Monday 15 June 2015

Edward Snowden: – 
Smashing the Narrative



This article was first written on 31st May but withheld to facilitate the checking of certain facts – specifically whether Mr Snowden would have been able to travel on in safety to another country after his passport was [unwisely, in my view] revoked by the State Department on the orders of the President and his Cabinet.The conclusion was that it would not have been possible for Edward Snowden to travel on in safety after his passport was revoked and the likelihood is that he would have found it very difficult to have temporary U.N. documentation issued for safe passage which would have been valid and recognised under and within U.S. extradition treaty agreement and which could not have been rendered invalid before he reached a final destination (hence his interdiction by the FBI a likely outcome.)
The alternative documentation would simply have enabled him to travel – but not with safety (sic. without him being arrested, held in detention and rendered by extradition back to United States on theft of Government property and [or] espionage charges.)Indeed, traveling to any destination on his American passport was itself now a serious problem as he was now an international fugitive and pariah, an embarrassment for most allied countries worldwide.So, bizarrely, revoking Mr Snowden's passport provided him [and his 'handlers'] with the perfect narrative they would have found quite a challenge to otherwise manufacture.
Sometimes the truth is much much stranger than fiction.
Don't expect to read or see the above in your mainstream news media reports.

''Come Into My Parlour...........''
[Die Spinne]

Not too long ago I was invited to attend a function with a prominent Waffen SS Neo-Nazi supporter as guest speaker.
I was sent a glowing list of his titles, accomplishments and membership of the most prestigious organizations you could ever imagine. The list was as long as your arm. Other than the fact that this individual is a Neo-Nazi supporter his credentials could not have read any higher – and they would put even Dr. Goebbels and Dr Mengele's qualifications and memberships both to shame.
I was informally advised by email that my attendance would only be acceptable if I was prepared to say 'nice things' about the individual and his country. [This now seems to becoming a common feature as my reputation for plain speaking is not always welcome by politicians and diplomats living in their proverbial 'bubble'.]
Of course there would be the usual photo opportunity and my name listed as 'present' and 'supporting'. So not only would a photo opportunity exist for my presence to be recorded but the record would also show that I had (if I so 'choose' - with no other option available) made 'complimentary' statements about, for want of a better word, Neo-Nazism and of course everything would be available online.

It is a well known fact that the FSB and other intelligence agencies regularly use such 'Black Ops' as false flags or with intent to blackmail or subvert individuals whom it is believed may be open to 'influence'. Indeed sometimes, from a counter intelligence perspective, the only way to find out what is really going on is to 'follow' the 'intelligence trail' when they surface for a task or mission.
British intelligence has a long history of being compromised by the KGB during the era of the Cold War. I am not, however, here to discuss the weaknesses of Western intelligence agencies here but how the FSB pulled off a master stroke in recruiting Edward Snowden. The introduction was simply intended to portray a process of programming which starts with subservience and ends with reprogramming. Classic techniques which have [in some parts of the world] replaced the more 'traditional' methods of physical torture as they have been shown over the last century to be eminently more effective and longer-lasting in terms of results and objectives.

American Hero [Working Class Hero?]
The idea that Edward Snowden, depicted in the world media as true American hero, just happened to end up in Moscow through a chance encounter with Russian 'diplomats' in Hong Kong beggars belief – but it does show how sycophantic, 'brainwashed', politically naïve individuals in the world media are today after decades of being instructed by sub-editors not to ask 'awkward questions' and just be 'politically correct' or 'toe the line' without thinking for themselves for one second, to secure approval or perhaps promotion. Unfortunately the syndrome is only too well known: Nobody asks the awkward questions of a senior colleague – even when there are obvious anomalies such as, for example, security lapses or behavior which might call into question his or her judgement4.

Asset or Spy?
For the Western media to believe that Snowden was not approached by Russian intelligence before he arrived in Moscow and to ignore the fact that it was Julian Assange who encouraged him to head East almost gives truth to the statement that the media itself, as a whole, is remarkably naïve or has 'lost the plot' (sic. it no longer has the will to ask the hard questions preferring to just blind itself to the obvious.)

NSA Officer? Oh!; Just Hop On A Plane To Moscow!
The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) will simply not permit a U.S. Intelligence Officer to just hop on a plane to Moscow. It just does not happen this way.
In some respects the severing of informal intelligence contacts between government officers and the media since 9/11 is responsible for the situation where every State Department official is too frightened to make any contact with anyone from the media without authorization at a higher level. This also means that Officers who may have misgivings, but because of a climate of mistrust and mindful of their careers, are more likely to seek support and solace from a source well outside the system than was ever the case in the past.
The book is literally being thrown today at journalists who refuse to identify their intelligence sources of leaked classified information – making it even more difficult to find out what is really going on other than through spectacular leaks.  Enter Mr Edward Snowden and Mr Julian Assange as the knights in shining armor, protectors of democracy, the right to know, universal personal liberties and freedom for the ordinary man and woman in society.

Line KR
Line KR was the legendary foreign counter-intelligence arm of the KGB's First Intelligence Directorate. This Directorate was the elite section within the Soviet Union's overseas apparatus.
Retired KGB General Oleg Kalugin who was the youngest General in the KGB during the era of the Cold War was also head of the First Chief Directorate and was himself directly responsible for recruiting foreigners as Russian spies, is in no doubt about Edward Snowden:
''Back in Russia, according to Kalugin, Snowden is being handled by the FSB, the KGB’s successor. Kalugin claims that Snowden has shared much of his vast trove of secrets about the NSA with his Russian hosts, and in the process, has allegedly handed the FSB one of their biggest intelligence hauls and propaganda coups since the end of the Cold War 1.''
In Kalugin’s view, Snowden is guilty of treason: “Of course he is, by American standards. Snowden is a traitor,” Kalugin said. “When someone changes sides and goes over to the other side, it’s a victory,” he said.''Snowden’s value to his Russian handlers has not totally run its course, claims Kalugin, and the FSB will allegedly use him as a technical consultant and advisor on topics that interest them. His travel in the country also may be coordinated by the FSB'' Kalugin said2.

How Many Snowdens Are There In The U.S. and Amongst It's Allies?
As yesterday, the most important information for Russian spies today is military, scientific, political, technical, financial, industrial and trade intelligence. All persons engaged in such activities and their families are of standard interest to spy organisations.  Many factors will determine the level of priority or interest.
In the wake of the Snowden revelations about the National Security Agency spying on German firms to gain economic superiority in trade and negotiations, the concerns were sufficiently heightened that the Federal Office For the Protection Of the Constitution (BfV), Germany's counterintelligence agency, was instructed to investigate the Snowden claims.
The BfV concluded that
There is currently no concrete evidence of potential involvement of U.S. intelligence services in espionage attacks on German companies,” adding, “the U.S. Government has assured the Federal Government several times that its services do not conduct economic espionage2.
The damage has been done however and (potentially) tens of billions of dollars of trade, business and investment has been lost because of Edward Snowden's unproven revelations about the NSA spying on specific governments, politicians, diplomatic bodies, commercial, trade and scientific organisations worldwide.

The Spy [or Asset] Who Came In From the Cold: False Flag
''It cannot be ruled out that the SVR (or possibly GRU, Russian military intelligence, which is a formidable espionage service its own right) initially dealt with Ed in a false-flag operation, masking their true identity for a time, but experts who are acquainted with Russia’s “special services” understand that the Official Narrative, that Ed just up and moved to Moscow, cannot be true.
Getting to the bottom of this matter is critical to assessing the damage wrought by the Snowden Operation.''
To put it in a nutshell, too many media personalities, politicians and experts have invested too much of their reputations and future careers in promoting and portraying Edward Snowden as nothing other than a classic American hero to see such all ruined by the revelation of and his unmasking as a Russian spy.

Cover Your Ass [CYA]
''The U.S. Intelligence Community has senior people who, following in the long line of espionage bosses who really would rather not know the full story behind an epic traitor, seem to prefer to avert eyes from this issue, just as many journalists do. For them, as bad as the Snowden story is already, think how much worse it will look if Ed was really working for the Russians for years: that would be a truly epic counterintelligence fail, and careers and reputations will be ruined3.''

Anyone In The Intelligence Community (IC) Always Has A 'Backup' Or 'Fallback' Position-Just In Case Things Go Horribly Wrong
''We are expected to believe that Ed was clever enough to steal uncounted classified
NSA documents, the biggest such haul in all history, but did not remember to save
those few, critical emails that would establish that he really is a whistleblower, that he sought remedy through proper channels before he “went rogue.” Be aware that every NSA and IC (Intelligence Community) person I know keeps a file containing hard copies of all important (meaning Cover Your Ass or CYA) emails; I learned this in my first week on the job, and that file was literally the last thing I burn-bagged when I left Fort Meade for the last time. But Ed, you see, is different. At this point, it’s simple: he needs to cough up those emails – which NSA says do not exist – and provide the names of the supervisors he complained to, or pipe down4.''

If it turns out that Edward Snowden was indeed a carefully well-placed Russian spy (and there are tantalizing indications that such is in fact the case) this is undoubtedly the greatest intelligence coup by a superpower-Russia-of the 21st century to date. With Assange and Manning together they dwarf the compromise of the entire British intelligence services by the Soviet Union during the era of the Cold War making the latter pale into insignificance.
The damage to U.S. security and economic interests worldwide are incalculable (possibly in the tens of billions of dollars) and are likely to be very long lasting.
One cannot overestimate in the era of instant global interconnectivity the mortal damage which such revelations have inflicted on U.S. national security.
As with many things intelligence, where spectacular triumphs and monumental failures occur, the victors will never reveal the full facts (including the secret award of the rank of Colonel or higher in the FSB to Edward Snowden for loyal and valiant service) so as not to compromise future similar operations and likewise the vanquished are so embarrassed that CYA, at every level, is the order of the day.
Therefore the likelihood is that we will never discover the true and full disclosure details of all the facts in our lifetime, for the reasons given above.
The narrative on all sides will thus, never be shattered.

© Patrick Emek, 2015

[I would just like to add again for the record that I have always believed it serves no useful practical purpose to 'hold' Mr Assange as a 'prisoner' in London's Ecuador Embassy. Quite the opposite. Like 'The Man In the Iron Mask' he serves as an 'inspiration' for others to emulate rather than being seen as an example of future 'collective punishment' to all who would think of following. Locking the stable doors after the horse has bolted is however, sadly, the order of the day.]


The Snowden Operation:
Russia Against The Western Intelligence Community (John Schindler):

4.Replication of Milgram's 'Shocking' Experiments Proves 70 Percent of People will Torture Others if Ordered\;
Learn more:

Idea for the subtitle SPIESяUS came to me from the movie 'Toys' - Baltimore Pictures Production; a Barry Levinson film, 1992 starring Robin Williams and LL Cool J]