Thursday 10 November 2016

How Americans Voted By Religion

 The 2016 U.S. General Election
The statistics below give an initial breakdown of how Americans voted by religion.

What the statistics do not tell you is that the ultra-Far Right voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump - but others within this group will say they regarded both candidates as 'illegitimate' - for very different reasons.

This group is not included in the statistics of Pew Research so why they supported Trump is given in a separate reference below.

Widespread Rage
With widespread demonstrations across the nation at the election outcome results and Trump's abysmal record on race relations over a period of nearly forty years, it is only a matter of time before civil unrest by disenfranchised minorities - completely alienated from the Trump administration -  plagues the Trump Presidency for the next four years - with the death count of Black, White and Hispanic-Latino protesters likely to be very substantial after President Trump assumes Office in January and commences the process of enforcing law and order against peaceful protesters opposed to his Presidency, across America.

Hispanic Rage
I do not even want to speculate about anger, rage and revolutions in the American Hispanic and Latino communities and in the Hispanic and Latin world, worldwide, if and when President Trump commences his Hispanic 'rounding them up' - breaking up families and the profiling of Mexican and other immigrants (similar to the Jews being required to wear Stars Of David prior to their deportations to concentration camps in Nazi Germany) before their 'processing' and enforced mass deportations across the Rio Grande.

And What About The U.S. Mainstream Media?
Don't expect your compliant mass mainstream media to cover these distressing events - until the international media and world opprobrium shames them into so doing.

[Sounds like a bumpy road ahead for President-elect Trump and, as Hillary Clinton quite rightly pointed out, all his actions will add fuel not water to all the fires both at home and overseas  - truly bonfires of vanities.]

©Patrick Emek, November 2016