Tuesday 11 October 2016

The Second CNN (not so!)
Presidential Debate
Last Sunday

In One Corner Of the Ring:
The Mouth Without A Brain:– The Thrilla Gorilla Who Says:
'I Eat The Clintons For Breakfast!'

-''The Donald'' -


In The Other Corner Of the Ring:
Crooked ''I'll Cut That ***k and those ****s of Yours Off, then Serve Them, Cooked and Marinaded, On A Silver Platter, To Rosie And All Abuse Sufferers''
    -''Hillary'' -

Donald Trump : Master Of Punk Political Oratory

I wouldn't vote for him. Six out of ten people I know would not vote for him. My cat probably (!) wouldn't vote for him. Nonetheless 'The Donald', is a master of aggressive punk oratory, regardless of the fact that the only politician who whole-heartedly endorses him is the British MEP Nigel Farage. Perhaps 'The Donald' will, as the first Supreme Dictator of America, should he be elected, appoint Nigel Farage as his Vice-President (or President For Vice) when he eventually falls seriously out with Mike Pence over some or other issue.

Undoubtedly, in my opinion, his oratory and movements in the most recent CNN debate were, for want of a better word, masterful and the work of a brilliant punk communicator, prowling agressively, like a wolf or bear, up and down, whilst contemplating how to quickly gut, fillet and de-bone his supper – and sup it down with a nice cup of ********* blood from the 'orifices'.
There is very little sh*t left on 'The Donald Sh** Cart' to throw at Hillary and Bill Clinton – except, perhaps, the empty smelly cart itself (!)

There was so much of it, the smell dispersed worldwide, at the half-speed of light, thanks to modern communications (!)

[If 'The Donald' is elected (which, however unlikely, is still possible!) expect turbulent times in Washington on The Hill, up at The Supreme Court, down at The Federal Reserve, over at the NSA, across at CIA and at the Pentagon.]

''If I'm Elected I'll Jail Hillary!''
Trump doesn't talk about the issues – because he hasn't a clue what the issues are – except perhaps, his knowledge about tax avoidance and tax evasion (!)
What brilliant strategy for a U.S. Presidential candidate to operate under cover of than to deny the issues and make your opponent the subject of the debate (!)
Another reason, in my opinion, to vote for Hillary Clinton:

How 'Low' Can You Go!
(and don't read any sexual innuendos into this title folks!!)
Certainly 'The Donald' has taken political debate to a new all time 'low'.
You know what they say: where America is today the world will follow tomorrow (!!)

''Locker Room Talk''
'The Donald' is absolutely correct. This is 'crude' male [hetero] 'banter'. Of course it is offensive to many people today – especially those who have had a dysfunctional life or existence caused by historical abuse. For this, he offers no apologies whatsoever.

I was on a bus with *** ******** some long time ago.
A girl (about 20 years, female) and her 'Mom' (in her 30s/40s) got on.  (We knew it was Mom because they were arguing, in ****** and she said 'Mom'.)
My companion said something to his friend in ****** which he later translated to me as 'that's a fine pair of **** she's got!' The recipient looked a little puzzled. 'No, I don't mean that scrawney tight ***** ***** ***** with the ****** tee-shirt but her Mom' I'd love to get ****** her ***** and f*** her **** up *** **** and ** *** ***
The younger girl looked shocked. Then the horror of it dawned on the 3 of us – she understood what X had just said (!)
The Mom didn't bat an eyelid – as her daughter appeared looking in her direction for some guidance.
When getting off the bus, Mom 'cat-whistled' the 3 of us and said smiling 'have a nice day boys!', in ******, waving slowly to us with a courteous smile as the bus departed – to the chagrin and apparent anger of her daughter (!)
(I had to ask for translations in aftermaths since I don't speak ******.)

''Girls Talk''
If you're a female of the world and reading this, no doubt you too, have, likewise heard girls and women banter 'locker-room' style ('Girl Talk' as I think it's called.)
I certainly have – when I shouldn't have been listening (!!); and what I heard was far far far worse than anything I heard on ''The Donald Tapes'' (!)

Natural Born Thrillers (!)

[Don't also forget that some 'twisted' minded males – and females (!) - will find his 'stamina' appealing and alluring in an age of [enforced] PC and [enforced] male conformity to stringent legal guidelines about what to say so as not to cause any offence to anybody at any time anywhere in public or private, in civil society.]

Up Yours! Donald!

(no sexual innuendo here either!)

I would not vote for 'The Donald' for reasons other than his puerile comments about 'hot chicks' and erotic fantasies about what he would like to do with them - male hetero 'bitch-in-heat-like' - and more related to his ignorance of the policy issues he hasn't got a clue about – and will divide, rule and ruin the country, if elected President of the United (or should I say dis-United) States of America (!)

©Patrick Emek, October 2016