Sunday 1 May 2016

It's 'Payback' Time!

Conspiracies, Emek? You're Just Paranoid!

As London and the UK gear up for Local Council District elections a huge row has blown up about anti-Semitism within the British Labour Party.

If you have been reading the references to my blogs over the years absolutely nothing being said is anything new.

I told you years ago that The Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, was a Zionist (in what he wanted to achieve for German Jews) up until about 1932.

This has since been confirmed by none other than the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, who said last year that 'Hitler was not responsible for the holocaust of the Jews.'

I do not agree with him – as the chain of command and responsibility goes – but I do agree with the essence of his argument – around which there is little historical disagreement. (This is one of the few things Netanyahu will ever get me to agree with in discourse!)

This is the essence of the argument:

Hitler did not want to murder the Jews but simply expel (deport) them.

He appealed to his friend and ally, The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, to help him out with this 'problem' (as he saw it!) of the Jews. He offered financial incentives and technical assistance if the Mufti would cooperate with the plan.

The Grand Mufti, however, was horrified at the prospect of millions of Jews deported to Palestine because of the social chaos and demographic (political) upheaval it would cause. He told the Fuhrer (in none less clear words) that all the (Muslim) Tribes in the Arabian Peninsula and across the Levant would side with the Allies if such a 'horrific' plan was implemented. The Fuhrer dropped the plan.

What About Britain and The United States In The 1930s?
Britain and the United States had their own Jews and wanted as few as possible.
In the States it was an even more serious problem. There was a very strong movement supporting the Fuhrer (indeed remnants of such politically vibrant communities which  once supported Adolf Hitler and The German Nazi Party at that time can be found eking out a very quiet and non-political existence in up-State New York to this very day.)
In a post-Second World War world, where Germany prevailed, it was intended that an area of New York would become the International Athletics administration center in the New World Order. (The equivalent, as I understand it, of international organizations based in Geneva, Switzerland, today.)
So, the United States mainstream media was, in the main, silent to the plight of the Jews – until it was too late to save them – but such plight functioned well as a rallying cry to garnish and channel financial and enlistment support for the War effort against Nazi Germany as the path to war progressed.

After the Mufti's Rejection of Hitler's Plan, Other Options Were Then Considered
In this context, Hitler sought out other options (or solutions.) The rest is history.
But please note the above – as it is often left out in 'educated' analysis of the War Years. But don't pretend you know anything about this! Do not quote it in any school or university essay, thesis or other research or you will probably be given grade zero, you will be classified, 'blackballed' and pigeon-holed as a neo-Nazi supporter, and your life will probably be made hell (!)

What Else Have You Not Been Told (Or Has Been Concealed) About The War Years?
There were many interesting historically significant events for a (hoped) victorious German Empire after WW II, taking place in the Reichstag in 1942.
Indeed, in my opinion, 1942 was, historically, the most 'creative' period in many German Ministries, planning as they were for a post-war world. This period is little covered by historians except in their negative contexts.
For example, the concept of a 'European Union' was formulated in the Reichstag during this period. Many other fascinating plans – such as scientist engineer (and Party Member) Wernher von Braun's plans for the first Man on the Moon and beyond.
It is believed that many documents have been destroyed by IG Farben, Benz Motor Works, Pharmaceutical Companies and other giants of Germany's industry with regard to the Volkswagen (The Volkswagen - VW motor car - believed to have been part-designed by the Fuhrer but all records of this aspect destroyed because of the (presumed) worldwide impact on image and sales of the Volkswagen after WWII), human genetics, and nuclear technology – most of which were shelved as 'too fantastical' by a sceptical German High Command more concerned as it was with applications for winning the war than 'pie in the sky' projects.
Indeed von Braun was 'cautioned' by the Gestapo for his 'anti-patriotic' attitude and ordered to focus his energies on practical matters to assist the war effort and not be 'daydreaming' about putting men on the Moon (!)

Where Can I Find Out More About What You Have Said Above?
You will not find any of this in National Socialist literature-analysis nor in your mainstream Media– concerned as both are with 'limited' perspectives.
Research the topics for yourself - and establish the facts.
A number of new 'theories' about the VW concept have been advanced in recent years.
When someone like me, tells you to find your own path to the truth, it's often regarded as the most dangerous thing in the world - for all extremists and fanatics.
By the way, don't expect any 'rewards' for 'discovering' that all of what I have said above is true. Indeed, be prepared to expect the opposite to occur (!)

Anti-Semitism In the British Labour Party
So let's now get back to the argument in Great Britain about anti-Semitism.
Let us, for one moment, look at the facts of the matter.
Both parties have 'Friends of Israel' sections which work closely with the Israeli Embassy to 'promote' public relations issues of friendship between both countries.
They (the support groups) usually go beyond this and engage in activities, some of which in the U.S. would be considered a potential 'threat to national security.'
But the laws in the United States and the United Kingdom are very different.

'It's Good To Be The King!'
Many decades ago (or something like that!) I can think of one senior individual whose mistress was being 'bankrolled' for many years with Israeli - money – courtesy of the political support her boyfriend lent to security and armaments companies. In the United States such an individual would, by virtue of his position, have had to register where this money was coming from.
In the European Parliament declarations are only required for direct gifts – and it only applies if the money or gift or service or holiday has been made to the politician (as beneficiary) not to his girlfriend ( or any other non-legal or 'anonymous' beneficiary!)

Until fairly recently British Parliament rules have been very 'relaxed' with regard to monies coming from 'allies' to politicians or their foundations or charities.
This may change as the laws surrounding such are very (politically) 'sensitive' to public opinion (outrage) when the general public is (deliberately) 'leaked' certain facts.

Back to anti-Semitism in the British Labour Party
Just before the British General Election which swept David Cameron into power with a humiliating defeat for his rival, Edward Miliband, a 'Black Ops' was launched by elements within the British Labour Party, terrified to see their vote collapsing through the floor as election day approached. The objective was a conspiracy to discredit The British Conservative Party using the international bank HSBC as 'fall guy'.
It was a classic conspiracy with a British 'parliamentary' committee (or 'inquisition' panel) being set up to discredit the Conservative Party. It had to be a very careful plausibly deniable operation – which could never be traced back to the (then) British Labour Party leadership.
But there was much (much) more to the conspiracy: child sex abuse allegations in the general press against the Parliamentary Panel's Labour politician – who headed the 'inquiry' into HSBC – and, more seriously, allegations about other child sex cover ups by her relative (also a politician) and that she used her political office to 'cover up' such allegations to protect her son-in-law.
But it got even murkier. Another family relative had been staying at Praia da Luz at the time the child Madeleine McCann disappeared.
See my blog about this 'Black Op' before the British General Election and, if you have the time, follow all the references as they lead into child sex allegations and senior British politicians, friends of Prime Minister Tony Blair – one of whose close relatives' private jet took off from Praia da Luz hours after the British child, Madeleine McCann, disappeared from this exclusive British/Jewish holiday resort never to be found. Was this private plane forensically examined after arriving back in Switzerland from Praia da Luz? Read 'The Coleman Experience'. It will certainly surprise you – maybe even shock you - if you are not inured (as I am) with so many millions of innocents being murdered in wars, famine, disease and pestilence, that the fate of one other child, is just another sad statistic in a long and sorry tale of humanity or, as this case may be, inhumanity.

Why Did The Blairs Get Involved In the Madeleine McCann Disappearance?
The first thing you need to know is that attempts to ban books revealing critical facts known but concealed by either political authorities or powerful politicians about this case (and other unrelated issues or cases ) are not untypical of 'conspiracies' by rich and politically powerful individuals in the U.K. (and the rest of the world for that matter) to conceal information.
All major UK publishers refused to handle this book
for distribution*.
Read it – then ask yourself 'why?'.
For the reason that he has been blacklisted in the United Kingdom, the author makes it available for you to read for free at his website*.
And there are more allegations - from an entirely different non-related source:
Tony Blair, as you already should know, was a former Premier of The United Kingdom.
In any event the Blairs got involved in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, it is alleged, to 'protect' the relative of a senior financial supporter of the British Labour Party and ensure that no information would ever reach the general public without it being politically 'filtered' to ensure that any links to scandal which might reflect on this British politician, her family and The British Labour Party were all carefully erased. 'The Coleman Experience' and it's related references are a fascinating insight into the darker side of British politics and how British politicians have, in the past, used their influence to curtail Police State and Inter-State investigations.
|Back to anti-Semitism Within The British Labour Party
As I see it, this is not about one individual – the former Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone.
I will not get involved in what Livingstone said about Adolf Hitler only to say that I do not believe that he (Livingstone) is the objective of this current argument.

It's 'Payback' Time!
It's 'payback' time! This, in my view, happening as this anti-Semitism 'scandal' is just a few days before local political elections. Allegations of anti-Semitism are more aimed at ensuring that the general public are 'terrified' into voting against the Labour Party's candidate for Mayor Of London (a moderate Muslim, of Pakistani origin) as opposed to the Conservative Party's choice for Mayor Of London (a Zionist Jew, of German extraction.)

So there you have it. The truth. Which, sadly, you have to find on a humble blogger website.
Those in politics and in the British media were not, in general, appalled when the leader of the free world (President Barack Obama) was racially slurred by the current Mayor of London, Boris ('fatboy') Johnson on a recent visit to wish the Queen of England and The British Commonwealth a Happy 90th Birthday, but who will go ballistic when a politician (except 'Bibi' Netanyahu of course) says anything 'positive' about Adolf Hitler (!)
You don't have to be Jewish to have an 'opinion' about Adolf Hitler.
You may not agree with that opinion being expressed but in an open society (as we were taught at school and in university) you are entitled to your opinion without fear of reprisal. This is the first amendment of the U.S. constitution.
Ooopps! I almost forgot! The United Kingdom does not have a written constitution (!!!)
Poor Ken Livingstone! He is in serious trouble! He should have been a U.S. citizen and Mayor of New York instead of London – where he could quite happily enjoy the freedom to hold any opinion he wants to have – and protect it (his freedom and rights) with as many high-caliber weapons he can afford to buy – and his own private armed militias - all legally authorised by the State authorities to carry semi-military firearms - if and where required (!)

Will this 'conspiracy' succeed? Let's see how the British public vote for the Office of Mayor of London.
As they sometimes say, the only true 'Poll' is the one after all the votes are counted (!)

©Patrick Emek, May 2016

Many websites you visit who 'offer' a version of 'Mein Kampf' are 'selling' their political or racial agendas.  'Mein Kampf' (My Struggle) in an edited form, will soon be available in schools across Europe - but probably remain banned from schools in the United Kingdom for a very long time.
You can download your own free (unabridged edited and fully annotated) copy of 'Mein Kampf'' by Adolf Hitler (and you don't have to give your personal details to anyone or any extremist website or to parties who want to monitor your reading preferences or sell you anything else - just download your own personal copy) from here:

Zionism And The Third Reich:

Documented Accounts of Jews Who Helped Hitler and The Nazis:

Nazi-German Jewish Agreement For Transfer To Palestine:

*All major publishers refused to handle this book for UK distribution:
'The Truth of The Lie' .   Read it - and then you decide it's merits.

It's Good to be The King:
'The Seriously Funny Life of Mel Brooks'

Labour Party 'Conspiracy' To Black Ops The Conservatives Before The Last General Election:

Will it be ‘Jew’ vs. Muslim in London’s next mayoral election?: