Saturday 23 April 2016

As President Obama Urges Great Britain To Stay In Europe
'King' Boris -The Fool -
Hurls Racial Slurs

The calculated decision by Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, to insult the The President and The First Lady during their courtesy visit on behalf of The American people, to wish The Queen Of England and The British Commonwealth, a Happy 90th Birthday and show moral support  for his ally, Premier Cameron, may well have more profound and lasting effects than even Johnson himself could have appreciated.
You cannot persuade the 'ignorant' British public ('ignorant' - at least through the eyes of an Old Etonian like King Boris) to vote through fear until you have 'played out to their gut racial instincts.'
The 'race card' always goes down well where fear, suspicion anxiety of 'foreigners' and the future is in full play.  If you doubt that just remember Julius Streicher, Josef Goebbels and the other great propaganda orators of Nazi Germany as they too pandered to base fears and emotions to stir racial hatreds.
You cannot stoke 'Kristallnacht' until public emotion and fury is out of control.
Such is the case today where Britons have to decide on whether to remain or leave the union with Europe.
High unemployment, rising levels of poverty, religious and political extremism across Europe, unprecedented levels of migration into Europe,and the fleeing of political and economic refugees and migrants into Europe and away from wars - which have all been caused by failed Western policies in Muslim lands - are all contributing to uncertainty – and fueling anxieties and fears for the future both in Britian and across Europe.
Enter King Boris Johnson to save the day.
Johnson thought that the right moment to endear him to the Republican extreme-right in America and to a doubting British electorate just two months away from a historic vote on their future membership of the European Union, was a calculated insult to President Obama whilst a guest of the British government in the United Kingdom. It was hoped that such an insult to Britain's oldest and most loyal ally, The United States, with the rallying cry and echoes of Julius Streicher 'well the Jew is not a German!' - in reference to President Obama's Kenyan ancestry - would 'rally the troops' (electorate) drunk on the tides of racism and emotion, to vote to leave the European Union.
And therein lay Boris' dilemma: He will only have one shot at the title – Premier – and he needs to usurp the incumbent David Cameron, in a typical Etonian 'coup d'Etat', to himself become The Prime Minister (Premier) of The United Kingdom.
In normal times, nobody would turn to King Boris as Saviour. (Likewise in normal times, nobody (in large numbers) would have turned to The Fuhrer to save Germany.)
Seeing himself cut in the cloth of Winston Churchill (Johnson was a journalist who covered 'safe' topics at home, never served in the armed forces and certainly never served any time in war zones – so is typical of the 'Gung-ho' generation prepared to sacrifice others lives with their careless rhetoric and actions.)
As President Obama pointed out in his visit to the United Kingdom, the bonds between the two countries transcend personalities, racism and ignorance and have more enduring qualities - regardless of the personalities of the moment - a point lost on Johnson desperate as he is to secure a 'no' referendum victory and, as he hopes, then go on to usurp Cameron in a classic (British-style) political 'coup'. After a humiliating defeat on whether Britain should stay or leave Europe, Boris hopes that his political support base within the British Conservative Party will be so strong, that 'even God himself' cannot sink his bid to wrest the Premiership from his old Etonian schoolmate and colleague, David Cameron. As the Bard himself might have said of today's intrigues: 'honor' amongst blood-thirsty thieves and cut-throats is the order of the day.'
President Obama took the insult very well and responded, as you would expect the leader of the free world to so do – with thought, diplomacy and grace.
So where does this leave scheming Boris? Well King Boris has always portrayed himself as a 'likeable buffoon' to endear himself to the gullible British public.
He gets an easy ride in the tame British Press – controlled as you would expect it to be by the multinationals and corporate conglomerates.
Boris Johnson, however, is no Donald Trump. Leaving a lot of baggage in America (including bills unpaid to the IRS) Boris decided it would be easier to ingratiate himself into British political life – instead of having to persuade the Black Caucasus, the Italian and Jewish Caucasuses, The Hispanic Caucasus, the Irish Catholic 'Mafia' (which still run much of the political life on the East Coast and across parts of the Rust Belt) – none of whom would be as easily fooled with his buffoonery – since he would have to get off his fat a*s and earn their votes – something he would be loathe to do since his jokes about minorities would not go down as well on American television as they are acceptable to a more 'tolerant' British media. (He is not even a German speaker so neither would his denigration jokes about 'Krauts' the 'War Years' endear him to many, even on the far right.) Indeed, if he did not voluntarily choose not to reside in the United States, his jokes about Blacks, Hispanics Jews and Irish would have probably seen him hounded by a frenzied media - and litigious communities - for racial slurs – back to the United Kingdom or, alternatively, the only credible Presidential candidate for the National Socialist Party of America.   Even with the Nazi Party of America, with gene ancestry tests today, like the Fuhrer if still alive, he just might run into some embarrassing problems.   Boris has a lot of mixed-up and confused ethnic ancestry (from Turkey and beyond) - which may well account for his jocular denigration of ethnic minorities as he attempts to 'assert' his 'pure' 'White' 'Britishness' in the eyes (and perception) of the British public - and contrast this with the 'Blackness' of President Obama, of Kenyan ancestry in what he preceives as the 'key' to winning British 'hearts and minds' and ingratiating himself as a 'safe pair of hands'.
(Remember Jackie Kennedy, the wife of President John F. Kennedy, was part-Jewish and never comfortable with her background – a fact carefully concealed by the media for almost half a century.)
Well, sadly for King Boris, the plan might well backfire and could well swing a younger (and more moderate) British public voter in favor of unity with Europe - as opposed to living in the past.
If I was an educated undecided voter (and even at this late stage there are many in the United Kingdom as yet undecided how to vote on membership of Europe) Boris' intervention, with his racial slurs and calculated outbursts against the Leader of the Free World and The First Lady might well have decided the issue for myself, either ways.   It might also have an influence on how I would perceive Johnson as a likely successor to the incumbent Premier of The United Kingdom.

If, after this unprecedented intervention, as I now think, the British public might well now be prepared to give Europe another chance to sort out its problems – all thanks in no small way to Boris the Buffoon - then his leadership bid is scuppered, and, like Baron von Richthofen, will go down in flames never to re-surface as a credible candidate for the Office of Premier of the United Kingdom.
(He should also think twice about returning to the good ol' USA since he might get a frostier reception in certain neighborhoods from now on – not even to mention the disinterring of his IRS disputes should he fail in his bid to become Premier.)

If such is indeed the case, it's rare to see one person alone so craftily seal his own coffin, bury himself and place a tombstone over his own political grave, as Boris the Buffoon so skillfully did with such untimely remarks.

It's not Banquo's ghost which may stalk the Palace of Westminster (nor Henry VIII's wine cellar beneath the Ministry of Defense) but the buffoonery shadow of that young Turk Mephisto, meant to amuse and titillate, which took on a physical existence of it's very own - and bit it's creator on the butt(!)

©Patrick Emek, April 2016