Wednesday 16 November 2016

Graveyard of Foreign (Alien) Empires
I want to summarize Afghanistan to the uninitiated because it is a complex tribal country with very intricate, (shifting sands) tribal and sub-tribal relationships.
One of President Trump's decisions will be what to do about the presence of U.S. Forces in this country.
To really know Afghanistan you must at least be familiar with some of it's history from about the time of Alexander of Macedon.
I will not be giving any history lessons here only to say that it is (or was) one of the most beautiful, picturesque, awe-inspiring countries in the whole world and it's people one of the most friendly and welcoming any foreign traveller could ever find anywhere in the world.
It's beauty lies (or lay) somewhere between that of Shiraz (Iran) and Samarkand (Uzbekistan)
It is so awe-inspiring in natural geologic and scenic beauty that words fail me here.
If you are a racist or passionate about genetic purity you will not like Afghanistan.
It's peoples are a genetic blend of the races, marauding and conquering armies which have swept through the lands for over two thousand years – usually on their way to somewhere else.
Afghans are a very resilient people who have seen off the British Empire, the Soviet Empire and now, the Americans, despite enormous hardships and sufferings on a scale difficult for you to imagine.
(Hopefully, some day, they will also, likewise, 'see off' the most brutal of oppressors they now have to endure -the Taliban and ISIS.)

A Brief Background Overview
It's perhaps when you really get to know peoples of these regions that you can see how a religion of peace (like Buddhism) could very quickly attract followers. Equally so for Islam.
ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban are not representative of Islam.
They represent less than 1% of a religion with followers of some 1.6 billion faithful. One per cent of 1.6 billion is still a very significant figure of crazies, worldwide.
Islam was a military empire – since the days of the Prophet whereas Buddhism was, for the most part (like Christianity brought to Ireland by St. Patrick, a slave boy, captured in a Viking raid on the Welsh coast) adopted because of how impressed the philosophy and 'message' for life, the family, community, social and trade relations and the very essence of existence and co-existence had on rulers and persons of influence in particular countries and who were eager to adopt it and to promote its values throughout their respective countries.

(The greatest of all admirals of the ancient Chinese seafarers for the Great Treasure Fleet - which spread Chinese influence throughout the Pacific world, South China Sea, Indian Ocean and as far as Zanzibar, when Europe was in an age of darkness and uncivilized - the influence of Rome long having died out on the continent - was himself of the Islamic faith.   But for a quirk of history, the United States today would be a Mandarin or Cantonese [possible Han-majority] speaking peoples.   That quirk of history, interestingly, was Confucianism – todays equivalent of 'Trumpism'.)

As with Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism, both soft diplomacy and military might have been utilized as and when required.
Even today Islam is both a religious and 'militant' (advocacy) religion which, like other 'isms' I can think of, has no time for integration with other faiths, but is more concerned with promoting an ultimate unipolar vision for the whole world – where it, as a State religion (or philosophy) triumphs as the sole ethical, moral, political and spiritual voice for planet Earth.
Please appreciate that the biggest religious conversions in the world today are to the Islamic faith.

(As I have said for decades, the greatest era for this particular faith, as an empire, in the Americas, is yet to come.)

Back to today's Afghanistan.

President Trump will either have to fully (and not begrudgingly) support a U.S. military presence or withdraw completely.
Sadly for Trump either choice is the wrong one – but I want to explain why.

To The Devil A Bride
Staying in Afghanistan means a 'pact with the devil' - which in this case is Pakistan. But don't forget folks, Donald Trump is a businessman first – and money is king.
Where do you think the Taliban and ISIS are getting most of their weapons, training, supplies, intelligence and and advanced logistical capabilities from?  It is of course Pakistan. (But don't expect CNN and other oligarch media empires, anxious to do business in Pakistan to tell you this.   I said this in 2002 and was subsequently marginalized.)
Their bottom line, as with Trump, is money and business – and hang the rest of the world if it doesn't go along.
In my opinion. as with Saudi Arabia, we (Christendom) have been sold out by our politicians to Pakistan for less than thirty pieces of silver.   The media is not telling you the truth about the dangers which Pakistan poses not just to Afghanistan but to The Southern Caucasus as a whole.
They would prefer that you focus on Iran – which, ironically, is a more reliable non-Arab partner for stability (not conflict) in the Southern Caucasus, Asia and Eurasia.
[Please reference the below information to appreciate where exactly the Caucasus region is, because, as I said several years ago, it will soon become the graveyard for U.S. and Russian forces as they both compete for it's vast riches against the wills of local peoples and communities.   Ironically, the military forces of both superpowers will battle it out with local Islamic militants – but the likely (ultimate) winners may very well be....China, Turkey and Pakistan.]

Asian or Caucasian?
Strictly speaking, Pakistan is not a 'Caucasian' but an Asiatic country.
(I am not using this word in a racially-charged manner but solely from a demographic viewpoint.)    It is sort of 'borderline' Caucasus in it's geographic location.
Pakistan's ability to conduct covert operations abroad are almost second to none in the world – except perhaps those of Israel and the United States.   Pakistan poses an immediate threat to it's neighbor – India – and to world peace and stability in the Caucasus in general.
(But as a businessman, Trump is likely to see such 'rivalry' as long-term beneficially useful to the United States - another fatal error of judgement when dealing with Pakistan.    But is has 'the bomb' and rule number one is 'don't 'mess' with any country which has 'the bomb' - unless you want them to use it, against someone else, on your behalf, in a proxy war scenario, some day.)

Nobody will tell you that many in the Pakistan government (and Pakistani citizens) do not recognize the border with Afghanistan.
This is similar to the emerging Salafist Turkey not recognizing 'artificial' borders drawn up between it and Syria and Iraq by foreign colonial empires to 'break up' the Ottoman Empire.  Taking advantage of the chaos in the region,and with the full support (again) of our politicians in Christendom, Turkey has effectively annexed
(Anschluss) parts of Syria and Iraq.  (You didn't know this? You need to get better informed than what you see on the Russia Today, BBC, Fox and CNN.)
In the cases of Christian Georgia and Armenia, the Turks practically regard these Christian territories as 'outposts' - posing no immediate military threat to an expanding Turkish Salafist empire.   Nonetheless Turkey (to date, with 'quiet' U.S. backing) covertly supports Salafist Islamist insurgency groups in these very same regions - again don't expect your mainstream media to provide you with any information about these facts.   [This may change under a Trump administration.
About two years ago I blogged an article about the Caspian Sea area  which you may wish to revisit to appreciate the demographics and politics.]

For this reason - and for the most part - Turkey uses 'soft diplomacy' – visa free access to Turkey for Georgians, preferential treatment for business and other Georgian-Turkish links etc etc.   Likewise for Armenia.
(You really should learn more about what your mainstream media does not cover to appreciate the real dangers and nightmares our Christian politicians, all for money, are creating in these regions because it might well be your son or daughter who is going to be called on to do the fighting and dying for unknown, unseen Western Christian politicians and business interests who have forged links with 'the devil' - all for Mammon - and absolutely nothing else and nobody else matters.     Remember your mainstream media and Reality TV characters are basically actors who are given a nightly script and have concealed earphones so that the chief editor or producer or other 'experts' can input additional questions to guests as and where the need arises based on real-time analysis of national and international viewings.

Dust In the Wind
This is why I see Trump in Office as no different. In fact he is likely to attempt intensify the business trade and military links in Turkey and Pakistan – to the detriment of the Afghan people.
But it will not be his children or grandchildren or great grandchildren who will be asked (or volunteer) to pay the ultimate price for 'freedom and democracy' when such regions erupt into all-out-war at some future date – but some poor uneducated and ill-informed (misinformed) 'patriot' from Berlin, Paris, London, Edinburgh, Rome, from California, Wisconsin, Iowa, Alaska, Florida, Idaho, Utah, Georgia and Washington, to name but a few places at random, who will be 'drunk' on the media rhetoric about how he or she will be fighting (and dying) in alien lands to 'preserve' values and ideals which we all cherish.
Nothing will be further from the truth but, as they say, 'there's one born every minute'.

©Patrick Emek, November 2016