIS or radical extremists to create civil unrest, murder and revolution – because they have a clear agenda and target audience whilst we do not have anything concrete in place to challenge their hateful and divisive propaganda, all designed to undermine civil democratic secular societies.

Problems Seeking Solutions
In conclusion I do not have an answer to the catastrophe of people in their millions throughout the world fleeing for their lives and the safety of their loved ones.   Better you ask the politicians and so-called 'men of god' who have created most of this chaos, causing societies in North Africa, The Middle East and elsewhere to collapse into anarchy – hence creating domino effects – than to ask me.
They did not ask for my permission to go to war and when they asked for my vote they told me nothing in advance of their global plans to replace fledgling secular despots in North Africa and elsewhere with religious zealots creating chaos and anarchy resulting in human displacement on a scale not seen since World War II – then these same politicians blame the helpless refugees for causing 'immigration' crises.
If they had asked my opinion I would have said nobody wants to live like a refugee – a castaway on some inhospitable shore - as practiced in Australia towards it's 'Boat Refugees'.
If such individuals fleeing for their lives had personal safety, industries, jobs, schools, libraries, kindergartens, hospitals, security, a future and stable societies back home – everything we take for granted by the way – few would desire uprooting to alien lands and none to have the humiliation of being treated and kicked around from pillar to post like human garbage.

So next time you see someone who might 'fit' the above description just ask youself for one second 'What would I do If I lost everything I had and everyone I loved in an instant, through no fault of my own?'  What would you do if every evening you came back with no food for your starving family because the land is so inhospitable that nothing will grow?; or you fear even going outside because you are a religious or ethnic or social outcast minority, murdered, or, as an Albino in East Africa, you are likely to be cannibalised or chopped up as human meat for sale in the market?
What would you do? What would you do? What would you do?
What would you do? What would you do? What would you do?
What would you do? What would you do? What would you do?
What would you do? What would you do? What would you do?
What would you do? What would you do?
What would you do?

©Patrick Emek, 2015

(amended version)

Genocide Against Albinos In East Africa – The White House and The Vatican Stay Silent Because Albinos Have No Voice In the World

The Fight To Stop Tanzanians Killing And Eating Albinos:

Kabale Albinos Living in Fear Due to Increased Demand of Body Parts in Rwanda and Tanzania

Albino Toddler Murdered For 'Lucky' Body Parts: 

What Is A Pogrom?

Australia Islamic school 'bans running' over virginity fears

Welcome to WikiIslam,
the online resource on Islam that anyone can edit.

Islamic Witch Hunts (Saudi Arabia)

Will Saudi Arabia Execute Guest Workers for 'Witchcraft'?

Indonesian guest workers are on trial in Saudi Arabia for “witchcraft.” But the charges are cover for cultural misunderstandings, sexual assaults, and withheld wages.

Beheading of a poor Indonesian maid in Saudi Arabia. Islam, the Barbaric Religion.

Saudi Arabia flogs blogger in public for "insulting Islam"

personal experience of having lived so far under the barbaric Islamic shariah law

Little Ireland, New York
Little Italy, New York:
Little Odessa, New York:
Little Senegal, New York
Little Africa, New York
I have just taken some small examples of 'unknown' NY.
[Use the references above to discover hamlets you never knew existed within the NY precincts]