Tuesday 7 February 2017

America's New Attorney General
(The Whole World Knows What You Did, Back In 1986, 
Jeff Sessions)
In a move reminiscent of a Banana Republic, a sitting United States Senator, Elizabeth Warren, was effectively told to 'shut up' when she attempted to read to Members a letter from the widow of Doctor Martin Luther King about what Jeff Sessions had done to Black people in the 1980s and why it would be unwise to confirm him as Attorney General.
I attach a copy of Coretta Scott King's  letter so that you can consider and decide the matter for yourself.
The concern I have is with the broader information which Senator Warren did not have the opportunity to read out - Coretta Scott King's sworn deposition - because the Attorney General has literally the power of life or death when deciding how to use the Office with which he is entrusted.
If it appears that he has used a lower Public Office of high standing unlawfully in the past, the concern is how will he use it against, say, Trade Unions, or law-abiding Mexican immigrants or religious minorities - the vast majority of law-abiding American Muslims for example - or Native American-Indian land rights -  the Keystone XL Pipeline - which crosses sacred Indian territories - or across a range of issues which encompass civil and human rights which his Office will have to deal with - and take action about - over the next four years.
Your concern, on the left, right or center, should also be how Sessions will approach matters such as freedom of the media, the press and freedom of expression (the right to lawfully protest without fear nor intimidation) freedom of the Judiciary and how likely he would be to stand up for civil and human rights when under pressure from President Trump (who of course has every right to sack his AG if he does not like how he handles any issue.)
You can see how Senator Warren was treated (in the clips below.)
No doubt you will agree that this is more reminiscent of the Congo, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Sudan or Somalia, than  expected across Christendom - until now that is.
For your viewing, I am enclosing (below) the full text, not just of Coretta Scott King's letter but also the full accompanying deposition which Senator Warren could never have had the time (nor opportunity) to read out in full at the Senate Confirmation hearing for the Office Of The Attorney General.

©Patrick Emek, February 2017



Here also are two interesting  'takes' on this matter:

(Please also watch and listen to the clips which immediately follows on from the one above because you
can learn some useful facts about the Keystone XL Pipeline Project and other controversial issues.
I hope you agree that this channel is not particularly biased