Friday 11 November 2016

This Is Not America 
 Betrayal Of The Ukraine
 (A Personal Opinion)

[the edited version - reblogged due to popular reading - thanks for your interest.
Please note that the Section about 'Doctor Fausto' is not to be literally interpreted!]

A Precious Gift - Only Missed When It Is Taken Away
Many years ago when I was younger, I was invited to join Peace Through NATO. This later became The Atlantic Council.
It was a relief and joy to be actively supporting and working with others who shared similar beliefs that one day the people under Soviet rule in Eastern Europe would have the freedom to choose their own governments and have the right to free speech.
You only appreciate how precious the right to vote into office a government of your own choice when this freedom does not exist and you are forced to see the same politicians on the state-controlled media outlets - on billboards, on television and on radio - for decades.
The years went by and we never thought that one day, almost without warning, the walls of despair would be torn down and the light of freedom and democracy shine through. It was an awesome sight.
But I never forgot the imprinted pictures of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice - scaling the walls, running across the mined landfills, and whose place of final abode was dying from shots fired from high tower outpost gunshots between 'no mans land', their last thoughts unknown as they lay in pools of blood, never having reached the promised land.

'Betrayal' Is The New Business Model
Mr Donald Trump, President-elect of the United States is a business man.  Admired in Moscow because he sees everything in dollars and roubles.
''A man Moscow can do business with'' says President Putin.
It reminds me of the Stalinist era when 'Uncle Joe'  and Neville Chamberlain were both only too happy to do the business with The Fuhrer - at the expense of Poland.  And look where that appeasement led.

Pact With The Devil
The American electorate have made a fatal choice in electing Donald Trump as their next President.  They say people get the government they deserve.  This could not be further from the truth in this particular instance.
The day after the U.S. general election I watched corporate news networks: CNN, Putin's Russia Today, Fox, Sky Television and The BBC.   All networks hid from  their local audiences and from the world the many demonstrations across the United States which universally read 'TRUMP!' ' NOT MY PRESIDENT!'  As in prewar Germany you required access to foreign media outlets to know that this was happening across America the day after Donald Trump was elected.
(NPR was the exception - and I acknowledge this in my reference below.  Sadly NPR, as one of the few  'libertarian' networks in the United States, will be a major target for censorship or propaganda 'reprograming' during the Trump era.)
Only when U.S. mainstream media realized 'the world was watching' did they broadcast part of the truth about such widespread  demonstrations across America.
To date there have been no deaths of peaceful unarmed protesters - but expect this to change when Donald Trump assumes the office of President of The United States next January.
During his presidency, there will be as many martyrs for freedom and justice across America in these coming years of darkness over America as there are for justice in the Ukraine today.   

Suspension Of Civil Liberties:
Prepare For This Change Now -  Before President Obama Leaves Office In January
As in pre-World War II Germany, expect the new Homeland Security Chief to quietly suspend civil liberties - especially new restrictions on the media and internet - all silently unreported by the mainstream U.S. media - which is why I have always told you, prepare for your ability to mass communicate across the web and alternative structures now - before they too are restricted by tyrants and demagogues.
[Remember you will never know the U.S. media has been gagged by the Trump administration - since the 'gagging order' will forbid them from ever telling you they have been silenced - on pain of losing their licence to broadcast.]
It will all be packaged up as 'the war against extremism' and sold to the brainwashed and gullible as part of the 'sacrifices' which you must make to guarantee your personal liberty and freedom for the continuity of democracy. Nothing will be further from the truth.
But again, the Great Communicator will have fooled (or cowed or bullied into silence) all those acolytes and followers of the New Order or 'movement' (as he himself calls it) into docile subservience.

No Friend Of Ours!
These are the real reasons educated U.S. politicians, diplomats (and former Presidents) have all distanced themselves - out of in sheer horror - from Mr Donald Trump.
They know what he is, what his intentions are, and what his final legacy will be when America re-emerges from the darkness - and they want no part of it.

Fool Me Twice.............
This is what happens when democracy is fooled and allows ISIS (or other fanatics) to stand as candidates and then be democratically elected into power in open societies.
What happened in the United States two days ago should serve as a beacon on the headland, a warning to steer clear of  the wrecking pirates rocks of democracy - where naive ships, drunken pilots at the helm, and crew, all perish, their ships and cargoes laying scuttled, beached and rusted, on a desolate skeleton coast, where their very bones are parched and bleached by the relentless sun and searing sands.

A 'Free and Fair Election' Says The Mainstream Media
'A Free and Fair Election' Says 'Russia Today' Television Network - run and controlled by President Putin, lock stock and two smoking barrels.
They say it was a 'free and fair' election.   Who says?  CNN, CNBC, Fox and Russia Today television stations.  These same media outposts owned by oligarchs whose only objective is to serve their respective political masters.
They allowed one candidate to scream nightly across mainstream media to tens of millions of viewers of this Reality TV show: 'Oh Lying Hillary' 'Jail Her' shouts and screams of 'Kill Her' 'Drain The Cesspit!' could be heard from the rabble used by America's first Fuhrer to assume democratic office.
(Trump is America's first but, be assured, his fanatics in political office will guarantee that he will not be it's last - but the first of many to come.)

'JEW-S-A!'  'JEW-S-A' (Shouts on Mainstream TV From A Typical Donald Trump Supporter During the Presidential Election Campaign)
Don't be fooled when he (Trump) tells you he has Jewish relatives - so too did the Fuhrer (Adolf Hitler) [carefully read the reference sections in my earlier blogs.]
You also heard the shouts of 'JEW-S-A' from one particular anti-Semitic supporter of President-elect Trump. Such are not the 'one-off' - but are symptomatic and now mainstream  - and such thinking will be running all branches of  the United States government from January 2017.  Prepare now for this 'celebration' of democracy - if you dare.
Expect more of such in the future from Mr Trump's 'baskets of deplorables' (to properly quote Hillary Clinton or 'the movement', to quote Mr Trump)
[I already told you in earlier blogs that the Fuhrer favored the creation of Israel as a homeland for the European Jews - and only (reluctantly) abandoned these plans because of fierce opposition by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem at that time.
If you read back, you will find that I told you of Zionist Jews only too happy to cooperate with the Nazis in Germany and across Europe between 1939 and 1945. You will find such individuals in the United States today.  Like Trump, their bottom line is business and survival - and not human dignity.
They will laud Mr Trump for his support for Israel  and, in exchange, will agree to stay silent as he and his supporters 'crucify' Muslims  across the United States.   Such ignorance will fail to appreciate that they too are on the same list of 'deplorables' by 'the movement' - but not the immediate priority for a pogrom.]

Is it any wonder that half of the population of America was mesmerized and brainwashed into hating Hillary Clinton?
 As in pre-World War II, Germany, the armed forces of the United States are disciplined, so do not expect a military coup.  What good would it do in any event?  Half the American population have either been brainwashed into believing Hillary Clinton is dishonest and the embellishment of evil incarnate and Donald Trump is truthful and good (the Presidential campaign was portrayed as a battle between 'good and evil' by mainstream propaganda media outlets - all going along for the ride - and for ratings) or simply voted for hate instead of love.   
[Who says that evil will not ultimately triumph on this planet of primitives?]

The Munich Pact - History Repeating
NATO will follow the instructions of its new Commander-In-Chief, President Trump, in January 2017, and find ways and means to cast the Ukraine and its people adrift.
Of course it will not be portrayed in the media this way - but you know already what will happen.
(Maybe even investment in the Ukraine by U.S. companies - ultimately to be taken over (sold) to Russian oligarchs : '' there are many different ways to skin a rabbit'' a businessman might say.
 New orders will be given to NATO worldwide to 'co-operate' with Moscow - at the expense of the liberties and freedoms of those of lesser economic value - from the Baltic States to Taiwan and South Korea across the Pacific and back to the Atlantic.

Or, as Churchill said
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent.”

'Peace In Our Time' will be the new slogan as the lives and liberties and true democratic values of people worldwide are signed off  in the blood of martyrs.

'Peace For Our Time!'
Who can ever forget the joy of the British people and the Empire when Neville Chamberlain arrived back in England from Munich in 1938 - to loud acclaim as he declares in his hand the signature of Herr Hitler and himself, on paper, to guarantee peace across Europe and the British Empire?  Nobody in Great Britain wanted to listen to calls of 'blood, sweat and toil' and pictures of a very dark and very different future ahead - than the one painted by Chamberlain and the mainstream media of the day - all sceptics and critics are banished to the back benches - as Chamberlain is lifted sky-high by over-joyous crowds to 'hip-hip-hip hooray!' and  'for he's a jolly good fellow!'  - and lauded as the savior of Albion and of The Empire.  [I always wondered what Winston Churchill felt and thought as he read through such nonsense in The Times of  London.]
We are talking about proud people, the Poles, being brought to their knees, dragged kicking and screaming into the darkness of bondage and servitude - and all for political expediency and business interests where money and not people are the true gods.  A world where Mammon has replaced God and is the only real objective worth living for.

Like all peoples whose liberties and freedoms have been removed, the Ukrainian people will fight back.  They will not go gently into the night.

They opposed Soviet exploitation during the 1920s and 1930s and will now do so yet again - this time against the Russian Federation.

The 'Evil' Muslim 
Trump is far too clever to 'play the Jewish card' too heavily and negatively - at this moment in time - in the United States.  Muslims, however, are in a weaker political and financial situation.
What I say to fellow-Christians, Jews, Buddhists and atheists alike, be prepared to stand up and defend the rights and liberties and safety of your (fellow citizen) brother and sister Muslims in the United States and in Europe as hate-filled propaganda fills the airwaves and brainwashes people to commit evil acts.
I especially appeal to those of you who have no love for Islam nor for Muslims.  Even if this is at the cost of your own life or liberty.
Some day, perhaps, they will repay the favor by standing with you and your family in your hour of testing and of need.
Do not let hatred and evil triumph your soul nor sell it to evil for temporal rewards in these coming years of darkness.
This could well be your moment of truth.   (Maybe this is even why you are really here?)  Your time to choose between good and evil.  You may not get another opportunity in the here and now.
Americans have made their choice.  Now it's your turn.

Doctor Fausto
(Metaphorically Speaking - Do Not Literally Interpret This Section - But Senator Clinton is Unlikely To Be Taking On Mr Trump Publicly in The Future for Reasons Other Than She  Accepts The Results Of The Democratic Process and More Related to the Scandals Which President Trump's 'Team' Would  No Doubt Disinter - Should She Become 'A Trouble Maker' - But Is This Real 'Democracy' and Transparency - Or Something Else?
You are likely to find President Trump the Least Transparent and Least Democratic of all the U.S. Presidents ever elected into Office.   Now read on.)

Already, it is said, Mr Trump intends to offer Hillary Clinton (and her family) a deal - a way out - should she care to take it.
To paraphrase: '' I'll call off my packs of wolves (Congress, 'the movement', and the subservient mainstream media) from tearing you and your family apart if you stay silent while I run the country.''   It's a 'take it or leave it' businessman's offer.  ''Either take your chances when I already have my packs of  starving (fanatical supporters) wolves - and the media to booth - from here to Moscow - all drooling and foaming at the mouths for your blood, for the heads of you, your husband, your daughter, her husband and family, all to be served and delivered on a silver platter  in the Amphitheatre of Public Reality TV entertainment for the masses - and where I guarantee the most intimate aspects of your private life and that of your husband from your idle teenage years, all will be exposed on national and international TV -  and whats left over after that, fed, in neatly cut up pieces of juicy meat (news), to the gossip press Rottweilers for their further wild speculation and titillated amusement - or sign my pact in blood to not oppose me and I will let you, your family and your foundation survive politically and financially - for the moment - and at my sole discretion.''

 end of deleted section
To the Ukrainian People
Neither be fooled by accepting 'offers' from those who appear to be friends bearing 'gifts'.
Like the Wooden Horse of Troy, there are (and will be) many ways to destroy the Ukraine and again enslave its people in the process.

In Conclusion

As the world of  Mammon disguised as God replaces light for darkness is there any hope of salvation where religion itself has sold its very soul for less than thirty pieces of silver?

As history repeats will we ever learn from our mistakes?

Is this 'the ultimate' 'democracy' has to offer?; yet another Hell with Lucifer playing the role of God?

Is so primitive a species even worth the effort?

Will we ever get to the Promised Land?
[Only if you have an inter-galactic spaceship I fear.]

©Patrick Emek, November 2016

 in memory of Elma

From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent.”