Tuesday 5 July 2016

'Russia Today' Goes Bananas(!)
If It's Good News For Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign, It's Bad News For Moscow!


Russia Today, the television, news network and personal mouthpiece of President Vladimir Putin [ФСБ ] has gone berserk today because the FBI will not be filing charges against Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. The network has made no secret that it considers Clinton a 'very dangerous' woman. On the same day that a former British Minister described a potential next British Premier (Theresa May) – also no great 'fan' of Putin - as 'a bloody difficult woman to work with' , it appears that the Kremlin will be having headaches and nightmares day and night should both women be elected into Offices later on this year.
The network has made no secret of it's wish for Donald Trump to be elected to the Office of President of The United States.
Clinton, a hawk on military issues, will give no ground on issues such as The Ukraine and the security of Poland and the Baltic States.
Under a Clinton administration we are likely to see defense commitments to Europe intensify with a new command structure specifically for the Nordic nations being initiated to provide greater security, cooperation and 'cross-platform' standardization to deter aggression.
The apologists for Vladimir Putin in Western Europe - have also not taken the FBI's decision not to charge Clinton with any great applause.
Historically, the Kremlin has always preferred to be dealing with demagogues and tyrants rather than with the likes of Hillary Clinton.
[It's always been much easier for the Kremlin to be dealing with 'useful idiots' who can be 'bought off' or who 'work' the Presidential Office on the basis that America is 'for sale' than with patriots such as Hillary Clinton.]
Russia Today, already 'frozen out' of most of the mainstream media loop in the United States, is increasingly reliant on far-left and far-right sympathisers for its coverage of local events. This is why the 'picture' of political, economic and social life which it paints of the United States through its flagship media network, is increasingly distorted.
For example, compare the 'violence' it covers in the exercise of civil rights demonstrations in the U.S. with the carefully choreographed State-sponsored and State-controlled 'peaceful' 'protest' (fake) 'demonstrations' which take place in Moscow and elsewhere in Putin's Russia.
While I don't see Russia Today being banned in the West nor in America (such would, in my opinion, be folly, naive, and highly undemocratic) I do see the network being even more isolated and increasingly ridiculed for its highly and wildly distorted coverage of news events in the West and in the United States.
This is no more evident than in its coverage of security and foreign policy matters.
As Russia Today intensifies the propaganda campaign to discredit Presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton and her running mate, it should expect 'no mercy' and 'the death of a thousand cuts' should she be elected President in the Fall.

If I were to advise the network on strategy, it would be to give 'fair and balanced' coverage to the U.S. Presidential campaign - or suffer the consequences (such as being 'frozen out' even further) and many many more years of 'Tundra extremes' isolation in the aftermath.

©Patrick Emek, July 2016

'A Bloody Difficult Woman To Work With!' : [the entire clip]

'A Bloody Difficult Woman To Work With!': [shorter version - annotated]