Saturday 2 May 2015

In The House Of The Damned and In The Anniversary Year of the Armenian Genocide, Turkey Launches Its Very Own Jewish Pogrom: ''The Mastermind''
Is an anti-Semitic film from Turkey with the direct support and backing of Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish President.    Indeed he was the first senior Turkish politician to endorse it's message.
The question I have is this: What are we to make of a Turkey which, in the year of the commemoration of the Armenian genocide, is promoting anti-Semitism in a region already filled with far too much hatred, death and misery?
Secondly, assuming that, as with all politicians, this vile propaganda is being endorsed worldwide by the Turkish government for reasons of domestic political expediency (in much the same way, incidentally, as the ethnic cleansing of all Armenians from Constantinople was for purely domestic
political reasons, to find scapegoats for the humiliations of Ottoman military defeats in a last desperate attempt to save Turkish pride - and the Ottoman Empire - from total collapse) so too today the idea of 'the Jews' being responsible for all of Turkey's woes – as a desperate Erdogan attempts to stave off both civil war and a military coup d'etat to overthrow what many can now see as a demagogue leading Turkey over the abyss, will gather pace and momentum over the coming months and years - or at least up until the time when Erdogan is deposed.
I said years ago Erdogan was a tyrant.  I was laughed at and dismissed as a crank, as a troublemaker.
Sadly when there is a buck to be made anywhere, few will sacrifice this until it is so glaringly obvious that public opinion forces a halt to investment.   Do you recall that during the Second World War, even when Anti-Fascist Germans, Jews, Gypsies, Communists, Jehovah Witnesses and other minorities and 'dissidents' were being transported by the Nazis wholesale to concentration camps for mass slaughter and all Allied powers were completely aware of this, the emphasis was in concealing the truth from the general public so as to avoid having to face the wrath of public opinion and disgust rather than take immediate action to prevent mass 'genocide' ( a term not yet in use but it's equivalent to the extermination of an entire race or group through terror and pogroms, was well known at this time.)    It was only as the War dragged on and it became politically expedient to refer to Nazi 'atrocities' for their propaganda value, did mention of such horrors become more public and widespread.

Meā Culpā – The Rise of ISIS
The Israelis do not, however, remain blameless in this 'Great Game'.     They thought, for example, that by playing both ends against the middle they could placate ISIS – as it went on a 'killing fields' spree in Iraq and, hopefully for the incumbent Israeli government as it would also wish it, also in Syria, in Yemen and potentially in the Lebanon.   That these countries would be so torn apart through war, famine, water shortages, disease and misery that Israel would enjoy many decades of 'bliss' or freedom from a viable military threat coming from the Arab world.   Any Israeli commander, if honestly asked, would have told the politicians to 'go get stuffed' and given them 'the one middle finger' for such political fantasy nonesense.  
Anyone with any sense at all could have seen that such chaos will ultimately be worse for Israel than taking the slow painful long road towards peace in the entire region.
To have done a deal with the PLO and it's successor, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, would, with hindsight, have been far easier than any future attempts with a population already mesmerized by the prospect of the sacred 'army of Allah' (sic. ISIS) which 'The Great and Little Satans' (sic. The United States, Britain and Israel) have been unable, with all of their superpower might, to defeat.    That 'Satan' with all of his guile 'conspiracies' and the evil which everything he touches turns into, has to monitor and close international borders specifically to stop tens of thousands of the next generation (young Muslim men and women between the ages of 15-25) from linking up with their 'brothers and sisters' within the borders of ISIS-controlled territories, all converging with the intent of joining ISIS in it's sacred 'Jihad' to defeat the armies of the 'Great and Little Satans', is a testament to both their (sic. The Western Judeo-Christian world) helplessness and frustration when confronted with the power of Allah – who knows no borders nor boundaries.    That these agents of 'Satan' will conspire in every possible way to save their already damned eternal souls and attempt to lead the youth of Islam away from it's 'true' destiny (sic. to fight for Allah's global Caliphate) is yet further testament to the 'bankruptcy' of the Judeo-Christian world and the ultimate victory of Allah's kingdom on the planet.
So what do we have in place to counter such ideological insanity – especially towards its most vulnerable recipients?    Not very much which is spiritually 'redeeming' as our obsessive absorption into the material world blinds us to horrendous and catastrophic dangers (some of an almost unfathomable nature) just over the horizon.
So yes I also blame Western Christian and Muslim politicians for the above situation.   Through their infinite stupidity and infinite arrogance they are knowingly and consciously creating a morphed and twisted distortion (sic. the version of Islam promulgated by ISIS) which is gaining ever increasing popularity amongst young Arabs brutalised and traumatised through the decades of destruction or impoverishment  or both reigning down upon them and for which explanations – like those being advanced by (Salafist-inspired) Erdogan  can give credence to beliefs that such are (now) part of an international Judeo-Christian conspiracy - and that only regimes such as Erdogan's theocracy can 'regain' Islam's dignity.    Israel, effectively, now has a real monster in it's backyard with the military capability and millennia of regional political intrigues and conspiracies to create really serious damage in the entire region.
The Turks themselves, as a people, are neither in favor of extremist Islam, Wahhabism, Salafism, militarism nor anti-Semitism and still remain secular in nature.   For these reasons I have absolutely no doubt that Erdogan will go the way of President Morsi and  - and the sooner the better for Turkey as a secular country.
Is There A Way Forward?
Well of course there is way forward - it's called peace for all mankind – but it seems to have fallen out of most peoples vocabularies and these days you'll only find it scrawled on the subway walls in the netherworlds on this planet.
Mephisto:- Lost To The Dark Side
Our species appears more comfortable with Cerberus across the Styx on the dark roads of evil and wars than on any paths of light, love and world peace for all mankind.    Perhaps evil better fits this species' psyche than that of, say, love, peace, justice for all, understanding and the abolition of all weapons and all wars worldwide.
Everyone wants peace on their own terms and nobody wants world peace.   And those so-called bodies charged with promoting world peace long-ago sold their souls for less than thirty pieces of silver.
So this is why I conclude the human species feels more comfortable on a path of darkness as it is of greater solace as they all sing in unison their 'Alleluias' in Catherdals, College Chapels or chant their 'Allahu Akhbars' in the Caliphate Mosques' to herald the forthcoming of Allah, Yahweh' 'Jehovah' and all the other deities - more a testament to a primitive planet than anything remotely redeemable.
They would all, in my opinion, appear more to be chanting to their own unique (and loving) versions of Satan here on earth than for any visions or creator of a future world of peace, justice and harmony for all here on earth.

©Patrick Emek, 2015

a recent encounter has taught me that some meanings can be 'lost in translation'.
So that there is no doubt what I am saying above:
The matter of Nazi Germany's concentration camps only became a moral issue for the Allied forces' politicians after rather than during the facts and events in question.

error correction-should have read 'President Morsi' and not Mubarak

Islamist Turkish President Erdogan Says A 'Mastermind' Is Plotting Against Turkey; Antisemitic 'Documentary' Says Jews Have Been 'Mastermind' For Over 3,500 Years: