Thursday 19 January 2017


A Present From North Korea To Donald Trump On Inauguration Day

[or 'It Ain't Gonna Happen!'
                 or A Kitten For Donald]

the censored version

Mad Dogs and Mad Cats
Since President Trump has appointed as Chief of Defense Staff someone who favors pre-emptive strikes – including nuclear strikes – against America's enemies - especially Iran and North Korea, true to form, North Korea will mark his inauguration with the test launch of it's intercontinental ballistic nuclear missile – capable of hitting Washington D.C.

revised on 20th January:
[This has not happened on Inauguration Day but North Korea is threatening to launch it's test ICBM any day now.  With intercontinental capability that will put the West Coast of the United States - and probably most other parts of the country - within easy range of a nuclear strike.   One of the most immediate foreign policy issues will be what to do about North Korea's offensive intercontinental nuclear capability.

 North Korean 'thinking' goes something like this:
'' you attack us at your peril. Are you really prepared to sacrifice American cities and hundreds of millions of American lives just to destroy us?; just to make a point?;  We are if you are; we have more fall-out shelters and are better organized to withstand a pre-emptive mutually assured destructive attack; have been preparing for this day - for you - for over half a century; We are ready for war - we welcome being the chosen ideological instrument on this planet to rid the world for once and for all of your imperialism; whenever you are ready  Mr President, so are we.''  ]

This is the craziness of North Korean thinking and why having someone like Trump and his 'mad dog' defense team is going to prove very dangerous for global nuclear security.
I have never visited North Korea but have met many South Koreans and have taken the time to study how they perceive the world and North Korea.

In The Universe Of  Trump's Billionaires
Everything and Everyone Has A Price

President Trump comes from a world where ''everything has a price tag.''  President Obama, in his last Presidential News Conference yesterday, said, and I paraphrase, ' if you are not very careful, reality has a terrible habit of waking you up by biting you hard on the ass.'

President Trump would be advised to seek better advisors than the materialistic sycophants which surround him.

If he ever got out of his billionaire bubble, he would realise that out there is another world where money is irrelevant, where patriotism, ideology, fanaticism, and things not of this world have a greater reality than all the carrots and sticks he will have at his disposal on this planet – be that at home in his nuclear arsenal, the economic power of the United States as leverage, or use of surrogates and adversaries (such as China) to 'pressure' or 'reign in' North Korea under threats, bribes and bullying – techniques he has successfully used all his life - to now finally propel him into the highest office in the United States – the Presidency.
China too loves money - but it has a dignity and a patriotism which money will never buy - and Trump's two Chinas is that bridge too far, even for China.

What is The Sound Of One Hand Clapping?
Quite the opposite. With someone as highly unpredictable as Trump and his statements about two Chinas (recognising Taiwan on an equal footing with Beijing and allowing both it ,South Korea and Japan nuclear weapons development and autonomous control – very dangerous and clear threats to world peace ) as I said earlier, we are moving into a situation where the prospect of a nuclear exchange, something I prayed I would never see in my lifetime (but I always told the kids to prepare) will be a real prospect during the Presidency of Donald Trump. 

Sadly there is no other planet for any of us to escape to.

'Be Careful What You Wish For', Mr President
What President Trump must understand is that he cannot make inflammatory statements to the world – because he risks causing a nuclear exchange simply because a hostile nuclear country will misread or misinterpret or misperceive what was, perhaps, purely intended as 'bravado', as 'shock and awe', as 'intimidation' , all in keeping with his natural instincts.

You do not play Russian Roulette with nuclear weapons.

President Trump is going to have to heavily rely on Russia's FSB and the GRU for intelligence during the next four years as I doubt that he will have many senior experienced staff left in the IC community back home as his Presidency and outbursts progress – most packing their bags and heading for more receptive pastures at home, abroad or just retiring.

(Perhaps in the absence of traditional intelligence branches, he will 'deputize' the Militias and Para-Military Groups he appears to place so much faith in to run the IC and military community in the United States?)

There are lessons to be learned – there are always lessons to be learned – by all of us.
What I worry about, in this instance, is that there might just be nobody left to teach in the aftermath - should impetuous public rhetoric get the better of diplomatic restraint, caution and mutual respect.

Does anybody read history any more?
Do you recall how the Roman Empire fell?

If Donald Trump continues as he is, then it will be up to saner individuals to remove the responsibilities of Office from his control.   But they too better act before any pre-emptive wars against nuclear States are initiated because if they do not, it will, at that time, then be too late for all of us – and we can all kiss our asses (to be found beside our faces in the nuclear rubble) goodbye.

©Patrick Emek, January 2017