Monday 6 March 2017

Annual Social Column

Trump's Obsession with Schwarzenegger:


Everyone Loves 'Arnie' [!]

(Except Trump!)

[A Personal Opinion]


Most of my blogs are factual and political. If I fail to provide references it is because I want you to look them up for yourself online.

Yes, occasionally I will take 'liberties' – when I given an allegorical reference to 'coffins' in the basements of the White House – to 'house' the Media Vampires - Nosferatu [the undead] seeking all 'mainstream' 'factual' 'blood' which happen, by invitation from 'The Count Of The Castle' to be attending White House Press briefings – unaware of the Draculian ogres and zombie - bitten' media junkie slaves of Trump - who are hiding in every crevice to 'bushwhack' and 'press-gang' these innocent and fearless purveyors of fact and truth, into 'fake news' [victim-bitten] servitude, in perpetuity.

So yes, I occasionally use metaphors, similes, allegorical comparisons, inference, synonyms and antonyms and take liberties with other parts of speech in the English language – but all based on checkable facts, not on 'fake' news (!)

So again, folks, where I refer to 'coffins' in the basements of the White House, you must read it 'into context' rather than literally.

[I hope I have now clarified this matter. To the best of my knowledge, there are no coffins in any of the basements of the White House (!) PE ]

Now onto a lighter matter (!)


''Rubbish Arnie - With Extreme Prejudice! - He's Everything I'm Not!''

Apart from the MEDIA, Trump has another obsession –


I was really puzzled about this at first.

Trump has everything - he is a multi-billionaire- he has had (until he became President!) a successful business worldwide, his kids want for nothing. Both he and they were born with 'golden spoons' in their mouths, haven't a clue about how the 99% of the rest of us exist, and they all live in the laps of exclusive luxury.

[Even their toilets are gold plated in Trump Towers!]

So why this obsession with Schwarzenegger?

Well my conclusion is that 'Arnie' IS JUST A NICE PERSON(!)

He is everything TRUMP is not. Arnie could never have become President (sadly!) because he was not born within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. [He would have made a very formidable President – had the opportunity arisen, in my view.]

Roots (!)

Arnie arrived in the United States with little in his pockets... except a huge personality and a great smile. Unlike Trump, nobody you will meet in business will ever tell they went bankrupt because Arnie 'fleeced and 'ripped them off'. [You didn't know about the huge trail of desolate and bankrupt suppliers whose lives (and their families) were ruined because Trump deliberately did not pay his bills – you need to be better informed!) I could go on. But you get the picture. Now read the references.

Trump has clawed his way through the business sewer, over dead bodies [of failed businesses - his own and others] with the assistance of the Kremlin, into The White House.

[If you ask individuals on The Select Intelligence Committee they will confirm that there is credible reason to suspect (not fact but from credible sources) that, on the orders of Vladimir Putin, individuals with knowledge of the 35 secret pages of Trump's activities when in Moscow and who have been in contact with sources in the West trying to establish the facts, are being systematically 'eliminated' – but 'death through 'natural causes' or 'accident' or 'suicide' are being recorded by Moscow and other coroners. Another reason why 'Guccifer' is in U.S. Federal 'protective' custody.]

Arnie, never harmed anyone in the real world, (and the only 'failings' he has had are his extra-marital affairs) is vilified and mocked to no end by Trump on social media.

Trump.....Well......He Just Married.......

Arnie married into 'American royalty'. Trump, with friends like *3 fingers Machetti, 5 socks Socetti, and eight legs Octopussi, could never aspire to such an un-arranged marriage.

So Trump...........well........Trump......... married...........; period.

'No Room At The Inn' for 'The Donald'(!)

Trump is 'not very welcome' in American 'royalty' circles.

Yes folks, despite all the money you and me could ever imagine, multi-billionaire as he is, he still can't 'make the grade' in The Hamptons, Newport, or Martha's Vineyard (!)

This is why he 'hangs out' with '3 fingers', with '5 socks' and with 'eight legs', in his own clubs, casinos, and hotels.

'He is just not one of them – and this he has always despised them for, yearning and craving as he still is for 'acceptance' in a world where provenance is just as important as money.

It is this obsessional jealously, folks, which motivates his hatred of Arnie. Trump has probably asked himself many times:

'how come I am a multi-billionaire and this penniless shrimp (Schwarzenegger) married into royalty, is loved by everyone and, to boot, 'outranks' me? [in status.]

Perhaps if he [Trump] just for once, looked in a 'real' (not fake illusory and distorted) mirror, he might find the true answer?

[*The 'identities' of '3 fingers', '5 socks' and 'eight legs' are withheld since one or more may well also become the subject of Federal investigations should they attempt to undertake 'covert' activities on behalf of another party, in violation of U.S. justice laws, against any citizen [or citizens] under natural State laws or under Federal protection.]

©Patrick Emek, March 2017

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