Friday 21 October 2016

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton,John Podesta, Russia Today (RT) and Those Wikileaks Emails

I just want to very briefly touch on Russia Today
(Keiser Report, 22nd October) to show how biased against Hillary Clinton the Presidential Campaign has become.

'Right On the Money'
When President Obama assumed office in 2008 it is alleged that Citicorp/Citibank choose his Cabinet for him.
Not at all.
Being 'right on the money' (reference to Podesta's response to Citicorp when consulted about the best people to choose for particular Cabinet posts) is not the same as asking Citi to nominate the Cabinet members.
But this has been lost upon the populace as a whole who prefer to listen to Donald Trump's interpretation of RT's interpretation of the emails rather than either analyse the latter for themselves.

What A Consultation 'Exercise' Is
I want to relate a particular instance when NATO was involved in a very controversial campaign several decades ago.
At that time I was active in the Atlantic Council of the UK.
Because the NATO policy was new and controversial (believe it or not!) NATO ran a consultation 'exercise' to gauge the 'thinking' of members. I do not know if it was across the board or random sampling.
In any event I was asked if I approved of this particular policy and if not what my own suggestions would be.
I thought long and hard about my response because, like my nemesis (the politicians) I appreciated that I was being asked for a view which could (conceivably) feed into 'the system' (up the chain so to speak) and affect the lives of others.

Obama Saved The U.S. and World Economic Order – And If You Don't Like Me Saying That, Tough
What the transition team were effectively doing,
in the midst of the worst economic crisis the United States and the world had seen since the 1930s (yes folks, you have rarely been told, but President Obama saved not just the U.S. but the economic structure of the world – much to the disappointment of Russia Today and the Kremlin. For that, he and his original Cabinet will be forever hated in Moscow) were attempting to identify the best people to fill posts in what was an 'emergency' 'firefighting' Cabinet where the 'best brains in the land' (within the known 'system') were desperately needed to save America and the world economic system as we know it from total collapse – and to assist in a process of domestic and world recovery.

What Citi was being asked was part of a 'round robin' consultation with corporations (which included JP and other leaders in the field of economics and social policy) close to the administration.

Wikileaks Is Not Infallible(!)
Wikileaks was unable to 'put the total picture together' because what it could 'hack' or what were leaked were coming from independent mainframe systems – some of which were more vulnerable than others to either hacking (again probably by Moscow) or infiltration.

Take Clinton Down! At All Costs!
But the only story which Moscow is 'pushing' on the eve of the American election is that John Podesta asked Citigroup to select the U.S. Cabinet of President Obama – so the U.S. Presidential election process was a sham.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The desperation (and now panic in Moscow) to see Mr Donald Trump as the next U.S. President could not be more in evidence than this last fling of everything – including 'the kitchen sink' – at the Clinton Presidential campaign in one last ditch, one last desperate bid, to save Donald Trump from electoral defeat in 3 weeks time.

Will it work? Are the American electorate so gullible? Will America choose a billionaire as it's 'man of the people'; as a man who 'understands' from personal experience and suffering, 'ordinary folk', their fears, their needs, their hopes and desires for themselves and for their families?
Only time will tell.

To paraphrase (or constitutionally interpret!) one Supreme Court Judge:

''you'd wanna be a real dummy (or dopey) to select Trump for President.
Me, I'm getting the hell outta Dodge if he comes into Office!''

©Patrick Emek, October 2016