Sunday 28 August 2016

An Election You May Have Missed

The British Labour (Labor) Party Leadership Election Debate
Taking Place Next Week:

*September 21st -Ballot Ends
             *September 24th - Results Announced

Owen Smith versus Jeremy Corbyn

(What the mainstream media will not tell you about it)

(If you are a Labour Party Member, exercise your right to vote!) 
I had an opportunity to share part of an afternoon's train journey with Mr Corbyn, long before he became a well-known figure in British national politics.
Apart from that, the only other time we ever met was on a BBC World Television (BBC World 'Asia Today') programme discussion about Islamic terrorism in the Southern Philippines several years previous.

What This Leadership Election Is All About – And Why Even Mr Corbyn Has To Remain 'Silent' For Fear Of Being branded 'paranoid ' or 'anti-Semitic'

[I frequently refer to such political 'silence' as corollary to 'child molestation']
Owen Smith is 'in the pocket' of 'Zionist' Jews who, up until fairly recently, have been both the most loyal backers and staunch financial supporters and patrons of both major British political parties.
Jeremy Corbyn has a long history of support of anti-Zionist (and sometimes also anti-Semitic) 'revolutionary' 'nationalist' 'freedom-struggle' political movements - from Sinn Fein (the political wing of the IRA – the Irish Republican Army) to the Palestinians to Hamas and Hezbollah.
[I need to point out that Mr Corbyn has never knowingly supported ISIS/ISIL/the Islamic State or any other similar fanatical groups in the Muslim world. Reports are that 'conspiracies' have attempted to 'entrap' Mr Corbyn to portray him as knowingly supporting extremists. When all such matters are carefully examined, we do indeed find situations of individuals actively engaged in a process (for parties unknown) to 'entrap' Mr Corbyn into utterances of support for individuals or groups about which he has had little active engagement or knowledge.]

So Smith gets his financial backing and political support from racist Zionist Jews. Corbyn gets his from racist Jew-hating Muslims and Arabs (Christian and Muslim.) Don't automatically assume that just because they are Arab Christians, that (some) do not share many of the cultural and social 'affinities' as their Arab Muslim counterparts. A perfect balance of extremes! (in my view.)

Over the Hedge!
Of course both factions of the Labour Party don't just get support from these 'lunatic' fringes – the looney left and the right – but from a wider sector of supporters (the majority) totally oblivious to the machinations of the 1% who trade pounds of flesh for control of both wings of the Party.
Remember too, I'm just talking about internal 'battles' within the British Labour Party – in case you thought I (or you!) were getting lost and confused - and I was rambling through the entire spectrum of British politics (!)

'Zack' Goldsmith from the British Conservative Party (you may recall from my previous article) was the Zionist 'Jew versus Muslim' candidate in the Mayoral election of London.
These quoted words above were not originally my own but borrowed from an article in an Israeli newspaper which I quoted from in that blog.
(You need to refer to my previous blog and the attached references about the London Mayoral Election for greater clarity.)
Who Pays The Piper?
So who then does Owen Smith answer to? The answer is, initially, informally, to the British Labour Party Zionist Jewess, Lady Margaret Hodge, a former Leader of a London Borough plagued with paedophile scandals who was accused in the mainstream media of nepotism (involving a member of her own family) in order to prevent full and open disclosure about known sex crimes against children in care by her senior staff and political figures for decades in the London Borough which she controlled. (I have covered this in a previous blog with controversial references you will never find in the mainstream British press.)

How about Corbyn? Well he answers to so many 'proletariat' groups on the left ('Socialist democracy' I think they call it)
that it would fill pages. Lets just say that he does not answer to any secret shadowy factions nor to any groups with direct links to foreign governments which present the potential capability of undermining our democratic system and ways of life. (In much the same way as 'Russia Today' (RT) Television Network, on behalf of Mr Putin, has decided to use it's potential reach to influence the outcome of the American General Election.)

Who Pays 'The Lady?'
Something I did not touch on before about 'Lady' Hodge is the means whereby she 'acquired' her 'title'.
In essence she contractually bought it from a financially 'ailing' individual – she bailed him out with her money - and they married – or maybe it was the other way round (!)
Nothing wrong here. No laws broken (as they might say.)
But it's just an observation the mainstream media will actively conspire to conceal from you within the British Isles.

If you think that was the interesting part of this blog, your far off the mark.

Lady Margaret Hodge, Madeleine McCann and The Blairs
You may recall that I have covered the issue of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in some detail.
Again, Lady Margaret Hodge's footprint appears in this (once) exclusive Portuguese holiday resort of Praia da Luz at the time of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
This time it is another close relative whose private airplane took off from Praia da Luz within hours of the disappearance of the child Madeleine McCann. This plane was never forensically examined when it arrived at it's final destination (Switzerland.)
[At the time I wrote the blog and associated references it was not then revealed that Praia da Luz was an area frequented by known prominent and influential British Labour Party supporters who have now been identified and named by the British Police as paedophiles.]
There is no explanation (nor has there ever been questions asked, to the best of my knowledge, of the Swiss Government) as to why a private aeroplane with Swiss nationals on board, taking off from a major crime scene, in the era after 9/11, was not immediately seized, impounded and forensically examined on arrival in Switzerland, considering the national and international alert for the missing child already in place.
In the light of any such event taking place after 9/11 (and the possibility of a terrorist attack) it seems quite remarkable that the Swiss authorities would not immediately initiate the suspension and grounding of this aircraft and its removal for a thorough examination before release. To the best of my knowledge, this never happened.

To understand why the British public have been denied the full facts about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, you need to read my previous blogs (and follow up the detailed references) to better appreciate the (alleged) cover-up, and more importantly, the (alleged) British political reputations the cover-ups are in place to protect.

So there you have it. Jeremy Corbyn versus Owen Smith.
Both battling it out for the position of leader of the British Labour Party. One supported by a Zionist faction the other by Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians and their supporters within the British Labour Party.

If I was a 'normal' moderate Labour Party member and aware of all this nonsense, I might even consider joining an alternative political party - with less 'baggage' - than both of the existing incumbents.

Journey's End

Only fairly recently (this year to be exact!) have the British mainstream press started to move just slightly away from the McCann's narrative – and that shift is more intended to protect the McCann's existing position than explore any other (alternative) evidence - which always existed – and which you can find in the reference sections of my previous blogs - about this unsolved disappearance.

*there is another incident I am aware of but will not go into detail. It involved how Mossad agents were able at ease to enter and leave Ireland from Dublin airport.
Likewise an airport was involved. In this instance, I believe, all the relevant parties are (privately) aware of how this happened.
Since their 'mission' was of benefit to the security of the West as it was to Israel, it is in a slightly different category.
The reason I bring it up is that often extremist Zionist supporters, in governmental and quasi-governmental positions of influence, confuse political and criminal acts, out of loyalty, as equating, which they most certainly, in my opinion, do not.

©Patrick Emek, August 2016

a technical error relating to use of color meant that all the information at the top of the page for this blog was not initially displayed - apologies!


British Mainstream Press:

Alternative Media: