Thursday 28 July 2016

Donald Trump Calls On The FSB To Assassinate Hillary Rodham Clinton

This is probably the only thing which Mr Trump has not yet asked a foreign hostile superpower to undertake on his behalf in order to secure the U.S. Presidency.


In my opinion, apart from the issue of treason ( a very real issue in it's own right) there should be a recall process in place in order to prevent any candidate (or demagogue) in any democracy calling in a foreign power to commit an act of espionage against a rival U.S. Presidential candidate - as Donald Trump has called on Mr Vladimir Putin to assist him secure the Office of President of The United States.

For a candidate in any democratic country to 'call in'  a hostile foreign power to do his or her bidding - be in in the provision of intelligence, personnel, assassins or 'agent provocateurs' during an election campaign (let alone at any other time) is an act of treason.
No democracy can properly function where is is being undermined both by it's own elected official at homes - and in league with foreign hostile superpowers - and being undermined through a process of infiltration and espionage from abroad (the FSB and their hacking of U.S. government officials private and official computers - in order to undermine the democratic institutions of  our open democratic societies.)
Calling on hostile powers to provide other services - be they assassins or other personnel to subvert rivals is just one very short step from where Mr Trump currently exists.
This is just not acceptable and far beyond the Pale of all acceptable norms to achieve the highest Office with the responsibilities for security not just of the United States but also of the free world from the tyrannical forces just waiting for such a President 'to work with' in order to subvert the democratic world from within.

It is unprecedented that any U.S. presidential candidate would accuse a rival's family (Ted Cruz) of being implicitly guilty of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, or ask the Russian FSB to perform an act of sabotage within the United States in order to further his own political ends - yet this is exactly what Mr Donald Trump has encouraged and pleaded from the tyrannical superpower rival of the United States, the most evil regime in the world, headed by a dictator and tyrant, Vladimir Putin, to undertake in order to defeat Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Be Careful What You Wish For (!)
If they cannot see exactly the kind of demagogue they are electing or if their hatred is so blind that they would rather America turns into North Korea or The Russian Federation - both countries ruled by tyrants who have no time for democracy - then they too are also blind to the existing pre-eminence of the United States as the world's greatest and most dynamic democracy and superpower on this planet.

There is no doubt that, as during the time of the rise of Adolf Hitler, there is desire by a minority of extremists who would like to see America isolationist and to regain it's 'pure' 'national identity'. 

This in itself is something of an illusion - but a very powerful exhortation to be manipulated by any tyrant or dictator - especially pandering to  extreme nationalists and racists.

Why We Should Be Speaking Mandarin or Cantonese Today
(Decline and Fall of An Empire)

I would like to relate a short informal discussion which I recently had with a number of individuals 
I say informal because that's exactly the setting we were all in - an informal setting where we could just have a heart-to-heart- chat.

I reminded our gathering that about 200 years before Christopher Columbus, Imperial China has assembled the greatest fleet ever to sail the China (and South China) seas.  This Treasure Fleet (The Great Treasure Fleet) was tasked with spreading the influence of The Empire - and is today the reason we see thriving Chinese communities in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, The Malacca Straits.   This Great Treasure Fleet reached as far as Ceylon ('Sri'  Lanka  - 'Blessed' Land) and Zanzibar - and a small community which can trace it's origin to China still exists here even today.
The ships were at least two and a half times bigger than those of Christopher Columbus - yet sailed from China to the shores of Africa, Arabia, Yemen, two hundred years earlier.
If this expansion had continued, today, I have no doubt, that the empire of China would easily have reached America at least 200 years before Columbus - and that we would all be speaking Cantonese and Mandarin, instead of English, today.
What halted this great expansion was the rise of fascism (Nazism) within China: Confucius and Confucianism.
'China for the Chinese' 'A pure China' 'Only pure Chinese Blood qualifies to be Chinese' 'All foreigners are to be regarded as hostile.'  These were the slogans which progressed China into an era of fascism and  extreme neo-nationalism.
Confucianism became very popular - and Chinese expansionism halted - since incorporating foreigners within the Empire was 'unpatriotic'.
(I should mention that aboard the Treasure Fleet were girls and women of royal lineage to be married into 'conquered' territories - but their children would also have claim on the Royal throne by virtue of birth - another reason the Chinese fascists and neo-nationalists opposed incorporation of foreign lands - and permanently blotted out from the royal records any mention of these girls and women as nothing other than 'prostitutes' and 'imposters' to be married off to foreign leaders and royal households 'in deceit' rather than what they really were - persons of royal lineage.)
Two hundred years later Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand financed expeditions by Christopher Columbus to seek new territories, new wealth and a new pathway to the riches of the Orient for Christendom.    The rest you know.
But for this quirk of history we would all, no doubt, be speaking Cantonese and Mandarin today, with China, as the pre-eminent superpower on the planet.

I hope and pray that Americans do not elect a President in the Fall who would, in a heartbeat, sell to the highest bidder, all our cherished values, as much out of vanity as out  of demagoguery and the desire for eternal  personal tyranny.

Patrick Emek

July, 2016

Friday 15 July 2016

Bastille Day 2016

Massacre On The Promenade des Anglais:

'Congress Should Declare War'
 (Donald Trump)

[Je Suis......ISIL]

In what I regard as only too typical of Islamc State-inspired evil, yet another despicable act of inhumanity has been committed - purportedly in the name of Islam, in Nice, on Bastille Day.

To capture the political moment, a most incredibly naive statement has been made by the (presumptive) Republican Candidate for the U.S. Presidency in the fall, Donald Trump:
''Congress Should Declare War''

''Je Suis ........''

You simply cannot declare war on non-state actors - international terrorists - who operate globally with no central HQ and where the command structure is so diversified that any (temporarily or chronically) deranged person, with any grudge against society, a local community, set of individuals or individual, and on such premise, in the name of Islam under the banner of ''Je Suis ISIL'' (on this occasion) declares war on his/her next door neighbors, jumps over the garden fence and machine-guns everyone at a childrens' garden party.  [I am being blunt in the most extreme to clarify the message loud and clear.]
However expect such naive statements to appear over the coming days, weeks and months as the sheer exasperation of how to respond becomes evident from politicians - and those seeking political offices - wallowing in the blood and on the backs of human tragedy to serve their very own ultimate political goals.
This is the unfortunate naked truth we are facing - but don't expect the politicians to ever tell you that truth.

Is There Any Solution?

Increased Vigilance
The short-term solutions are increasing vigilance - but certainly not mass 'stop and searches' or 'mass incarcerations' of Muslims - this would be playing into the hands of a very evil entity which would like to move the world into the ISIS-philosophical state of all-out-war:Islam v the Infidels, worldwide.

Destruction of The State-Inspired Backer-The Islamic State or Caliphate
President Obama had not got the motivation to do it - he confused the destruction of the Islamic Caliphate with the destruction of Assad's Syria for ulterior political reasons.   President Putin, likewise for political reasons, stopped short of 'finishing off' the Islamic State - and  whose efforts were not helped by the U.S. (Obama Administration) openly refusing military cooperation with Russia - point blank - for this one critical mission.

Regulation Of Mosques and Islamic Centers
For years I have been looked at with some scepticism when I would say that more (proactive) efforts need to have been made to address the issue of how Al Qaeda/ Islamic State supporters have, even since before 9/11 'infiltrated' perfectly decent organizations and may be (silently) using them to 'promote' 'Islamic' agendas.  The 'appearance' of Al Qaeda and subsequently ISIL were merely a consolidation of a 'thought process' of a very small extremist intelligensia within the Muslim religion. This is an issue completely off the radar screens of politicians (dare I say, some as as ignorant as 'fatboy' Boris - see my earlier blog where former London Mayor Johnson racially slurred President Obama during his visit to the United Kingdom to wish Her Majesty, The Queen of England, a happy 90th birthday) - since they fail to appreciate that such events are not 'instant' but part of more longer term processes which have backgrounds stretching over decades of discussion and debate - facilitated by modern technology.
(Johnsons' jealousy of Donald Trump's successes, as a businessman, is also evident in his disparaging comments about the Republican Party's  candidate for the presidency.)

Increased Security
Certainly this is always possible for certain sites but, as we all know, you cannot offer protection for absolutely every institution, school, restaurant, shopping mall or other local community resource worldwide.
So Donald Trump's idea of a 'declaration of war' is simply not feasible for a non-state actor or entities which operate on the basis of sub-contracting and exhorting followers and individuals worldwide to kill or neutralize 'the Infidel' by any and every means available.
Even tomorrow should the Islamic Caliphate be eliminated as a functioning state, its 'supporters' (those who share the philosophical ideals of the 'perfect' Islamic world) will continue to exist and it may take just a very small event to 'trigger' an act which would be defined as 'terrorist' - thereby providing every opportunistic politician with the excuse for increasing totalitarian measures - be they fiscal ('fishing expeditions') restrictive of civil liberties, emergency anti-terrorist measures,all designed to 'consolidate' the power of the State in opposition to civil liberties.
So the 'bogeyman' of ISIL will exist long after a political decision is (some day) taken (and implemented) to eliminate the entity (Caliphate) as it has existed for two years, simply because it provides politicians with 'expedient' opportunities to effect the policies and technologies of political and social controls in every country throughout the world.
Sadly such exhortations will resonate  positively with very angry, confused and (some) bigoted voters in the U.S. Presidential election in the Fall - anxious as they all will be for 'instant' problem solvers for what are complex and long-term problems.
ISIL is fully aware of this - which is why the Islamic State would 'welcome' the election of a President Donald Trump - as his bigoted thinking is totally in line with the demarcation and hatred they would desire to create - hastening the day of the ultimate conflict where Islam and Christianity are finally at war across this planet - and  the 'Angels' of Islam will achieve a victorious battle against the Infidel (Satan)  before the final 'Kingdom' of Allah - as 'prophesized' in their versions (and mistranslations) of  Koranic scripture can be built worldwide, after the Devil (Satan - the Infidel-) and all it's structures of idolatry have been destroyed and erased from existence.
As they perceive the world, a President Donald Trump, by his nature and character, would, by his actions, more assist to bring this day closer than any other U.S. presidential candidate.

The fact of the matter is that such problems have no instant solutions - but do not expect Donald Trump to tell you that - since his appeal is to 'gut instinct', bigotry, divisive and insular communities rather than what is best for the nation, as a whole.

Our sympathies go out to the victims and families of such terrible (and quite evil - by most known standards of  insurgency) events as those occurring on the Promenade des Anglais, Nice, on  Bastille Day, the most espoused political day of the French social calendar, we must never lose sight of our humanity nor efforts to solve the core political and human rights issues which provide part of the motivations and background for such fanatics to draw support from,worldwide.
(I would add that support can come from committed religious as well as non-religious individuals and groups, all drawn together under the banner or slogan of ISIL - or it's future 'morphed' entity - as much out of local, national or international 'grievances'.)

'Off the Radar'
While increased vigilance and common sense should always be the order of the day, there is no total defense nor solutions against mental illness - nor a lone individual, group or non-state actors nor insurgents espousing  causes, however demented or deranged, which will produce carnage and horrors, neither now nor in the future.

Patrick Emek, July 2016

Tuesday 5 July 2016

'Russia Today' Goes Bananas(!)
If It's Good News For Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign, It's Bad News For Moscow!


Russia Today, the television, news network and personal mouthpiece of President Vladimir Putin [ФСБ ] has gone berserk today because the FBI will not be filing charges against Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. The network has made no secret that it considers Clinton a 'very dangerous' woman. On the same day that a former British Minister described a potential next British Premier (Theresa May) – also no great 'fan' of Putin - as 'a bloody difficult woman to work with' , it appears that the Kremlin will be having headaches and nightmares day and night should both women be elected into Offices later on this year.
The network has made no secret of it's wish for Donald Trump to be elected to the Office of President of The United States.
Clinton, a hawk on military issues, will give no ground on issues such as The Ukraine and the security of Poland and the Baltic States.
Under a Clinton administration we are likely to see defense commitments to Europe intensify with a new command structure specifically for the Nordic nations being initiated to provide greater security, cooperation and 'cross-platform' standardization to deter aggression.
The apologists for Vladimir Putin in Western Europe - have also not taken the FBI's decision not to charge Clinton with any great applause.
Historically, the Kremlin has always preferred to be dealing with demagogues and tyrants rather than with the likes of Hillary Clinton.
[It's always been much easier for the Kremlin to be dealing with 'useful idiots' who can be 'bought off' or who 'work' the Presidential Office on the basis that America is 'for sale' than with patriots such as Hillary Clinton.]
Russia Today, already 'frozen out' of most of the mainstream media loop in the United States, is increasingly reliant on far-left and far-right sympathisers for its coverage of local events. This is why the 'picture' of political, economic and social life which it paints of the United States through its flagship media network, is increasingly distorted.
For example, compare the 'violence' it covers in the exercise of civil rights demonstrations in the U.S. with the carefully choreographed State-sponsored and State-controlled 'peaceful' 'protest' (fake) 'demonstrations' which take place in Moscow and elsewhere in Putin's Russia.
While I don't see Russia Today being banned in the West nor in America (such would, in my opinion, be folly, naive, and highly undemocratic) I do see the network being even more isolated and increasingly ridiculed for its highly and wildly distorted coverage of news events in the West and in the United States.
This is no more evident than in its coverage of security and foreign policy matters.
As Russia Today intensifies the propaganda campaign to discredit Presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton and her running mate, it should expect 'no mercy' and 'the death of a thousand cuts' should she be elected President in the Fall.

If I were to advise the network on strategy, it would be to give 'fair and balanced' coverage to the U.S. Presidential campaign - or suffer the consequences (such as being 'frozen out' even further) and many many more years of 'Tundra extremes' isolation in the aftermath.

©Patrick Emek, July 2016

'A Bloody Difficult Woman To Work With!' : [the entire clip] 

'A Bloody Difficult Woman To Work With!': [shorter version - annotated]