Wednesday 28 September 2016

Shimon Peres – R.I.P.

First I would like to pay a personal tribute to the man who could have brought a permanent peace to the Middle East.
I always believed, for most of my lifetime, that Peres, together with Golda Meir were the two singular individual leaders with the potential and capability of achieving this elusive Nirvana.
His passing ends an era where there existed leaders in Israel with a genuine desire for a true, a just and a permanent peace with the Palestinians.

I only met him on one occasion – and we had a disagreement which, thankfully, fell short of a publicly voiced argument, as I held my counsel; and which I never capitalized on afterwards for personal benefit.

My disagreement with Shimon Peres can partly be gauged when I was invited to address a B'Nai B'rith function (which has had more prominent individuals than me - such as the Israeli Ambassador) as the guest speaker.
(For security reasons and as it was a private function, I will not say here where it was held.)
I was asked a particular question after my talk to several hundred members and that was 'did I believe the Peace Process (at that time) would succeed? ' My answer was that I did not and that it would be a total failure.
It was just not sustainable with such unreliable partners as Saudi Arabia lurking in the background and the Palestinians running off to Riyadh, Baghdad and Damascus to ensure that finance would not be cut off when a final peace accord was signed with Israel.
The Saudis are one of the most untrustworthy and duplicitous of partners, for a Middle East permanent peace, you could ever hope or imagine to have.
They always were and they always will be whilst the House of Saud holds sway.
(In this world, there are usually good and bad tyrants. The House of Saud however, is just rotten to the core. Even more frustrating, given the present situation in the region, the only thing worse than the House of Saud is it's removal.)
Besides, the absence of a peace between Israel and Palestine and the concept of 'Arab renewal' in the form 'Islamic States' similar to ISIL/ISIS, keeps the minds of the Arab populace, as a whole, across North Africa and the Middle East, off democratic reform issues inside all these Muslim tyrannies (Sunni and Shia) throughout the region.

So Shimon Peres, God give him rest, never delivered on a permanent peace - for which he (falsely) accepted a Nobel Peace Prize (!) None of them -Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton, Yasser Arafat, delivered permanent peace.
Just you look at the chaos and barriers of separation in the region today - with their (unresolved) political problems (and our stupid Western Christian politicians' military interventions and overthrowing Muslim regimes in Muslim lands - fueling the chaos and instabilities) are now overspilling into the whole of Europe and directly affecting political and social stability across Christendom.

The whole 'peace' process was a complete sham and farce from beginning to end, in my opinion.

Indeed I would argue that, at one level, we have ended up with the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) and its extremist proponents as a direct result of the absence of a permanent peace process (from that failed Camp David accord) which gives security to Israel and a homeland State with secure internationally recognised borders, to the Palestinian people.

Shimon Peres was surprised (and I think a little annoyed and upset) at my 'response' to his gesture of friendship – but there were issues I could never reconcile about a peace treaty with such an unreliable partner and its even more unreliable allies.
I said so in as many words during question time (when attending members were invited to quiz me about any issues I had raised in my talk.)

We never met again. I still to this day maintain that the peace process was (and is) doomed since there was not (nor is there today) a democratic nor reliable peace partner anywhere in the region.
[Until last year, Israel has been (unwisely) treating ISIL/Daesh fighters who managed to reach the Golan Heights and 'volunteers' assisting with 'health emergencies' in Jordan and elsewhere. You didn't know this? You need to be better informed than what you see on CNN.]

In the absence of a peace process, better to say today that there exists converging interests (for oil, gas, mineral resources exploration, development and water management sustainability) between antagonists and protagonists rather than any real and genuine desire for permanent peace amongst any of the
conflicting entities.

The history books will give, as they do in all countries, the usual false account of Shimon Peres' role in the Middle East 'Peace Process' and fail to point out that this particular whole process was a complete and utter failure.
I ask you to ask yourself: where is the peace for which Mr Peres received his Nobel Peace Prize?
(Indeed where is 'the peace' for which President Obama received his Nobel Peace Prize?)
Such is the planet we live on (!)

Perhaps it's just me. I probably have a few defective brain cells and genes - so the 'traditional' industrial mass populace media 'brainwashing' to facilitate my acceptance of war=peace and peace=war, 'love is hate and hate is love' never quite succeeded down on 'the farm'1 I was tagged for processing at, as 'useable' fodder (!)

©Patrick Emek, September 2016

[Just to avoid any confusion, the reception I met Shimon Peres at was different from the B'nai B'rith event.     I have linked both because of the topic discussed.]

1Animal Farm by George Orwell

Addendum (29/09/2016)
2.The Oslo accord has been widely mentioned in the media as a 'revolutionary' development - by 'cub' reporters who known nothing about it and probably couldn't even mention to  you any of it's stipulations.   Don't believe a word of what they are telling you in the mainstream press.  If you are really interested in why it failed, you could do worse than start by reading the references which I cite below.  I didn't even bother to mention it in this blog  because it was a total failure - and to pick through it's shortcomings here would serve no useful purpose.  PE