Wednesday 19 August 2015




In case you missed my previous blogs over the past two years I would like to reiterate a few matters which your mainstream media are deliberately concealing.

Before I do however, I must say that I have a problem welcoming these particular migrants and refugees from Muslim countries and from Africa.

The problem I have is not because of their color nor religion but their attitudes to women, to Gay people, to Lesbians, to the disabled and to other minority communities.

Almost without exception, none are Christian. Indeed I have heard (unconfirmed reports) that the Muslim refugees, when they hear there are African or Middle East Christians amongst their group, have resorted to murdering them rather than allow them to travel onwards to Europe with their group. While I have no proof of this, it would be no surprise to discover there was some truth, given the attitude to Christians in the Arab countries of North Africa - such as Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Algeria and in Muslim countries in the Middle East today.

We are being asked to welcome people who regard women as second class citizens whose only usage for girls is enforced marriage, female genital circumcision or mutilation, reproduction or barter. Their attitude to Gay and Lesbians is that they should be murdered as their relationships constitute a grevious sin 'against Allah'. Their general attitude to the disabled and minorities (such as Albinos) is that they too should be murdered at birth (infanticide.) Many have similar attitudes to females – indeed the practice of killing female babies is still practiced in many African and in some Arab countries since they are regarded as having 'less value' than male babies.

Again our politicians deliberately conceal these facts from the general public.

As someone who grew up with Jewish, German, Russian, Italian and other children whose parents were fleeing the aftermath of the horrors in Europe – both Stalin and Hitler - and managed to survive concentration camps only to find they had no living relatives – hence starting new families during the 1950s in more peaceful regions, I have an emotional, moral and spiritual dilemma when rejecting anyone fleeing the horrors of war, famine, disease and impoverishment.

But the refugees I knew were very tolerant and forgiving people.

They were not people who would stone women, or gays or other social outcasts (at that time) to death. Indeed they had seen far too much murder and pillage in their own lifetimes to wish it on anyone else.

The refugees we are being asked to welcome I do not recognise as being able in any way to adjust to the values of modern day Christendom (since their Imams forbid it) and my own preference would be to ensure their temporary safe passage and security with no possibility of European citizenship for either themselves or their children, neither through birth or marriage, and their ultimate  return to their homelands after peace is restored – with full compensation offered where they have saved assets during their sojourn in the safety of Christendom.

[There may well be exceptions where some have significantly contributed to Christendom and espouse it's ideals and values, but such should be exceptions rather than the general rule.]

Unfortunately racism and hatreds based on skin color or other racial stereotypes have blurred and fragmented what should be a united and concerted humane approach to the plight of people fleeing for their lives from what is certain death for themselves and their families.

The ideal solution would be that their fellow-Muslim countries would offer to shelter these refugees.

Indeed Turkey and Jordan, the Lebanon and some North African countries have been doing what they can to take in desperate Muslim refugees – and should be praised for their humanitarian efforts which all too often go unrecognised in Christendom. The rich Gulf countries (including, of course, Saudi Arabia) have done virtually nothing to assist in the context of taking in quota numbers of fellow-Muslims.

Those Really Responsible For The Crises Are Not The Helpless Refugees But Our Own European Christian Politicians

Until our politicians decided they would bring 'salvation' and 'democracy' to North Africa and The Middle East, Iraq and Egypt and 'set the people free' these problems did not exist.

We all worked quite happily with stable governments in Africa and the Middle East who ensured that illegal migrants were returned home and never had access to clandestine smugglers since such close monitoring and political controls made any such activities criminal offences, with very severe penalties to such extent that smugglers would not dare undertake such ventures.

What our Christian politicians left these Muslim lands, far from democracy and freedom, is anarchy and chaos, where nobody is in control and people are living in more fear they have ever known since the time of colonial rule of these territories by imperial powers. But don't expect your mainstream media to tell you about the abysmal failures of our politicians and their culpability in what can only be called a complete mess in North Africa and the Middle East.

What they will tell you about is those 'evil' people smugglers – who, by the way, are transporting men, women, children and babies out of harms way to places of safety.

If Jesus was alive, I believe that one of his chosen professions today would be that of a People Smuggler – leading the exodus of those with no hope and in fear for their lives, from war zones, day and night, out of Hades, chaos and evil – to anywhere that they, their families and their children might find survival, regardless of their race or religion or creed.

All I hear about from the same guilty politicians in Christendom is 'swarms' of 'locust' refugees 'pouring' into Europe. Yes it is true. The numbers are, as I have said in earlier blogs, unprecedented and unheard of since the Second World War, but it is these very same politicians who are to blame for the problems they are deflecting to blame onto the hapless refugees and anyone who assists them to reach the shores of Christendom's safety.

Fortunately the Greek, Italian and Maltese authorities recognise the difference between political refugees from those countries we have left in chaos – Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, from those we clearly have no obligation to assist – such as economic migrants from Nigeria, Ghana, Gabon, The Congo, Central African Republic, Senegal Pakistan and Southern Africa.

Unfortunately I am no saint so I do have a genuine problem welcoming individuals who do not share any of my values – regardless of their race, color or creed.

As a Christian, however, I would not deny them shelter from the storm but would be partial to denying full citizenship rights, under most circumstances, at any time, to such political refugees.

I share nothing in common with racists who only have hatred for these (unfortunate and blameless) people solely because they are a different religion and ethnicity.

What I would like to see is an honest politician in Christendom who will have the courage to stand up and take responsibility for the unholy mess they have all clearly created through incompetence.

As one of my Marist teachers used to say:

''Show me a man with hair on the palm of his hand and I'l show you an honest politician.''

©Patrick Emek, August 2015