Monday 6 February 2017

Donald Trump, The 'So-Called' President Of The United States, Roasts 'Liberal' and 'Compassionate' Federal Judge


In what has become his standard bullying technique when he does not like a ruling, the 'so-called' President of the United States, Donald Trump, cannibalized a Federal judge on Twitter and put the entire judicial system on notice that he will not accept 'no' for an answer on any decision which they make against him.

In actual fact, Federal District Judge James Robart, has not ruled against Trump personally but simply said that the executive decision made by personally Trump ( like everything he has done to date in Office I would add) needs to be looked at more carefully for points of constitutional law and the motives for its far-sweeping introduction and blanket coverage.

On these points U.S District Judge Robart is of course absolutely correct.

If you look back, you will observe that I was 100% behind Trump on the issue of enhanced vetting – until, that is, it became apparent that he was (possibly) breaking the law to steam-roll through the Attorney General's Office an ill-conceived Order without the due process of proper procedural executive consultation and in the belief that this Order would simply be 'rubber-stamped' - and illegally acted upon - by every branch of Government – like it would be in the country of another Superpower we are all very familiar with if it's leader introduced a similar decree or executive order.

America is not quite North Korea just yet so this 'so-called' President will have to suffer the tediousness of due legal process -The Courts Judiciary system (Judges and adversarial rulings he would like at some stage in his 'so-called' Presidency, to declare 'treasonable') for just another few years yet.

In the meanwhile, having seen how stupid this 'so-called' President is – dreaming up executive decisions by himself - and 'on the hoof'- perhaps the Trump-supportive American public also will open their eyes – which are at present wide shut – to 'the thing' they have, like Faust, 'sold' their very souls to – and attempt to redeem or buy back the latter at the Mid-Term U.S. elections – before they are all carted away, body and soul, as hostages to fortune, to the 'so-called' Beelzebub's Bone Breakers Yard, where apathy and resignation reign, for those who once could think independently, for themselves, for eternity and a day.

©Patrick Emek, February 2017

America's last legitimate President speaks out about Trump's refugee ban: